More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (2025)

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More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (1)[...]l Bar & Buffalo Lodge in Armstead

The family of Cecil A. McKinlay, consisting of "Mac",
Mable, and their two children who remained[...]ding with cabins to match. There was a dance hall
of considerable size in the bar and when my family c[...]as my glorious experience to sprinkle cornmeal on
that floor so it would be slick for dancing. After that was
done to Grandpa's satisfaction, I got to use the player piano
which was a sheer delight to me. I'm sure, however, it was
less delightful to those within earshot.
During our visits, I became acquainted with some very
colorful charact[...]wboy boots
with one pant leg always riding on top of one boot and the
other pant leg down over the oth[...]t was Art a mile away. Art was a good old guy and I found
out later that he had received many medals in the First
World Wa[...]O' Neal and Shorty
Nickels, who were sheepherders like Art, and a red-haired
lady named Clara who had a pet monkey. She treated the
monkey like a child. Clara wore a lot of makeup. Several
months after my grandparents move[...]d the "Buffalo Lodge."
This building and some of the cabins were moved to
Lima when the dam was bu[...]he area. After selling
their property to make way for the dam, Grandpa and Newlyweds Caro[...]llon MT. Ref.175 .16.
in 1966.
Other teachers I recall were Miss Barbara Smith (one
student could[...]and Florence Nelson Giudici, the first of their two children.
Mitchell, who was there longer than any teacher I knew. She has a brother, Philip Ray. Ca[...]1947. Before the end of their Junior year in high school,[...]Episcopal Church in Dillon. Arley was working for Ray
1928 in Dillon to John H. and Gladys Rhodes M[...]l at Bertie Mathews
They were the fifth and sixth of twelve children born to this book store. Carol later worked as Deputy Clerk of Court
family and the first of three sets of twins. Arley went to under Toke Con[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (2)[...]mic Energy
Commission site at Arco
was the source of several
jobs over the next few
Arley[...]construction at Mountain
Home Air Force Base
east of Boise ID . After
spending the winter of
1953 in Dillon, with
Arley's family, they[...]was
seriously ill. John H. McLaren died the end of December. Meanwhile, the children were[...]ol and graduating from BCHS.
blacksmith shop open for their mother, so in April 1957 Susan a[...]nto the house at Freight and the Department of Revenue. She married
603 South Washington. Their third child, Christine Arlene Joseph Dolan of Chinook in May 1977. They have two
was born 02 Mar 1958. Arley acquired a State of Montana children; Kimberly Anne born 07 Oc[...]v 1980. Susan is a City Judge in Glasgow MT
list of jobs McLaren Brothers could offer.[...]Richard became a journeyman plumber. He was part of
but could not recover. Gladys Minnie McLaren died[...]the
1959. In December 1961 Carol's father, Phil I . Giudici, maintenance department at WM C. Richard and Charee
died of a heart attack. After the funeral her mother retu[...]began arts degree. She constructs costumes for TV movies and is
work on piping construction at[...]nvolved in
concentrator plant in Butte. A series of plumbing and boiler the construction of specialized fishing wear and is a
construction p[...]Amanda is an artist and works in a variety of mediums.
McCullam's Dillon-Wisdom Stage which ca[...]nd Wisdom. WMC and is the compositor for the Dillon Tribune. Her
The McLarens moved[...]They dissolved the and the office person for McLaren Plumbing.
Partnership in 1979 and Arley[...]rol's mother,
Florence C. Giudici, died in April of 1979.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (3)[...]Jewell & McLaren Shoeing Shop at comer of Helena and Idaho street in Dillon. Ref 175.17.
(D[...]at Salmon ID. In Salmon Johnny built a comer of Helena and Idaho Streets where they had a
blacksmith shop in the center of the business district. In furniture business, s[...]Horace, came to him at age 16 to learn the
comer of Helena and Idaho Streets. The location later trade. After serving in the Army during World War I,
became Bond Grocery, Valley Motor Supply, Leonhardt marrying and run[...]1931 .
McLaren's while the building next door is of corrugated Ada, who was affectionately known as "Aunt Ade" by
metal and declares that a machine shop and foundry will be her husband's grandchildren, continued to be a part of John
"open here July 1" .[...]H. and Gladys McLaren's family, joining them for Sunday
A blacksmith named Chris Hansen is al[...]rs, holidays and special occasions. She was cared for
been a partner of Mr. Jewell's in this same location. John during[...]olding the horses or the man back died in 1956.
of the wagon with cap on.
John Brady married Ada[...]hildren.
Ada, born in 1879, was the daughter of Franklin P.
Harrison; she had a brother, H[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (4)[...]McLaren in Salmon ID where his father had of the Stockman Bar, at the comer of Idaho and Center, and
recently built a blacksmithing shop . one that became the Buffett Bar. When Gladys finished[...]John H. again
Irene Joanetta to the family but that union dissolved. joined in blacksmithing wi[...]her. a number of locations, the last two locations being on Center[...]Idaho Street across the alley from the rear of the old D .I. building
Falls ID to George Nathan and Ada Pho[...]ried Maude McLaren's out to the ranches . For several years, John and
Keith. They had[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (5)worked hard, had a number of rather harrowing experiences circular stairs[...]ngineered
but stored up memories, and years worth of stories to tell. and built.
When the United[...]Clyde married a second time to Louise
Battle of the Bulge.[...]a Harrison
McLaren. Ref.175.18.

After years of not having a home of their own, John
purchased some land and then boug[...]McLaren. Ref.175.19.
next door. There was a space for a large garden and
strawberry bed and in the basements of both houses were
large freezers to hold the wild game the men of the family David A. McLaren was killed in a[...]cer. Gladys Rhodes McLaren died 05 Jun 1959, also of
"McLaren and Son" was John H. and David A.[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (6)[...]1925. Evelyn was ready for school, so the family moved to[...]ns
Station in Seattle WA.
In subsequent years of his 20-year Navy career, James
served in U.S. Nav[...]ondon, England, Norfolk VA, Iceland, another tour
of duty in Guam and in San Francisco. James also ser[...]SS Robert E. Lee.
James also served two tours of duty at the Navy
Submarine Base at New London CT.[...]is career in the U.S. Navy, James raised a family
of five children. He returned to Dillon for a short while and
worked for both the City of Dillon and for Pfizer Chemical
Company. James moved to Tw[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (7)[...]r, they enjoyed
Ragsdale Store and became manager of the women's apparel several years at their h[...]and spending time at Elkhorn. Evelyn was a member of the
Evelyn worked at The First National Bank[...]ion, Bannack Historical
County Treasurer's office for many years. During that time and Museum Association, the Order of Eastern Star,
she met Matt Orr and they married 2[...]ion. Her health failed and she passed away 24 Oct
of the Parkview School in Dillon.[...]William George McMannis, son of William Henry and[...]Horse Prairie. Elsie Margaret Ashworth, daughter of James[...]Del Monte. For several years, Bill followed the mines. He
In[...]ry, gymnasium and heating plant at Montana Normal
for Pfizer, Inc. Some years later, she met Jac[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (8)[...]tled in Dillon
permanently when Bill went to
work for Paddock & Tyro in the
spring of 1929. He worked for
International Harvester Machinery
for 33 years, retiring in 1961. He
joined the Masonic[...]elonging until
his death in 1975. He was a
member of the American Legion,
Veterans of World War I and
Dillon Volunteer Fire Department.
belonged to the American Legion
and World War I Auxiliaries. She
resided at Parkview Acres until[...], Bill Jr, Bonnie, Wally,
Rocky Mountain College) for mother Elsie. Front is Winibel and Carol. Ref 147[...]me and Bonnie went to WMC, then worked for Roberts Food
married Beth Beaver in Oregon. He gr[...]1969 she
Mark in 1952 and Guy in 1956. Beth died of a brain tumor married Clarence Burton; th[...]William Junior McMannis was a 1942 graduate of BCHS. shop and later leased ranching prope[...]cers' training school at near Dell in 1961.
the U of Wisconsin when the war ended . He studied at[...]they divorced and Gene stayed on the ranch
MSC, U of M, U of Wyoming and Princeton, receiving his wh[...]orked at the Beaverhead County
the Montana School of Mines and worked for the Shell Oil Treasurer' s office, retiri[...]Carol Ann McMannis was salutatorian of her class at
A mountain climber, he climbed[...]active in his field, writing partsman for large equipment companies; Carol worked as
numero[...]Bonnie Lorraine McMannis lived near Dillon most of her They moved to Seeley Lake where Joe worked for a log
life. She finished high school in 1946 and[...]h working
Arbour 30 Jun 1946. Fred was a lineman for Mountain Bell for the University.
and the REA. Dale was bor[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (9)[...]me, they bought a house in Dillon and lived there for a[...]ria Fleming
Henry McNinch was the seventh son of John and Charity
McNinch, born on 07 Sep 1826 in[...]and Lima.
Henry and Maria McNinch and several of their children
and grandchildren are buried in th[...]) Emily Ann (Dolly) there now at the age of 93.
Downing, (2) Catherine E. Burkett.
Wilber[...]Ninch was born 22 Jun 1897 in Dell MT.
He was one of six children. Annie was born 13 Nov 1903[...]Richard M. McNinch
at Lima. She was one of five children. They married 17 Bonnie Jean Harkness
Mar 1920. They worked for Henry Fitter for years and then
leased a ranch from him between Li[...]M. Dick Harkness was born 05 Jan 1923 in
operated for nine years.[...]942. He worked
They then bought a ranch north of Dell from Orea for his dad on the Fitter ranch until May 1944 when h[...]re three years and then drafted into the army for World War II. Dick went overseas
sold it to W.L.[...]Bart Hungate. After working on different ranches for was discharged.

Families - 558

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (10)[...]only students of May Sprinkle, who related the following:[...]Oliver. Outstretched upon the ground in front of the
schoolhouse he lay, sobbing and crying. I, like a tyrant,
stood above him with a stick of wood in hand . I had
L-R: Evelyn, Dick, Diana, Bonnie. Ref.175.24.[...]"As his sobbing continued, I began to be sorry, indeed,
Bonnie Jean Harkness was born 20 Jan 1927 in Dillon. very sorry, for what I had done. So, I knelt down and
She went to the Nicholia School in[...]sixth grade. She attended Dillon schools in the that he had won the honor of being the first child in
seventh and eighth grade[...]Ruth Harkness and football . At the age of 21, he became active in boxing
Bonnie's brother,[...], was born 26 Jul 1951 . A second ranch north of Dillon where he met Bella Robinson Gilbert.
daugh[...]two brothers, Edward and Andrew, until the death of
On 05 Apr 1993, Dick and Bonnie bought some g[...]then came to live with her aunt and uncle,
north of Lima and moved from Sheep Creek Basin.[...]in the Dillon area where their five children were
for a number of years before moving to Spokane WA and bor[...]In 1934, Oliver went to work for the Union Pacific
Their younger daughter, Ev~[...]ocations
ranch until it sold and then moved north of Lima in April from Silverbow MT to northern U[...]graduated from Lima High School, three of them with[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (11) Carl graduated in 1949 and
also worked for the U. P. Railroad
for a time. He married Carol
Alley and moved first to Great
Falls and then to San Mateo CA
where he worked for United Air
Lines, retiring in 1995. He also
retir[...]n the Army Wayne Andrew Meeds
and worked for the U.P. Railroad for a time. He married
Sherry Wainwright and raised t[...]Wayne Andrew Meeds, the first in a long line of ten
Albert graduated in 1961 and attended col[...]ea where the five children were the only students of May[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (12)[...]e Army
beside a lonely road. Across its threshold I stepped as a during World War II.
teacher,[...]country children they were, had little knowledge of the Clifford, Dorcas, Colleene and Albert Wayne. Clifford and
outside world. Through the windows I see them coming Wayne both served in t[...]ailroad after 40 years as sectionman and
All were of the Meeds family. 11[...]Kathleen. David was a cook for many years at the White
The six other children finished their teenage years in Cafe and also worked for Barrett Minerals until his
Dillon, married and raised families of their own. retirement.
David ma[...]and moved to San Diego to finish
Congressman from that state.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (13)of each other. Wayne passed away 29 May 1947 in[...]Miles City and works as a certified public
All of Wayne and Margaret 's children and their spouses[...]ns a successful computer store.
have passed away, except for Bella Meeds who still resides Lenny's fami[...]age 85, but there are many to Paradise Valley near_ Livingston. There he attended
children, gra[...]under Drew Shirey of the Lanquist Company. His family[...]--Louise Meeds Hager, Dillon MT hard for them to leave their friends and church family[...]ny's wedding proposal as
they overlooked the Ruby Valley from the farm where they
now live.[...]hlhoff, married at Dillon in 1993. the Ruby Valley in 1989. While there Lenny began to[...]On her father's side, she has relatives that homesteaded near
Lenny was born in Bismarck ND[...]raig
and Lillian A. Mehlhoff. He was the youngest of three[...]Donna Hansen, live was purchased from the estate of

Families - 562

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (14)[...]n 1903.
He was the stagecoach driver on the route that included
Dillon, Bannack, Polaris and Jackson. He[...]s grandmother, Emilia "Millie" Rose was the third
of their five children. Millie married Archie Dougla[...]d and operated. Visitors to
Virginia City may see that shop today. She grew up in the
Centennial Valley where she met her husband and started her
family. Archie and Lucy moved to the Beaverhead Valley
and ran a cow/calf operation.
Lenny and Jamie[...]ng their
second child in August 1997 at the time of this writing.
1[...]See James Blake article for full story.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (15)[...]at Barrett
Hospital in Dillon, Montana, youngest of five children of
Robert and Dorothy (Rebich) Meine. When she was t[...]on her toes, he discovered
she had too many toes for the story. The Doctors chose not
to remove the ex[...]ild. There was
always plenty to do including lots of chores. The two pets
Bonnie remembers best are a[...]tunia." Horses have always been an
important part of Bonnie's life. She started riding at a very
young[...]s her favorite job.
. The w~ole family did a lot of riding, spending days at a
time workmg cattle dur[...]the
bus to and from school every day seemed long for a six year
old. Bonnie also attended school at th[...]e, taken 1972. Ref 169.34.
buildings still stand, except for the Bagley, which was tom
down and replaced with[...]Joel spent a lot of time with his grandpa and grandma
Bonnie spent the summer of 1971 working in West[...]Like his mother, Joel liked spending time at Smallhom[...]grandpa taking care of the cattle, except they rode four-
away from home.[...]wheel Hondas, instead of horses.
Bonnie graduated from BCHS in spring of 1972. She[...]out to be a big part
married Jeff Drivdahl 11 Sep of the same year. Bonnie and
of her life. She met her husband, Casey (Donald) Kel[...]while working there. He was one of the owners. Bonnie is
at the Sheridan hospital. T[...]now assistant manager of the Lions Den. Casey worked as
of marriage.[...]n Montana College in Dillon. After thirty-
worked for a neighbor. She helped in the hayfields, and did[...]two years, he retired in 1996.
much of the cooking for the hay crew. She had several[...]Casey spends a lot of his time working at the restaurant,
other jobs, including in the spud fields on a potato picker for[...]grandsons in Helena.
Bonnie's family did most of her baby-sitting for her.[...]is
Bonnie's brother Jerry and his wife Tammy were like second[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (16)[...]Charlie built a new home in 1900 just south of the
ranch. Many memories of her childhood come back every Mulane[...]severe fall about two months before the birth of Paul. She
Casey and Bonnie have a beautiful home south of Dillon died about two weeks after Paul's[...]a husband John Banks to live with them for a time.
good business. Bonnie feels that all-in-all she has a very Carl marrie[...]ner officiated
She and her family spend a lot of time doing things at the quiet high no[...]ple departed on the evening
feels the sudden loss of a beloved brother-in-law, Jim Blake, train for Salt Lake City for a wedding trip.
in 1995 pulled the whole family c[...]Margaret was born 18 Feb 1903, the daughter of Joseph
Until they finally decide to sell, or[...]eseen and Katherine (Mehalich) Rebish, fourth of eight children.
happens, Bonnie and Casey will co[...]ed at the old stage stop on what
in the operation of the Lions Den. was known as the Drummey place. A couple of years later[...]membrances moved into a small log house that had been the bunk house
of her sister Bonnie . and lived there for many years. A son, Carl Joseph was[...]turned over the operation of the ranch to them in 1937.
Margaret Re[...]They each acquired about one half of the land Charlie[...]had the original homestead, the Drummey place and
of Charles Fredrick (Charlie) and Pauline Marie (Mueller) part of the Gerhart Albers homestead. Carl and his brothe[...]mestead buildings purchased by Charlie of the Dutchman area summer grazing.
m 1893.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (17)[...]in the photo, as are two of Henry's grandsons Richard and[...]1) Ann Eileen Jones
his calls for help. Henry helped Carl out from under the
horse[...]Joseph Meine was born 26 Jun 1933, the only child
for crutches, before he could travel. This accident r[...]of Carl C. and Margaret Rebish Meine of Dillon. He was
in injuries that gave him problems for years to come, but it[...]born in a house on the end of Barnett Street and his aunt
did not stop him from[...]Kate was midwife for the birth.
Carl was an expert horseman, one of a vanishing breed[...]l attended the Drummey School and Dillon Schools.
of cowboys. Carl and Henry were very close and worke[...]operation of the ranch after his dad's death in January of
Carl was quiet and conservative while Henry was o[...]1982. Carl married Ann Eileen Jones, daughter of George
and vocal on all issues.[...]61. Carl built a new
saddened by the sudden death of his brother to whom he'd
house southwest of the original home site. Carl and Ann
al wa[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (18)[...]dfather Carl C. Meine's
farmstead. It is 30 acres that was the stage stop on the Nat
Woods place.
In[...]mas CA; Elizabeth Anne born
12 Jan 1988 in Apple Valley CA; and Kali Linn born 14
Dec 1993 in Dill[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (19)[...]father. A man ·with a vision and bright promise for the
Cody Meine, taken May 1991. Ref167.09.[...]future, he chose to stand in the front lines of progress.[...]born 23 Mar 1926, son of Henry Mueller Meine and
While a student at Powell, Cody was a member of the Frances Boetticher Meine. He was the second of four
livestock judging team. Cody traveled all ov[...]attended the Nelson School and Beaverhead
States for judging contests. He won numerous awards and[...]rator. After his
Cody married Kirsten Hartman of Greybull WY. Kirsten discharge from the Arm[...]was born 19 Jul 1971 to Gary and Patricia Hartman of ranch and at Minerals Engineering west of Glen at the
Greybull. Kirsten graduated from Grey[...]tructor was Dave McCauley. Hank obtained
studying for her registered nurse's degree. She has received a private pilot's license in 1948.
an associate of arts degree. Kirsten has also worked for an Hank attended -Cal-Aero Technical Insti[...]Hank often spent weekends in Dillon, dancing and
of the time in Dillon where Cody is employed as a fi[...]a young couple who arranged a blind date for him with a

Families - 568

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (20)[...]ies and go out to the Lions Dillon District for the BLM. He flew in the mountains to
Den to dance[...]play the piano and Mary Lou would sing for special[...]Three Forks 28 Dec 1950. Mary Lou had made a veil for
her wedding with the headpiece that Hank's grandmother,
Pauline Mueller, had worn for her wedding in 1896.
Mary Lou was born 08 Jul[...]growing up . Mary Lou had attended the
University of Puget Sound in Tacoma WA prior to coming
to WMC.
Hank and Mary Lou bought four and one-half acres of
land from Pearl Scrimsher for $50.00 per acre, on which
Hank built his own home[...].02.
Albers Slough, about 100 yards from the site of Hank's
great grandfather, Conrad Meine's homestead. At the same
time, Hank's Dad urged him to buy a section of dry land They had three children: Lind[...]He and Mary Lou had a contract with the State of Charles Fredrick Meine, born 24 Sep 1961 .
Montana and paid $79.00 per year for that. That land was On 08 Mar 1962, Hank was flying a Fish and Game
sold to Dave Ferris in 1964 for $10.00 per acre. biologist, Ralph R[...]lt a plane into a Cameron eight miles south of Ennis MT. He had a light
snow plane after they hi[...]nd knocked the wings off. Piper Super Cub plane that he had a lot of experience flying .
Hank, Bob and their father He[...]ank and his passenger were killed
He was a member of the Carpenters' Union. In 1958 he[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (21)newspaper article stated that Hank loved to fly and he loved Paul. Paulina ha[...]his life and, in the end, he gave the birth of Paul and suffered a brain injury.
his life to avi[...]--Bob and Dorothy Meine with them for a time.
Mary Lou[...]the Conrad Meine Homestead. That log building was later[...]Henry rode his horse to school and tied it in that barn.[...]Butte. She was the first of ten children born to Ottomar J.[...]James School of Nursing in Butte when she met Henry.[...]They were married by a Justice of the Peace in the
Henry Mueller Meine was born[...]me courthouse in But~_
ranch 10 miles north of Dillon on Anderson Lane. Henry Charl[...]isapproving at first, came to love his
was second of three sons born to Charles Fredrick Meine daughter-in-law and the four grandchildren of this marriage.
and Paulina Mueller Meine. His bro[...]t first, Henry and Frances lived in the big house that
Paul. Henry was not quite four years old when his[...]ed in
died 10 Mar 1904, two weeks after the birth of his brother the second level of the "engine room" .

Families - 570

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (22)[...]k. Ref 161.

It was a two-story log building that had quite nice living minutes while moving to a[...]25 Apr 1929. In a freak accident, legs of the post hole auger had tripped
The children atte[...]n the ground and flipped it over in such a manner that it
building where their father went to school.[...]Henry and Frances filed on homesteads on Little Valley was only 60 years old.
Creek about 1923. (S[...]k the family again when Henry & Frances' s
Little Valley Creek in the agricultural section of book.) son, Hank, was killed instantly on[...]hile counting elk with a big game biologist south of
brother Carl in 1937. Henry was deeded part of the upper Ennis.
ground (the Mullany plac[...]Dec 1966. She was deeply saddened by the losses of her
and the Drummey place on the river, in 1937.[...]became active in politics and ran unsuccessfully
for House Of Representatives in the state legislature. He
was[...]liked and highly respected. He had
a great sense of humor and he loved life.
Henry Meine died 08[...]nd
Carl were fencing hay yards and they separated for a few[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (23)[...]situated on the north end of the Meine ranch. Jerry worked
for Bill Jones feeding cows during the winter.[...]and Jerry continued to
Jerry Robert Meine, son of Robert and Dorothy Rebich lease from thei[...]n at Barrett Hospital. Tammy purchased half of the home ranch and Richard
He has three sisters B[...]ne Brothers Ranch. This purchase marked the
north of Dillon. He attended the Nelson School for two fourth generation of Meines to own and work the land.
years , then Dil[...]Every fall Dillon looks forward to one of the last cattle[...]Jerry learned the art of barbecuing for a crowd from their[...]Especially enjoyable were th_e road trips to out of town[...]For many years Jerry was an active Jaycee, having[...]Jaycee Board member for two terms.
Tammy and Jerry Meine. Ref.1[...]terms.
Jerry went to Western Montana College for one and a She is a 15 year 4-H leader of the Riverside Wranglers 4-H
half years, while con[...]ed Dillon's
leased the farming and haying portion of the ranch from Outstanding Young Woman.[...]91 and attended Northwest Community
is the second of nine children. C[...]he Traughber family moved to Dillon in the summer of Kristi Michelle was born 27 Nov 1975 i[...]graduated from BCHS in 1994.
ranched near Dillon for twelve years then returned to Idaho . As of 1997 Kristi lives in Billings, where she is a stu[...]Billings. Kristi is studying
Presbyterian Church of Dillon with the Reverend Keith element[...]from BCHS in 1995. She lives in Missoula (as of 1997) and
where they were living when their first child was born. is a student at the l}niversity of Montana with a pharmacy
Later they moved i[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (24)[...]Paul Leon Meine was born on the Meine ranch north of
Dillon24 Feb 1904, to Charles Fredrick and Paulin[...]lliams 12 Sep 1929
in Butte. She was the daughter of Ruth Worthington-Smith
(George Smith), originally of Pine Island MN. Gladys was
a widow with a three-year-old daughter, Ann Alla, that Paul
raised as his own. For the next year, Paul worked for his
father farming the Hunsaker place.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (25)[...]erative as a staff assistant where she has worked for
and two daughters, Jennifer Lynn and Jacqueline.[...]over 20 years.
Paul was extremely well thought of by all who knew him When she and Ric[...]married, he asked her if
and is still remembered for his dry humor and wit. He died she would mind working for a "little while" until the ranch
15 Dec 1969.[...]born 22 Oct 1985. She is their
an accurate source of Meine family history. only[...]la Meine Lockhert participating in sports that include basketball, softball, soccer[...]and bowling. She is a member of the Riverside Wranglers[...]hard Meine of performers dedicated to keeping old-time fiddle m[...]aphs.
It is hard to imagine living on a ranch that has been in
the Meine family for over 100 years, but that is where
Richard, his wife Linda, and their daughter Ashley, are at
the writing of this history. We are proud to be descendants
of original homesteaders in the Beaverhead Valley.
We currently live in the house built in 1930[...]the
house in 1989.
Richard, the second child of Robert E. and Dorothy
(Rebich) Meine, was born in[...]Meine. Rich's dad said he cried so much
as a baby that at one point he was put out on the porch, only
to be rescued by his mom after she learned that this was the
reason the "crying" baby was quiet.
He attended the Nelson School at the end of Anderson
Lane until the fifth grade when the scho[...]on their wedding day 20 May
After three years of college, his father Bob announced[...]1978. Ref 164.02.
that he wished to retire from ranching, and Rich and h[...]ily and its descendants Rich was a member of the Dillon Jaycees. He worked
gathered at our ran[...]instrumental in convincing the Jaycees that this was a good
the First Lutheran Church in Dil[...]born in Missoula 26 Jul 1955. She is the daughter of Rich is a past president of the Board of the Beaverhead
George E. LaFrance and Virginia Mc[...]rn in Country Club and a former member of the Dillon Elks
Hamilton MT. In 1970 Linda moved[...]rd, when he came to Linda served for two years on the Mary Innes School
work for Francis Mooney Trucking.[...]r senior year at and past Vice President of the Dillon Junior Fiddlers. She
BCHS . Sh[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (26)[...]Robert Meine. Ref 165.35.
was blind), Justice of the Peace. The civil ceremony took
place in the o[...]obert (Bob) Meine was born 12 Nov 1927, the third of daughter and sixth child to Joe G. and Mary[...]is ·known as Old Stage Road and now owned
north of Dillon.[...]He attended grade school at the Nelson School for eight School, many times walking the three mil[...]short his schooling to join the Navy in Nov 1945 for the married Bob Meine in May of her Junior year and moved to
last ten months of World War II. He was a Fireman Second his h[...]ss aboard the USS (Rusty) Ruthland, spending most of A month later, a reception was held in[...]New ranch. Bob and Dorothy remember that it had been raining
Caladonia and other ports, usually with a cargo of war for seven days and nights before the event.
brides an[...]h he returned to Dillon to join his especially for the reception, where it remained for several
family in working the Meine ranch.[...]Museum, and has been returned to members of the family
residing in the Bitterroot Valley.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (27)[...].
Many happy summers were spent in the Centennial Valley
selling cattle fly control. They made many friends in the
Valley. Bob had cooked many barbecues for the family and
the community over the years, a craft he learned from his
wife's family. His keen sense of humor is well known.
Bob ' s dad died tragica[...]ctor accident on election
day in 1960, at the age of 60. After his death, Bob and his
brothers, along[...]run it until Bob and Dorothy bought out the rest
of the family shortly before his mother's dea[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (28)[...]them up on summer range in Small
Hom, taking care of the cattle and fencing.
The couple celebrated fifty years of marriage 11 May
1997. "It has never been dull"[...]Tom Metzel
Centennial Valley Rogue

Tom Metzel was a real rogue. His wife reportedly killed
him for having an affair with her sister. He had killed t[...]nd very common knowledge to most
who lived in the Valley. Lillian Culver wrote about him in
her journals.[...]homesteaded in 1900 on
Blacktail Creek, southeast of Dillon. Hans Mi[...]Magdalene Rasmussen
Dillon. Both were natives of Aero; Mr. Mikkelsen was born
there 19 Feb 1877, a[...]s a 24 Mar 1907 in Dillon.
charter member of the local Danish Brotherhood Lodge. S[...]d their golden wedding anniversary in worked for the Gilberts, the E.O. Selways and the A.L.
1961.[...]The couple ranched north of Dillon on the Schuler place
Their survivors include a son-in-law and daughter, for six years. In 1912 they bought the Mark Selway
Ch[...]homestead on Blacktail Deer Creek.
Anderson, all of Dillon, and other relatives in Iowa,

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (29)True Love after 50 years .Fiftieth anniversary celebration for Magdeline and Hans Mikkelsen in March 1957. Ref 1[...]529 S.
Railroad Avenue where they lived the rest of their lives.
Mr. Mikkelsen was a charter member of the local Danish
Brotherhood. He was honored in 1958 by that organization
for 50 years of outstanding service. A lifelong Lutheran, he
was[...]y official
positions in the First Lutheran Church of Dillon. He was an
ardent gardener and took great pride in the appearance of his
west-side property which, with its spacious lawn and
gardens, was long considered a beauty spot of this city.
Hans and Magdalene celebrated their[...]ade one trip back to their
homeland in the summer of 1912. The Mikkelsens raised a
niece, Alvin[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (30)[...]George, in his application to the Montana Society
of Pioneers, stated that he arrived in Virginia City, having
departed "fro[...]Virginia City, Montana Territory,
date and place of arrival 18 Aug 1864" where he was
engaged in "fre[...]t is not known when George came to the Beaverhead
Valley. The 1870 census lists him as a miner in Prickley[...]s his address. The
Millen ranch was located north of Dillon about one mile
southwest of Beaverhead Rock. George was a neighbor and[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (31)[...]daily. Gosta established a
is buried in the Point of Rocks Cemetery. Apparently they school t[...]rried George L. With the completion of this project, the Millers moved to
Staudaher, ano[...]ng and Construction. The business remained active for
City in 1863 where he started a boot and shoe sho[...]ess in New York.
After retiring, George lived for a time in Dillon with
Nick and Emma Staudaher (hi[...]assed away 07 Jan 1929.
He is buried in the Point of Rocks Cemetery.

--[...]Manhattan MT, receiving the American Legion Award for
his outstanding citizenship, character and schola[...]er began in 1934 in Dixie ID with the
acquisition of three successful placer properties. His success
in these ventures launched for him a most interesting career.
He became manager of the Idaho-based mining company,
Northwest Goldfie[...]e placed both
properties in successful production that included dredging
several miles of ground on Lowland Creek in Montana.
Gosta designed and had fabricated the recovery equipment
for both of the operations.
Seeking greater opportunities[...]resigned this position to become general
manager of the Ralph E. Davis Syndicate which held several
profitable placer holdings and 412 acres of patented placer C. Gosta Miller constructing one of many irrigation canals
property on Grasshopper Cr[...]majority of the irrigation canals throughout the Beaverhead
It was during this period that Gosta married Helen Pavel Valley, Madison County, Grant and the Big Hole Valley
27 Dec 1939 in Lewiston ID. Helen was born 07 Aug 1912 (many that are still in use). Some of their mining operations
in Lewiston to Frank and Mary Pavel, the third of five included exploring and excavatin[...]Traderhom obtained a government contract for the
Lewiston where she attained the position of Vice President. exploration of various phosphate structures from the Ruby[...]River to the Centennial Valley and from Maiden Rock to

Families - 580

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (32)[...]also contracted exploration
and development work for tungsten deposits throughout
southwest Montana.[...]ing Apr 1949, Gosta Miller served as the chairman
for the planning and fund raising and the building of the
Beaverhead County Museum. Over $13,500 was raised for
the building of the present building. He remained on the
museum board for years and served during the early 1960s
on the St[...]sion representing Bannack. Miller
chaired a group that restored many of Bannack's buildings.
Camping areas were added and[...]nd eventually Gosta received the Wood
Badge Award for his accomplishments in adult leadership.
Dur[...]Gosta Miller obtained the New
Departure Mine west of Dillon. His study and evaluation of
the geology of this property led to the discovery of three
hidden veins and four high-grade silver ore[...]to the Anaconda Smelter.
It was at this time that Gosta pioneered the usage of
exhaust scrubbers for diesel motors, thus enabling
underground excavati[...]mining inspector, established standards
required for this use which remain in effect in 1996. Gos ta
later acquired all of the old mines and mills at Bannack,
placing both[...]In later years Gosta entered into the field of consulting receive the Uno Shahenin Award in May 1985. Ref 151.21.
and appraising of mining properties and geological
formations throu[...]ited States. He
evaluated the potential of sapphire deposits in the Ruby Helen and Gosta Miller became parents of three children:
Creek area and appraised the Yogo[...]Marilyn Miller (married Ronald A. Benson, son of Arnold
management of the Yogo property for Montana Sapphires, and Cora Benson of Dillon) , born 25 Apr 1944; Marjorie
Inc. Gosta designed and built the necessary equipment for Miller, born 14 Feb 1952, a financial advis[...]portable placer recovery equipment. Scale models of the --Marilyn Miller Benson
equipment are presently used for placer mining classes at the
Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology
(Montana Tech) in[...]In May 1985, Gosta Miller was the first recipient of the
Montana Tech Uno Shahinen Medallion Award. T[...]on Bonnier
recognized his successful development of mineral deposits in Miller Dredge and
Montana, his pioneering work in the use of internal Miller Combination F[...]in underground mines, his design and
development of placer mining machinery and his expertise in[...]1932. He was a brother of my grandmother, Mary Miller.
Helen Miller was a life-long member of the Catholic Anton was born in 1855 at West Point WI , the youngest of
Daughters of America. She was an active member of St. four Bonnier children: Willham Bonnier, Mary Bonnier,
Rose of Lima Church in Dillon and served as religious Sarra Bonnier and Anton.
education director for 14 years. She was a member of the At age 14, he entered an apprenticeship as a wagon
Dillon Shakespeare Club for more than 25 years, as well as maker. His br[...]west. They arrived in Sacramento CA in July of that year.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (33)[...]His sisters in Wisconsin greatly
disapproved of his marriage to this
woman since she was of a
different religion than he and
because Willham was 65 years of
age and a man of considerable
means . Willham's correspondence
In Mar 1924. Anton returned
to Wisconsin for the first time
since he had left to attend his
sister's funeral, my grandmother,
Mary Miller. I was ten years old
and this was the first time I met
my great-uncle Anton. I remember
being very impressed by the heavy Mary B[...]n he dangled from his Grandmother and great uncle of Carl F. Miller, employed in 1932 at Schindler ran[...]rked about his baldness, he His method of recovering fine .flour gold dust was a flat
would reply, "You don't see marble tops on cheap schoolhous[...]m streams through
vial filled with fine gold dust that was bright and beautiful. hundreds of feet of v-shaped wooden troughs. Material one-
He spoke at length of the massacre at Little Big Hom and of quarter inch and smaller passed over the slate slab. After
George Custer and the Seventh Cavalry of 225 men on that about an hour, the V grooves all turned yel[...]as
After my eighteenth birthday, 29 Apr 1932, I decided to tipped to one side and the gold dus[...]s , but still very active and In Aug 1932, I left Dillon and returned to Wisconsin. In
in exce[...]was always interested in placer September I went back to Salvatorian College in St. Nazianz
ground containing fine flour gold, ground that all other WI ... but I never recovered from the "gold bug bite."[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (34)[...]Jacob Miller, received a telegram
from the pastor of St. Rose Catholic Church in Dillon. The
telegram stated that Anton Bonnier had passed away at
age 90 on 04 Sep[...]St. Rose
Church. The people there had taken care of him through the
last two years of his life.
Anton Bonnier made a fortune on flo[...]just built campfires to warm their
meager dinner of beans. In 1957 my wife, Beatrice, and I
bought a home at 2221 Portola Way in Sacramento C[...]Fred was a butcher for Hale's Meat Market and his[...]George purchased a 1924 Overland sedan in Denver for $25.[...]Avenue with a pump in the kitchen for water and no inside[...]. Mrs. Jack Smith, managed the motel for many years.[...]George Miller did a great deal of the concrete masonry[...]Sep 1900 in Duluth W.F. Miller, did most of the plastering on the high school,
MN. Mary Kathe[...]Katherine moved from Edison NE to
Denver in 1932 for three years. Then they were enticed to
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (35)[...]One Man's Dream, the story of Elkhorn Mine. Rosemary
Virginia Peters Mitch[...]lives in Darby MT and works for the school system. In 1994[...]At this writing, I am retired and living in Dillon and
Richard E[...]Dec 1914 in Anaconda enjoying my family. I have at present 14 grandchildren and
MT to Clara[...]and Nate in Anaconda. Dick was the second oldest of six
children.[...]nda where he worked at the smelter. While working
for the ACM Co., he unloaded slum that came from the
mines in Butte. That is how the slum ponds east of
Anaconda were formed.
With workers at ACM going on strike every three years
waiting for a new contract to sign, the workers would be out
of work as long as three or four months. That made it
rather hard to raise a family.
It was then we .came back to Dillon in 1958. Dick
worked for Walt Hugulet for almost four years. In 1962 he
bought a dragline a[...]in Montpelier ID.
then went to work at Peavey Co. for Jack Champine (now Norma Jean came to[...]35. Both attended grade schools in Dillon and
for Dick. When the winter came, she went to work for the Beaverhead County High School. They married 11 Aug
Bozeman Production Credit out of Bozeman until ill health 1945 in Butt[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (36)[...]missioner
from 197 6-1984 and
served on the State of George, Kathie, Terry Lee and Cherie Miller, children of Robert and Norma Jean Miller.
Montana Aeronautics Ref. I 86. 30A.
Board from 1980-
Norma Jean Mi[...]lf-service gas
station, operating both businesses for many years.[...]in the building- Fred Mitchell, a native of Boscobel WI and Adelaide
leasing business for many years. Lee, a native of Cooperstown ND were married in 1926.
Robert a[...]n
Democratic Central Committee. They were members of the established a barber shop in the P[...]munity. However, Fred chose the area because of the
of their grandchildren rotated with them for the entire trip. access to hunting and fishing. He often stated, "Where else
For the last 15 to 20 years, they have been farming on can a person bag a deer and be back in time for work that
their Flying M Ranch. They have also been doing some real same morning?"
estate development. For many years they collected and His ot[...]--Bob and Norma Jean Miller Because of the shortage of teachers during World War II,[...]years, Adelaide played the piano for the Eastern Star
meetings and for many weddings and funerals.[...]Fred retired in 1965 because of ill health and Adelaide[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (37)[...]illon.
Daughter, Nola, married Stanford Empey, of Lima, in
1949. They had three children: Susan, Da[...]sa AZ and Lima.
Son, Gile, married Ann Carroll of Dillon in 1957. They
had five children: Debora, G[...]ell was born 30 Jan 1902 in Eutaw AL
the only son of Rev. W .H. and Eva Jane Victoria Hali
Mitchell. T[...]wnsend, and in 1924 graduated from the
University of Montana with a degree in Pharmacy.
He worked[...]1935, Bill married Virginia Ann Backus, daughter of
Florence and Perry Backus, and granddaughter of William Happy Bill Mitchell, long time[...]lon MT.
B. and Anna Selway Carter, early pioneers of Beaverhead Ref175[...]Patricia Gail Huntley
building, at the comer of Bannack and Montana and moved
their drug store to that location. Mitchell Drug was In 19[...]corporated in 1962 to include the younger members of the year of high school when she met Anthony "Tony" James
fam[...]civic activities, Bill and Ginny University of Montana where she graduated in 1978.
played a pro[...]ties won Meanwhile, Tony worked in Alaska for 2 ½ years and then
them friendship and esteem th[...]ouble wedding ceremony with
Bill was a member of St. James Episcopal Church, Dillon
Elks Lodge No.[...]asons, St. Elmo Commandry K.T.
and Baghdad Temple of the Shrine. He died 13 Jan 1967. school in Wisdom and Tony continued his pursuit of
Ginny married Harry Ford in 1971 and t[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (38) Patti taught Kevin for
four of his first five
years of schooling at
Wisdom. In fall 1991,
she accepted a[...]ony
continues to manage the
ranch in the Big Hole
Their youngest son,
Rob, was killed in a
tra[...]Linda Sanders
Edward Mooney, son of Francis and Esther Mooney, was
born 1949 in Dillo[...]chools and
graduated from BCHS in 1967. Ed worked for a time with
his father in the trucking business.[...]Idaho Falls ID from 1985 to
1988 while Ed worked for E.G.G. Corp. They now live in
Bozeman where Ed is[...]tana State University and
Linda is the accountant for a Bozeman firm.
Since his father,s dea[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (39)[...]shop. They moved into it with just rough boards for
Esther Schmittroth[...]ere Eliel 's building is
Francis Mooney , son of Dan and Lucy Mooney , was[...]in it,
born in Dillon in 1918. He was the oldest of four children,[...]1949 was one of the worst winters on record. The
the hills tendin[...]couple had a band of sheep they bought from Berg
Butte where they live[...]Christensen. The river south of town, where they had the
Dillon. Francis attended[...]his legs wading in the river to get the sheep out of[...]After the death of their son in 1969, they sold the trucks[...]was the eldest child of five, having thee brothers and one[...]Church. He was a longtime member of the Elks Lodge No.
Esther and Francis Mooney, about 1946. Ref 184.32A. 1554 and was a member of the REA board, helping to bring[...]his life. In 1944 Elwood was elected to the board of
youngest of three children born to Louis and Esther directors of the Beaverhead wool pool. For a time he grew
Schmittroth, including Merle Schmittroth McMannis of seed peas and shipped them by rail to their destinations.
Hamilton and Louis Schmittroth of Athabasca, Canada. She One year he made a goal that he would fill a whole box car
attended Beaverhead[...]ls, graduating from BCHS and, with the help of his friends and neighbors, he proudly
in 1946.[...]attained that goal.
Francis and Esther were married in 1946[...]born in Dillon: Frances Ann, born 1948, currently of and Nannie Nelson. She was the oldest child, having two
Dillon; Edward Louis , born 1949, currently of Bozeman; younger brothers. She grew up on[...]mas , born 1951 , and Peggy, born 1959, currently of the cooking and sometimes in the fi[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (40)[...]never able to return to school after that.[...]president of the Beaverhead Ladies club.[...]Giudici home. They ranched north of Dillon. Elwood[...]away. He and his wife were the typical farmers of their era,[...]ising chickens, cattle, sheep, pigs and the crops of hay,[...]when they were around . He also had a great love for[...]as this was the entertainment of the time. It was one of
these dance halls that his father , himself and his brothers[...]Ref 161. 26. they turned into a house for their family. Elwood and his[...]o
town, Elwood continued
to support and take care
of her until her death.
He got electricity and
modem plumbing into the
house and made it quite
comfortable for living.
They had the same
struggle as did mos[...]s and
stewing hens. Every
year at the end of the
season, Elwood set up an
assembly line and[...]kill, dip,
de-feather and clean all
the fryers that were ready Kenny Morrison and his parents, Zelma and Elwood, on their 50th wedding anniversary 16 Jan
for market. With 1977. Ref 161.25.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (41) Zelma was a hard worker and always cooked for hired At old Barrett Hospital in Dill[...]rrison was born to Kenneth Elwood and Zelma
share of canning and preserving of all the vegetables she Nelson Morrison. He was to be their only child.
raised. She did a lot of entertaining, always inviting people He was raised on the family farm five miles north of
to dinner at their home. For a number of years, Elwood and Dillon and attended the Ne[...]from Beaverhead County High School, was a member of the
Zelma and Elwood belonged to the Old Fash[...]rdion, and being ambidextrous, was a
Organization for many years. Whenever they could, the va[...]enna Goodfellow was born in the small mining town of
away 27 Aug 1962.[...]es were met. It was in the depths of the Great Depression and Glenn
Zelma passed away[...]brother, James LeRay. They lived in Butte for a while[...]was the bridesmaid for Ray Hildreth and her sister,[...]old bunkhouse had been located. Ken worked for his dad
for a number of years. In Nov 1954, their first child, Kenda[...]27 Aug 1957. The family was getting too large for the[...]do the strenuous farm work, it was decided that Ken would[...]responsibility of the farm. In 1965 Danielle Mae was born,[...]He got out of the sheep business and concentrated on the[...]year he was given a Symbol of Excellence award for his[...]supplement the yearly sale of hay, grain and cattle. One
Newlyweds Ke[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (42)[...]pig business, the
chicken business
had to go. Two of
Ken's little pigs
appeared in the
second "Lonesom[...]ts, rains,
winds, pestilence,
and hail storms that
wiped out the crops
twice. Ken did his
service as president
of the West Bench
Irrigation district
for three years.
Glenna was
Ken's helpmate in
just about
everything. She did
a lot of managing of Front L-R: Danielle & Jared. Middle L-R: mother G[...]rying on this Dr. Albert C. Morrow
way for ten years.
Ken joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day[...]ulie B. Morrow
Saints in 1953. He became a member of the bishopric and Tuberculosis, Hoo[...]square
dance contests. They performed in several of the exhibition Dr. Albert C. and Julia Morrow were among the last
dances for the church and then became square dance leaders[...]g the young teens enjoy this activity. west of Dillon, along the old road to the Big Hole.
K[...]erman, big Both Mom and Dad were natives of Ohio. Dad came to
game hunter, and got his share of ducks and geese. He was Butte in 1911, after graduating from University of Ohio. He
good about taking the children out and t[...]Hole valley, then filed for the homestead about 1913.
Because the summer[...]ey Ward" prefabricated home
learned winter skiing for an activity with their children, each on the site. Then he returned to Ohio and married Mom on
of whom became excellent skiers. Ken and Glenna bowled 05 Aug 1914. They had been engaged for five years while
together, a sport Ken had become proficient at during high Mom cared for her parents.
school years. With his powerful left hook, Ken won several During that period, Mom also campaigned for votes for
local bowling contests. They were members of the women, taught piano and raised "fanc[...]place." They lost their first small herd of cattle in the
memorial to him and his good works in the 4-H program. winter of 1919, as did many other ranchers that year. A
At this writing, Glenna is completing plans to sell the second herd of "white faces" prospered on the buffalo gra[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (43)[...]resigned his job and they moved to California. That was
better for both, health-wise. During World War II, Dad[...]federal meat inspector for Campbell Soups and for turkey[...]They had two children, Tom and Helen. I, Helen, was
a Corporal during the war. I married First Lieutenant[...]ian, so he "practiced by day and
plowed by night" for some years. He was a partner with
Dr. Bill Orr at this time, if I have the dates correct.
During the "War to En[...]World War II, taken Oct
was in the AAF in England for four years and I joined the 1945 in Mountain View CA. L-R: Arthur & Helen Sweeney,
Air-WAC in 1944. One of Dad's brothers was a judge at Thomas B[...]r Lodge. He inspected herds crossing into Montana for 1943 to 1957. After they sold it, Mom and Dad traveled
summer grazing. Dr. Gunn of Butte and Dad ran the first through the[...]red in Mexico, lived in
conclusive tests to prove that tuberculosis in dairy cattle Colorado for several years, then settled near Brownsville
caused TB in people, thus Dad tested lots of cows. He also TX. Dad died there in 1965.
inspected the dairies for sanitation and had to educate Mom mov[...]cense test when she was 84.
laws. Montana was one of the first states in the nation to She was a[...]Bow dairies consistently rated
tops in the state for purity.
At one time during the 1920s, Dad als[...]s, hoboes, and the railroad cars were all treated for
hoof and mouth disease, due to an epidemic in Cal[...]ight he lost was with the NRA mandatory slaughter of
cattle and pigs to boost prices, that, at a time when many
people were short on[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (44)[...]in 1917.

Howard E. Morse, the son of Montana pioneers, Justin
E. Morse and Florence Th[...]ded Dillon schools and graduated
as valedictorian of Beaverhead County High School in 1912.
Howard graduated from the University of Michigan in 1916.[...]home in Laguna Hills CA for the winter months.
Howard was a member of the Dillon City Council, St.[...]Association, PTA, Republican Club, Episcopal Guild and the[...].13. Girl Scouts. She was a member of the Dillon Shakespeare[...]the U. S. Army as a lieutenant in World Morse of San Rafael CA, and daughter Miriam Morse
War I, Howard returned to Dillon and joined his father, J.E. Ausmus of Dillon; four grandchildren, Guy Ausmus of
Morse, as a rancher and owner of the Cook Sheep Company Schererville IN; Sally Munday of Dillon; Robert Morse of
near Dell and the Ajax and Pinkerton ranches in the Big San Rafael CA; and Justin Morse of Davis CA; and seven
Hole.[...]azel died in Nov
Angeles CA. She was the daughter of Madison County 1984. Burial for both was in Sau tell National Cemetery in
rancher[...]allie Morton Maurer California.
(formerly of Mayfield, KY).[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (45)[...]They lived in an upstairs apartment on the comer of
attorney , Thomas E. Gilbert. Atlantic and Sebree streets, then the home of Frank and Joan
Davis, now the site of the Arctic Circle.[...]Southwestern Montana Abstract Company for Ted[...]Dillon didn't have dial phones either. The winter of
MT. Their families migrated to Butte. They gradua[...]Foundation for advanced study: Limnology at Northern[...]Colorado, Greeley; Paleontology at University of California,[...]Berkeley; and Radiation Biology at University of Utah, Salt[...]Although he retired in 1984, his love of teaching didn't[...]said that living in Dillon is as clean, good, and down to[...]After teaching girls PE for three years at the Bagley[...]an abundance of wildlife, and incomparable scenery?[...]variety of things to do. Bill was the chef for many
Bill and Gerta Mular, taken 14 Sep 1992 on their 40th occasions at the Elks Club and for the American Legion.
wedding anniversary. Ref 175[...]s bull pen and sold
After attending two years of college, Montana Tech for beer at the concession stand.
Bill and Cottey College at Nevada MO and UM for Gerta, Bill was also the sales manager for the initial volume of
Bill and Gerta were married 14 Sep 1952 in Butte.[...]the
in the Army and 3 ½ years at Montana School of Mines. Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade with the Butte High
He intended to e[...]in 1949
chose Western because it was the cheapest of the MT in the Rose Festival at Portland OR, and in the Lilac
University System units at that time, a whopping $35 per Festival[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (46)[...]They were asked "What is your favorite memory of[...]4, in Dillon, at the
in the huge trees (now gone) that lined the Blacktail Creek old Barrett Hospital. He said that his parents, William and
between the Orr Mansion[...]Gerta Mular, are the very best a kid could ask for. He has
Jeannie said that she loved going ice skating out at t[...]ding a beautiful spot, and camping. took care of all the kids when his Mom and Dad could not
He added that the day the jet hit the grain elevator during b[...]e by 1 ½ years older. He
Bill and Gerta felt that the 1959 earthquake was pretty was the "bab[...]mily vehicle , which He felt he got blamed for just about everything, mostly
Bill said was "tossed around like a boat in water." Gerta by sister Jeannie. He doesn't know why she kept it up
was home and said that the sound was incredible - like a because as soon as he got paddled, she[...]the house." Bill feels that his family is very close, even though they
Af[...]ular died 21 Jan are grown, have families of their own, and are many miles
1997. Gerta still l[...]635 South apart . The family did a lot of fun things together. They
Pacific Street.[...]ck things up, load the car, and go, singing songs of[...]kinds, all the way to whatever destination. None of them[...]this day, you can ask any one of the Mular family and they[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (47)[...]ds would sneak into dangerous abandoned buildings for
he couldn't get the turning part for a while. After that, he them and even on the roof of Western Montana College
was even teaching other kids to ride. Rance Holt, one of his (inside the spiral tops). On one expedition, they were
buddies in kindergarten, was one of the lucky ones. He sliding down the fir[...]nly Greg
learned right after he ran into the side of the next door Sietsema fell off, two fligh[...]ege.
time he was ten. The best part about fishing that he liked Building forts, tree houses, i[...]stop at things were al ways on the top of the list - burning ants with
a pub for a couple of "cold ones . " His Dad would have a a magn[...]ockets, snaring
beer and Bill would have a bottle of coke. gophers - the list go[...]For Bill, highlights in high school were wrestling, a[...]for his 16th birthday. It was great to say the least.[...]moved back to Dillon and started working for Safeway. The[...]of service.[...]iversary, 30 Dec 1996. They are presently looking for
the new house of their dreams.[...]Growing up in Dillon was great with all kinds of things
to do. Bill and his friends would u[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (48)[...]James Lloyd Munday was born 14 Jul 1910, the son of Roberta was very energetic. She found[...]dies
Robertson was born 30 May 1909, the daughter of Charles League one summer. She was al ways[...]from the Wayne School of Nursing in Chicago. She played
They started f[...]tle Poole.
the depression years and the beginning of the dust bowl in Each year all of the kids were in the Labor Day Parade.
northeaste[...]more. a wagon load of Indians, and another year they were all
Lloyd[...]rare up. They also
and rented the farm at the end of Kentucky Avenue on the got to go roller ska[...]Those were the days of haying with horses. Lloyd was
Lloyd and Rober[...]great at training work horses. He trained a team of grey
sold milk to the Dillon Creamery in five-gal[...]ernsey Dairy." They had a would back up for him while he was on the stack of hay.
big walk-in cooler and put in bottled milk a[...]oyd also delivered to grocery children on that day.
stores and restaurants. Everyone love[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (49)[...]the rent went up and there was
always the threat of someone buying the farm.
They bought the Kuchler ranch, three miles north of
Lima, in 1950. They started raising sheep and black Angus
cattle. Lloyd had one of the first backhoes in the area and
did lots of work with it to supplement their ranch income.
Th[...]to pigs.
Later they bought the Murdock Ranch that was a mile
and a half closer to the mountains and at that time they
increased their cattle and sheep herds.[...]ng at Mac's (MacIntosh
Hitching Post) in Armstead for several years.
Lloyd had one of the best stocked garages around which
made it great for his neighbors. He loved to visit when
someone cam[...]cake. Roberta invited them to stay for dinner or supper and[...]son of George W. Murray and Estella Cornell. He was the[...]about 1929. Ref 147. 34. first grandchild of Ann Eliza and Craig Cornell who were[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (50)[...]s born in 1905.
Harold married Mary E. Shields of Butte 27 Oct 1929 at
the newly consecrated St. Ro[...]. and Joseph C. Faller, sister
and brother-in-law of the bride, as witnesses. At the time of
their marriage, Harold was working with his fathe[...]Harold and Mary E. Murray of Dillon. Ref 175.33.[...]Harold was Water Commissioner for the City of Dillon[...]his trade and was a craftsman with hobbies of wood or[...]r work. His hobbies turned many a treasured piece for[...]Warren Joseph (1933) Shields. She was one of nine children to parents who
and Charles John (19[...]ranched in the Highland Park area east of Butte. Mary went
Harold's mother, "Stella," r[...]ls and Butte schools, graduating from Butte
death of her husband, George W. Murray, in 1932. She High School. She attended St. James School of Nursing in
was a beloved Dillon matron. Harold al[...]e 76. was dedicated in her field of "real hands-on" nursing care.
After sheep ran[...]rofession.
moved to a home on the River Road west of Dillon. Later, She still has a keen memory of all the doctors and
they purchased a house from F[...]onnel and most patients under her
Atlantic Street that was to become the family home.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (51)[...]etired at age 65 which coincided with the closing of the old
hospital and the opening of the new Barrett Memorial
After reti[...]up a new career, learning
how to oil paint. Many of her paintings are in various
homes of friends or relatives and in business places about[...]ary did extensive world traveling. She
has a gift of relating stories of her many travels. One
special trip she took was w[...]er sister, Ann Faller,
to their ancestral country of Ireland. They shared memories
of stories related to them by their Irish parents.[...]n Faller, will be 99 years old in March
1997; all of her other brothers and sisters are deceased.
Thei[...]lling to share
her knowledge and wisdom and ready for a game of
pinochle, and never letting the grass grow under[...]Skeets Murray making a batch of donuts. Do you remember
Although he liked cooking for someone else, after he and
what they tasted like? Ref 196.10.
Ruth McFarland got married in 1934,[...]In 1939 he moved the restaurant to the corner of on Park Street which he ran until 195[...]ng there once a
space. This was the meeting place for Dillon because it week.
never closed.[...]nd in 1932 while she was
Skeets became famous for his pies, particularly his fresh attending the[...]Montana
strawberry pie, first made in the summer of 1937 with College) to become a teacher[...]pumpkin, lemon meringue, the drought of 1919-1920, they moved to Terry where her
banana c[...]in Dillon, she
People would travel miles out of their way just for a substituted at the school in Terry. She then attended the
piece of pie and others planned Sunday drives to include pie. Normal School in Billings (Eastern Montana College) for
The cafe consisted of four booths and 12 stools at the another semester before teaching school for a year in Ollie.
counter until 1964 when he added[...]d in Miles City.
which had been Starnm's Jewelry, for more tables. After a short[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (52)[...]d. Ref.163.13.

Skeets Cafe at the corner of Montana and Bannack streets, circa 1950s.[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (53)[...]College.
Star and Skeets was the Rainbow advisor for 17 years . Fr. Harry and Val lived in Dillon for four years,
They were enthusiastic square dancers[...]ss Giles. The store is still operating, under its
for nine years, seven of them as chairman. He was a fourth owner, at this writing.
member of the governing body of the First Presbyterian Both girls m[...]lub. Dillon. Robin, for ten years, to Michael Marsh, son of
Skeets supported the students at all levels a[...]Robin is now married to Greg Winden, son of Lloyd and
Athletic Hall of Fame. He helped the Labor Day Weekend A[...]eo celebration get started. He was Grand Marshall of store for many years). Greg and his partner, Ken Smith,
the[...]as well. She Erin married Nolan Lake, son of Harvey and Boots Lake
played the piano and organ for their church , for Eastern Star of Dillon. They have three living children, having l[...]arrett Hospital, and Nolan is a longtime employee of
club and usually had some handwork underway, such[...]es
Sharon graduated from St. Patrick's School of Nursing in Episcopal Church.
Missoula. In 196[...]ion field near
Wisdom and uses her nursing skills for the community. Billings. Val completed her final 2 ½ years of college at[...]social services for the next eight years . During this time,[...]ey as pastor of St. Michael's Episcopal Church there.
Episcopal[...]to Montana in 1985, where Val worked for Columbus
The Neeley family came the first time[...]to the Episcopal churches in Anaconda and
rector of St. James Episcopal Church, succeeding Fr. Lee[...]ent in 1994.
Schlothauer and at the encouragement of Dr. Horatio Meanwhile, in 1993,[...]ing in social services at
Tragett , former rector of both the Alturas and Dillon both[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (54)[...]Aug 1953 at St. James
Hospital, Butte, the eldest of four children. She graduated
from Beaverhead Coun[...]ooking back on good times, Jan remembers the role of
memorable treat. Her family lived near Cottom's p[...](forensics, drama, and choir were her avenues for
recover giant-sized potatoes that bounced off the trucks on competition), but[...]urself tasted better. There was also a huge mound of dirt wrestling meets were social events and[...]believes it isn't where one lived or who one was that
School was exciting in the town of Dillon. Going to the made growing up in Beav[...]e sliding tube (fire escape) would have amount of time Dillonites donate to their young people is
t[...]simply amazing. Their support of youth programs is
Jan recalls using the escap[...]her 3-year possibly unmatched in other cities of similar size.
stay, but the thought of using the "slide" remained in the The JayCee Little Skier program is a great example.
minds of all pupils.[...]able to rent equipment and receive
including one of the students' favorite spots - Lasich' s Busy lessons and transportation for an incredibly reasonable fee.
Bee Market - where many allowances went for penny candy. Jan will never forget th[...]and the great times learning to ski. One of her proudest
High School for many years. As a result, their home was[...]hen she placed third in a
the "drop-off" station" for any and all unusual plant or downhill rac[...]Another example of the support of the wonderful people
At any given point our family was the proud owner of of Dillon was during Jan's father's last illness, wh[...]dow spider, was an incredible outpouring of care and concern.
scorpion, axolatyl. Peopl[...]r home until Jan's Mom, East, they say, "That's small town America for you."
Gerta, put her foot down. She came home from a meeting Jan always replies, "No, that's the special people of
one evening and turned on a lamp, only to[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (55)[...]Donald and Helen were active members of the First
Donald W. Nelson[...]ton member of the Dillon Rotary Club where he served as[...]projects and in the Boy Scouts of America where he served
Helen Carlton and Don[...]MT in August 1958. Donald had WA, and for two years served as Boy Scout Field Executive
completed nearly 26 years with the U.S. Department of in Southwest Kansas with headquarters[...]en's son, Donald Jr, and his
Yellowstone District of the Gallatin National Forest. wife, Ma[...]retired in
In Dillon he accepted the position of Range and Wildlife 1996. They have two daught[...]Helen's oldest daughter, Nancy Helen Taylor,
time of his transfer here, W.E. Fry was the Forest[...]tional
Donald, Jr. was a senior at the University of Montana in forest for 14 years from 1958 until 30 Jun 1972. During
Miss[...]ncy Helen was a junior there. Their that time, he and the rangers developed more than eigh[...]reas to recover
earned a degree at the University of Montana, as did her and the amount of forage was increased. During this period,
older s[...]14 years. He served for about three months when W.E. Fry[...]reported for duty. Nelson's total time with the U.S.[...]Government was 39-plus years. Most of that time was with[...]Forest Service, but one year was with the Bureau of[...]The first visit of Donald W. and Helen C. Nelson to[...]in Kansas at that time and were on a trip to visit Helen's[...]that day, after driving from Logan UT. The roads up to[...]In fact, the only paved roads that I remember in Montana[...]just downstream from the bridge on the east side of the[...]bridge. I do not remember any houses or improvements[...]ary 09 Nov 1979 traveled on to Missoula for the visit with Helen's family.
in Dillon.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (56)Top of Bald Mountain Front L-R: Clark and Peggy, Bob Mac[...]family 's grain and cattle ranch east of Genessee ID. She
Martha J. Roth was the oldest of six children born to Joseph A. and Bertha[...]on State
Ernest Charles Nelson was the second of four children Normal School in 1926, and ta[...]Martha came to Montana to attend the University of
Nellie Grant (Retallack) Nelson. He was born 10 A[...]melia, was the Hospital
Ernest was a graduate of Dillon elementary and Administrator.[...]graduation, Martha accepted a teaching
University of Montana in Missoula. In attempting to find[...]est tried ranching, construction labor, Dillon that she met Ernest C. Nelson. They married in 1933
retailing and raising bees for honey sales . Bees transported and Martha inter[...]g to start a family. Two
through Dillon by an out-of-state owner infected Ernest's children were[...]ing in 1945 and continued
Ernest went to work for the U.S. Postal Service in 1929. until retirem[...]rement 30 years later. At the student teachers for Western Montana College. She was
Post Office, "Er[...]a's priorities and she
He was an early member of BPOE Lodge 1554, invested took much pride[...]rties, and was active in small-scale important for children to get a good start in first grade;
mini[...]m his accordingly, she chose to teach that grade. Her concern for
Grandfather Retallack who had mining interests in[...]welfare is exemplified by her frequent purchases of
Many of his weekends were spent prospecting and winter coats for needy children.
"digging." He also enjoye[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (57)[...]family. The thunder and lightening storms of Kansas were[...]ifying to her and she left Kansas at least partly for that[...]operated a bakery there for about three years and came to[...]restaurant, near the tracks, for the Union Pacific Railroad[...]rage was later built. The family has an old photo of[...]and son John with the delivery carriage in front of the[...]Denmark.
Not much is known about his early years except that he
served as an apprentice baker. He had a sister[...]named Jewell who was also at some time a partner
of John B. McLaren.[...]Ref 175.36.
"come down for Xmas and have a good time."
Mary C. Jensen wa[...]ce took place in Denmark or the United north of Dillon where their third child, Florence C[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (58) Mary became a charter member of the Beaverhead Ladies
Club (also referred to as t[...]children
attended the Nelson School with a number of children from
the other Nelson families of the area. Mary's mother and
stepfather, Kestine a[...]rried
Gordon Conger 0 1 May 1921. Gordon, the son of Charles
and Jessie Conger, was born in a log cabin near the site of
Western Montana College. He grew up on the P. & 0.
Ranch and at the family homestead four miles north of
Dillon. There Gordon built a canoe with which to[...]ld he was
bitten by a rattlesnake and as a result of the poisoning had
a hearing loss for the rest of his life. During World War I
he served in the Army at Fort Lewis WA in the AIR[...]s father.
John was a proud and devoted member of the American
Legion. He never married, and was a[...]L-R: Florence, John and Myrtle Nelson, children of Peder
Phil: a daughter, Carol Vivienne, 17 Aug 19[...]rked in the mines. In
1942 the family left Butte for Sandpoint ID and then to Both his parent[...]t marriage and one sister
Due to the illness of Florence's mother, the family from his mom'[...]Oakley for about a year, but lived most of their lives in[...]All of Ray's life, it was hard work or you didn't eat, b[...]that was the way life was so it was great when you wer[...]ell 10 Mar 1916 in Leadore ID. She was the second of[...]ime and worked on ranches.
He was their first son of six boys that would join this
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (59)[...]eir mom died
suddenly, leaving the
family to fend for
themselves. Frank never
married again. In the[...]ry young.
Ray and Fay first met
while working for her
grandmother on the
Horse Prairie. Later he
went haying for Smiths
on the Horse Prairie and
Fay was working in the Fay and Ray Nelson of Dillon. Ref.161.30.
cook house. They
marr[...]in Aberdeen.
They lived in American Falls ID for a while until Ray Fay and Ray lived on Railroad Avenue for a couple of
found a job in the Butte mines. Twice he was laid[...]e putting in long hours at the
From the first of their marriage, the couple took care of cafe, and now they were going to try running th[...]ber how fun Uncle Floyd sold his share of the White Cafe to Fern and
Ray was with his teasi[...]Dec 1955, Floyd, Fem and
in anger and was always kind and generous. Aunt Fay made Fay's beloved[...]rt condition,
sure the girls were well taken care of. Along with her own leaving pregnant Elaine[...]lva Ann and
children, she planned many fun events for everyone. Marie. Later a girl, Marla[...]ent, whatever they did, Ray and Fay time for the family. Floyd had been Ray's best buddy since[...]Carol was Whitehall to run the Borden Cafe for five years. The
born 05 Oct 1941. World War II st[...]Fern.
ended. During this time, they bought a home of their own About 1973 they sold the Whe[...]ld their farm and
This home became the anchor for both sides of their bought their home on Schuler Lane w[...]ey have five rentals at this place they take care of.
Floyd and his wife, Elaine, and Ray and Fay had[...]ski. LDS custodian and also worked for the government doing
The White Cafe was on Montana Street where half of the ranch surveys.
Norwest Bank parking lot is now. On the other side of the Their son, Lowell, and family live[...]afe was the Stockman's Bar. Fem joined them later that where Lowell manufactures and sells exotic leather goods.
year. Here the families worked hard for a living. Carol and family[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (60)[...]ily live in Nine
Miles Falls WA and he is a pilot
for Alaska Airlines.
Whenever the Nelsons moved,[...], Hawaii,
Europe, tours across the U.S. and
a lot of short vacations, making a
lot of good memories.
They both claim that though
life was hard, it has been a great
journey[...]born on 26
Jul 1884 in Morovia,
which is now part of
Czechoslovakia. Michael
had a brother Frank who
w[...]hemia, Austria 4 May,
1886, and died in World
War I, and a sister Lucy
Nettik, who as far as the
fami[...]Anbey. He
applied 25 Mar 1910
(#1257) declaration of
Intention and received his Bride Anna Biers Netti[...].
married in 1909 in Butte and lived in Anaconda for a time. Michael and Anna had eight[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (61)[...]Mar 1920 in Hilger; George representative for Morrell Meats. He died in Spokane WA
John born 24[...]dward George stayed in the Dillon area and worked for
Along with their eight children, Michael and Anna raised Pfizer Chemical south of town. He married Verona
Anna's sister Helen from the age of five, after her parents Thompson. Edward di[...]utte to the Joseph Michael lived for a time in Billings, and then
Lewistown area where[...]y moved to Firth and Blackfoot in December of 1958.
ID, then to Anaconda, Montana. In 1930, the[...]area working on the
to Dillon. Between the years of 1928 to 1936, Michael railroad. Pat m[...]the railroad he worked as a miner and welder, as
kind and generous man, who would never turn anyone dow[...]to Lucille lives in Butte and worked for a beverage
close the butcher shop, because of problems collecting past- distributing compa[...]counts. After closing the shop in 1936, he worked for Walter (Dusty) worked as a chef, and li[...]le as .a young boy on the Les
was elected Justice of the Peace in Dillon around 1948. Staudenmeyer Ranch in the Centennial Valley. He would
Nearly all the Nettiks presently liv[...]riding the range on horse
are direct descendants of Michael Anthony and Anna Biers back, and[...]o sons Jerry and Garry.
from a Slavic translation of the original Nothig spelling. Jerry wa[...]ed family member was Nicholas Nothig, for the Forest Service in Dillon the summer of 1960. Jerry
born in Miltenburg, Germany around 15[...]worked at the Garry played football for Beaverhead County High
butcher shop in Dil[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (62)[...]ildren, Dusty Lynn, Patrick Shone, children of Michael and Anna Biers Nettik. He attended
Shanno[...]Father F. X.
George worked as an illustrator for the Edgewood Lechner conducting the servi[...]when he moved to Anchorage AK. He was a bartender for
his brother, Joe. He also worked as a merchandiser for
Alaska Distributing. George died in Aug 1980.
Helen moved to Anchorage in 1952 and eventually
worked for her brother, Joe. Helen and George ran Joe' s
res[...]nne Nettik Johnson,
grandchildren of Michael and Anna Nettik

Michael E. "Pat" N[...]Hanna Malesich Nettik, wife of Michael "Pat" Nettik and
aunt of Philip Rebich. Ref.185.29.[...]eighth of ten children of John and Angela Miller Malesich.[...]Ranch north of Dillon, and often spoke of the fond
memories she had of the Drummey School.[...]different professions, first for the Union Pacific Railroad,[...]then Hand Mining in Argenta, and as a welder for Minerals
Front L-R: Hannah Malesich Nettik and gr[...]Engineering. Pat and his son Jimmy both worked for
"Pat" Nettik, attendants unidentified. Ref 185.32[...]Conoco Station on the comer of Glendale and Montana[...]n at
Born 05 Sep 1915 in Hilger MT, Pat was third of eight Barrett Hospital. Hannah disc[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (63)taking a transfer for the railroad, as she felt she should stay with computers and other areas of technology and worked at
in Dillon to care for her mother who lived just one house May's School of Technology and Computer Land of Billings
down on Thompson Street. She was a devot[...]before becoming the Computer Systems Engineer for CT A
mother, and took care of Pat after he was stricken with Architects Engineers in Billings.
Ataxia, a degenerative disease of the muscles. Nancy began te[...]iking feature about Hannah was her beautiful of Billings in 1980. She continued her education rec[...]play the piano. Nancy became the principal of Blue Creek School in 1996.
She shared many memories of growing up on the ranch in The school[...]with
their big families.
Pat died 05 Jan 1982 of complications of Ataxia.
Hannah died 11 Feb 1993 of cancer.
Their oldest son Jimmy, married Doris[...]Jachinda, who were born 31 Oct
1978. Jerry works for CTA in Billings as a computer
engineer. Nancy is[...]l in 1997 .
Jerry Michael Nettik, youngest son of Michael (Pat) Jennifer was accepted to the College of Art at Carnegie
Nettik and Hannah Malesich Nettik[...]n Pittsburgh PA and Jacinda was
youngest daughter of Harry and Helen Decker Andrus, were accepted to the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
married 20 Jul 1974.
Jerry worked for Stoltz Lumber until 1975 when he[...]ved to Billings in Jan 1979 where Jerry of William Edwards and Grace Bean. She grew up in the
went to work for Midland Implement. He later worked for Centennial Valley. She attended school in Monida, Dillon
Bell and Howell for several years. Jerry became an expert


More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (64)[...]he helped her mother, Grace, · cook on Smith of Anaconda, Sheri Nygren of Argenta and Mark
several ranches and was a terrific cook and baker. Smith of Warrensburg MO. She has four grandchildren.
Mu[...]a Guy and Muriel bought a ranch east of Lima in 1946
young cowboy and worked on several a[...]Beaverhead County and Idaho and they them for most of the ranches around the Lima area. Guy
also superv[...]child of Joseph G Rebich, at the home ranch south of Dillon.[...]attended the Blacktail School, where her teacher for all[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (65)[...]the piano. A buffet was served
and a band played for dancing
long into the night.
Harley LaMar Nor[...]n Melrose graduating from
the eighth grade in May of 1975. He entered BCHS the fall
1975 and graduated[...]Dennis returned
to Montana and worked as a helper for an exploration
drilling company. He also worked on ranches, including the
Rebich Ranch south of Dillon. He is single and lives in
Butte, where he[...]Harley and Mary Frances have lived in Melrose for the
last forty-one years.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (66)[...]Elaine Conover
Daniel Andrew Nye,
the eldest of three
children, was born 06
Oct 1955 to Donald
childhood, the family
would return to Dillon
for summer vacations and
holidays, and visiting his
g[...]running water at the summer house, but in an era of
fall of 1976, he was introduced to Kim Elaine Conover and[...]own at Grandma
Kim Elaine Conover, the eldest of five children, was Murlin's so we could g[...]d into a small two- the ranch in a couple of days, but we would remain at
room cabin. Kim beca[...]Having company was an extra special treat and I fondly
Kim spent most of her early childhood without electricity, rememb[...]ola Sweet would invite us to spend a whole
privy. I suppose we thought it was better if we were eaten[...]ined ourselves by motorcycle upon which I hit a large rut in the road and
wading in the creek, building forts, picking berries, toasting crashed. I was never quite as eager to ride it again.
marshm[...]ange and there, every spring we nurtured hundreds of baby day when going down a hill while riding in the bucket, I
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (67) Tractor rides lost their glory after that.
I never excelled at outdoor chores but did acquire a great Six Little Olsen Girls
love for cooking and sewing, thanks to Mom and Grandma.[...]This is the story of the six daughters of Henry Olsen and
Dan and they have resided in Dillon since that time.[...]blessed their home. Since the
Dan has worked for various contractors, the Forest
death of her husband, she continues to live in the family[...]home in Dillon.
currently doing appraisals for Aldon Enterprises and enjoys[...]Eleanor taught school a couple of years in Montana
building furniture.[...]. Eleanor met and
Kim has been superintendent of the Needlework[...]CA. She
Department at the Beaverhead County Fair for ten years and[...]with her sister, Bessie.
the Culinary Department for one year and is a charter[...]s recovering from surgery, so journeyed to
member of the Dillon Quilters' Guild. She strives to share[...]in her health. She met and married James
her love of needlework and cooking with her family and[...]ne company
enjoy hunting with their dad, but most of all our family
in Dillon for several years prior to meeting and marrying
looks[...]little girls, Marilyn and
We are truly proud of our pioneer heritage, their[...]Donald died
determination and sacrifice have kept that little homestead in[...]while a baby. Emily died 20 Apr 1995.
our family for more than a century, instilling in us a love for[...]ridges and
the land and allowing us the privilege of returning to the[...]e resumed her college education, receiving a
land of our forefathers.[...]ack) was 14 or 15 years old. Jack is now a Doctor of[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (68)[...]e E. Crane making. He developed his own recipe for mayonnaise. At
and settled at Fort Peck MT where Clarence worked on the that time there was no such thing as store bought
huge[...]For his Christmas treats to his many aunts, he made e[...]a quart of mayonnaise; Aunt Retta (Mrs. Ernest Orr), Aunt[...]), Aunt Aura (Mrs. Will Orr), Aunt Kate
first son of Bert Orr and Grace Barry of Salt Lake. He (Mrs. Matt Orr) and, of course, his mother, Grace (Mrs.
attended schools[...]r residence 19 Jan 1929. He
on Orr property south of the Orr mansion. became a working member of the P & 0 ranch partnership
in charge of sheep-raising. He and Alice lived at the home[...]changed the life style of Alice and Happy Orr.[...]of sergeant and was sent to the European Theater to[...]vicious fighting of the war, The Battle of the Bulge. There[...]had earned the Silver Star for bravery. He is interred in the[...]daughter of Carl and Kristi Hansen, Horse Prairie ranchers.[...]She taught one school term at a branch of the Medicine[...]taught one year at the Wise River school. She ran for
county treasurer and served a term in that office.
Alice was a member of St. James Episcopal Church[...]charter member of the Beaverhead County Museum[...]of the original museum building.[...]She was a charter member of the Dillon Soroptomist
Edward "Happy"[...]for Dillon's first ambulance.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (69)[...]Mathew J. Orr was the second son of John Tumey Orr[...]Dillon, and died 10 Mar 1973, at the age of 49, of lung[...]youngest son of William C. Orr and Rachel Cunnard Orr.[...]their herds of cattle, horses and sheep from the gold fields
of California to the Blacktail.[...]Early in life he displayed the mechanical ability that runs[...]"Jack and Matt of the WX", written in 1933 about the[...]adventures on the ranch, has a picture of the mechanical go-
cart that he, at age 10, had constructed.[...]ome a mountain cabin
in the Beartooth Range south of Red Lodge. She taught
school several terms in Red Lodge and served as manager of
the Red Lodge Historical Museum during the summer[...]nizations promoting the
collecting and preserving of western relics. She developed
a series of lectures and demonstrations which she presented
t[...]yoming and on television. She
served as secretary of the Northern Rocky Mountain Barbed
Wire Collectors' Association.
She was a life member of the Order of Eastern Star, the
Daughters of the Nile and P.E.O. Matt Orr, principal of Dillon Elementary School.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (70)[...]ry schools, he
graduated from BCHS
with the class of 1942
and enlisted in the
Marine Corps. After
basic trammg, he
participated in the Battle
of Okinawa. After
discharge from the
servi[...]Western Montana College
and constructed a number
of homes.
On 21 Nov 1951,
Evelyn McMannis Larson[...]Falls ID.
In 1958, he was appointed principal of the Bagley
School. After Parkview School was completed, he took
charge of the new school. When Superintendent Jim
Womack resigned 01 Jan 1969, Matt became the
administrator of District 10, a position he held for two years
until failing health forced his retirement.
He died 12 Mar 1973, not yet fifty years of age and was
laid to rest in the Orr family plot i[...]recalled by those who knew him as an
industrious, kind, honest, talented man with a great sense of
humor--always ready with a good story .[...]was born 30 May 1904 in Bellingham
WA. He was one of eleven children born to Mr. and Mrs.
Ben O[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (71)[...]five children, two
taught the Frank Rife children for one term. boys and three girls. Two of the daughters live in other
Some of the students whom Lois taught were Edwin[...]ead, where Alvin one daughter, both of them now living in Germany. Leroy
delivered the mail from the train depot to the post office for and his present wife now live in Milwaukie OR.[...]ck-hauling When Allen Scollard, son of Lois Owen's brother,
business which was well know[...]ather Scollard. His Aunt Lois, still
the youngest of nine children born to James and Elizabeth[...]al Armstead. His aunt and uncle were two of the dearest
College in Dillon and received her te[...]--Ellen Scollard, wife of Allen Scollard[...]Ref076.0l.

Converted to commercial use as home for the Trader and apartments in the late 1970[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (72)[...]Billie A. Scott
Donald Pace was the
son of Joseph and Maude
Joy Pace. The family
moved to Id[...]yed guard on
the basketball team and
was selected for the all-
star team his junior and
senior years.[...]the South
Pacific aboard the cruiser
USS Santa Fe for the
remainder of World War
IL After the war, he
returned to Dillon where
in 1949 he entered the
trammg program for
telegrapher clerk for the
Union Pacific Railroad. Front: Grandma B[...]e met Billie
Scott who came to Dillon

as manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company.
Donald R. Pa[...]ried in Butte 19 Sep
They became parents of a son, David, born 04 Aug 1962
in Butte. He recei[...]le stationed at Fort Hood, he met Therese
Gibbons of Grand Rapids MI, who was also in the army.
They married at Belton TX on 10 Jul 1985. They are
parents of a daughter, Amber, born 24 Nov 1985 at Killeen
In 1987 David and family were sent to Germany for a
tour of duty. In 1988 Donald and Billie went to visit the[...]Aviv, Israel, during Desert Storm.
At the end of Desert Storm, he and his family were sent
to Fort[...]police action, he
was sent to Mogadishu, Somalia, for six months, while his
family stayed in Kansas.[...]nd Billie Pace, taken Jun 1996. Ref 176.03.
Board for twenty-five years, Billie as secretary-tre[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (73) Billie was state president of the Rebekah Assembly of Margery Jardine also came to work for Moses and Lucy
Montana and , while president, est[...]dock, the oldest son,
Odd Fellow Scholarship fund for the B and C students of in 1905;
Montana.[...]ock. Four Jardines had now married four Paddocks.
for twenty years . Harve Paddock, a bachelor, often remarked that he never
After working for the Union Pacific Railroad for 29 married became there were no Jardine[...]Donald, who lives in Wise River
Bercham, a friend of the Paddocks. After two years of with wife, Irene, and their s[...]ease was arrested.
Mary A. Francis, a friend of John 's, came west from 2.1.2) La[...]n 1995);
They moved to Butte and John worked for Mary's father,
W.W. Francis, in a sawmill. In 188[...]they lived in Anaconda and had 5
south of Wisdom where they spent the rest of their lives. children (Suzanne di[...]live in St. Maries ID and have four
an inclusion of the James Jardine history . James Jardine, a[...]n the Big Hole and Anaconda area.
country to work for a cousin, Frank Pendleton, and became[...]Mary, who married Don Nelson and has three
of the Paddock children.[...]ried Jim
Eva Jardine came to Montana to work for her brother and Christensen and[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (74)[...]five children.

2.5) John Paddock (grandson of the pioneer) 4 .1) Amy Paddock, a teach[...]netta 4.5.1) Larry married Darlene Moe of
died in 1987.[...]e, Margery Urich, ranch
Anderson, live east of Anaconda. They have near Dil[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (75)[...]First Presbyterian Church of Anaconda for the past 25 years .[...]s now deceased. Community Nursing Home of Anaconda, where she died[...]shes were
Paul E. (Ned) married Lorraine Anderson of Polson. He buried in Wisdom Memorial Ce[...]Jack, Paul and Jim Paddock ranched and spent most of Robert Bruce Paddock was born 14 Aug 1948 to Lucille
their lives in the Fish Trap area of the Big Hole. M. (Campbell) Paddock[...]Dillon. Mary Ann was the oldest of four children, all born[...]the ranch north of Dillon and everyone lives north of Dillon

2) John Oliver Berthold[...], and Margery Jardine Paddock. She was the second of and John graduated from BCHS. Brenda marri[...]g the GM Automotive
Trap, then to Malad and Butte for high school. School at CSI in Tw[...]Pablo and
She married Roy Wells, an engineer for Montana Power Dillon. They moved to Dillon in August of 1961 where they
Co . in 1932. Roy died 14 Jun 193[...]n in the regular Army, in 1939. He the corner of Glendale and Washington Streets where
was killed[...]ent on alone. South Dakota until the spring of 1965.
She traveled, worked at several radio stati[...]ling health, the Texaco service
an office manager for Lloyds of London in Los Angeles. station closed it[...]e Lucille was working as a nurse. John died there of
quit her 18-year job with Lloyd's and leave the noise of the pancreatic cancer 19 Aug 1965. Soon after,[...]ed a mystery novel, A Local Call, then Dean of Women at the girls' dormitory.
Turn Here for the Big Hole, Big Hole Journal, Land of Ten Bob and brother Jim, plus another r[...]ptains, all stories very small apartment for the summer 1965. Jim was
about the country she gr[...]Paul's Chevrolet as a parts man and Bob was
Hole Valley history and American Indian culture. working for Carl Stewart Construction.

Families - 624

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (76) Bob and I (Mary Malesich) met in the fall of 1965 and It is presumed that the place caught fire while Page slept,
went through the next year of high school together. Bob neighboring ran[...]the charred ruins
graduated from BCHS in 1966 and I graduated in 1968. of the cabin on Wednesday morning.
Bob enrolled as a student the fall of 1966 at Western The place is off th[...]this time of the year in that region that Undertaker Brundage
At this point, he was ren[...]arrive in Dillon with
at her home on South Rife. For the summer of 1967, Bob the remains until Saturday or[...]nings at the Bagley School. team.
He worked for Hobert Sneed in his sporting goods store[...]lived in the
part-time and went on to be mechanic for Sneed,s Cycle & Centennial Valley for about 12 years. He was a blacksmith
Sled.[...]view. He
It was just a small shop in the back of Sneed, s Sporting was a native of New York. Attempts are being made to
Goods until[...]Pam
Scott and Dan Scott purchased the partnership of Hobert
Sneed and Robert Paddock and Bob went to work for Parke[...]dith Hansen
Up until the time we got married, I had lived at the
family ranch north of Dillon, with the exception of the year Harold Palmer was born 1909 in Rochelle IL. He
I spent in Spokane attending Kinman Business Univer[...]ed football in high school.
On the ranch, all of us were put to work at an early age He remembe[...]a tractor and picking rocks to raising livestock for Reagan was playing football.
the county fairs.
I met Bob in 1965 and after about four years, we we[...]We rented our first home which was at the corner
of Franklin and Vine. After two years, we bought a trailer
and moved to the ranch. The fall of 1976, we moved into
our own home at the ranch on an acre of ground Bob and I
bought from the ranch.
Meanwhile, I had been working for Mitchell Drug at its
former location at 2 S. Montana. I worked there for about
five years and then took time off to be with the kids. Later
I went to work for the State Bank the fall of 1981 and stayed
there for 11 ½ when I was offered the job at the investment
firm of Edward Jones located at 126 S. Montana Street. I
started there June of 1993 and that brings our family up to
1997.[...]undage were notified by phone Wednesday afternoon that
Henry F. Page, a well-known resident of the valley, had
been burned to death in the Mailey cabin north of Lakeview
about 40 miles from Monida.
No details of the tragedy are available here, as no word
has be[...]m the two men who left immediately to
take charge of the remains.
Even the date of the fire apparently is unknown. It is
said that the man had been living alone at the Maile[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (77)[...]on the Union Pacific Railroad in Lima
stage show like "Uncle Tom's Cabin" or "East Lynne", he at the age of 17. He met Mary Cameron Frazier of
would remain until the show crowd headed for home, Gardiner, a divorced young wo[...]and also have a daughter, Linda, born in 1948.
of ambitious young persons, had gladly given him[...]e army because
permission to leave the stand back of the bank, so when all his job as locomotive[...]ific. he ran many troop and prisoner-of-war trains through Idaho
Sometimes too tired[...]n, Mary and family moved to Pocatello ID in 1951.
for cooking breakfast and more studying. Clean, court[...]industrious and honest, he commanded the respect of all. reside. Both love fishing and campin[...]Ruggedly independent, the only favor he asked was that been spent in the beautiful Big Sheep a[...]His experiences in the forty-seven years of service with
how the Rev. Sidney Hooker, Episcopa[...]Union Pacific are many and varied, from the days of the
to his cabin early one Saturday morning to tell him of a hand-fired steam engines to the present[...]o loan him money to go to
college, but he did not like being obligated and in those days Ven[...]ame a top ranch and range man, working many
years for Ernest Selway and Beaverhead Ranch Company,[...]his stride the intense heat and lightning storms of Griggs. She died in 1905 in Texas; he then married Sara
summer and the snow and bitter cold of winter--riding, Patterson·.
packing, d[...]Riggs.
his money and quietly enjoying the company of relatives and They married in Illinois and m[...]where they started a family consisting of: Annie, Buddie,
When his sister was widowed,[...].
to help operate her orchards, enjoying this new kind of work In 1887 they started for Montana, trailing two bands of
because he liked to see things grow.[...]r
married a lovely lady and they enjoyed a number of years WY. While at Wamsutter, they had a[...]his 80s and his last had acquired water rights for the old Price place where they
illness was short. A genuine pioneer of this area died 22 first settled. Tom later[...]It was said that Tom B. Patterson was the largest[...]landowner in southern Beaverhead County at that time. The
Bernard "Bun" Patterson[...]ches to his son, Vene Patterson, and son-in-
Of the seven children born to Vene and Mary Patterso[...]itch out. Vene
only two survive, Howard Patterson of Colorado Springs, was in his twenties wh[...]se ranches.
Colorado, and Bernard "Bun" Patterson of Dillon.

Families - 628

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (78)[...]great-granddaughter of Vene Patterson

Vene Patterson, taken 24 Apr 1907. Ref.176.06.

Vene Patterson and Mary Peterson of Lima were married
in April 1907 . There were seve[...]and E.F. John. At this time they are all deceased
except Bernard (Bun) Patterson of Dillon and Howard
Patterson of Colorado Springs CO. Mary Patterson, Vene 's
wife[...]in childbirth in Dillon. Vene continued
to ranch for a few more years and then the ranch was
acquired[...]Sonny Peterson (also related).
Vene was a very kind man and generous to a fault. He
became good friends with Chief Tendoy of Fort Hall ID.
Each year the Tendoys spent part of the summer with them
on their way to Lemhi. The I[...]d, Vene gave them provisions and Mary baked
bread for them. In return, Tendoy's wife gave Mary hand-
made beaded gloves.
It is told that in the 1920s when Charles Lindbergh was
barn-stor[...]n could see the airplane. His
son, Bun, remembers that they were so frightened they ran Thomas B. Pa[...]ene's later life, he worked on Big Sheep west of Dell, now known as Canyon Ranch.
ranches h[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (79)[...]on the Union Pacific Railroad in Lima
stage show like "Uncle Tom's Cabin" or "East Lynne", he at the age of 17. He met Mary Cameron Frazier of
would remain until the show crowd headed for home, Gardiner, a divorced young wo[...]and also have a daughter, Linda, born in 1948.
of ambitious young persons, had gladly given him[...]e army because
permission to leave the stand back of the bank, so when all his job as locomotive[...]ific. he ran many troop and prisoner-of-war trains through Idaho
Sometimes too tired[...]n, Mary and family moved to Pocatello ID in 1951.
for cooking breakfast and more studying. Clean, court[...]industrious and honest, he commanded the respect of all. reside. Both love fishing and campin[...]Ruggedly independent, the only favor he asked was that been spent in the beautiful Big Sheep a[...]His experiences in the forty-seven years of service with
how the Rev. Sidney Hooker, Episcopa[...]Union Pacific are many and varied, from the days of the
to his cabin early one Saturday morning to tell him of a hand-fired steam engines to the present[...]o loan him money to go to
college, but he did not like being obligated and in those days Ven[...]ame a top ranch and range man, working many
years for Ernest Selway and Beaverhead Ranch Company,[...]his stride the intense heat and lightning storms of Griggs. She died in 1905 in Texas; he then married Sara
summer and the snow and bitter cold of winter--riding, Patterson·.
packing, d[...]Riggs.
his money and quietly enjoying the company of relatives and They married in Illinois and m[...]where they started a family consisting of: Annie, Buddie,
When his sister was widowed,[...].
to help operate her orchards, enjoying this new kind of work In 1887 they started for Montana, trailing two bands of
because he liked to see things grow.[...]r
married a lovely lady and they enjoyed a number of years WY. While at Wamsutter, they had a[...]his 80s and his last had acquired water rights for the old Price place where they
illness was short. A genuine pioneer of this area died 22 first settled. Tom later[...]It was said that Tom B. Patterson was the largest[...]landowner in southern Beaverhead County at that time. The
Bernard "Bun" Patterson[...]ches to his son, Vene Patterson, and son-in-
Of the seven children born to Vene and Mary Patterso[...]itch out. Vene
only two survive, Howard Patterson of Colorado Springs, was in his twenties wh[...]se ranches.
Colorado, and Bernard "Bun" Patterson of Dillon.

Families - 628

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (80)[...]great-granddaughter of Vene Patterson

Vene Patterson, taken 24 Apr 1907. Ref.176.06.

Vene Patterson and Mary Peterson of Lima were married
in April 1907. There were seven[...]and E.F. John. At this time they are all deceased
except Bernard (Bun) Patterson of Dillon and Howard
Patterson of Colorado Springs CO. Mary Patterson, Vene's
wife,[...]in childbirth in Dillon. Vene continued
to ranch for a few more years and then the ranch was
acquired[...]Sonny Peterson (also related).
Vene was a very kind man and generous to a fault. He
became good friends with Chief Tendoy of Fort Hall ID.
Each year the Tendoys spent part of the summer with them
on their way to Lemhi. The I[...]d, Vene gave them provisions and Mary baked
bread for them. In return, Tendoy's wife gave Mary hand-
made beaded gloves.
It is told that in the 1920s when Charles Lindbergh was
barn-stor[...]n could see the airplane. His
son, Bun, remembers that they were so frightened they ran Thomas B. Pa[...]ene's later life, he worked on Big Sheep west of Dell, now known as Canyon Ranch.
ranches h[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (81)[...]the Roosevelt school in Great Falls for three years. She
Daniel Jackson Pendergast, only child of Tom and Ida remembers teaching Jack, the adopted son of Charles
Jackson Pendergast, was born 01 Dec 1910[...]tivities in Beaverhead County, becoming President of
Dan grew up in the Jackson and Wisdom area of the Big the Beaverhead Home Demonstration C[...]resenting
Hole where his father ranched. The town of Jackson was Montana at the National Home Demonstration Council
named for his grandfather, Antone Jackson, who was[...]ug 1896. national meeting of United Presbyterian Women at Purdue
Dan said[...]26 Jun to 01 Jul 1961.
Wisdom was "hard earned," for he rode to school by Dan and Bertie had fond memories of Western Montana
horseback many times in the cold[...], Tom John Pendergast, graduated from
Association of Future Farmers of America and won the first there. Daughter, D[...]n Daniel and Alberta Pendergast Endowment Fund for an
the regional oratorical contest in Phoenix AZ.[...]d Dianne Elizabeth born
attending her second year of the State Normal College. 14 Mar 1942. D[...]urth grade in the Roosevelt School at Great Falls for three Both sons attended grade school in Wi[...]ol in Melrose and high school in
Episcopal Church of Great Falls. Dillo[...]er Presidents in Dillon and State
which was built for them on the ranch. They bought another Farmers. Tom was President of the Montana Association in
ranch in 194 7 and mov[...]r Degree at
sold in 197 4 and retired to Missoula for three years. In the National Convention in[...]onsored by the
Dan was an elder in the Church of the Big Hole for 12 F.F.A. in 1956 in Dillon.
years and a past elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Dan spent three years at college in Bozeman and Tom
Dillon. He was a 4-H leader in Melrose for five years and spent a shorter length of time there. Dianne received ?er
served on the Board of Directors of the Vigilante Electric Master's Degree from the University at Missoula graduatmg
Co-op for seven years from the Glen, Melrose and Wise with honors.
River areas. He also served on the Board of the Beaverhead Danny married Nancy Coming of Billings and Melrose
Soil Conservation District. He was a past member of the 07 Nov 1959 at the Butte Presbyterian Church. They
Masonic Lodge and a member of the Dillon Rotary Club. operated the Sportsman Motel in Melrose for ten years, then
His mother died in 1948. His fath[...]with moved to a ranch at Stevensville MT for eighteen years.
Dan and Bertie for 14 years in Melrose, passed away in From there they purchased some of the Marcus Daly land in
1962.[...]iends. A few Lori married Mike McCauley of Stevensville. They have
months prior to that, Dan developed a brain tumor and three[...]bbie and Beckie and live in Cut
passed away with that affliction in Dillon 14 Feb 1995. He Bank.[...]Matthew married Theresa Cote of Edmonton, Canada and
Alberta attended the public schools of Great Falls and they have one son, Tyler wh[...]high school there in 1929. She attended the of Pendergasts. They live near Stevensville.
Normal College in Dillon for two years where she was Jill married Steve Knoll of Platte SD. They have two[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (82)[...]ried Joan Smith on the Pendergast When I was 15 , Grugaw was a master mechanic where
ranch[...]Chip street. "Well, John," he said, "I haven't seen you since you
Camp of Dillon 16 Oct 1972 in Nevada. They have twin were six weeks old and I packed you around. Now," he
girls, Erica and Emily, and Muryea and also two said, "I will give you a job packing mail down to the
gran[...]jjah John Peterson. dredge."
Mary Ann works for the State Department in Butte as a I worked a couple of years and Grugaw got sick and
driver examiner.[...]went to Bannack and stayed at the Gibson Hotel. I went to
Jean married David Fifield in Alaska[...]see him several times and one day he said , "I am going to
live in Ketchikan, Alaska, and have three children, Alysia, give you a keepsake, something I made with my own
Brett and Macala Ann.[...]e had forged on
Tom John married Mary Ann Lynch of Butte 22 Sep 1995 an anvil years before. I was always afraid I would lose it.
in the St. Ann's Catholic Church of Butte. They live on the It went through one fire in Jackson. So I thought it would
Pendergast Ranch in Melrose. Mar[...]be safer there (in the museum) and if he knows, I know he
employed in the Radiology Departmei:it of St. James Hospital would be glad to have people[...]the Gibson Hotel.
Dianne married David Hilger of Dillon, a graduate of Now for the frying pan--we owned the Bon Accord
Beaverhea[...]13 Jun 1964. Dave Hilger was in the Gulch. I go up every summer and have run on to a lot of
Air Force, and they lived in Fairbanks AK and eight other things the old timers used. I was walking down from
states. Dave retired from t[...]lings pile the
Feb 1993, after twenty-seven years of service. They now dredges had dug up. Ther[...]ings CO where Dianne has taught high there that all went through the dredge, so I imagine it went
school for the past 13 years of her 17 year career. through the dredg[...]m Covenant Will tell you more when I see you.
College on Lookout Mountain TN.
Dan[...]--J .E. Pendergast
gratifying marriage of sixty years and a very precious
family.[...]Dorothy Perkins, daughter of Will Perkins and Mary
Taken from a le[...]ol on
Read your letter and am glad to help as I think it is Highway 91 North, and until her marriage in 1951, she
wonderful for any town to have.[...]Us boys went to school in Bannack and knew a lot of real She married Lt. Irving H. Wescott of Waltham MA in
old timers that had crossed the plains. I am 70 now so Dillon in Jun 1951. They mov[...]was stationed.
first gold dredge launched; that was the F .L. Graves. Then After his disch[...]N. Billerica MA school system. When they both
I was born in Eureka NV. My mother and Aunt[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (83)[...]ta. Gayle worked the livestock auction south of Dillon. They managed the
in Africa in the Peace C[...]teaching in Minnesota. auction until the fall of 1969.
Bruce is in Washington D. C. pursuing a[...]1964 at Grace United
Diplomatic Corps. He worked for the Michael Dukakis Methodist Church in[...]rom MSU in 1987. She is married to Chris Colleran of
--Gaines, Great[...]quality coordinator for Medalia Healthcare. Chris is a[...]managing partner for Redmond Technology.
Keith Peters[...]lace, Home Ranch. They purchased it in the spring of
1969 from Ben and Jo Slanger.[...]Marie Brown

Keith Peters at the entrance of Home ranch where he lives
with his wife Louise. R[...](until five years old) and then three
miles east of Home Ranch.
Keith came to Montana in the spring of 1963, working in
a sawmill at Missoula and then o[...]t Wisdom. He Marie Brown Petersen, mother of Nancyann Jardine.
came to Dillon one Sunday and stopped for coffee at Lee's R[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (84)[...]n in 1901 where they farmed and operated
youngest of six children born to Henry Harrison Brown and[...]al schools and found numerous odd jobs
farm" east of Dillon on the Sweetwater Road. Two older[...]downtown Dillon on the street comer for Walter Stamm,
She attended local schools with her sister, Hazel, and who was the agent for the Butte Miner and Anaconda
brothers, Bill and C[...]urchased a new bicycle from Jewelson Bicycle Shop for
County High School and attended the local Normal College. $35. He also fished for whitefish in the Beaverhead River
In 1934 she[...]MT. which the local restaurants purchased for 25 cents per
They made their home in Dillon their[...]She while attending Link's Business College for two years.
worked as an operator until the local[...]music at the theater between movies , played for dances and[...]Upon returning to Dillon, he continued to play for dances
with the many musical groups that played for the numerous[...]for a dance and finding all of the dance hall furniture out in[...]nue location. After the dairy was sold, he worked for[...]second grades in
Peter C. Petersen, father of Nancyann Jardine .[...]Sam didn't like living in Sweden then and came back to[...]their to West Fox School. He helped with some of the cattle
favorite vacation spot, Hawaii, before[...]Petersen was born in Denmark 18 Mar Ranch for a year for the First National Bank.
1899 to Jens and Anna Pe[...]nd eastern Montana
homeland, Denmark, at the time of his birth. The family before comin[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (85)Forty Bar Ranch for one year, then moved to the present Melvin John was a member of the Montana Livestock
ranch that Alfred's son, Harold, now lives on. Emma and Commission and a brand inspector for many years. He
Alfred had four sons, Darwin Alfre[...]d never married, but his three nephews were like his own.
Dean and Richard Thomas. Alfred died in[...]rother, Ralph
still lives on the ranch at the age of 101. Peterson, in 1961.[...]years of their marriage at the Ajax Ranch. In the fall of[...]sons, Douglas and Melvin.
Twins of the Big Hole
Mary Forcella
Elvin Sam and Melvin John Peterson were identical twin
sons of Sam Peterson who ranched in the Big Hole for fifty
years. Elvin and Melvin were noted for trying to confuse
people. They lived all their lives together making the Forty
Bar Ranch the great ranch that it is today.[...]son of Sam Peterson. He died 19 Nov 1974. Ref.184.20A.[...]Doug married Deanna Wittmier of Hardin who was a[...]a son, Dale. M.D. who married Heidi Staudenmeyer of[...]o's Dental Hygiene school
Melvin J. Peterson, son of Sam Peterson of the Big Hole. and married Joe Foster. They[...]nd Katy.
Elvin married Mary Forcella, formerly of Feeley (south Janine, the youngest of the four, married Jeff Hale of
of Butte). Mary is in good health and lives i[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (86)[...]nt in Dillon. In 1943 she married John L. Schuler of
Day Rodeo in Dillon and is a member of the Barrett Dillon. After their five[...]is and John still reside at their residence north of
veterinarian. He had a small animal clinic in Sou[...]28, Leota was
had three children: Kim, the mother of two boys, is a unable to keep their far[...]l brother, Ray. It was during this time that Leota, brother
practices Psychology; David and wi[...]three children where David is the played for country dances.
Water Resource Program Manager for California. In 1935 Leota ma[...]work for different families in Dillon. She was also[...]his family. They settled near Buffalo SD. for many years. Leota was noted for her love of music.
Leota was born 10 Aug 1898 in Gilman IA. I[...]She sang with the Presbyterian Church choir for many years.
father traveled to South Dakota where[...]Leota died in 1996.
homestead seven miles south of Reva in Harding County.[...]ed Dean
Rider, a nearby homesteader, in Bison SD. Of this marriage[...]Prairie and attended school at Grant.
(descendant of Davy Crockett) and settled in San Diego CA[...]s still active,
where he worked as an electrician for the school district. Eva Stocker, his teache[...]k in his horse-
Nerison, Doris became a secretary for the local school drawn buggy. After a quick diagnosis, he said, "Thilda, I
district. Doris passed away in 1993. Doris and Ove had think he should chew a better brand of tobacco after this."
two children.[...]g and raking. Later, Herman rode horseback
Street for several years. She moved to California where she checking for runaways as the work horses were used only
married Jack Keenan. Marion was a secretary for the for haying. There was a "swimming hole" in the ditch
Sunnyvale CA School District for many years. Her where the m[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (87)[...]Hairpin Ranch seven inducted into the "Hall of Fame" posthumously in 1976.
miles from Jackson .[...]riends Masons, Jesters and was Potentate of the Butte Baghdad
needed a ride to go dancing at[...]date. Finally she agreed. Herman saw to it that Baghdad Shriners and their wives
They were marrie[...]at that time.[...]al and International Live Bird
Shoots. He was one of a five-man squad and the first team Herman[...]tephen Thomas .
and was on the Handicap Committee for many years.

Families - 636

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (88)[...]nbow horseback. School was at West Fox, a trip of six miles one
Girls, Cub Scouts, 4-H leader, East[...]hool felt wonderful to the cold
gardening, caring for a new baby and later caring for her ill children.
mother-in-law, along with all the things that go with being
a wife and mother.
Herman owned[...]ter his mother died in 1942. He sold a small
herd of buffalo to the city of Portland to be used for the
Oregon State Centennial and a state preserve.[...]do the job.
Haying would start around the 4th of July and continue
until the snows fell. Work was done by one tractor to cut
around the perimeter and horses for cutting, raking and
stacking. It took 40 men and two hay camps to do the
work. The Big Hole was called "the valley of 10,000
haystacks. "
In the mid-1940s, Herman was Rodeo President for two
years and furnished some livestock for events.
Shirley Smith teaches high school in[...]Palo Alto CA.
Tom has grain elevators and all that goes with them in
Wilsall MT.[...]Louise did all the cooking for the family and the hired[...]using the utensils and machines of the time and made things[...]harder. Seeing old relics, she always said, "I don't care to
Oren K. "Kay" Peterson look at them, I had to use them."
Louise Simonsen[...]her family. Just prior to the death of her mother, she moved
Oren Kenneth "Kay" Peter[...]1912 at back to Dillon where she worked for the Busy Bee Grocery
Bannack MT to Samuel Peterso[...]After Beverley and Walton were
the seventh child of eight. He married Louise Simonsen of married and left home, Louise moved back to Sheridan
Sheridan, who was the daughter of Hans and Egidia where she married L[...]terson family home Les was the treasurer of the Senior Citizens Club. Lester
ranch. Kay's bro[...]marriage and Louise is a charter member of the Big Hole Rebekah
Sam lived with them until hi[...]Lodge and the Eastern Star. Kay was a member of the
Kay and Louise had two children. Beverley[...]ldren: Ben, Laura, Jay and Andy.
to the isolation of the valley. There were hardships of[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (89)[...]Whitworth School. They tied their horses for the day in[...]The Bannack Indians, once the tribe of Chief Tendoy,[...]at Pete's ranch, because of the open spring water throughout[...]grade working on ranches in Idaho and riding for the[...]as "The Klondike," named that because it was in the shade
almost all of the time and because of its cold temperature.[...]It was located at the mouth of Cabin Creek and the head of[...]was cooking for the haying crew, cleaning and doing other[...]photo taken Jan 1934. Ref 148.13.

The family of Peter Hansen Peterson and Annie Caroline[...]t was a
(Flynn) Peterson continues with the birth of a son, William double ceremony with Esther's m[...]nd Carrie went to ranching, spending a lot of time away from home in the mountains.

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (90)[...]possessions were some wild horses which grew to a
of sheep. band of some 95 over the years. Pettingill never rode or[...]d the animals and they all ate salt from the hand of
their fine leather work and beadwork for home-made butter, their master.
bread, cream and milk. Once, one of the Indians would not The recluse con[...]wboy hat on dugouts, caves and old cabins. Like the troll in the fairy
his head; he laughed excit[...]River. He subsisted on wild game and it was said that he
for an addition to Sonny's life, one of them said, "What, no invariably ate his meat raw . People swore that they often
papoose yet? Maybe him ride horse too much!" All sa[...]like a bear and gorge on the choice sections of a freshly
The next time, oh boy! A baby boy w[...]summer. His odd garb, his piercing dark eyes that gleamed
"Brownie" because out of all the Petersons, she was the only from his[...]and beard gave him an over-all appearance that put sudden
Sonny and Esther continued ranching, loving it and gray hairs in the scalps of many an angler and nimrod whom
working hard, making a good living for the family until they Pettingill chanced to meet.
sold the ranch to Leon Hirsch of Hirsch Enterprises.[...]George Pettingill
Wild Man of Wise River

They called him "The Wild Man of Wise River", a fitting
title which made him a candidate for a place in the Chicago
Exposition of 1893 as well as drug store and circus
exhibitions[...]amed a 50-mile radius through the Rocky
Mountains of southwestern Montana.
People forgot that his name was George Pettingill; that he
was but a pitiful introvert, driven from the conventional
pattern of human behavior.
He was regarded as a sort of carnivorous Pan with the
addition of long hair and beard. Pettingill, a native of
Wisconsin, began adult life prosaically enough. H[...]tward, eventually Pettingill, dubbed "Wild man of Wise River." Ref.194.02.
reaching Montana where[...]r
Twin Bridges, the point at which the confluence of the Big
Hole and Beaverhead Rivers forms the Jef[...]these encounters, Pettingill retreated so rapidly that
Pettingill' s stepson contracted diphther[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (91)[...]rmany and was discharged 19 Jul 1947. After
trees like an ape.[...]e Army, he went to the Normal
One day a group of youngsters were wandering about the College for one quarter.
hills near the mining camp of Glendale when Pettingill He then be[...]as there until the ranch was sold to
children ran for home and startled the Glendalites no end by John Casey of Nevada.
screaming, "Here comes Jesus!"[...]na, spending their time playing a little golf and
for a picture with the professor at his side.[...]d Man, contrary to popular belief, had a fondness
for other food besides meat. He loved fruit and it's[...]--Dale & Joanie Pettit
this "weakness" that he found himself exhibited at a drug
store in But[...]n From Montana," live in a
cage, and eat raw meat for the gore-loving spectators.[...]his anthropophobic haze. This occurred during one of
the son of George and Josephine Pettit, the first of three
Montana's famous capital "fights" when a number of towns[...]he first six grades in
were desperately competing for state capitalship, stumping[...]llon, he attended the
even the small mining camps for votes. A rally was being[...]e Bagley School. He attended
staged in the hamlet of Dewey's Flat.[...]Because of the construction of the new high school,
Pettingill astonished the as[...]classes were held at the college for a part of the 1939-40
oratory. The last speaker asked if an[...]e Marines. After
A wag called on the Wild Man for a speech. Pettingill[...]training, he was assigned to an artillery unit that was
accepted the challenge and put the guest orat[...]attached to the Army for the invasion of Leyte. It was the
Witnesses say that Pettingill made a brilliant talk which only[...]first island the Army captured in the conquest of the
a man of education could present extemporaneously.[...]ncis was discharged from the Marines in Feb 1946.
of the Wild Man's wickiups and dugouts are still to[...]ate Normal College at Dillon and
in the mountains of the Pioneer Range and the Highland[...]and track teams and captain of the 1948 championship[...]cis began his teaching career in Libby MT in fall of[...]949. He was recalled into the Marines in the fall of 1950
for the Korean Conflict and served in the 3rd battali[...]Joanie Clemow of 1977.[...]Francis and Catherine Roberts, a graduate of the Normal
Dale Pettit was born 31 Oct 1927 in Dillon, the son of School, married 01 Aug 1953 in D' Aste Cath[...]he family moved to Dillon in 1937 daughter of Albert and Margaret Roberts of Charlo MT.
where he finished grade school at Bagl[...]Catherine's mother, Margaret Dwyer, taught for one term in
attended Beaverhead County Hig[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (92)[...]ine had until he quit during the spring of his senior year to work
seven children.[...]school and would
Catherine and Francis worked for the Forest Service in later play town team baseball in Big Hole.
Libby for several years. Francis was Smokey the Bear for Francis remembers him catching for two teams in
many parades held in the 1970s and 1[...]Service in 1991. players. The rest of the Pettit family moved up to Montana
Catherine p[...]y the Reverend Father Frank this time that they obtained a contract to cut firewood at the
W[...]up in California
Francis and Helen P. Calkins of Centralia WA married where George found employment as a carpenter for some of
in dual services, one at the First Presbyterian Church in the early dams built in the mountains of the state.
Centralia by Reverend Michael Moreland[...]married Josephine "Dot" Quigley in a celebration of a
winters in Tucson AZ and much of the summers attending nuptial mass con[...]would have been in Dillon for most of the Big Hole people).
Josephine "Dot" Quigle[...]cooking . One of the most challenging and dangerous tasks
George Dwain Pettit, the second eldest of four, was born that George faced happened when they were on the Frank[...]y, on horseback,
family farm situated on the bank of the Republic River near trailed a herd of cattle over the Galdstone Pass into the Big
Red C[...]in sub-zero weather, and with three feet or more of snow on
Shortly afterwards, John traded his farm for land in the the ground.
Sand Hills of north-central Nebraska. He purchased 200[...]the Hazelbaker ranch, Red and Dot purchased
head of purebred Hereford heifers from Ohio . During the[...]inter, a severe storm hit the area and nearly all of John's Garage in Wisdom. Just after they got[...]h,
cattle died, resulting in a loss to the family of all the money which was only four miles from to[...]he couple to drain the radiator because
After that, John bought a hotel just outside of Broken it was going to get so cold that the antifreeze wouldn't do
Bow NE. George[...]er leaving the ranch, the family lived in Jackson for
also owned the New House Hotel in Salt Lake City UT. four years. At that time, George found employment with the
George worked as a bellhop at the hotel. A friend of county, maintaining the county roads[...]w high school. He also found
he had was his wages for the day--five dollars. They had to employme[...]er in Pocatello ID where he climbed onto the roof of until he was hired as a janitor by Clancy Johnson, principal
a passenger car that was headed for Butte. of Beaverhead County High School, where he stayed for 27
By the time the train got to Dillon, Georg[...]years. George and Jules Wenger were very proud of their
cold. He got off the train with 35 cents in[...]lace among schools
date was 29 Jul 1915. He spent that money for breakfast, a in the state as a neat and clean building.
bowl of oatmeal, toast and coffee, but the cook felt sorry for In June 1968 he retired from the school, and for several
him and gave him a meal of pancakes, bacon and eggs. years he[...]Implement. After his second
He began working for people in Dillon. That fall he retirement, George continued to take care of his yard and
started to school at Beaverhe[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (93)[...]rs to us. He was four or five years older.
cancer for little over a year. She enjoyed her children and He wasn't no good, I found out since then. But I was just
grandchildren most of all, taking care of her home on North a kid, and he said, "Le[...]nd we can get a job working in the mines."
member of the St. Rose Catholic Church and the Altar Grandmother, I kind of hinted to her and she said, "You
Society. The Rev[...]ebrated stay right here!" And so, oh, I'd saved up a little money.
Dot's Mass of Resurrection and the interment took place at I had, oh, hotel tips and things. I probably had, maybe 75,
the Mountain View Cemetery. She was 66. maybe a hundred dollars. But Grandma had it. There
George continued to visit his children and take care of the wasn't no way of me getting that.
lawn and garden, but life wasn't the same anymor[...]was held the hotel when you checked off of shift, you got paid. I had
at the Brundage Funeral Home with the Reveren[...]Yards had a high fence around there and I didn't, I never[...]aught a freight train out up some
"I done the best I could. " little town this side of Salt Lake, And we jumped a[...]passenger train that night. Or the next--it was the next
My mother was dead, and there were four of us kids. I night. Got up on top there, and damn, I was scared to death.
was born in Red Cloud NE. That was the county seat. Dad Well, we rode that thing to Idaho Falls, no, Pocatello.
only lived t[...]a viaduct over the railroad there. Cop was
Rock. That's an Indian name--Red Cloud, Guide Rock.[...]there on the Republican River. down off of there and get clear out of our yard!" I guess he
Well, you know, he traded that place for a place out in was a railroad man.
the sa[...]awful storm come there. He'd been I got off. He'd have never caught me 'cause I lit out of
back to Iowa, and he bought 200 head-of purebred Hereford there and I got off the railroad property. Anyway, he come
he[...]the other guy. And threw him injail. But
and 13th of March. He had six head of heifers left. Just he didn't have me. I went up there the next morning and
wiped him out.[...]us a job. Up there on a dairy farm or something.
of that, but it killed all his cattle and took all the money that And, well, the next night we didn't stay only o[...]h ranching, right there. Got a couple of meals and caught the train up to
then.[...]Dillon. Coming up through that Beaverhead canyon, oh,
· He went down to a little place just out of Broken Bow God, it was 29th of July. Cold? Ohhh! I just had a little
NE. You've probably heard of that. That's another Indian old thin suit on. BVDs, I guess. Suit that's half burnt full
name, I guess. There were a lot of Indians there in the of holes. And, God, I'd told him when we'd come out of
early days. Well, anyway, he bought a hotel. And, God, the canyon down there--that was about three or four o'clock
my sis and I, we didn't like that at all! Oh, no, no, no·, we in the morning-- "If this damn thing ever stops, I'm getting
didn't like that at all. I believe my sis hated it worse than off."
I did.[...]be in Butte in two or three hours," he said.
That winter, oh, it was, oh it was a farming community, I said, "You might be, but I'm getting off if this ever
but that hotel, it was pretty nice. About 50 rooms in it.[...]g room there. God, he had about I'd keep peeking up. It wasn't daylight yet. And I heard
60 or 70 steady customers. Seemed like every businessman him let a big blast out, and I knew he was going to stop at
and his wife in that town would come over to the hotel. Oh, the water tank, and get water then. It used to be just south
that was, that out there was about, oh, 1912 or '13. of the depot down there a little ways, a big water tank. So
Well, sis and I, we went down to the grandmother's. before the guy got back on the tender, I was down off and
Down at Salt Lake. Well, Dad went, too. And we stayed on the street. And, oh, that was a miserable night, that one,
down there, and Dad, he--he didn't like Salt Lake. He come coming up here, Pocat[...]t three or four o'cl_ock in the
was just building that New House Hotel down there. That morning.
was one of the nicest hotels down there, in Salt Lake. It's That was---you know, them old cars was rounded on top?
tops hotel yet. The Utah Hotel was built a while after that Jeez, I got scared. I couldn't hold on. My hands got numb.
but the New[...]By golly, going around them curves down in that canyon!
Oh, gee! I was born and raised on a farm, and 1--1 You roll over this way and then over that way. I got scared.
suffered it out, oh, three or[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (94)I got off. That's the only time I ever rode on top of a train I didn't appreciate that job much. I stuck her out. Oh,
in my life. that was a pretty hard trick.
There was an old fellow--old Joe--what was his name? That damn team of mules he drove to town that morning,
Joe Jackson. Old Roy, not this one. He had a saloon right oh, either one of them wasn't weighed over eight-hundred or
next to the Golden Rule store, where Penney's is. That was maybe nine-hundred pound. They'd run with you. That big
the only light I saw in the street. I went in. I wasn't old canal, comes right down through Mrs. Heavie's place.
enough, really, to be in a saloon. I went in, and old Joe--an There was a guy live[...]r at
old German--he used to live right over here. I can't Deer Lodge. Well, anyway, I can't remember names
remember names. Well, anyway, old Joe, he said, "My anymore--! guess I knew too many people or something.
god, where did you come from? Did you get off the top of You go up--it's quite a ways up there, up that Blacktail
that train? "[...]right on the comer there. Well, I just can't remember his
"How long was you up there? Couple of hours?" name. I know him good, too. He taught several years over
I told him I rode from Pocatello.[...]other guys you remember their names
a little bit. I'd like to look at you." forever. That's just old age catching up on you!
I got back there and I was just caked with soot. I took Well, anyway, he'd sent me up there, and I was glad
my coat off, what was left of it, and shook it off. he'd wore the raw edge off them damn mules. I didn't have
He says, "Do you ever take a drink?" to harness them. I always was afraid of a mule. Was out
I says, "I never refuse one."[...]told me, "You have to hold onto these;
"Well, I ain't giving you a very strong one." He gave they'll run away with you." And he says, "The way I
me a little one. I drank it. He throwed a dollar at me. "Go handle'em"--he had a bull whip, you know, like you use in
get you some breakfast."[...]mules let a bray out and start running, he'd
I had thirty-five cents, but I thanked Old Joe, and I went just lay that bull whip on'em and let'em run. They wouldn't
out[...]a Jap restaurant then up along there, I made several rounds up there in the hay field, getting
but I never did like Japs. I didn't go in. There used to be along all right; all at once one of them "H-a-a-a-w!" He let
a restaurant in the back end of a saloon there where Johnny a snort out. He[...]in't got no
Walters' garage used to be. I went in there--Archie chance on that hay rake, you know, sitting there on that little
Somebody. Here a few years ago, him and his brother, they seat and them wheels a-bouncing! I was going to be damn
run the Metlen. He was the cook in there, him and his sure I wasn't going to fall in front of that rake.
brother had the regular bar-restaurant, in the back end. And So, I seen this big· canal; it was full of water. Well, I
the guy said, "You look pretty tough. Where'd you[...]and right out the other side they went. They
I threw down thirty-five cents. I says, "I don't only look must have run there before or something, and left the hay
pretty tough, I feel pretty tough." And I told him about the rake. Broke the tongue of[...]I went back over where they was stacking. (That's when
First thing he did, he went over to a[...]he put me stacking.)
dug me out a big bowl of oatmeal mush. I kept that dollar He says, "Where's your mules a[...]put down thirty-five cents. Pretty quick, I says, "Damned ifl know. The last I seen'em, they went
here he come with a stack of hotcakes, bacon and eggs. across that big canal and the hay rake's in there and I
Boy, did that ever look good to me! I ate breakfast there. don't. ... "
After I got through eating, I went out on the street. Just He was gone t[...]there at what they call the ten-mile on that Big Hole road.
team of mules. He used to live up on Missus Heavie's plac[...]ey had the tongue and double-trees. He got on one of
on the lower Blacktail road. Give me a job raking hay. them and rode it back home. I told him I didn't want no
I raked hay there a few days, then he put me to sta[...]boats out He says, "You stacked a lot of hay while I was gone."
there. I told him I could stack hay. I stacked all right. A I says, "You was goo.e quite a while."
boat had nets jn it, had skids under it like a sled. They had He says, "You go right on and stack."
two-pole derricks. It wasn't like these Beaver sleds. It was He wasn't bad[...]n awful place to work.
a lot easier to stack, but that wild oats wasn't easy to stack, You didn't get[...]tle kids, she had'em laying on a hay shock up
I stayed there till we got through. You know, that poor there in the field, and her running a[...]ooking. skinny woman. You get hotcakes for breakfast about that
And she'd bring the kids out to the field and run a boat just big around and that thick. Them Austrians ate them all
like a man. Yeah. Pitched hay. She'd stay in her tum just right, but I.. .. oh, I ate them. You had to eat something.
like five or six Austrians out there. You know, it wasn't.. . .I stayed there till they got through.


More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (95)I think I had $25 coming. Got two-and-a-half a day. Yeah, so I went down in the basement there. They had
Stackin[...]could get anything down there. So I went and cooked some
When you got done stacking, you had to help milk five potatoes, and I found a nice meat room. I cut some steak
or seven cows. Oh, you had a full day of it there. and made some biscuits. Got them guys some supper.
I come to town here, and there used to be an old la[...]two boys, Dick
and Jake. Dick's over in Anaconda. I believe he's a priest. He got home, got back, about nine o'clock, I guess. I
She used to run an employment office, right up there where had the dishes washed for supper. I was out in the
Doc Monger's got his, that big old building there, she had bunkhouse.
a comer of that somewhere or another, and she had an[...]rented houses, and a real nice little old I says, "I don't know." I says, "I done the best I could."
lady. I went down there. I seen the employment sign when
I got back from the Austrian's out there.[...]nscribed by Bob McDonald
She says, "You know, I had a lady call me up from out
at Glen, er, Bond[...]Ernest F. Pewe
I asked her, did they have mules?
"No, no, I don't think so."[...]Myrtle E. Eriksen
Hunsaker was his name. I went out there. They was
awful nice people. They[...]ing a new home
there. Home's there yet. You know, I got there, and she
says, "My husband told me to p[...]she says, "it's in the corral there." She says, "I suppose
maybe you can find the harness that belongs on them." She
says, "You can harness them up and you can go to work
after dinner. "
And I went out and I didn't know which side they
worked on, had never seen them before, but I kinda let them
go in the stall themselves. By god, it worked all right, and
I put the harness on them that was there and collars fit, and
I had them all ready. And I went and got, they had a
bunkhouse. I went back over there and washed and cleaned
up a little, and they come in for dinner, and, or, just a while
before they come in for dinner, her husband come in, from
the field. I don't know what he--1 guess he just did the
bossing or[...]me get some dinner on the table?"
"Uh, well I can try." I went in and she was pretty pale
and pale-looking. I noticed it going out there, when she
took me out,[...]turn it, you
know. Awkward, big old truck. Well, I guess she was
pretty sick, anyway. Cause she was sick!
So after dinner, he said, "If you don't mind, take the
harness off them horses and we'll see if we can get the
dishes washed up here. I've got to take her to town," he
says, "to the doctor."
WE got the dishes washed? I got the dishes washed! I
cleaned up the dishes and he told me to tum the team out.
Well, I went out and unharnessed them and turned t[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (96)[...], along with a course in
near McHenry ND, the son of Margarete and John Pewe. salesmanship.[...]and, after the Myrtle had attended Valley City College in Valley City
family moved to a farm near Juanita ND~he gr[...]He attended Mayville College during taught for two years near Juanita, ND and coached the
the summer school and received a certificate to teach that basketball team to a championship in 1934-35[...]year but elected not to return due to a shortage of textbooks again coached basketball and taught academic subjects.
for his classes. The only books were those returning[...]ols and graduated from Beaverhead
the Post Office for his brother-in-law, Charlie Hazlett. Count[...]lumni
Mr. Hazlett, seeking expansion, learned of a Coast-to- Cup. She entered nurses' trainin[...]in Beaverhead County, he met many nursing for the next twenty years. She married David
new frie[...]at the California College of Mortuary Science. He[...]Ref 151.01. at his Dillon residence of more than twenty-five years. He[...]ng in 1978 and from catering in 1983.
ninth child of Malene and Christian Eriksen. They married[...]was called into W.W. II.
Myrtle worked as a clerk for the Vaughn-Ragsdale clothing[...]Genevieve, daughter of Maude Joy and Francis C.
Beaverhead County Hi[...]was born 22 Mar 1914 in Lima. She lived with her
that fall and Supt. Clancy Johnson hired Myrtle[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (97)[...]was born to the Picciones in 1950.
KGIR in Butte for the Dillon American Legion Auxiliary. Genevieve was a "stay-at-home" mom for a few years during
Genevieve graduated from B[...]She was active in Glee club and musical of the Eastern Star, Indiana State Teachers Associat[...]ion by receiving a American Association of University Women.
teaching diploma from MSNC (now[...]several
schools before returning to complete work for a degree.
She studied piano with Ralph McFadd[...]here she worked in Headquarters.
It was there that she met her husband-to-be, Joe Piccione.
They wer[...]A scarcity of qualified teachers brought her back into[...]her classroom at Parkside busy playing for church, participating in the Literacy
School in C[...]ana State San Diego. She married Woody Thorp of Birmingham MI,
who is a designer of material handling systems. They are[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (98)the parents of two sons. Lynne owns her own appraisal beauty of her native state. They insist she must work for the
business in Escondido CA. Montana Chamber of Commerce.
Genevieve never allows her friends to forget that she is[...]2) Rose Burwell Dodd
Dick was the
youngest of four
children born to
Thomas and Agnes
Pierce of Horse
Prairie, born 05 Sep
1926, at St. James
He would have
graduated in the
spring of 1945, but
was drafted in
December 1944 int[...]une 1945
where he married Jean A. Gleed, daughter of William B. station in Dillon and remod[...]until he sold and Idaho. Airlynn was married for a brief time to Dwane
out his part in 1971. Dick[...]Dick's hobbies County High School in May of 1972. Some of his hobbies
were hunting, fishing, rodeo and trap[...]1981 he married Deborah Kay Beyers, daughter of Robert
In May 1971 Dick married Rose Burwell[...]H. Beyers and the late Lorraine Beyers of Dillon. Together
bought the Crystal Bar in[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (99)[...]anding athlete in track.
He held the record for the 220 and 100
yard dashes, and ran the 100-ya[...]veral semesters. He
then went to the University of Montana in
Tom loved to rodeo; he was a bull
<logger and was an original member of the
RCA (Rodeo Cowboys Association). His
son, Tommy, was the youngest member at
that time to be in the RCA.
Betty was born 05 No[...]er high school she worked as a dental
assistant for Dr. R.D. Curry and also
worked at BCHS as a sec[...]ackie died at the young technician.
age of 2 in 1952.[...]d school in Grant and high school was waiting for open-heart surgery. After Tom's death,
in Dillon. He was in the National Guard for four years. He Betty moved into Dillon and a[...]as Vincent (Vince), born 27 Apr 1970, and of Stamm Jewelers. When Stamm Jewelers sold,[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (100)[...]Kajin. Matt was a local rancher and also workep for the
Mary Kajin[...]Cleaners, Dell Mercantile I, Mary, attended local schools and BCHS. After[...]graduating from high school ,I was employed at the college[...]a bookkeeper and in the Placement Office. There, I met
Charles (Chuck) Pilgrim was born in Idaho[...]He was the third
Railroad. He attended four years of schooling in Lima. person from Beaverhead[...]l Mauer (Mrs. Howard Morse), and
Apex, just north of Dillon. Chuck attended the Nelson Harry[...]v 1990 in Los Altos CA After working for others for several years, we decided to
and is buried at Mountain View Cemetery in Dillon. go into business for ourselves. Upon the persuasion of a
friend of Chuck's, we decided to go into the dry cleaning[...]business. We first bought the Ruby Valley Cleaners in[...]that he was to be inducted into the service. We sold t[...]Paramount Cleaners -to Tim Sullivan of Butte who also[...]We sold our Ruby Valley Cleaners to Dell Smith who[...]comer of Washington and Bannack streets and planned to[...]allow us the steel that we needed because it was all used in[...]the war effort. So we sold that property to Vaughn[...]gsdale, Jack Roberts and the Coast-to-Coast store for[...]on South Washington Street and two others that we rented.
Ref 148.15.[...]We operated the Parisian Cleaners for several years and[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (101) We purchased the
Dell Mercantile in
Dell and operated that
business for six years
and sold it and
returned to Dillon.
We[...]o our own building
and operated it under
the name of Pilgrim's
Gifts and Books.
After several
several years, Lou
also wanted out of the
retail business so he
sold the store and
retu[...]hich we then
sold to Lloyd Thomas
who was Sheriff of Beaverhead County at that time.
We decided to do some traveling, which[...]Homer
home here in Los Altos. We finally sold all of our real and Martha Pilon, while the[...]fish, hunt and visit Creek in the Bitterroot Valley. When Orrion was two, the
our relatives and frien[...]illon. Later
Missing our Montana, the change of seasons, the snow, the family moved to Ar[...]rough eighth
Sierra Mountains. We still did a lot of travelling in our grade except for attending Willow View School for one year
Silver Streak trailer over much of the U.S.A., taking cruises before it burne[...]teacher and nearly 50 students of varying ages .
In California, we went into t[...]ed laundry and Orrion met Alta Lee Roscoe of White Sulfur Springs one
dry cleaning business, getting in on the ground floor as that Sunday afternoon when he and two buddies picked up three
type of business was just getting started down here. We[...]ng down from a hike to
operated and owned several for twelve years until Chuck's the "M." He asked Alta to go to the show that night. On
health began to deteriorate. We sold al[...]he county have a very warm spot in our for teacher's training. In March 1925, Alta took th[...]r's exam though she had to tell the authorities that she
friend." A great big heartfelt "thank you" to[...]nds was 18. She would not turn 18 until June of that year.
and customers. We couldn't have done it wit[...]lgrim; Los Altos CA she returned to school for two quarters. She took a teaching[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (102)[...]ar and grew to over 100 in the ten years
the rest of the crew were called in to help when the Montana that it was held. Alta helped cook for the campers and
Power Company dam broke.[...]Lima, Twin
the old Butte highway and then worked for Beaverhead Bridges, Anaconda, Butte an[...]epair went to the field to take his place so that Roscoe could go to
business and started a freight[...]up. When it was time for the elephants to enter the tent, it[...]was discovered that Pitt, one of the elephants, had been[...]ht five lots and built
a home and lumber business that they operated until World
War II when the bookkeeping became burdensome. They Four generations of Pitons: Homer, Orrion, Roscoe and
built houses wi[...]ol and later the new high school. Alta spent much of
1941 at Galen being treated for tuberculosis. Alta worked as a nurse's aid and later as a nurse in the
For the next three years, she fought with the ration[...]n Dillon and Sheridan. In the 1960s Alta
over gas for her weekly trips to Galen for treatments. became a member of the Daughters of the American
True to her word, Alta began attending the church that Revolution. She served as State Regent in 1[...]family began attending the holds the title of Honorary State Regent.
Baptist church.[...]right
A church camp was held on the 300 acres that the Pilons side. He died 24 Apr 1989,[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (103)[...]Due to the condition of his father's health, he was
Gene married Thais[...]: Corinne Osborne, Lisa Hostetler, Beaverhead Valley to work the ranch and to care for his
Cristie Clingan, Maris Love and Jeff Pilon. T[...]In 1938, Matt married Ivamay Gertrude Bourn, of
Lora Lee married Steve Dougherty on O1 Jun 196[...]Lee. Rock Creek in June of that year. Their first child, Marilyn[...]the summer of 1944 and checked into a hospital in Excelsior[...]Springs MO for treatment and surgery. After recuperating[...]with his family, journeyed to Vacaville CA for complete[...]mechanic. In the summer of 1946, he moved his family to[...]fighter and was employed at that through much of 1947.[...]in Kalispell. In the latter part of 1947, Matt obtained a job
as master mechanic for heavy equipment being used in the
construction of the Hungry Horse Dam in Hungry Horse[...]Up until a couple of years before Matt's death, he[...]construction of the Thompson Falls Dam in Thompson Falls[...]MT. Matt retired in 1969 and died of cancer in Kalispell on
23 Feb 1971 at the age of 68. His wife, Ivamay, continues[...]st State Regent Alta Pilon, Montana State Society of
Daughters of American Revolution, at Bozeman state
con/erence in Mar 1990. Ref. I 97. JO.[...]On 21 Oct 1932 Mary, daughter of Maude Elizabeth and
lvamay G. Bourn[...]William Potts, married Harold Easton Martin, son of
Dr. Harve Martin and Edith Martin of LaPorte IN. He was
Matthew Thomas Polish (the original spelling was a nephew of Frank and Emily Husted of Wise River.
Polisch) was the third child and second son of Mathias and Harold and Mary spent one year on[...], where they lost their shirt. Harold then worked for the
Matt, as he was known to his family and frien[...]and sisters on the Ralph Staley Potts, son of Joseph and Maude Potts,
Reichle homestead until h[...]father. He married Jessie
1926. At the conclusion of his training period at the Great Tope, daughter of Jesse and Hannah Tope of Wisdom.
Lakes Naval Training Station in Mi[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (104)death of Joseph William Potts on 24 Jul 1938, and for one passed away in 1985. She is buried in th[...]John, the youngest member of the family, also attended
Harold Martin, bein[...]lived there until Harold, the lone survivor of the original family, also
Harold's death 24 Jul 1[...]la area and in
where Carol Edith Martin, daughter of Mary and Harold Oregon. He moved to Bill[...]son in 1948.
Mary was a Deputy Clerk and Recorder for nine years and
after retirement lived in Dillon.[...]They went to school for a few years. Jim studied steam[...]from Indiana and later
1874. He came to the Ruby Valley of Montana in 1899, from Montana. He wante[...]his brothers until 1908. mother was against that entirely.
He returned to South Carolina and married Ida Sutherlin. He left for Montana, landing in Custer. He and his
To this un[...]on a rimrock, over the bridge on the west side of the river
Carolina · the family came to Dell in 1919. W.A. Price just out of Custer and up above was a boot hill. Jim
worked a[...]boarded an immigrant train for Twin Bridges MT.
After leaving the ranch in 19[...]and is buried in the family plot in and started for Horse Prairie to his homestead at the foot of
Mountain View Cemetery. She was 98 years old.[...]the fence from the McMannis place.
the University of Montana. He spent his working years with They went to the timber to cut logs for Jim's cabin and
Husky Oil Company in Montana and[...]lliam, Nancy, one night.
Jane and Robert, all of whom live in and have families in Money[...]r studied. George's homestead was proved up on as
for a number of years in Montana. In 1947 she moved to s[...]sky came west to homestead; his was on
Department of the First National Bank of Oregon in Eugene. Shennon Creek to the south[...]Mansfield cow camp. John was in the service for three
Portland. Retiring in 1975, she move[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (105)[...]..w,,moX#A.I :~J$\~tt[...]d. Ref.148.19.

John and Jim Prohosky in front of the Cox or McMannis house in Horse Prairie that became the home of Jim and Ruby Kruljac
Prohosky, taken June[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (106) Jim told of his not having the two cents to write his[...]two-man saws to cut the large trees down.
mother that he was still alive; as he told it, a moan-like Horses were used to skid the logs to the lo[...]log house was warm, but in time REA came to the valley
night, they grubbed sage brush with hand grub hoes and which brought power and many changes for us all, but
burned the piles of brush. Jim was ditch walker when water main[...]One year, near the end of haying in August, Jim pulled
He was also the road supervisor for a number of years. the Beaverslide into the main power[...]to rip-rap and burned, also killing two of the horses. The accident left its
with horses, sl[...]he timbers to mark and he was never the same. I didn't get an electric
build the roads. There are places that today when it freezes, stove until years later.
the timbers heave from the frost that makes it rough. They One very warm Marc[...]flooded the house and ranch buildings and ran for three
of Bloody Dick Creek in order to work at seven to get a days. That fall, to the north and east of the road on higher
day's work done.[...]he east
camp. They worked in the timber, cut ties for the Gilmore- side along with seven acres where we lived and I am still
Pittsburgh Railroad and cut rough lumber[...]ings he
Jim would take a pencil to keep track of grain threshed made or had from that early era remained. These were
and money owed on the wood frame of the machine near the placed at the Grant-[...]istoric Site. A tape
Armstead which John operated for his love of machines. He was made the day the last load was taken. I was sent a
became county commissioner for two terms and was in government invitatio.n to attend the dedication. I leather-
contention for a third, which wasn't to be. tooled the cover for the material that was put in the capsule
As soon as the water in a deep hole on the main creek in front of the library for Dillon's Centennial celebration.
froze deep , the[...]rried Anne Hardy and they have a daughter,
blocks of ice to store in the ice house for the warm months' Caroline; they later separat[...]cut out to brace oneself when pulling the ice out of the water to John he always included the Gaelic[...]paced so as to tamp sawdust in
between the blocks of several tiers and on top so that it May the road be with you
would keep[...]your back
They were hauled by wagon and team of horses. The ice And may the Lord hold you
was placed in the top part of the icebox and shelves were In the hollow of his hand.
spaced for circulation of coolness from the ice. Wood had
to be sawed and split for heating and cooking. The cast iron[...]with a wooden
handle, plunger or bushing was made of leather with a screw[...]wels; nothing went to waste. in the summer of 1947. They moved from Rigby ID with
Later, li[...]gas engine had to run while in use to keep of their oldest son, Larry Wayne, in April of the same year.
charge in the sixteen large thick[...]d the
George Von Burnuth, a homesteader south of Grant, who Buffalo Bar and Cafe in Armstead from 1947 to 1962, with
was of Belgian royalty, spoke eleven languages and the Von the exception of one year when they worked in Jackson MT
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (107) In 1962 the town of Armstead was being vacated to make ranch north of Dillon in 1933. Margaret and her mother
way for the Clark Canyon Reservoir. Shorty and Alt moved[...]d at Leadore until May 1934 so Margaret could
out of Beaverhead County at that time back to Idaho. After complete high sch[...]ge." In Dec 1934 she met and dated
spent the rest of her life. She died in Dillon in Dec 1989. Ma[...]e formed. Great
Brent married Barbara Harwood of Butte and they now experiences, eager, d[...]ol. Mike
Marie. Marie is married to Dave McMillen of Rathdrum ID Mansfield, Ernie Pyle and other notables stopped for a drink
and they have three children, Misty, Kendal and Shawn. of water from the hand pump and tin cup at the side of the
Val married Sandy Huntsman of Armstead and still lives schoolhouse.
in Dillon. They have two daughters, Pam Stoddard of Apex (Birch Creek) School offered a new challenge when
Dillon and Shauna Dudley of American Fork UT. children fro[...]but lost none of its warmth and charm. There, Margaret's[...]circle of friends became larger with the addition of the[...]t eight years of teaching needed to receive a Life Certificate.[...]evening and summer classes. Shortage of manpower due to
WWII made it necessary for ranch and farm work to be
Marion Burl Pyeatt[...]lived at her parents' home most
He was the middle of three sons; Thomas, Marion and of those eight years and worked on the ranch.
Glenn,[...]e) Pyeatt. In 1944 at the conclusion of the school term, Margaret
The early years of his life were spent at Carmen Creek went to[...]-and-off ten-year
near Salmon ID. After the death of her husband in 1927, courtship with Mari[...]llege briefly. where she worked for the County Treasurer and State Bank.
His moth[...]ng the Great Dillon. Marion went to work for Traderhorn Mining
Depression. Marion delivered gr[...]While maintaining a home in Dillon, three of the next five
construction as a flagman at the Po[...]spent in Argenta where Marion worked heavy
south of Dillon. equipment and Margaret taught school. Part of the year was
Marion continued to follow const[...]another on French Creek near
equipment work. Some of those jobs took him to California Anaconda, with Marion operating a dragline. Part of each
and Oregon. Off-seasons he worked in service[...]same house in which Marion was born. That same year Marion began work for Minerals
This house still stands in 1997 on Atlan[...]Co. The Pyeatts lived up Lost Creek and also
home of Mrs. Strite, a midwife. Margaret had an older[...]MT. Those were probably the best years of the family's
parents, Edgar and Clara Schuler Ferris, were pioneer lives. Love of the country, closeness of family, love of the
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (108)[...]ta Street.
Marion began a new career as
carpenter for Western Montana
College. Margaret taught the
Arge[...]ege in
California; Marion was
granted a leave of absence
from WMC , so the Dillon Ma[...]t Pyeatt. Standing are sons Mark and Mathew. Ref. I 61. 06.
home was sold and the move
was made.[...]65. It became a gathering place for son Mathew, grandson
Conditions for Marion and Mathew were disappointing so D[...]teresting, satisfying school term and Alexis, and for many relatives and friends.
in an experimental si[...]hey built a Wise Acres was the setting for their 50th wedding
home in Dillon on Orr Street,[...]at WMC to his carpenter
position. Margaret taught for seven years at the Children' s[...]ed in 1972 and Marion retired in 1977 . lot of effort on the part. of everyone to maintain life. Most
Mathew married and gave the Pyeatts two grandchildren, of the families were large. Six or seven children[...]ontana State well. It was normal for all of these people to live on one
University. After gra[...]and Emma were born to early-day settlers of the
architectural career was cut short by his death 12 Jun 1988 . Grasshopper Valley. Andy was the last of seven children
Mathew worked in Spokane and Helen[...]Jul 1884 at Allendale MO, and came to
He sold that and moved to Anaconda where he now Mon[...](Kruegar) Pahnish on 20 Oct 1883 , one of seven children
traveling to the Southwest in wint[...]mining investments in the Grasshopper Valley.
Oregon and Canada. In 1988 they built a home nea[...]were a twice-a-year event. Everything was planned for

658 - Beaverhead History No .2

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (109)[...]meat market .
There were many stories shared of this early life. Stories Andy became the buyer for the Cox and Pyle Market and
like when Emma was a girl, Indian tribes roamed the hi[...]re never a threat, but Butte. He told lots of stories of buying cattle and moving
would often stop the wagons with supplies wanting food or them, in all kinds of weather, to Butte.
other items. Snowstorms made for long and frustrating journeys.
There was no time for doctors until the 'haying was Andy bought cattle in the Salmon and Leadore areas of
done' or some other time passed and oftentimes that made it Idaho and all points from there to B[...]Polaris store for a time. In the 1940s they built a cabin up[...]water. Andy and Emma raised goats for milk and chickens[...]where Andy was a caretaker at a cemetery for a couple of[...]Dillon. They bought three homes in Dillon, one for[...]built from salvaged lumber from the hotel that stood at[...]behind a wealth of history of the early times in the
Grasshopper Valley.[...]in Ireland in 1866, the son
Grandma Emma told of a lot of fun things they did, such of Patrick and Bridget Quigley. He was a young man w[...]nger years, Martin worked
camping trips into some of the area lakes. Life, though in the mining industry. Later he homesteaded south of
hard, wasn't all work.[...]after Frank had served prison time for his part in the
Andy was the typical early-da[...]. At this time,
could rope and ride with the best of them. He was hunter Frank was a starter for the horse races in Fulton. Margaret
and pr[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (110)[...]married and
living on Martin's homestead, a group of Indians on Ralph Qui[...]into the ranch yard. They frightened her
because of the stories she had heard about Indians . Martin[...]17 Jan 1902 to Martin and
bread baking and asked for some. Margaret gladly Margaret Q[...]g much worse things. by his parents that it was 32 degrees below zero the day he
Chief Tendoy was the leader of this tribe, the Lemhis was born and he liked to repeat that fact . Ralph was a long-
from the Fort Hall Reservation. For years they followed the time employee of the Cook Sheep Company, first in the Big
route of their ancestral hunting trips. But now since the[...]home ranch in the Centennial where he
settlement of the country by whites, the Indians traveled to became the commissary person for the ranch.
visit, hunt for small game and asked for or bought food from Gladys Garr, the daughter of Alva and Clara Garr,
the settlers.[...]ntana
Chief Tendoy and his tribe were friends of the white State Normal College at Dillon where she graduated. After
people and they became friends of the Quigleys. They graduating, Gladys taught in Montana schools for several
exchanged or gave the family beaded leather goods, some of years, then served one term as Beaverhead County
which had been in the family for a long time. Superintendent of Schools. After that term, Gladys returned
Martin had purchased a band of sheep shortly after World to the ranch to cook for her brothers before marrying Ralph
War I; later, the price of sheep fell dramatically, forcing the Quigley.
Q[...]T. While working on the ranch, Ralph and a nephew of
for the Jackson school.[...], Ralph, born 17 Jan 1902, range. The group of three horses, Ralph and the nephew
and Josephine[...]were struck by lightning and all were killed except Ralph.
born in the Wisdom Hospital.[...]While Gladys was in the hospital in Butte for an
The Quigley home was a busy place with man[...]n Dillon.
days. Margaret often invited the ladies of the town to visit Ralph became ill and went to the hospital in Missoula for
especially Mrs. Winnifred Shepard. The Quigley ho[...]rried. Ralph moved to Missoula.
also the location of the monthly masses for the Catholics of Later, they divorced, but he stayed in Misso[...]the upper Big Hole. The priests came from Dillon for the retirement. After another illness[...]antile and Mr. Ralph was a member of the Lima Masonic Lodge. The
Shepard was the postmaster at that time. In later years lodge members perf[...]olic Church. She
devoutly attended daily services except when ill . Margaret
passed away 0 1 May 1950 from complications of a broken
hip from a fall. She was 84.
Funeral services for Martin and Margaret were held at
the St. R[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (111)[...]ussen the edge of Wisdom and lived there for 46 years until their
Bessie Stewart[...]Oliver and operated it for 22 years. In May 1960 when fire
Peter (Pete) R[...]family moved to Jackson; they moved back of the store was burned and much water and smoke damage
to Wisdom in 1918 where they purchased a piece of property occurred to the entire inside. The community joined
on the edge of town. Peter spent the rest of his life in together and moved the entire contents of the store to the
Wisdom. After finishing high sch[...]Wisdom Community Building where they operated for
ranches in the valley and also worked for Beaverhead approximately six months un[...]After selling the store, Pete worked for Beaverhead
was born in Jackson 17 Nov 1916 to Wal[...]continued to do until his death. Bessie worked for the
her family moved to Wisdom where she finished[...]ep 1938, and Barbara Lee, born 01 Oct 1939.
clerk for the Forest Service, Post Office and Capehart's[...]20 Jun 1915 at the ranch south of Dillon to Michael and[...]Mary Francis Rebich . He was the tenth of eleven children:[...]in the art of farming and ranching. He spent many days[...]One of his favorite memories of growing up was working[...]of five or six. He enjoyed raising them, or rounding[...]awe and admiration for Ed's talent with horses, his sisters[...]horse-drawn cart that carried five children. Two of the[...]that his dad had for him. Consequently, he stayed working[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (112)[...]Helen A. Perusich in Butte MT. She was the second of grandchildren. On behalf of the Rebich children, I can say
ten children: Irene, Josephine "Marie", Darlene, Shirley, for all of us that we have very fond loving memories of the
Joseph, Beverly, Roberta (Bobby), Jim and Carol. ranch, the work and the fun that came with it.
The Perusiches had a small ranc[...]--Joan Rebich Dickson
a 4-H member of Ravalli County. She attended school at
Greeley, i[...]uaded Dorothy to write to Ed. Throughout his term of
service in Europe, Dorothy wrote to Ed. When Ed's term 4) Walter "Mugs" Fargher
of service was up, he came back home to work on the[...]family's ranch house on Old Stage Road, south of Dillon.
room house, later used as the bunkhouse, on the ranch. She was the eldest of eight children to survive to adulthood.
Two years[...]followed: work your tail off, then have a lot of fun.
In early fall 1949, Dorothy gave birth t[...]e house. At least one ranch hand quit, humiliated that a
June, were born. Their last daughter, Bonnie, w[...]favored with a son, from the tractor that her father was driving and was run over
Edward Mi[...]ickens, ducks, geese and some rabbits and turkeys for a One of her more hilarious and poignant stories involved
time. Ed, being the wise industrious guy that he is, going into the hills for a tree with two of her sisters, Dotie
perceived that if the market was poor in one or more areas and Irene, on the day before Christmas. They managed to
of production, he would make it with one of his other find and cut a lovely pine,[...]barley, mostly. bitter cold caused all of the needles to break off. They had
These crops we[...]e but to discard it and tell the younger children that
canvas dams. Most of the crops went back into feed for the there would be no tree that year.
animals he was raising.[...]However, after attending Christmas Eve mass that night,
Dorothy, with all the animal chores--f[...], they shared their sad story with a couple of older relatives.
raising chickens and other small animals, keeping an egg It turned out that the "aunties" had an extra tree they were
deliver[...]e children, managed to have eager to be rid of; while in an inebriated state the night
a garden[...]y and drove their cattle and sheep to and from it for in 1947 and gave birth to her first child, D[...]ebich ranch.
to everyone, especially family. Many of Ed's nephews, and In 1950, she was working at the Buffalo Lodge, a small
all of Dorothy's sisters and brothers, after the death of their restaurant in Armstead, when a burly man[...]d and Dorothy's home throughout the it for breakfast before fishing. It was fitting that
summer or for years at a time.[...]celebrations. They enjoy mingling with the people of January, John had proposed.
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (113)[...]Walter "Mugs"
elected sheriff in 1954. The family of three moved into the Fargher of Dufur OR in Nov 1981. She moved to his home
court[...]dd to her many
cells on 01 Jan 1955. Helen cooked for the prisoners and accomplishments, which[...]aught at the one-room school in the
mountains out of town.
Later, they teamed up at two-room schools, including one
in the Camp Grisdale logging camp of the Olympic
Peninsula of Washington state. John took grades 4-6, while
found a 127-acre farm near Lyle, and moved all of their
belongings from their house on Atlantic Street in Dillon in
the late summer of 1965.
Over the years, they continued to atten[...]egrees. John completed his master's in the summer of
1965. Tragically, he died just a few months late[...]ing college. John was buried the military section
of Mountain View Cemetery in Dillon.
Helen accepted his diploma for him at a graduation
ceremony the following summer[...]egree with honors in 1966, and was made principal of Lyle John MacDonald and his wife, Helen Rebich MacDonald.
Junior High that year.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (114)[...]ng her first solo dishes. They also helped care for the younger children.
flight in Oct 1983. She was[...]large garden weeding and
queen in 1989 and Woman of the Year in 1993. picking the[...]92, and
though she tried to slow down, her spirit for adventure was
too great. She loved to travel, and[...]Helen and Mugs flew into the Canadian wilderness
for a fishing trip. On the morning of 04 Aug 1993, Debra,
who was visiting, found Helen in her bed, dead of heart
Helen was buried next to her m[...]n family, friends
and a good party, a celebration of her life followed at the
Rebich ranch where she w[...]rene Marie Rebich was born 15 Mar 1929, the fifth of
eleven children of Joseph Rebich and Mary Malesich
Rebich. Mary and[...]ldren. Irene
was raised on the Rebich Ranch south of Dillon on what is
known as "Old Stage Road." Two[...]he was fifteen.
Irene has many happy memories of growing up on the
ranch, the family was very close. Times were hard, but the
children do not remember that, their home was a warm and
friendly place.
Ch[...]ne Rebich, taken 1947. Ref.181. 04.
the highlight of the day was opening packages that almost
always had a new warm jacket to wear to sc[...]priest, Father
wine. Grappa was a brandy made out of grapes.[...]ing from the eighth grade Irene attended
brothers for eight years. There were many school related[...]odge car, Helen, the
always showed up with treats for the kids. After the[...]enough,
program the desks were moved to make room for dancing.[...]repare meals and wash the seemingly endless piles of dirty[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (115)[...]as Joey married Cindie Parris, daughter of LeRoy Parris
a waitress at the White Cafe in Dill[...]e is currently single and lives in Spokane WA (as of
Aberdeen. Jim and Irene were later divorced.[...]married to Dick, and she still enjoys any kind of fishing,[...]e and Mary (Stefanie) Rebich. He was the youngest of[...]History. He was the only one of the 13 children to graduate[...]born O1 April 1921 in Long Prairie MN, the second of[...]ockwise: baby Caris, out into the world for a year or so. She moved to Dillon,
mother Cindie, father Joe, sons Kevin and Nathan. working for the Red & White Laundry on Helena Street and
Ref.[...]later for Skeets Cafe.[...]it in a
at the ranch. They went to the Centennial Valley and up[...]$10 tip one day and Marie ran out after
Smallhom for 4 th of July barbecues. All the brothers and[...]for her and the romance began.
death of their parents.[...]ook a ski trip to the
Austrian Alps and did a lot of sight seeing. Irene and Helen

Families - 666

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (116)[...]away on 07 Feb 1994 of cancer. Peggy continues to live at[...]Riverside School until the middle of fourth grade. The[...]school closed after Christmas that year, so Shirley finishe~
Marie and Jim Rebi[...]rough Dillon. born 21 Dec 1970. Arlie works for the Boeing Company;
Their home had to go. Jim also had to move all of the and resides in Kent WA.
ranch buildings except the barn, one garage and one chicken Leon[...]Jim and Marie's daughter, Sharon, attended half of first
for over a year to help Tom learn the ropes.[...]ted from
enjoyed gardening, traveling and fishing for a short time Kinman Business University in[...]tive
before Marie became ill. She was operated on for a Secretary. She started work in Oct 1971 for Mountain Bell
malignant brain tumor on 03[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (117)[...]Louise Lorraine born 13 Feb 1940,
and substitutes for the Dillon school Hot Lunch program. later[...]to
George and Mary (Butala) Rebich, the youngest of seven
children. Joe was born at the family ranch seven miles
south of Dillon near Barrett Station. Joe lived and worked
his entire life on the ranch where he was born.
As of 1997, it is the Phillip and Joe Rebich Jr. Ranch[...]ves attended the afternoon wedding Mass and party that
followed at the Rebich home.
The newlyweds left two weeks later for a honeymoon trip
to California, where Joe's paren[...]gelina Miller Malesich in Butte MT,
second oldest of ten children. Mary attended the Drummey
School (D[...]xpanding the ranch. He
was fifteen years of age when he died 24 Feb 1940. purchased 400 acres in the Centennial Valley which had
Joe and Mary had eight more childre[...]health and eyesight, Joe turned the running of the home
Dorothy Ann born 04 Sep 1930[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (118)[...]their wedding reception was held. A large
number of friends and family attended.
Joe died at home[...]Joe and Mary (Malesich) Rebich.
He is the eighth of eleven children. He attended grade
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (119)[...]"Buddy"
Born 03 Jan 1925 , the third son of Joe Rebich and Mary
Malesich Rebich, Paul was alw[...]home for a while.[...]to Mary and Joe. These girls all became very fond of their[...]brother and would do almost anything to be of help.[...]outside with the rest of the family. One Christmas his[...]it in a shallow ditch by the house while the rest of the[...]the
went by , his condition worsened to the point that he could theater to sit him in a se[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (120)[...]1990 she married Joseph Dean Pauley, son
control of his limbs to where his life was very of Ben and Jeanne Pauley of Dillon. Joseph was born in
uncomfortable, finally[...]had a baby boy Joseph Dean Jr. 21
Through all of these years Buddy never felt sorry for Sep 1996. They live in Dillon.
himself and maintained a good sense of humor. He seldom
complained and tried to make it easier for Ma. He had
gradually accepted his condition as a fact of life that no one
could change.
Paul Anthony "Buddy" Reb[...]y
morning, 14 Feb 1940 at age 15. He had been ill for some
time, and the cause of death was listed as complications of
pneumonia. Ma had given birth to her youngest chi[...]wake was held the
night before at the ranch home for friends and family to
come to call. Father Lechne[...]illip Eugene Rebich was born 17 Sep 1935, the son of
Joseph and Mary (Malesich) Rebich. Phillip was bo[...]h his parents owned and operated. He is the ninth
of eleven children.
Like his brothers and sisters, Phil attended Blacktail[...]spent two years in Germany in an engineering unit that
built pontoon bridges. When he returned from the[...]Shirley Orr 24 Jun 1967. Shirley is the
daughter of Henry and Leatrice Orr of Missoula. She
moved to Dillon in 1966. While work[...]attended schools in Dillon and graduated in 1990. Like his
WY to attend Wyoming Technical Institu[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (121)[...]and Shirley Rebich and their family at a wedding of Phil Jr and {4.ngela Rebich. Ref 165.23.

She went to Missoula College of Technology and earned Prairie Valley. She had two brothers, Thomas M. and
a degree in[...]glas Todd Kiewatt 05 Sep 1992. Douglas is the son of Rouse). Lorrayne attended school in Grant and BCHS in
Kay and Melvin Kiewatt of Opportunity MT. They live in Dillon wher[...]Ray was born 23 Dec 1922, the son of John H. and Mary
Tina Lee Rebich was born 24 J[...]Gorsh Rebich. They ranched seven miles south of Dillon.
Dillon schools and graduated in 1996. She[...]o
Dickon 03 Aug 1996. They moved to Bozeman MT so that brothers, Henry N. and Daniel E. Rebic[...]rsity. Riverside School south of town and was inducted into the
Robin Lynn Rebi[...]980. She is the Navy in 1944. He served for two years. Most of that time
youngest of the grandchildren born to Joe and Mary. She[...]n on the John Rebich ranch until moving onto part of the
All of the children were kept busy as they were growing old Pierce Ranch south of Armstead in 1949. In Oct 1949
up, changing sprink[...]st son,
and his brother Joe took over the running of the ranch in the Raymond John, was born 19 Jun 1951. They ranched in
early 1960's due to ill health of their father. Armstead until summ[...]e the federal government was purchased their land for
--Shirley and Phillip Rebich construction of Clark Canyon Dam.[...]At this time, Ray started to drive truck for Alvin Owen.
He continued there for several years before buying out Dale
Raym[...]about 78 acres two miles north of Dillon on Highway 41[...]nd adjoining states. After several years
daughter of Thomas R. and Agnes Kau Pierce of the Horse they purchased refrigera[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (122)Wedding of Phil Taylor and Adele Rebich Taylor on 29[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (123)[...]dy Kay Eck, in an outdoor,
hunting accident south of Dillon. Their daughter, Adele, nearly rain[...]1968. Their son, Wayne, Grasshopper Valley. As the clouds parted, sunshine began
married Wen[...]1981. Adele and Phil live in a marriage that at this time is fifteen years old and counting.
D[...]Adele and Thatcher Rebich Taylor. birth of their daughter, Kylie Jordan Rebich, 26 Jun 1992,[...]Highway 41 especially visits to Montana.
north of Dillon.[...]and Marlene Eck. Also the baby of the family, Wendy's[...]ridan to Dillon and ultimately to the Grasshopper Valley
Wayne S. Rebich[...]day where they share ranch management duties.
son of Raymond S. and Lorrayne P. Rebich of Dillon.[...]bus ride took Wendy to and
Wayne is the youngest of three children, preceded by sister,[...]baritone, trumpet and bassoon and was a member of the
trucking business and tormenting his much-old[...]uation, marriage and enrollment at the University of[...]as a member of Spurs, a community service organization,
business[...]and by keeping track of her (still in high school) sweetheart.
remaining active as a member of UM Honors Program and[...]She graduated in 1981 with an Associate of Arts degree in
serving as Student Director for UM Peer Advising Program.[...]er graduation and marriage, Wendy and Wayne moved
of Science degree in Business Administration, accoun[...]receptionist, bookkeeper ~d office manager for an
quarters at UM, he passed the Certified Public[...]in various capacities for Mill Creek Family Practice, Mill
Seattle WA offic[...]eek Pharmacy and Mill Creek Physical Therapy.
For more than five years, Wayne worked at Peat[...]Currently, she concentrates on taking care of Kylie and
Marwick, one of the six largest international accounting[...]working as office manager and bookkeeper for Wayne's
firms as a financial statement auditor. H[...]eattle
area. Since then, he has built a practice that emphasizes

Families - 674

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (124)[...]mployed at
two different supermarkets in Missoula for a number of
years and recently changed positions and is curre[...]Dillon. His mother passed
away in 1917 at the age of 22 after contracting pneumonia. John met[...]helping with
grandparents, George and Mary Rebich of St. Helena CA haying on the Mike Rebich[...]to a dance at Dilmont Park pavilion and
exception of one year when he attended the Riverside School[...]er to Johnny. They were married 27 Jun 1937
south of Dillon.[...]hnny's grandmother passed away in 1933 at the age of Theresa was baptized.
73. Johnny stayed on w[...]and preferred mother passed away at the age of 32 due to complications
it to the vineyards and f[...]away 18 Sep 1935, the
He was called upon to play for wedding receptions and many day befor[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (125)[...]member of the Dillon Police O1 Jun 1955. He was a
A son, Ronald, was born 14 Oct 1945 in San Francisco. member of the second graduating class of the Police
He was their second child. Their first[...]ademy in Bozeman. In 1970, he was appointed Chief of
21 Mar 1940, in Dillon. Marjorie passed away at the age of Police in Dillon. John built the family home i[...]heir son, Ron, and his family, living in a duplex that Ron[...]needed to get away from the hustle and bustle of the big city[...]Hospital in Butte, the third child of John George and[...]fter the couple returned to Dillon, Johnny worked for[...]divorced in October of 1984.
around the Butte area during the winter mon[...]ational Technical School,
four-room house on land that his father owned . Their third[...]for the Lone Rock School in Stevensville for five years.
the main ranch, where Theresa took on the responsibility of[...]ce, Karen accepted a position as District
cooking for hired hands.[...]Powell, the Montana Bank of Red Lodge president. They
and Theresa moved to To[...]teaching position for the second grade at Hawthorn School


More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (126)[...]di, attended Western mother. After working for several years on area ranches,
Montana College for a short time. She moved to Ketchum they kn[...]ld in sheep wagons, staying out with a band of sheep for months
April 1997.[...]Model T Ford and bought 50 head of cutback ewe lambs.[...]the fall, they came out with only half of their herd, so they
traded two yearling ewes for three ewe lambs. This was[...]For the next ten years they ran their sheep in a[...]community band and did the herding. They fought for range[...]cattle and sheep men. Pete used to tell of when he was a
boy of 14, pitching a tepee in one spot and sleeping in[...]nanny and also a cleaning girl for the nuns in Butte. They[...]a shop in Butte for many years. He moved to Dillon in[...]ey purchased the Atkinson Ranch three miles north of[...]Dillon and began Rebish Brothers, a partnership that would[...]sheep because of their fine wool, longevity and easy herding[...]an excellent sheepman. He enjoyed every aspect of the
Austria, were married in the Catholic Church[...]le sheep business and thrived on the marketing of the wool and
11 Nov 1891. They moved to the Beaverhead Valley and lambs they raised. Pete, along with[...]nes,
worked as farm managers, later buying a farm of their own. put on "Pete Rebish lamb night" at the Elks Club for over
They had eight children. Their sixth[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (127)[...]ld Edward Rebish
activities. Agnes and Ann cooked for large haying crews
and for several hired men most of the year. They helped[...]ling. Many frozen calves
were thawed out in front of their wood stove in the large Ronald Ed[...]Francisco CA, the oldest son and second child of John
baked their own bread. Agnes and Ann raised[...]a
They loved the cattle business and the work that went in May 1946.
with it. Good horses and[...]George continued went to the University of Montana in Missoula for the
to help train horses until he was 70 years ol[...]transferred to Western Montana
strong supporters of agriculture and were members of the College at Dillon in his fourth year a[...]ara Sturm married 13 Aug 1966 in Dillon.
director for the East Bench Canal and President of the Dillon Barbara also attended Western Montana College at Dillon.
Canal for many years.[...].
In the 1970s and early 1980s, they were two of the most The family moved to Tacoma WA, where[...]ded Pacific Lutheran University in
the Beaverhead Valley until George's death 18 Feb 1985. Tacoma[...]Agnes and Ann receive a Master's Degree at that university.
continue to live on the ranch.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (128)[...]gree in Environmental Field Biology. He
worked in that field for three years; however, he has Arthur A. Reichle
pursued his interest in carpentry for the past three years.
He lives in Ketchum ID.[...]eichle was born 25 Mar 1916 in Reichle
University of Washington in Seattle, where she received a M[...]Marie, born 1914. Art's
is an area sales manager for GE Finance in Bellevue. parents ranched at that time and later ran a grocery store in[...]where Adolf worked for McGowan Commercial Co. In[...]for the Kambiches and other ranches in the area.[...]shop and welding. He worked on the railroad for a year and
ran his own shop doing repair work for farmers and making[...]for National Supply in California, an oil equipment[...]battalion. He was in charge of welding shops and[...]He went to Oahu and overhauled motors for naval supply
and was in charge of the welding shop for the naval[...]d test flame-throwing tanks. He received a letter of[...]for his work on the flame-throwing tank. He designed[...]installations in a medium tank for the flame thrower. He
designed a new gun that out-distanced old guns. He helped[...]with the installation of his flame thrower on tanks that were[...]for Victor Chemical, now known as Stauffer Chemical,[...]Arthur and Elvira Renfro on a farm at Valley Falls KS,
about 30 miles from Topeka. One of his duties on the farm
consisted of supplying game for the family table. This task[...]led to his developing shooting skills that would pay[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (129) Ted moved to Montana in 1914 and worked in Warm
Springs for Dr. Scanlon. He was introduced to the wonders
of Beaverhead County when he drove his employer to the
Red Rock Lakes in the Centennial Valley for hunting trips.
The doctor and his friends played poker while Ted took care
of the hunting--an arrangement that made everybody happy.
Ella Marie Peterson was[...]A year after the birth of Ted Jr. in 1926, they returned[...]Ted continued his success in competitive shooting for
By this time, Ted's shooting had reached cham[...]936 he was named to the first
he won the Champion of All Champions in Vandalia OH. string A[...]d, Alta, was born, The crowning achievement of his shooting career
they moved to Wisconsin where[...]1924 to 1927 by the Peters Cartridge of the World in Monte Carlo by killing 29 out of 30 small
Company. He also did exhibition shooting[...]ensure erratic flight. The last bird he killed for the
performances. She would stand sideways to him[...]me, or split a playing card held edgewise tour of Europe, Ted returned home with $20,000 in[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (130)[...]d, she attended shoots with him. Ella
was a woman of many talents, not the least of which was
extreme competence in card games. Occas[...]he club houses.
Ted gave Ella the same amount of money for her poker
game that he bet on himself during the shoot. In one sessio[...]on had worsened considerably, ruefully
observed, "I knew the men from Montana could play poker
but I didn't know their women could!"
In 1938, Ted[...]in 1894 and still standing, is pictured on p. 624 of Vol. 1 of
the History of Beaverhead County.
Ted ranched, hunted, raise[...]from Armstead to Lima in
1936 which they operated for 26 years.
Ella was bed-ridden by rheumatoid arthritis for the last
18 years of her life. She occupied herself with crocheting
and card playing. Despite the years of pain, she remained
cheerful and was a gracious ho[...]Jessie and Harry Renz of Argenta. Ref 161. 21.
death ends with this statement: "This quiet, modest man is
one of the most beloved sportsmen in the West. To have
s[...]area to work for an unknown amount of time. After leaving
Ted died suddenly at his[...]Butte, Harry arrived in Argenta to work for the Graeter
buried at Ella's side in Dillon. He w[...]the Argenta area he played on
Montana Sports Hall of Fame in 1957 and was elected basebal[...]apshooting Association Hall family photos.
of Fame in 1974.[...]3 in Lake Linden Ml. There various parts of the country.
were twelve children (four boys and[...]ov 1924 and married Jay Nelson in
lost her memory of her younger children. She subsequently 194[...]d Bob Nelson). The children live in various parts of the
and was never heard from again. This left the children to country. Jean died 12 Feb 1997 of a heart attack.
fend for themselves. The older children left to fin[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (131)[...]y and Jessie were active in mining activities all of
children all reside in Dillon.[...]on
Letters written by Harry to Jessie indicate that Harry for a long time. They spent as much time as possible[...]children and grandchildren a great appreciation for the
In 1935, Harry and Jessie filed mining cla[...]he
couldn't remember his
name but found a couple of
opened letters in his pocket
addressed to Eddy
Reynolds, so he used that
He worked on the Rowe
ranch and around Dillon.
He was working for Pete
Stefonic and the bowling
alley when he met B[...]ck L-R: Kathy, Buddy and Chris Reynolds.
basement of the bunkhouse[...]gave her his cabin, and they moved in and for him by his full name and the Owens hadn't heard of
Eddy worked for Ben Redd Chevrolet. Later he worked for him. They were so close.
Walter Swartz.[...]nna Kathleen "Kathy" Elizabeth,
job driving truck for Bennett Owen. About two years later, was born in Dillon.
Eddy worked for Wayne Montgomery at Snowline south of When Kathy was about nine months old[...]x months, they headed back to Dillon
went to work for Alvin Owen. It was convenient as they bu[...]n's shop. They were living there Eddy worked for Simplot in Burley.
when Eddy's brothers came looking for him. They asked

Families - 682

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (132)[...]oing to have another surgery but his
worked again for Alvin Owen and they ·lived in Argenta. ki[...]arried and lives at home.
Idaho and lived outside of Declo and Eddy again worked for Edward and Christian at this moment work for Montana
Simplot. The next spring Alvin asked Eddy[...], Tabitha Rose, by her first marriage. She is now
for a five-room house and four children; it was crowd[...]ily in North Dakota but he Vernon works for the Garrison Ranch east of Glen MT.
couldn't remember where. So , he got his fingerprints taken. Betty still lives south of Dillon, gardens, quilts , and enjoys
Finally on t[...]Ref.152.15.

About 1969 Eddy went to work for the peat moss plant
south of Dillon and when it closed, they sold their place[...]n Peterson and built a home there.
Eddy worked for the Montana Highway Department, the
ski lodge and Williams Feed. Betty took care of the
Highway Rest Area for about 22 years and quit in 1996.
About 1981 Eddy had open heart surgery; after that he
worked for the Bureau of Reclamation until his heart went
bad again. In 19[...]h, R.N., taken 1956. Ref.169.14.
never well after that.[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (133)[...]abeth
(Malesich) Rebich at the
family ranch south of
Dillon. She attended
the Blacktail School and[...]raduating
in 1951. Betty attended
Columbus School of
Nursing in Great Falls,
graduating in 1955 as an[...]1 May 1979 at Hot Springs. He was 48
Melrose, and for several years in the Big Hole Valley, years old. Betty lives on a small farm at Hot Springs and
working for the Palisades Grazing Association. In 1969 they works at the Convalescent Center, as she has for several
moved to Hot Springs MT to work on a ranc[...]glish
on 08 Sep 1979 at Polson MT. Dan is the son of Bert[...]Tribune, 08 Jan 1904.
MT. Sharon is the daughter of Harry and Clara (Pahnish)
Tash. Tim and Sharo[...]stricken with paralysis and lost control of his team, and it
herself. Tim works for the Palisades Grazing Association as began[...]. and works as a His wife was waiting for him at her sister's when she
ward clerk at Barret[...]Gentry 05 Sep 1986 in Ronan MT. front of the Orr mansion, the carriage struck a telephone
Linda is the daughter of Glenn Gentry and Shirley (Spooner) pole and[...]ve in Billings , where Lee is a rancher and works for near the Mountain View Cemetery.
an insulation[...]e manager. Several people living in that neighborhood, among the[...]A.L. Anderson and several other ladies living in that
vicinity, hurried to the assistance of the unfortunate man.

Families - 684

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (134)[...]something about the horses not being at fault and that he but at first was not accepted on account of his having a sore
could not see where they were going, meaning that the leg, caused by the bursting of a blood vessel.
stroke of paralysis caused him to lose control of the reins. In 1863, he had recovered and[...]by J.E. Morse, mustered into Company I, Thirteenth Wisconsin Volunteer
saw Mr. Reynolds leaning far to the outside of the carriage Infantry. They served under Ge[...]he
as the horses charged up the street. Realizing that something first boat that went up the Yellowstone and for a time
was wrong, he immediately hurried to the s[...]ioux and with the Blackfoot Indians. Mr. Reynolds
of Matt Orr's residence making a delivery and seeing[...]inued in service in the Northwest until the close of the
carriage strike the pole, he ran out in front of Matt Orr's war, was mustered out in Sep 186[...]g one horse home in Eau Claire County WI.
for a moment but was unable to hold him. He then jump[...]ene. The two men Montana, this time for the benefit of his health. He crossed
present at once began to l[...]he express the plains with a wagon, three yoke of cattle and five cows.
wagon and were soon assiste[...]also had flour, bacon, cornmeal and beans enough for a
arrived.[...]ed, there
Mrs. Reynolds, who had been waiting for him at H.D. were three families and when traveling through Indian
Weenink's, recognized one of the run-away horses, started country, the[...]Black Hills they were twice corralled by Indians
for him and Dr. M. A. Walker was at once called in.[...]ognized among them Indians he had known and
agree that the fall from the carriage had no effect whatever[...]vice and he pacified them with
and the sole cause of the trouble was the paralysis of the left presents of tobacco. The company had started the 26th of
side, which Mr. Reynolds had felt coming on while passing May and it was not until Nov 1866 that they reached their
the school grounds.[...]destination in Beaverhead valley.
The cause of the paralysis in this case was the bursting Mr. Reynolds "squatted" on lands on Blacktail Deer
of a blood vessel in the brain, causing a hemorrhage which Creek where he still lives and for three years drought and
continued until long into[...]down from Butte and remained over until for wages at mining to earn his living. He mined, and once
the next afternoon. He stated that all was being done in the got out in a single afternoon as high as $100; but everything
case that was possible and would suggest no change in the[...]to work more ground and he left mining
treatment of the patient. as poor as when he began.
Yesterday some few signs of improvement were shown The little[...]et with prosperity . As fast as his horses
chance of Mr. Reynolds' ultimate recovery. ·[...]ance on
Richard A. Reynolds, a Montana pioneer of 1864 and now the purchase price and their places filled again by wild colts.
one of the leading stockmen of Beaverhead valley, was born Finally , becoming convinced that if there was anything he
in Wales. His father, Ow[...]e brought with him his already growing band of horses from time to time as
his wife and eight children, the subject of this sketch being could be afforded.
then six[...]op journeyed overland
father worked at his trade, that of blacksmith. in 1869 to Oregon where they bought a band of 1400 sheep,
In 1845 they moved to Kenosha Co[...]ad. Their return on foot,
resided until the time of his death in 1858 at age 61. He had driving t[...]rairie, hardships. This was the first band of stock sheep in the
Kenosha County, and at fifteen years of age, after the death vicinity.
of his mother, began to do for himself as a farmhand, He has con[...]northwestern Wisconsin where he became the owner of land Montana and western Dakota.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (135)[...]ndchildren. From 1927 to 1943 the family lived in
of shorthorn cattle. Bannack and have lived in Dillon since that time.
In addition to his stock and farming in[...]ensively in lumber, also grain and hay, being
one of the leading business houses in the country. They[...]hen a large Democratic majority made the
election of a Republican a personal compliment.
In 1877 d[...]e Nez Perces,
he took his family to Virginia city for safety and with his
team, carried volunteers a distance of forty-four miles to the
Blacktail crossing of the Salt Lake road, in the night, and
returned to[...]arried in 1873 to Mrs. Virginia
Johnson, a sister of the Poindexters of Dillon. She had by
her first husband, Dr. Johnson of St. Louis, Missouri, three
children, two of whom are living, Georgia, wife of Rupert
Nuckolls of Dillon, and Phillip, who also resides near
Dillon[...]own home. Ref 184.22A.
arried Miss Della Thompson of New Cassel WI. While he
has accumulated a comfort[...]hat is still better--the goodwill and high esteem of all who
know him. He is indeed a fair representative of the
prosperous pioneers of Montana.

--Compiled b[...]Oct 1902
at Fox, which is located in the Big Hole Valley. She was
the daughter of Jules and Marie Wenger. Walter came to
the Big Ho[...]tly thereafter. Marie was number five in a family of
twelve. Her two brothers, Henry of Helena and Eddy of
Dillon, and her sister, Helene Contway of Dillon, are still
living. Marie will be 95 in Oct[...]had ten
children, six girls and four boys. Eight of the children still
live in Beaverhead County.[...], Donna Rude,
Janet Richardson and Barbara Benson of Drummond. Walter[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (136)[...]Rosemary Bourn
John C. Rieber, son of
Christian and Regina Rieber, was
born on t[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (137)[...]Jul 1893 at Rife Ranch on
Medicine Lodge, the son of pioneer ranchers, Isaac and
Catherine (Connie) Ri[...]ars at the
ranch home. He was an overseas veteran of WWI, serving
in France with Co. F 316th Ammunition train.
He married Leah O'Brien. She was the daughter of
William and Mary Ann (Dooley) O'Brien of Sheridan MT.
They were married in Dillon 22 Sep 1917 and the couple
ranched at Medicine Lodge for many years.
Edgar was chairman of the Beaverhead County
Democratic Central Committe[...]Leah from
1950 to 1959 .
Mr. Rife was a member of the American Legion
Beaverhead Post No. 20, a Veteran of WWI Inc. Barracks
2599 and Dillon Elks Lodge No.[...]Michael C. Riley, a lawyer who works for Legal[...]s at Idaho Falls.
They moved to Dillon the summer of 1950. "Home" was a
rented duplex apartment owned[...]house on Sebree Street. at site of Buck & Riley Shop under construction.
Fay spent all summer stacking hay on the Mace Ranch, Ref. I 76. 20.
now known as the Matador Ranch. His boss was Lloyd
Thomas who later became Sheriff of Beaverhead County.

Families - 688

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (138)[...]everal places in the Clyde Park area before
works for the State of Washington in the Clean Drinking arriving in Beaverhead County in the fall of 1940. They had
Water Division. He lives in Spokan[...]seth on Bloody Dick
Louise Riley is President of Riley Trucking Service. She Creek in upper H[...]found his piece of heaven on earth. Ora set about turning
Barb R[...]ears, Charlie was found, after
"Business" section of this publication. being[...]--Barbara Riley had died of an apparent heart attack.[...]They were the parents of: Roberta m. Lloyd Munday in[...]Dillon; Edna m. Bill Currier of Denver; Frank (Betty),[...]Boise; and Charlene m. John Gilbert of Clyde Park.
Bruce Risley, a pharmacist, came to Wisdom MT about
the tum of the century and opened a drug store and[...]to
McCracken's "The Men's Store" in the 100 block of North
Montana Street.
Eventually he was appo[...]ing books in county seats.
It was in Chinook that he got acquainted with Helen
Stamm, also a skille[...]der Street.
They were both adept in the game of bridge and assisted
Ed Colbert in organizing Dil[...]n, taken in 1940s at their Bloody
comer location of the old Dart Hardware Building. In 1977[...]descendants moved to a new building at the
comer of Glendale and Washington Streets.
Bruce and H[...]Bruce died in 1969 at age 82. He was a veteran of
World War I and served in France. He is buried in the[...]the oldest of three boys and one girl. The family moved to[...]the Korean War. He worked for Public Service Company
Charles Lee Robertson was born in 1878. Ora Etta of New Mexico for 30 years in Santa Fe, Albuquerque and
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (139)[...]was born at Gettysburg SD in Apr
1939, the oldest of eight children, four girls and four boys,
born to[...]s (Zuber) Tennant. After
attending the University of South Dakota she moved to Santa
Fe NM. Bob and Ph[...]ried there in June 1959.
They are the parents of three children:
Terri (Mrs. Tom) Bolger and son, Tommy, of Fort
Lauderdale FL. Ron Robinson graduated from B[...]ontana College. He lives in Coos Bay OR and
works for the federal government. Jon Robinson graduated
from BCHS and the University of Montana. He works for
the University in Missoula.
Bob and Phyllis e[...]e in her church.
As a volunteer, she did most of the data entry of
manuscripts into the computer for this volume two of the
county history series. She was inexperi[...]d was born 09 Sep 1884 in
Marlborough MA, the son of a Civil War veteran.
On 13 Jul 1909, this young civil engineering graduate of
Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester MA received
a telegram from L.H. Bacon of the Gilmore and Pittsburgh
Railroad in Armstead s[...]Nathan C. Rockwood wearing the buffalo coat that kept him
meaningful career with the G. & P. Railr[...]warm while overseeing the winter construction of the G & P
construction period.[...]engineer for the railroad's stations, bridges and other[...]blueprints of the railroad's structures.[...]of 1909-1910 was a bitterly cold experience and Rock[...]experiences of standing on the pass in mid-winter and gazing[...]upon the panorama of the Bitterroot Mountains.[...]Nathan Rockwood, upon completion of the Gilmore and
One of many bridges for the Gilmore and Pittsburgh Pittsburg[...]echnical journalist, first as an assistant editor for[...]gineering News in New York and then as the editor of[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (140)Laying the track for the Gilmore and Pittsburgh Railroad
circa 1909. Ref 185 .19.

He was instrumental in the organization of many industry Nathan C. Rockwood, taken 1950.[...]Crushed designed and oversaw the completion of many buildings,
Stone Association, the National Sand and Gravel Association bridges etc for the Gilmore and Pittsburg~ railroad in 1909-
and[...]1910. Ref.185.22.
an honorary life member of the National Lime Association.
He was listed i[...]tone IL 27 Nov 1976 at age 92. sheep end of the ranch.[...]e B. Rockwood Associations, he was a member of the Masonic Lodge,
Baghdad Temple of the Shrine, the Royal Order of Jesters
and the B.P.O.E. Lodge, board member of the Lima Water
Joseph W. Roe[...]to fish for salmon with Murile and Moore McKinley, his
Jos[...]orn in Dillon 27 Jul 1910 to Jim and Johana Doyle of the Marg was on the school board of both the Armstead and
Centennial Valley. Margaret attended grade school in the Lima School Districts, historian for the CowBelles, the
Centennial Valley and Joe attended grade school in Red women's auxiliary of the Stockgrowers, member of the
Rock and Dillon. Both Joe and Marg graduated[...]ge. She was house with a Royal vacuum cleaner that had a spray
the bookkeeper for the Lima Mercantile in Lima and later attachment that held a pint jar of paint. Marg made many
for the Montana Mercantile in Dillon. Joe spent a sho[...]t home in a log cabin (which was worked owners of the Red Rock properties; shortly thereafter the
on and added to for the next 30 years) on the "upper ranch"[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (141)[...]to its original
grandeur, while
adding all of the
m o d e r n
During the[...]immaculate and
detailed financial
records of the ranch.
In the winter Joe
and Marg followed[...]tners and loved the ranching in Sheridan MT for a short time before buying a
business where they[...]1982-89.
Each year Joe set up an elk hunting camp for all relatives
and friends to enjoy .
The Roe Ranch encompassed seven miles of the Red
Rock River and was always open for fishing for anyone who
asked. The Roes made many friends with[...]o fish. Recent owners have
closed the seven miles of river to public fishing.
People from as close[...]h.
Marg and Joe were the backup "camp tenders" for the
sheep part of the operation. Some summers Marg and Joe
and at least one of the Doyle kids would spend about a week
helping trail the sheep to the Centennial Valley, to be
sheared before going on summer pasture. Th[...]ff the land on the way; the Doyle kids
learned to like Marg's "wild" fried chicken as well as their
mom'[...]ating ranch in Beaverhead County
owned by members of one family. " Joseph Shineberger
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (142) In the spring of 1990 they returned to Dillon where they
purchased[...]'s younger brother, Jared,
Kay, a sweetheart more like a daughter than a niece, as well moved to Dill[...]9. He attended Montana State University
spent all of their years together with many fun and happy and receive his Bachelor of Science degree in Animal
times.[...]nce and Ag Business.
Marg remembers Joe as "a kind, thoughtful, fun person, Nikki LuAnne Young was born 16 Jan 1974 in
a teacher of young people, a person who was generous with[...]mond OR where she later graduated
In a letter of condolence to Marg upon Joe's death, Peter from[...]ol in 1992. In Aug 1992
Meloy, long-time attorney for the family, wrote, "Joe really she moved to Bo[...]a gentleman, with emphasis on the word 'gentle.' I She went on to receive her Bachelor of Science degree in
often remarked what an intelligent, kind and stalwart person Elementary Education from[...]le both were living
Although without children of their own, Marg and Joe in Bozeman. When J[...]ege in Dec 1993,
were rich in the love and caring of numerous nieces and they both moved to Dillon where Jason became employed
nephews from both sides of the families. and Nikki at[...]994 in Dillon at the First Baptist Church.
growth of the cattle and sheep industry in Beaverhead Currently Jason is Assistant Manager of Co-op Supply, Inc.
County.[...]as Roe, his wife, Elizabeth Burton Roe, and seven
of their nine children were from Donnington, Lincoln[...]was born in Nampa ID
England. He was the brother of William and Isaac Roe. in 1946. He atte[...]omers D D94 7 in
The family homesteaded north of Dell in Beaverhead Vietnam and later sta[...]Frances Ann "Annie" Mooney, the daughter of Francis
Mary L. (Mrs. Samuel C. Arndts), born 187[...]Randy was employed as a computer operator
All of this family except for Arthur, Mary Ellen and for Continental Life & Accident Insurance and later for the
Elizabeth are buried in the Dillon Mountain View Cemetery. State ofldaho and Annie was a secretary for Ore-Ida Foods.[...]MT the computer center at MSU and Annie worked for the[...]worked as a heavy equipment mechanic for Caterpillar.[...]Randy went to work for the U.S. Postal Service in 197 6 in[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (143)[...]County Extension Office, a job she enjoys for Montana State Normal College. He was admitted int[...]ed in agriculture and 4-H. the WMC Hall of Fame for basketball in 1981.
Raising their boys has been the best, most important part of Emory joined the Army Air Corps in 1942. H[...]le Pierce in 1943. He was discharged from the Air
of town; "Handy" Randy was plumber, electrician and[...]t Corvallis MT.
Dillon and live seven miles south of town. Jared is In 1948 the couple[...]the MSU club McKevitt, the beginning of the cattle herd. That winter
volleyball team.[...]The winter of 1948-49 was especially snowy and Qold with[...]e road closed before Thanksgiving until the first of March.
Clint Rouse The two children were not of school age so there was no
Mary Bra[...]e attended elementary school in Dillon and of Dillon. The cattle were sold a year later.
gradua[...]to manage the ranch and raise the four
University of Washington in Seattle. Clint is currently[...]chool in Grant and Dillon.
President and Director of State Bank. She graduat[...]lliam in 1950, Ramona (now
Clint was a member of the Montana National Guard and Mrs. David[...]961.
in 1975 received the Army Commendation Medal for saving
the lives of white water rafters when their rafts overturned[...]lson Rouse. Emory was the sixth child in a family of
ten. His brothers were William, Harold, Ji[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (144)[...]is now a sophomore
Pierce M. Rouse, eldest son of Emory and Adele Rouse, at Beaverhead County[...]lege and worked Jan Thomson
for his uncle, Tom Pierce, until starting work as a m[...]nded MSU on a basketball
Gertrude (Schmidt) Smith of Melrose. Donna grew up on scholarship for two years, then returned to Dillon to attend
the[...]ontana on the family ranch in the Big Hole Valley.
College in 1970.[...]h year there. clubs in the state of Montana. He loves trapshooting in the[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (145) On 13 Apr 1996, Todd married Jan Thomson of knocking at the door, the farm,[...]al in Anaconda. The girls were ready for college and a decision was made
Jan has one (twin[...]in
Anaconda and graduated in 1979. She attended U of M
graduating with a BS degree in Business Administration in
Mar 1984. She worked as an auditor for the Property
Assessment Division of the Montana Department of Revenue
and later as an auditor for the Income Tax Division. From
1989 to 1995, she served as a political appointee to State
Superintendent of Public Instruction, Nancy Keenan.
Jan moved t[...]e
Elsie Dora Wilson
A Woman of Uncommon Spirit

Prior to her marriage, Elsie taught school in Aberdeen
SD. She always had a love of children and nature; she
would take her young stu[...]ture. When school was about to finish, it is said that the
children did not want it to end, for the love of their teacher
and the wonderful field trips which[...]led. She was
asked if she would continue teaching for a couple of months
longer, which she said she would. The hike[...]dren never
forgot their experiences.
Her love of hikes continued throughout life, planning
trips i[...]born 20 Nov 1874 in Vinton IA. Three of the daughters married local boys. Monona
She marr[...]ux (Monty) married Malcolm Stone, son of one of the founders
Falls SD. The young couple decided to head west in 1911, of the State Bank, and had three sons.
moving with a[...]r to Malcolm, and
to homestead twelve miles south of Three Forks where had one daughter. Elsie married Roscoe Cornell, son of one
William G. built a home in Cedar Hollow. of the leading ranchers in the area, and had two son[...]Three Forks: Emory married George Bakker of Sioux Falls and settled there.
Hubbard (Moose), b[...]and had three children. Harold lived in
Four of the older boys left the farm; two joined the[...]d had two children.
Marine Corps during World War I (William and Robert), In 1932 the[...]l felt
and two ventured out seeking other avenues of work. After he could work at the Anaconda Copper Smelter. However,
several years of drought, wheat crop failures, bank officials th[...]00 laying hens, several hundred Rhode Island Reds for

Families - 696

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (146)[...]She was active in the City of Dillon and would attend all
In 1938 Elsie's s[...]nctions at Beaverhead County High School. All who
of his children and give them an American education.[...]k his family to was always there to babysit for her grandchildren in the area
Nicaragua where he[...]e depression made jobs walking downtown just for the heck of it, then visiting with
few and far between. With[...]ept a job offer from his father-in-law to run one of his The two grandchildren she raised grad[...]to the States to attend high school for three years . Then[...]sie' s son, William, sent his adopted son, Pedro, for an[...]eleven children, eight of which were born in the Big Hole .[...]and later on another homestead, now part of the Hairpin[...]Elmer went to school north of the Roberts place; Mrs.[...]Goldby from Texas taught there for several years . He never
William G.[...]who had his toes cut off, Bill Smith's cabin
ten of her own, Elsie now took on the job of raising two above the Roberts place. At th[...]e made a trip to Nicaragua Alaska taking care of her and saving them.
and Venezuela to see[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (147)[...]ery rancher used to learned she had left for town, he started back, looking for
milk cows, have chickens and help each other. The[...]til three o'clock in the morning.
different kinds of fish in the waters now; there used to be a He[...]the sled which had a box on it and started to
lot of grayling trout.[...]ce he came to was the Harry Davis ranch, which at that
very few deer in the wintertime. There used to be antelope time was just part of the Woody place, still a few old log
in open season and lots of grouse and sage hens. shacks the[...]at-grandmother's who had some knowledge of frozen hands and feet. He took
trip 31 Dec 1915, through a blizzard in the Big Hole: "I will Mom out in an old shed where it was cold[...]am and water and ice. He thawed them out that way. They came
open sleigh, you would never realize what they are like. out pretty good. We almost thought she[...]d the wind blowing they were coal black for a couple of years."
fifty miles an hour, the visibility so ba[...]Hirschy
"You would never know what they were like unless you
were raised in the Big Hole 70 years ago like I was. I think
it was in 1915, the folks lived up at our old ranch 14 miles
south of Jackson. Dad was hauling supplies from Dillon that
Worthy "W.D." Sandy
winter for the Creway Mine with a six-horse team. Mother[...]up groceries he W. D. Sandy, the last of the P & 0 cowboys, for and
would bring for us. about whom I wrote a little poem a while back, came to call[...]on me. "George," he said, "I have sold my ranch and cattle[...]as you probably know; but I have a few personal things out[...]here in the car which I couldn't ever sell. I want you to take
care of them for me."
I went out to the car and looked in the back. There[...]were. The working tools of a cowboy. His famous old[...]horse" and made that animal behave in front of the British[...]inspectors who were buying horses for the Boer War. And[...]with it was his lariat, made of rawhide, of course, not the
hemp of these latter day ropers.[...]made of horse hair--for old-time cowboys made their own[...]bit. And last of all, a big framed picture of the famous P &[...]set in this big picture were several smaller ones of W.[...]And out there in the car, too, was that blue-eyed Irish[...]helpmate and wife (Ella Flynn Sandy) of his, still his nurse
Elmer and Evelyn[...]cherished things out of the car, we both did a little reflecting
"This particular trip down, she got caught in one of those back to times long gone.
terrible blizzards. She got about half-way down through Ed I wondered if any of that happy crew of P & 0 men ever
Romaine's place and got lost in a[...]inally found a ever dream it would be that quiet, modest, efficient foreman,
haystack, got t[...]them orders but never asked them
but those stacks of wild hay settle down so solidly that it's to do something he could not do better h[...]ll,
there, he borrowed a saddle horse and started for the ranch Bert, John, Matt and Charles. And there was little Tommy
looking for her. The storm was so bad and it was dark so Haw, the Chinese cook, who took the name of "Haw"
he couldn't see a thing. When he got[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (148)[...]He's the last of the P & O's faithful men,
That sturdy and willing crew,[...]Who came in the springtime of long ago,[...]And if you had need of a neighbor or friend[...]Not feeling too chipper, but he don't complain,[...]Just what can you say of a man like that[...]But "Lord, please be good to that railroad[...]We are grateful that during his lifetime we were able to[...]write something of Sandy's life, before he crossed over the[...]are thankful. It reminds us of the old truth that:[...]And you like him or you love him[...]how to shape this last tribute to him and his kind, unless it
be with a prayer for his safe passage:
W. D. Sandy, P&O cowbo[...]FOR THY JUDGMENT
Quietly and without apparent emo[...]inued
talking, "If you think it possible, George, I would like to Keep him, 0 Lord, 'til that great judgment day,
have this picture hung up the[...]We do so hate to see him venture far,
some of the other P & 0 mementos. " On that dark journey to the Great Unknown,
And then came the payoff (for me). Tho, this we know, we all most follow soon.
"I'd like to have you paste that poem you wrote down in Guide him o'er the darkened sea of fate.
one comer of the picture and sign your name to it." Of late he seemed so tired and helpless here.
What sweeter gesture of thanks could a person ever get, Once[...]worthy
worth more to me than any silver or gold. Of course, we For in his life he seldom knew of fear.
will do these things for Sandy, who is still making a gallant
fight against sickness that old age brings. And with the[...]print the poem right here.
It still fits him, like he used to fit into that old saddle,
from which he turned away for the last time--with a little
mist in his f[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (149)[...]My mom was 44 years old and my dad was 50 when I
was born, so I had a niece and a nephew older than myself.[...]in Farlin Gulch in the Birch Creek area northwest of[...]afraid to stay alone, so when Dad left for work she would
Haute IN and was raised in Illinois. His mother died when pull the dresser in front of the door.
he was born and his father died when he[...]very quiet when she saw two "beady eyes" on top of the
scattered and did not keep in touch. He came[...]Dillon in 1882 air and she spent the rest of the night cleaning up the mess.
when she was ten years old. Her family came by covered She said that it went a long way in helping her get over
wagon.[...]rs, one brother, Dad worked at odd jobs for awhile, such as working on
her grandparents , Tom[...]nd started tending bar. Eventually,
Station south of Dillon 09 Aug. My grandmother went into h[...]ic Street and lived in Dillon until 1915. He knew that
wagon 10 Aug. That's what I call stress. prohibition[...]The railroad had been built well past Dillon. I'm not saloon and began farming when I was five months old. I
sure why we stopped at Barrett Station. That evening some was a farm girl all my growing-up years.
Chinese track-layers came into camp looking for a doctor. I went to a country school my first year, all eight[...]wasn't one, so my great-grandmother took her bag of in one room. The teacher stayed at our hom[...]ig wraps, she helped saddle the horses for the kids who rode to
chick ... made them sick." They had killed a hawk for meat school. The teacher really had to be a "jack of all trades."
and it was too rich for them. The Chinese gave my mom I wonder how she had time to teach, but the kids seemed to
some chopsticks, which I have. They have been in our learn.
family for 111 years. When I was seven, we moved to Twin Bridges. Since
Grandfather Mast got work planting trees for a rancher this was a town school, there were only two grades to a
who had to plant so many of these timber or forest cultures, room. We rod[...]s. Sometimes we walked and sometimes we
had a lot of land, so it turned out to be quite a job. Then he[...]a him to meet the bus and he would wait for us and then we
City, which was a booming mining t[...]to ride. He
Dillon was a fast-growing town at that time, also it had was very reliable and my folks trusted him.
the advantage of the railroad. Sherman Sapp went to work After we got to the bus stop, we had 13 miles to go to
for my grandfather hauling freight to the Silver Spri[...]about 6:00 when we got
Gramps dropped the freight for that busy mining area off at home. We had supper[...]Howard were milking, I did the dishes. Then it was
That was how Sherman met my mother and they married[...]o bed early because we
13 Nov 1889, on a Friday. That marriage lasted for 58 had to get up early.
years. So much for Friday the 13th being bad luck. Their As for playing, about the only time we played was at
mar[...]n hour. We didn't play at home as
became a state. That license and wedding picture are in the everyone had jobs to do. I was the same as an only child.
museum in Dillon.[...]n to this union: Olive, Hazel patience for a younger sister. Besides, he was outside doing[...]my (died at 13 boy-and-man things, and I was in the house doing
years of a ruptured appendix), Howard and Cora (the only housework right along with my mom. It was not that we
living one). were overworked, but that was the way of the times. All
farm kids lived that way.

Families - 700

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (150)[...]our school friends from the time school I must tell you about the threshing procedure. One[...]the threshing machine, and he went to each
notice I didn't say "vacation time." That was a word that farm to do the harvesting. The neighbors b[...]sheep run, fox big crews. There was lots of excitement. The ladies would
and geese.[...]and then again
ladders, swings and giant strides. I always liked school and another big supper in the evening. Of course, the ladies
most of my teachers. would always bring the dishes that they excelled in, so it
My mom was a very hard working lady. She raised a made a lot of great eating. We were always hoping that
large garden and canned most of our food except for staples. they would come to our place on Saturday or Sunday so we
We had to pump water for all household use (cooking, could be a part of the excitement.
cleaning, washing clothes, bathin[...]ing Our parents wouldn't let us stay out of school for
vegetables, the pumping and heating the water was a big anything except sickness. We were lucky to have parents
chore in itself. We had hired men in the summer time and like that because some kids were kept out of school to work
it took a lot of food to fill those hungry men. and they would get so far behind that they couldn't possibly
The only time that Mom had help, except for me, was catch up in their classes and the[...]e was in a cast and My mom always said that we were going to finish high[...]made butter and sold it along with fresh that we did finish. We knew she would do just that. We[...]ivered did finish high school and most of us got some college.
these things to customers in Twin Bridges. When I was When I finished seventh grade in Twin Bridges, we
little, she delivered them using the horse and buggy for moved to another ranch, so I went to school in Sheridan. I
transportation. When I was about a fifth grader, she had a graduated from there in 1933. I got a scholarship so I went
Model T truck . She also raised turkeys and furnished both to college in Dillon for a year. By that time the depression
hospitals with their Thanksgi[...]ristmas turkeys. had really hit the west. I got a job in Stamm's home. It
Mom was a prac[...]0 a month. College tuition was $35 a quarter plus
of 1918, she was gone several months taking care of the book fees. I just couldn't make the money stretch. I got
sick. During this time, Dad took care of Howard and me. another similar job , but I worked from 7:30 am to 9 pm and
She was a practic[...]would be gone days at a there was no time for school.
time . I was always surprised that whenever she went on one I was dating Don by that time and we decided to get
of these visits, those people always got a new baby.[...]te at night. He and Julius Hartwig stood up for Don. The wedding took
was a diversified farmer-ra[...]Ura, gave us
sell and the pigs produced two sets of young a year. Cattle a reception. We had a w[...]idn't require the cabin on Trapper Creek out of Melrose. We celebrated 50
constant care of the other animals. He raised all the feed for years of marriage in 1985 and Don passed away 05 Sep
these[...]eat, oats and barley to sell. 1985 of that same year.
In the summer there was irrigatin[...]Kevin, Scott, Dawn Rene', Selene and Trevor. I have four
shape so it would be ready to start ag[...]k apples and
working the ranch and also a couple of saddle horses. He chokecherries. One of the good memories was riding home
took salt to the range cattle during the summer and that is in the back of the pickup with all the good smells of the
where I learned to drive the Model T. It was a good place fruit.
to learn to drive as about the only thing that might happen We lived right by the Big H[...]ow falling.
slow from one salt lick to the other that you had plenty of Howard, Mom and I were out in the yard when we heard
time t[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (151)river. They were so low that Mom grabbed the garden rake
and reached up and br[...]yer
Dad was sure surprised to have wild goose for dinner.
He said, "Well, if anyone could do that, it would be your[...]It was as true in the 1930s as it is in the 1990s that the
protect the sheep from the coyotes. He would bring a nanny beauty of Montana was a great incentive to settle here. In
and her kid up by the house so that I could play with the the 1930s there was also an opportunity for people to make
kid. I would push it around in the doll buggy. One day we a living off of the land with the use of their skills and their
were all down in the orcha[...].
went up to the house to get something. He found that little Joe Sawyer was born to Edmund an[...]found its way in. from the School of Forestry in Schenectady and moved to
Mom woul[...]es as they swarmed. We the Centennial Valley where he homesteaded in 1932.
could hear them com[...]abins. He
beat on pans and buckets and make a lot of noise. That worked for the CCC building the observation tower at
caused[...]ey were in a huge ball formation. Centennial Valley in 1948. Joe worked many jobs to
Mom would take h[...]port his family. He was a Watkins Products dealer for
hive. At night they would move the hive up with the rest of many years during the 1940s, traveling all[...]y in 1981 in Elliston.
kept a three-room house so that his grown family could Eleanor Sch[...]1906 in Mazamet
bring their families to the ranch for a couple of weeks in the France and came to America at the age of five. Her fathe;
summer. Of course, these kids were pests ... spoiled rotten was a well-to-do merchant and trader during World War I.
and whiners. They were into everything! One day[...]ied the bee hives. They wanted to investigate and I let Buffalo NY.
them. They got what they weren't looking for! The parents Eleanor graduated from Cornell University with a degree
thought I should get punished because their kids got stung.[...]rom Western Montana college
Mom informed them that I was not their baby tender and with a degree in Education.
that they should teach their kids to stay out of other people's Elly and Joe married 27 May[...]Hotel in Monida. They lived in the Centennial Valley from
one mile north of Dillon. Dad cleared the land of sagebrush 1933 to 1938. It was during these years that they had two
(by hand), built a four-room house,[...]irth was in September
and a shop. Mother midwifed for some people who had a and during a sn[...]ay they could make it
sawmill and she took lumber for her nursing fees. These from the homestead to Monida, a distance of 15 miles, was
people had a baby every year and it[...]ard, then the two or
before Dad had enough lumber for all his buildings. three hour drive[...]il Mom passed away in May 1947. One of Mary Ellen's favorite stories of her mother was
Dad lived with us until his death 17 Dec 1948. Don and I of the time Elly left the home on Price Creek to sno[...]she left, catching the mail route snowplane for her ride to[...]and from Lakeview.
These are memories of Cora Sapp Tash, youngest When she returned to her lane for the three-mile walk
daughter of Thomas Sherman Sapp and Martha Eliza Mast[...]Tash Walter short time. Elly was fortunate that there was an old cabin
a couple of miles into her walk. Here she took refuge and[...]reaches of the valley where they had homesteaded.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (152)[...]erate. Joe
couldn't leave the
baby to go and look
for Elly and there
was no one to call to
come and help. Joe
was sure by this time
that he would find
Elly in a snow bank
in the spring.
For twenty-four
hours the blizzard
raged and Elly did[...]in the 1940s
primitive conditions were the order of the day. Snow in the and the 1950s gave us a taste of life that was frontier and
winter was always a major proble[...]ail route from Monida to Henry's Centennial Valley on Price Creek where the family had
Lake. Elly[...]se to the homesteaded. It was a time of hardship and make-do, but
school. was the way of life in the 1930s when .the depression hit but[...]school in the mornings and were a normal way of life.
evenings, sometimes hanging on to the fenc[...]house, wood pile and everyone. No one asked for special treatment. There was
often to the creek for water. always wo[...]long to be
attended school. Elly taught at a lot of different country someone for him to tease and torment. It made life more
schools, often being gone for weeks at a time. She taught fun. In the ear[...]e Big Hole (1949- where Joe went to work for Linde Air Products during the
1950), Briston in[...]At the conclusion of his schooling, he joined the Army.
Elly pass[...]--Adele Sawyer shipped to Korea for service during the Korean War.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (153) He was made a staff
sergeant and saw some of
the bloodiest fighting at
the 32nd parallel. His[...]larger and
different world than the
little corner of southwest
Montana he knew.
Upon returning to[...]55, Bob
went to work at the
Diamond O ranch north
of Dillon. With the help
of the GI Bill, he
attended Western
Education. In the
meantime, he worked for
Davis Motors, Ford
Motors, Dillon Exxon[...]y. Ref 163.23.
the Conoco station and
driving bus for
Beaverhead County High School for 14 years. to his mine an[...]e shaft and leave
He taught school in Dillon for 25 years, retiring in 1988. them. Every time[...]ars as a teacher were busy ones as he gave freely of in the leg-hole of an old desk and not come out. He'd try
his time t[...]ere behaving this way and Governor
team was a joy that both Bob and Adele enjoyed for 15 Allen thought what strange litt[...]had a good time, be it dancing, bobbing for apples or
married in this new church.[...]ven. She spent her early years in the Grasshopper Valley. worked for Tri-State Minerals. Three more children were
The[...]even: Donna, Adele, Jim,
They were snowed in most of the time and the only means Sue Anne, Bill, Jody and Jackie. Adele graduated from
of transportation was with team and sleigh. The wint[...]Bob Sawyer a month later at the age of seventeen.
They lived with Grandma Emma and[...]cabin up Billings Creek, creating a special bond that house on the Elwood Morrison ranch and Bob worked for
provided a lasting impression on these children.[...]the Exxon station in Dillon. Later, Bob worked for
easy but it was special living with so many peopl[...]olaris School, a the evenings.
distance of three miles away.[...]reat Melrose school bus route, a job he kept for 14 years. He
for these kids. John Judge filled their young heads w[...]halls during the afternoons at BCHS and
stories that only later in life did they recognize as tall tal[...]ten truck driving long
He had a three-legged dog that had been in the War and had hauls on wee[...]his leg shot off, (he was really a chicken thief that had got from WMC he taught at the high school for 25 years,
caught in a hen house) , so he was a bi[...]retiring in 1988.
Governor Allen, promoter of the Coolidge Mine, stopped Adele an[...]business in the late 1970s, farming and haying for nine
Judge had told how, if kids didn' t behave, he'd take them up months out of the year.

Families - 704

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (154)[...]nt and providing help at a
young age. All members of the family spent between 12 and
18 hours a day in[...]during the busy seasons. It
provided the stimulus for teaching responsibility and work
In the 1970s, Adele's health began to deteriorate. For 28
years, she battled a liver disease that meant lots of trips to
Missoula to have endoscopies and treatment for a bleeding
esophagus. Some of these episodes meant hospitalization.
One bout of bleeding, more difficult to control, left the
family with the knowledge that today is important because
there might be no tomorrow.
In 1993 after another episode of bleeding, it was decided
that Adele needed a liver transplant. On July 8 she was
fortunate to receive a liver from a donor in Seattle. For the
first time in the Pacific Northwest, a liver[...]r lives: Terry and Chris, Ryan and
Kaycee, Rychel of Tulsa OK; Tracy and Sharon (Johnson)
Sawyer of Dillon; and Tammy, Ceth, Jesse and Elly Sawyer
of Dillon.[...]lyn and Alvin Scharff, taken 1942. Ref.177.05.
I, Carolyn Dorothy Rebich Scharff, was born 19 May[...]d George W. Rebich at the Rebich home
ranch south of Dillon. I was the fifth of seven children:
Frank Rebich, Donna Rebich (Green[...]h (Kielhamer) and Centennial Valley Summer People
Phillip Rebich, who died at age two[...]cheid first came to Beaverhead County in 1917
and I later attended high school in Dillon.[...]O. He left the small farm in southwest
In 1938 I left Montana for Oakland CA where I received Missouri where he was born and came to Montana to find a
my cosmetology license. In 1942 I married Alvin Scharff better life. He ha[...]the "dime" wild west
who was in the 7th Division of the Army. In 1943 he left novels of the time and had decided on a career as a cowboy,
for a two-year duty in the South Pacific. but when he landed in Dillon and went looking for a job, he
When Alvin returned in 1945, we moved to South San found that cowboys were earning $30 a month and
Francisco wh[...]t · sheepherders $35.
Office in Milbrae and I worked in a beauty shop in San "That decided my career," he later said, and he was
Mat[...]Ann, and in involved in the sheep industry for the rest of his life. He
1951 our son, Alvin, Jr., was born. worked for several sheep outfits in the Dillon area during t[...]moved to Saratoga CA, where Al winter of 1917 and joined the army in 1918. He was sent to
continued to work for the Post Office. I bought and opened Camp Funston KS, where he[...]to the Field Artillery. He was ready to ship
and I retired from the beauty shop in 1981.[...]1920s when he came into the Centennial Valley with a band
--Carolyn Rebich Scharff of sheep owned by the Boyle Sheep Company.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (155)[...]is way up to Over the years, the ownership of the Bean Ranch had[...]in Beaverhead County, Jim loved the Centennial Valley and
wintered and lambed the Bean Ranch, and he had a great stock of stories about his[...]ea and wife, Mae, spent their summers in the valley and Jim did all[...]Centennial Valley Jim passed away in 1983 and the ranch i[...]--Jerry Scheid, Idaho Falls
Centennial Valley in 1920s. 1eased sever a 1
Ref 177. 07.[...]Esther Stahl
Boyle Sheep Company, like so many livestock[...]to liquidate.

Herman James "Jim" Scheid, one of the Summer People in
Centennial Valley. Ref 177.06.[...]s father). Ref 148.29.
This was a real setback for Jim, but he was able to keep
the lease on the Bea[...]ntered the lambs in the 1893, the fifth child of Nicholas and Anna Schmittroth. He
area aro[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (156)[...]rtnership was dissolved in 1927 and Louis and
War I in France and then in Germany with the army of Esther became the sole owners. The name of the bakery
occupation.[...]in returned to Salt Lake City after the sale of the bakery.
1917. Vincent, Louis' brother, was op[...]ers in the City Bakery in Dillon. Nicholas was of No Return) in a canoe. They were the first white[...]. The bakery was photographer, took movies of the trip and it is preserved on
located at 120 N.[...]Upon retirement, Louis spent much of his spare time in[...]A native of Wein MO, Tony was born 23 Jan 1910 and[...]hop a freight and ride the rails west looking for work. That[...]He worked for Irvine and Cottom for a time and the[...]Ermont Mine in the Argenta area until the price of gold[...]Born in 1909, she was the daughter of James and Sadie[...]own at the piano and play
Bridges where he worked for his brother, Vincent, in the it. She played for many dances in the area.
bakery there. He and Est[...]ere married in the Ruth began writing for the Dillon Tribune as the Roving
Methodist Church[...]Reporter in 1949 and continued to do so for twenty years.
Esther Stahl was born in Bannack[...]st Her excellent way with words and her sense of humor made
child of Louis and Julia Stahl . The family moved to Dillon for some enjoyable reading.
in 1904. Esther attended[...]ed in California during the war years from
School of music. She was working at the old Sugar Bowl 1942 to 1946 where they both worked in the shipyards for
Cafe in Dillon when she met Louis. Calship, which produced Liberty ships for the war effort.
In 1921 Louis Schmittr[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (157)[...]it in 1960 and moved to to the bunkhouse for a nap, get up and have supper and
Melrose. Tony d[...]they'd head down the road to the Paddock ranch for a stop.
Same way on Horse Prairie, but I don't know about those
stopping places. That way the steers wouldn't get[...]he Clemow steers stopped there one time; a couple of[...]In April of 1920, a fellow rode into Monida and stopped[...]for a meal as he was broke. The proprietor told him of[...]belonging to a relative of his in Idaho Falls, so he told the[...]walked ahead of him toward the car, Y eik shot him twice[...]a lot of shooting going on, and finally Albert Yeik was hi[...]--Estelle Blomquist that is now the Wenger house just back of the courthouse,[...]etz down out of the house and rescue him."
We told her that he wasn't any Henry Plummer. The[...]n to be there at five a.m.
My brother Don and I would hurry home from school He said, "I'm not interested in seeing someone getting
and ju[...]ven if it was later in the day."
place at the end of Kentucky Avenue to slide down the In those days, they didn't horse around with stays of
straw stacks. Once we took Nina Peacock along. Sh[...]execution.
first to slide and landed on a hog that had burrowed into Back in those days we got an education! We had to
the straw for a nap. It took off on a high lope, she learn the names of all the states and their capitals, and draw
screaming and we yelling at her to fall off, she yelling that an outline of each state.
she couldn't, but the hog took a left tum and lost her. For We also had to learn the name of every county in
some reason she never wanted to go back. Montana and the name of the county seat--that wasn ' t so
We boarded our milk cow down there in the summer, as bad, for the book we had was printed before they started
well as a lot of other people who had milk cows, and Don chopping up the counties.
and I had the job of going down to bring Rosie home; a[...]we made
rider would go in and drive the cows out for the kids. We a papier mache map of the Andes Mountains of South
had it made, we'd hop onto Rosie and ride h[...]d about the coca leaf the Indians
Smith had a job of trailing cows for people who didn't chewed which seemed[...]Little did we know in 1920
Before the advent of cattle trucks, the ranchers used to that the coca leaf would become a national disaster in years
trail their steers out of the Big Hole. I was out helping to come.
Cora cook for them one time.

Families - 708

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (158)[...]llege girls would practice teach the frrst
couple of months of their first year and then would be[...]Anna Reece
great many of them married a rancher or farmer during that
year. There were rural schools every five miles,[...]ren,
We were very, very proud when we learned that Mildred, Harriet, Harry (Bud), Lee[...]eir farm
Montana had the highest educational rate of the whole U.S. nine miles north of Dillon on Anderson Lane. All of the
Each spring they would have a May Day cel[...]ould participate. We'd County High Schoo I.
have folk dances and there was a Maypole for the college Mildred was born 19 Mar 1912. She graduated from
girls, it being too complicated for the youngsters. the Montana State Normal School and taught in rural
Of course, everyone was in their best bib and tucker county schools and Bagley School in Dillon for several[...]While teaching in Lima, she married Morgan Hall,
except for one year when the girls had to do dumbbell
exerci[...]ide in Creston, British Columbia. Mildred
so some of us went up to the towers to get a good view of and Morgan have three sons, Morgan of Wilsonville OR,
Dillon, but the pigeons had been living in there for so long Roy of Vanderhoof, British Columbia, and Frank of
that the stench was suffocating and we left.[...]ormal College. Her teaching career began
practice for the program. One year I was one of the three in rural schools in Beaverhead and Madison counties.
wise men and we were to wear robes. I had a beautiful While teaching in Boul[...]burn doll wig left from a doll with a bisque head that They made their home in Anaconda where Fred worked
had been broken. So, I decided it would make a nice pair at the Anaconda Company smelter and Harriet taught the
of whiskers (which I kept under my hat). When we got children of the staff doctors at the Warm Springs State
behind the curtain and had our drapes on, I got it out of my Hospital. Fred (now deceased) and Harriet[...]pocket and tied a string on it to put on my chin. I felt very Fred, Jr. (deceased) and James of Albuquerque NM.
dignified and certainly was not prepared for the whoops of Harriet died in 1980.
laughter, but nobody got after me for it. Harry R. (Bud), bo[...]ntil 1938 when he joined the Navy.
kids all sacks of hard candy. We knew it wasn't the REAL Wh[...]Norfolk VA. He had married Edna Dubuc of Meriden CT.
In those days you wrote your lett[...], Mary, live
Mary Innes told us to draw a picture of what we wanted in the eastern United States.
because we were just learning to write. So, I drew a doll Lee Schuler, born 20 Feb 1[...]on a
The toy stores didn't open till a couple of weeks destroyer as a torpedoman in the[...](Babe) Smith. They farmed a small place
basement of his stationery store, where Sears is now. near Dillon for a few years before moving to Anaconda
Mr. Tat[...]proximately the north half where Lee worked for several years as a welder at the
of the present Coast-to-Coast store. My folks would[...]d golfing. Lee died
So we would pick out presents for the rest of the family in 1984 and Agnes died in 1987. They are survived by
and then we would trade the money that was left and son, George, who[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (159)[...]have lived in Indonesia and Venezuela, where
home of pioneer William Orr from 1950 to 1955. In 1955[...]. He
the family moved to their present home north of Dillon on accepted the position of head engineer for Sunshine Mining
Schuler Lane.[...]graduation
Street from 1961-1974. He then worked for the City of from BCHS, he graduated from Western Mon[...]1967 she began Jim is employed as a carpenter for a Dillon contractor,
working for the Dillon hot lunch program at the Bagley where they live.
School. She continued working for the program when it
moved to Parkview North. Lois[...]Beaverhead
Laurel. In 1973 she and Larry Daggett of Laurel married.
County, except in 1966 when he ranched in Whitehall.
Linda and L[...]Ranches he owned included the Kruljac place south of
They raised two children, Carl and Lianne, and ha[...]of Rocks, the Roscoe Pilon ranch north of town and the
Great Falls Head Start Program and h[...].
in the urban renewal of the residential area of south Great[...]chopping blocks of ice from the river for the ice house.
enlisted in the Navy in 1968. He s[...]Naval Air Station in Lemoore CA . He volunteered for[...]place and wait for a treat. In addition to ranching, Jim
Bremerton[...]He used to say, "I' 11 tell ( or show) you once." It meant
#4 and s[...]that whomever Jim was addressing better be paying
was[...]attention. He was a member of the American Legion, Elks,
He received an As[...]ic Lodge, was active in the First Lutheran Church for
from the Butte Vo-Tech . In 1973 John and Kather[...]time of his death. Jim died in Dillon 03 Jun 1983.
Doig, and Nathaniel. John is employed by the State of[...]1 Apr 1928, to Ray Howard ~n
Montana, Department of Transportation, where he is section[...]erved m
foreman. John and Katherine reside north of Dillon.[...](1947-1966). Charlotte Ann of Dillon who married Monte
BCHS and Montana Tech w[...]Mickelson. George James of Dillon married Laurie Landon
Mining Corporation[...]Their children are Jesse and Erin Scofield.
Bobb of Osburn ID. They have two children, Shanna[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (160)Kathleen Marie of Dillon married Andrew Judge 10 May[...]. Voiland (1882-1966).
Timothy John of Hope ID married Lee Cossel 04 Apr During the summer, Gretchen cooked for the hay crews
1975; their children are Ben, Haile[...]Patron of Kansas in 1919 when Gretchen was initiated into[...]attended school in Wisdom until entering
One of ten children born to James Jesse Scofield (1865-[...]nship, Dakota County, Making a career of the Navy after he joined in 1943, and
near Lakevi[...]WWII, Korea and Vietnam, Tom retired in 1975.
age of twenty and worked as a cowboy in the Judith Basin[...]he Big filled in as ship's Chaplain.
Hole Valley.[...]the Ruby and Hirschy ranches. On 18 most of his life, he has always remembered his "cowboy
Ja[...]s and Developmentally Disabled in the
became part of the old Parsons place which was eventually[...]from a previous marriage include Judy Ann of Florida,
named Kruger established a partnership a[...]vid Edward (deceased), David Loren and Jimmy John of
Laurence Redmond ranch; their brand was the KBarS. Chula Vista CA, and Kathy Lynn of Pasadena CA.
While he ranched, Jim worked for the county from the
early 1930s until about 1946,[...]--Charlotte Scofield Elliott
valley as well as maintaining law and order as Deputy
Sh[...]er Jim McCollum and John
Troupe. A story was told that Jim used to ride a big white
horse and didn't hav[...]until haying season
when extra people came to the valley and things got out of
hand on a regular basis. Jim also worked for the Forest
Service from 1946 to the early 1950s.[...]s, James F. and John Thomas.
Jim was a member of the American Legion and Past
Master of the Wisdom Masonic Lodge. He used to say,
"There's a line in the dirt; don't ever cross it." This was a
quote from Tom Scofiel[...]e in Wisdom 24 May 1955.
Gretchen came to the valley on the stagecoach from
Topeka KS in 1923. She told the story of getting off the
stage at the old Ralston stage st[...]by Sharon
school marm." She noticed Jim because of the color of his Tash Reynolcf,s. Used by permissi[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (161)[...]orn at
Barrett Hospital in 1930,
the second child of
Parke T. and Mildred L.
Scott and the third
generation of Scotts in
Beaverhead County. His
childhood was sp[...]Elkhorn earth shelter home of Dan and Bobbie Jean Scott. Ref 176.25.
Dan marrie[...]obbie
Jeanne Giudici. Bobbie,
the second daughter of Carl and Jessie Giudici, was born at they were off for Terre Haute IN.
Barrett Hospital in 1931. The Giu[...]ar teaching parttime, Dan completed a
ranch north of Dillon. During her childhood Bobbie lived[...]two years in Gunnison, they learned that WMC would be
Dan and Bobbie married as Dan wa[...]nlistment in the Navy during the Korean War. Most of accepted, so it was back home for Dan, Bobbie and family.
those years were in San D[...]n was in the Marshall assistant professor of Industrial Education.
Islands during nuclear bomb[...]Steven the present church. (See histories of Parke F., Steven C.
C., was born in Dillon.[...]on Clark Retirement years have been busy for Dan and Bobbie,
Canyon Dam which would ultimately[...]nd sheltered home in the Grasshopper Valley and with
started classes at Western Montana Coll[...]In 1992 they worked and supervised the conversion of
born, completing a family of four children. the freight room of the old Union Pacific Depot into a
In 1961 D[...]ved community theater.
to Idaho Falls ID for two years, teaching in grade school[...]Diorama, now in the north waiting room of the depot,
while Clay Anders took a leave of absence. which houses the[...]ie in the Armstead Home
would need for the next year in a converted school bus--[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (162)[...]tion In 197 5 Parke married Pamela I. Stewart, daughter of
Board, Methodist Ladies and various bridge clubs.[...]rom grade school and high school in Dillon.
board of directors of Bicentennial Apartments, Barrett She attended Kinman Business College in Spokane WA for
Hospital trustee, and grooming trails for the Beaverhead one year. Parke and Pam had thr[...]and chain saws. They also own the business of Scott's Fire[...]Pam contracts work for a local sewing company,[...]Sagebrush Sewing, preparing aluminum strips for their[...]Dan and Bobbie have been active in square dancing for
many years, are members of the Camp Fortunate Chapter
of the Lewis and Clark Heritage Foundation and are
members of the Methodist Church.[...]tt

Parke F. Scott
Pamela I. Stewart
Parke was born in Dillon in 1954, the second son of Parke Scott family, taken 1994. L-R: Lacie, parents Pam
Dan and Bobbie Scott and the fourth generation of Scotts and Parke, Lindsey and Laura. Ref.177.0[...]chool in Dillon. He went to a small member of Beaverhead Co. Search & Rescue, Elks and

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (163)[...]Steve was born in
Dillon in 1956, the third
son of Dan and Bobbie
Scott and the fourth
generation of Scotts in
Beaverhead County.
Steve attended g[...]hool at BCHS in
Dillon in 197 4 . He was
a member of the Army
National Guard for eight
In 1977 Steve
married Debra Jacobsen
of Shelby MT. She was
born in 1953, the oldest
daughter of Everett and
Marjorie Jacobsen.
Debbie attende[...]She attended one year at the Great Falls Vo-Tech for foreman. She worked as an operator at[...]d could only work a few hours a day, so the
state of Montana.[...]Steve has been on the maintenance staff at BCHS for 10 than merely a 40-hour-a-week job.
years.[...]arch and Rescue. after a time of trying to teach him how to roller skate,
Debb[...]ried him in Davenport IA, during the spring break of
local manufacturing company.[...]She was the bread winner of the family for the next
--Steve and Debbie Scott couple of years, at least until he was called into active[...]branch of the Bank of America in Fresno while John was
Florence G[...]who worked for the Bank of America.[...]918. Her overseas. She moved to Whitehall for a while, and then
mother was born on Wickam Creek in Madison County, the accepted the position of secretary at the Children's Home
oldest girl of the Morris family of pioneers. She graduated in Twin Bridges unti[...]from her class as Salutatorian and was president of her high She went back to work at the orp[...]here her father was section remarked that he would always remember going into her[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (164)and how much he appreciated her help during that time of Montana College of Education the first year, and after that,
personnel shortages. She called him an old dear.[...]All of them graduated, Jeanne with highest honors, Jeff[...]accomplished instructor in the field of Industrial Arts. John[...]obtained a Doctorate in the field of wildlife research.[...]She was an Eastern Star and a member of several bridge[...]worker for the community until her untimely death in 1982[...]after having been married for 41 years .

Young Gladys Seidensticker circ[...]she
was very active in school affairs and was one of the small
group of women who started the campaign for getting a
million nickels to build and start a ch[...]Gladys Seidensticker, first wife of Dr. John Seidensticker.
She was also one of the women who did a great deal for Ref152.10
the wome[...], washing
their clothes and providing a few meals for them when they
came home from the hospital. This[...]ensticker
friends . She also was an active member of Eastern Star,
working as secretary and treasurer.
It was in Twin Bridges that the Seidensticker children, John C. Seidens[...]not truly pulled up
until her house was moved to that city, providing a great As Mark Twain said, this is a bit premature; however,
deal of advertising which was unintentional.[...]active in the Lutheran Church , school that we should write this now for the second edition of the
activities, the Hospital Auxiliary, the Nursi[...]history book which will be the next effort of the
Auxiliary and was also on several of the boards, including Beaverhead Historical Society. It seems that I have a
March of Dimes, besides taking care of the books for her couple places in a history book at pr[...]ison
husband' s office. She was selected as Woman of the Year. County book, the oral Medical Hi[...]child, Jeffrey, was born. She insisted History of Montana, small bits, but it is there.
that her children go to college. They were sent[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (165)[...]idges on the
south and the main ranch to the west of the old orphans'
home, extending to the continent[...]d, and about one-and-a-half
sections to the south of the fairgrounds at the time that it
was sold to Alan Hamilton in 1990.
John wa[...]His father had a fur
farm which took a great deal of his time as he was growing
up. This had a great deal to do with his love of animals and
nature. His brothers, Sylvester and L[...]was born. So, he and Sylvester
spent a great deal of time with their Grandmother
Seidensticker whose h[...]ll
and basketball, and graduated as Valedictorian of his class
in 1933 . He attended Montana State[...](the name has been appropriated by Bozeman
since that time) in Pre-Medical science. He washed a lot
of dishes and later batched with his brother, Sylves[...]Chicago where he graduated, receiving a Bachelor of
Medicine in 1942 and a Doctor of Medicine in 1943.
During the summers, he worked o[...]ng his M.D. degree.
John married Gladys Block of Twin Bridges. She was
born in Whitehall and her m[...]ker III, M.D., taken mid
1941 during spring break of his Junior year in medical 1940s. Ref.152.11.
John applied for and received a commission in 1942 as
a Second Lie[...]ical Administration Corps It was one of a number of hospitals in the Western Base
and was called to d[...]Bunny, given by the creator
Corps upon completion of his internship. He was inducted of that cartoon. In May a number of doctors were detached
into the army at Barnes Ho[...]d to Ft. Lewis Station Hospital where of France. John was sent to a place near Falmouth,
G[...]road. England, where he was put in charge of 41 enlisted men
On 25 Jan 1944 he was reassigned[...]from various hospitals and was a part of the invasion effort
Hospital at Baxter Hospital i[...]. Its duty was to take care of the sick on shore, receive
The 82nd General Hospital was one of the larger general the wounded and transport them to medical facilities in the
hospitals that did not have a name and was not associated[...]rger hospitals were staffed by general basis for the first time, and blood plasma on the
doctors f[...]L.S .T.s. They also were to take care of sailors from the
It was sent overseas and set up in a deer park in part of merchant ships which were carrying supplies for the
Flint, Wales, near Whitechurch, Shropshire, E[...]invasion, John and other medical
through the back of Escoyd Park behind the hospital.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (166)[...]ntana Medical License in 1943,
orthopedic surgeon for the duration of the war. he desired a practice in[...]n Bridges to help Dr. Dave Rossiter, who was
July of that year, a son whom he was destined not to see[...]s, his children, James, Judith, and
At the end of the war in Europe, the 82nd General, tw[...]ician and county health officer and the physician for
moved to Soissone, France. The members of the unit were the Children ' s Home in Tw[...]ts. encouragement of Dr. Routledge, he moved to Dillon. In
John was in the redeployment area of Camp 1958 he moved his house t[...]child, Jeffrey,
Philadelphia until the surrender of Japan, then reassigned to was born in Dillon.
worked until he was sent to the American Army of Officer for a time, and was one of the founders of the
Occupation in Austria at the hospital in West Lenz, Austria, Parkview Nursing Home, where he was one of the original
and finally was returned home from Bremerhaven, board of directors until it was sold. He was a member of
Germany. He was discharged with the rank of Major. the Montana Board of Medical Examiners for two terms[...]He retired when he reached the age of 68 , finding
government regulations for Medicare, Medicaid and[...]Gladys, died in 1982 of multiple myeloma. In 1986 he[...]ried Elaine Willey Hj ort, whose husband had died of a[...]times to Alaska, including Point Barrow for a polar bear
hunt and Kodiak Island for a brown bear hunt. He went[...]fishing on the coast and off of Honduras and Ecuador. He
was proud of his grand slam of American wild sheep,[...]collecting almost every North American trophy except a[...]He was a member of Masonic lodges, serving as
Worshipful Master of Westgate Lodge #27 in Twin[...]Bridges, Royal Arch of Virginia City, Knights Templar of
Dillon and Baghdad Shrine of Butte. He was also a
member of the Elks Lodge, the American Legion and a[...]Dillon, the son of Roy and Mary Selway. Emerson lived[...]ranch north of Dillon as did his widowed grandmother,[...]nd his Aunt Maude.
John C. Seidensticker MD, of Twin Bridges MT.[...]and took hold of the cable that pulled the net of hay to the
top of the stack and dumped it.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (167)[...]nds
were pulled up into the pulley
and stopped it that the others
knew anything was wrong.
They reve[...]Emerson's Aunt Julia,
who was there to help cook for
the hay crew, fainted and fell
against the stove[...]andaged, the doctor turned
to them and said, "All of this
won't do any good. You ' ll be
bringing him into the office in a
few days and I' 11 have to
The doctor did not kno[...]y in her
sweet loving way, "Just a few more times for me."
Little did she know then that those hands she saved of recuperation, he went to work for Mineral Engineering
would be the means by which h[...]School in charge of transportation. This involved setting
I met Emerson when I was in high school. I worked at up bus runs, maintaining all of the buses and driving all of
the Roxy Theater, later the Hartwig, in the evenings and the out-of-town trips for all school activities. He took
weekends. We both[...]r skating at Dilmont many trips in and out of the state in all kinds of weather.
Park. World War II came along and change[...]Seattle WA in Nov 1945. I inherited my father's job with The Montana Standa[...]ed to Dillon where he went to work at Watson I finally gave it up after 14 years. I decided to take
Garage and then later for Joe White. There he had a very advantage of our college and enrolled at WMC. There I
bad accident that broke both of his legs. After over a year learned to cut and polish the rocks I had collected all of my
life. I also learned silver and goldsmithing and d[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (168) Along with Dorothea Zetler, I opened a small jewelry landscapes as well a[...]basic training, he
Box. Later Dorothea quit, but I stayed on there until married Juanita Rorke 27 Dec 1966. He was sent to
Emerson retired. I wanted to be free to grab my hat if Vietn[...]and hold his beautiful baby girl, Ronnie Sue, who
I still do custom work and make jewelry for shows. As of was born in Dillon 23 Apr 1967.
this writing, Dec 1996, we have shared married life for 54 He was transferred to Fort Sill OK, wh[...]rest of his enlistment. While there, another girl named[...]where he still is working. Juanita ran a day care for[...]beautiful art pieces, and is now working for the Montana[...]up, and she decided to go for it.
Florence and Emerson Selway at their 50th wed[...]bit. Ivan moved to New Jersey to work for his uncle.[...]d Florence way of life, so they moved to Dillon where their son, Iv[...]Ivan, Jr., is in kindergarten and proudly says that "they all
Stephen Jay Selway was born 12 Aug[...]zil and teach English, but the Love
His love of horses became his life. He attended Bug bit and changed all of his plans. He and Bobbi
Western Montana College a[...]ravels all over the world operating on and caring for footsteps , acquiring their love of art. He is an
horses. He comes home occas[...]accomplished artist. He had a showing of his artwork at a
fishing.[...]e also taught him to outdoors and works for the Forest Service in the summers.
hunt, f[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (169)[...]her own. She still loves over western Montana for their pure blood, matching color
and has horses.[...]h school and tremendous endurance. The city of Butte bought many
sweetheart, Joe Macioroski, 30 Apr 1970 when he was matched teams for the city fire engine. The JS brand
home on leave[...]t over carried on each left hip was the sign of quality and is still
to Vietnam. A daughter, Char[...]as, the family in June 1872 and is one of the very first on record in
moved to Cheyenne WY[...]cond daughter, 1870. She was the daughter of Daniel Bohan Noble, who
Carrie Lee, came along 04[...]ended from Charles Chauncey, the second President of
for the local State Farm Insurance agents for the past 24 Harvard University and from Rev.[...]tte, along with another couple, have founder of Concord MA.
just started a roof truss manufacturi[...]. She ancestry can be traced to King Edward I of England,
competed in rodeos and showed horses fro[...]Herbert Selway ~arried Mary Monahan. They had one
for Les Schwab Tires and the family moved to Colfax W[...]among the first class to be graduated
a shortage of animals with her around, from cats, dogs, f[...]na College) in Dillon. After several years of
She attended Western Montana College. She wanted to teaching and becoming an active member of the Rebekah
help people, especially children, so[...]rred to the Lodge where she received the Degree of Chivalry, she
Helena School of Technology. She is studying to become marr[...]large parcel of land.
--Florence C[...]elway Jr. worked for the Federal Land Bank. He married Norine[...]Noble Springer of Caldwell ID. They had a daughter, Carolee,[...]white family to War II.
settle in Beaverhead Valley. In the spring of 1863 James Mae received a B.S. degree a[...]e in Education. She
children at a site just north of what is now Dillon. James taught for 34 years before retiring and lives in Salmon ID.[...]Selway and Gary. Selway is Superintendent of Schools of
first potatoes to be planted in Beaverhead. The first year Eureka County NV. Gary is assistant manager of Idaho
she planted one acre and sold them for 30 cents a pound to First National Bank at Pa[...]ack. She was paid in gold dust. Cain of Ketchum ID. They have three sons, Derek Selway
Four of her sons took up homesteads in the county.[...]d the original Gary married Daneva Stout of Boise ID. They have a
homestead; he raised many f[...]d trotter, in his 28 II and is now a Doctor of Chiropractic in Salmon ID where
years never lost[...]daughter of Hazel Dingley and adopted and raised by th[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (170)[...]Douglas
Hawley Selway married LaVilla Nelson of Beaverhead served in the Air Force in Wor[...]s with his uncle, Warren
The other three sons of James Selway, Sr. were John Selway until h[...]dren: Bill, Jim, Pat, Chuck,
on a homestead north of the city limits. All the boys Danny, Del[...]ter his discharge, he returned to
local ranchers, except Mary who married Tom Porch in Dillon wh[...]Selway family has left its name on the landscape of sons still run the business that has locations in several
Idaho and Montana many t[...]and David. Charles joined the Navy at the age of 17. He
in the world are related. retired after 25 years of service and then worked for the
postal service for several years. At the time of his death in
--Mae C. Mulkey, Sa[...]mechanic in Dillon, later working for Minerals Engineering
James, Sr. and Eliza Sel[...]their eight in Glen and Wise River. In May of 1959, he started
children: James Jr., John, Tom,[...]h, Adria working as Transportation Supervisor for Beaverhead
and Anna, were the first white family[...]h School until his retirement in 1983.
Beaverhead Valley.
Robert filed on a homestead north of the city limits of --Eme[...]nvolving the first automobile in Dillon. The team
of horses he was pulling a hay wagon with became[...]d Mary Ries. and spent their lives here except for a few years during
They had five sons: Harold, Do[...]e-room school.
the ranch, much against the advice of the local banker. She In 1933 at age sixte[...]mily Keams Basin above Argenta, working for $10 a month and
moved into a house in Dillon.[...]iscovered the Shafer Mine on French Creek
ranched for several years in the Dillon area, then worked in and leased it to the Anaconda Company of Butte. In early
a service station in Helena for a couple of years. They 1940 he and brother, Ernest, tried their luck at mining for
moved back to Dillon where he worked for the city until themselves, but ulti[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (171)Butte, and again worked for the Anaconda Company for Louise Mae Hand was born 23 Jun 1922[...]ed only three pounds; but
next five years working for the ACM Company. surrounded by l[...]to cats, dogs, chickens, pigs and lots of area to play in, but
Butte. Many men, Carl includ[...]pper those times must have been very trying for our parents. I
for the war effort. Some miners who were in the servi[...]County, Buhrer school in Madison County, and for a short
in short supply and were badly needed.[...]d County High School in Dillon.
In the spring of 1946, Carl and Louise moved back to In 1935 we moved to Argenta where dad had a job. I
Argenta. He tried mining for himself once again but still learned many hom[...]ls from my mother--sewing,
had no luck. He worked for Hand Mines in Argenta and cooking, clean[...]child care.
then moved to Dillon where he worked for Stauffer I had a younger sister, Shirley, and brother, Horac[...]I met and married Carl Shafer and moved to Butte.[...]This move to a city, for a country girl, was a big
undertaking. I missed the outdoors, the work I had done,[...]started that women could get jobs, and in Butte it was still[...]preferred that you give your time to rolling bandages and[...]sewing for the war effort and leave the few jobs for singles[...]When we went to the chrome mine in 1941, I relished[...]elevation; on 02 Sep 1941, we received 28 inches of snow.[...]s time the road was finished, but you had to wait for[...]made the best of it with neighbors and friends who were in[...]daughter, Myrna Carol,
Louise and Car~ Shafer of Argenta MT. Ref.177. 08. was born. I resumed raising a garden, milking a cow,[...]chickens, etc. and I was plenty busy. I helped my mother[...]at Parkview School as a truck driver, I was harassed somewhat by other drivers, but
janit[...]iew Cemetery in maintenance and the drove for five years.
State Liquor Store as a clerk. In 1980 he retired and has I took a correspondence course in bookkeeping from the
been enjoying his love of fishing, hunting and some travel. LaSal[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (172)typing from WMC. Moving to Dillon in 1956, I was Carl and I built a log home on our 120 acres at Argenta
employed by Davis Motor Co. for five years, then I made and in 1991 we moved back there and are enjoying our
salads for Saga Foods at WMC, and then worked 13 years retirement.
for Anne Ames and Josephine Eudaily, who were[...]James Carpita,
Beaverhead County Superintendents of Schools. I made an live in Missoula, and grandsons, James in Coeur d'Alene
unsuccessful bid for Beaverhead County Treasurer. I ID and Bryan in Ketchum ID. Both are policemen.
worked for Triangle Irrigation and finally for A vis
Hoerning, Beaverhead County Treasurer. I retired in 1982. --Louise Hand Shafer
In 1972 I got my private pilot's license, a dream I'd had
ever since wanting to join the WASPs or the[...]op
(now the George Rebich
place) four miles north
of Dillon in 1921 and
lived between there and
the homestead.
Growing up years for Front L-R: Anne Gabel, Helen and Don Shaffner, la[...]were sent to the Congress in Bozeman.
South for producing cotton mules, while those in poor[...]ix cents per pound from the fox farm. 1938, and that fall attended Montana State College in
When[...]he and his brother, Bozeman. To help pay for his schooling, he joined the
George, took turns[...]a long way in those
up Taylor Creek at the base of Baldy Mountain. days. As luck would h[...]ed up during WWII, in 1940. Don
they lived north of town, the school bus was a sheep spe[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (173) During the war years, three of the four Shaffner boys She belonged to[...]was killed in the South Society Daughters of the American Revolution for many
Pacific in Oct 1944.[...]ears and chaired the annual History Essay Contest for
When Don returned from the war, he took hi[...]school children fifth through eighth grades for almost a
and went to veterinary school at Washi[...]eterinary Hospital in Dillon. This began a career that
would span 30-plus years and see a lot of changes in[...]pital. She also taught piano and played the organ for
the First Presbyterian Church.
In 1964[...]ctice, he called on Sydney and Gail to keep track of the
On Sundays (his only day of[...]Short Line Park, near Selway ranch north of Dillon.
base of Carroll Hill. In 1979 Don sold his interest in th[...]ed
the Esterwald ranch on Coyote Creek.
That same year, Don sold his interest in the Veterinar[...]yne Nelson and Dr. Gordon Knorr.
After 30 years of practice in southwest Montana, Don
retired from[...]wedding anniversary. They were long-time members of the
Southwestern Montana Stockgrowers ,[...]Ref.080.24.
Helen is remembered for her musical talent which she
shared wit[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (174)[...]Dillon horse race in front of early day grandstand, exact date unknown.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (175)[...]When John was
only ten years old,
his father died of
tuberculosis. Two
years later, his
mothe[...]hospitalized in Butte. She died of coronary embolism 20
Mary was the oldest daughter of Nick and Antonia Mar 1936. John, who neve[...]Marof Spehar, born 09 Dec 1907, and the only girl of the out of the state of Montana. All of his travels were
Spehar family. She had five youn[...]anch six miles north. John got a job working for the Anaconda Copper
south of Dillon. Mary attended the Riverside School,[...]John went back to Butte and got a job working for the laughing, she would not hit them. Not so w[...]ression. On 15 Feb 1932, Mary's dad Nicholas died of Nine Mile Park with all the kids she could lo[...]experiences on the ranch, one memorable one, of Marian
Margaret, died 13 May 1935.


More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (176)[...]tractor and almost tipping it over in the middle
of the river.[...]due to coronary sclerosis. John
was only 54 years of age when he died. Har[...]1975. He was the son of John Wright Simpson, who was[...]fifth child in a family of five boys and four girls.[...]Alice Simpson tying fishing flies for Henry Wombacher. She
Donald and Marian Simonich, taken 1935. Ref 139.18. tied flies for 35 years. Ref 187. 06.

With the death of John, Mary became responsible for Alice Welchman was the daughter of George William
the family. Besides ranching, Mary[...]80 and died 21 Jul
cooking. She got a job cooking for the Northern Pacific 1960. Her mother was[...]Alice (my mother) was the youngest in a family of four
work for the Butte High School Cafeteria.[...]1933 , at
circles together. Mary died 29 May 1973 of myocardial Pocatello ID. They moved to M[...]her. They moved to Idaho Falls and when I (Dorothy) was[...]--Jerry Spehar and Don Simonich mother for the birth.[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (177) We grew up in
Annstead. There are
four of us girls.
Alberta, born 12 Aug
1935, married Eddi[...]children,
Gerald, Debra, Laurie
and Colleen.
I, Dorothy, was
the second child,
born 24 Mar 1937,[...]Harvey Simpson, sheep herder and his flock. Ref. I 87. 05.
they have one child,
Kyle. Grayce was
bor[...]n the creek and put a lid on it. It kept our food for quite
Shauna.[...]ater years, my mother started tying fishing flies for
Robert.[...]te, Trina and Baden. Rock. I think she was the last person to leave Armstead.
My dad worked on the railroad for different ranches When she retired, she moved to Dillon where she lives
for Wood Livestock and we all worked in the timber. W[...]. In later years, my father did odd jobs, cooking for
harvested house logs, firewood, fence posts and[...]teeth. All four of us girls went to school in Armstead and later[...]d get to Beaverhead County High School. Two of my sisters live
there in the spring. Many times we would get stuck and in Idaho Falls ID and two of us live in Dillon.
have to unload the work horse[...]. This was the cook
tent. We set up another tent for sleeping quarters. Later
we got a sheep wagon that my mother and dad slept in. Samuel[...]area was across from Reservoir Lake.
We ate most of our meals outside. We had a table between TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This certifies that
two trees with a canvas over top to keep us out of the Samuel M. Skelton enlisted from Scioto[...]or during the war, and was mustered into
eat out of our hands. Our restroom was four trees with a[...]ed around it and a board with a hole in it over of July, 1862, as a Private of Captain Kennedy R.
a hole. There was a door on i[...]", 91st REGIMENT OHIO
Drinking water was out of the creek. We bathed in a VOLUNTEER[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (178) The 91st Ohio was raised in the southern part of that
State, from the counties of Adams, Scioto, Lawrence, Clyd[...]d down the Big Sandy.
On 03 Sep the remainder of the regiment joined those Clyde Smith[...]with the next contingent in World War I but the Armistice
regularly mustered into the U.S. service for three years, and was signed 11 Nov 1918.
on the[...]Lightburn, who was driven back by the For three winters, Madge moved into Dillon so the older
rebel General Loving, and was retreating on that place. children could attend school. Then[...]il April 1927.
where it remained until the spring of 1863. The regiment With unfulfilled dreams of homesteading, Clyde and
was first assigned to Duv[...]d
the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, same Corps, Army of West Valley and moved ten miles north of Dillon in Apr 1927.
Virginia, during its service participating in engagements at They leased the ranch for a few years before buying it,
Buffalo, Fayettevil[...]le to grow grain,
(Sheridan's Ride), and a number of minor engagements and alfalfa and wild hay[...]butchered hogs and beef as needed.
Division, Army of the Shenandoah. It remained there until Cly[...]ng embers
The said Samuel M. Skelton was sick of typhoid fever alive for the right length of time so the meat would keep.
at Summerville VA an[...]m
Gallipolis OH, rejoining his regiment when able for duty. a lard press into them and they, too,[...]ed lard, using some to pour over sausage cakes in
of Mosby's guerrillas, and served about one year on[...]and MD on 24 Jun 1865 when saved for laying hens, roosters for fryers, older hens for
the war ended.[...]Eggs were sold to restaurants and
He is a son of John and Manervia Sperry-Skelton, and exchanged for groceries. Cream and butter were used as a
was bo[...]County OH on 11 Oct 1845. He medium of exchange.
was united in marriage to Ella L. Snyde[...]on were born kitchen and every drop of water used was packed into the
three children: Calvin B., James M. and Manervia I. house in buckets and heated on the Monarch wood range.
He was a member of Hugh Wilson Post #21, Elec[...]t come until 1938, so a battery radio
Department of Idaho, Grand Army of the Republic, in charged by a wind cha[...]ter. He was also a a telephone.
member of the A.F. & A.M. He held office as Deputy[...]with a horse-drawn cultivator and
honored member of the Ladies of the G .A.R. and Eastern Madge weeded the t[...]s Skelton, served in the 27th Ohio and cared for acres of field peas for a firm in Idaho Falls.
Volunteers in the Civil W[...]the girls canned 200 quarts for several seasons running as[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (179) There were two
cellars near the house.
One was for huge
mountains of potatoes,
squash , carrots and
cabbage. The other was
for canned fruits and
vegetables, pickles, jams,
jell[...]pound sacks.
There were always
gentle horses for riding
and ranch use. The
youngsters too[...]carded them and made inherited it. Two of them still own the homestead and
comforters, rag[...]ed school. She and Clyde never
seemed to run out of energy or enthusiasm or work to do.
Many boxes of apples were bought at Silver Star each
fall. Bla[...]ndards and no one got into any trouble. Pressures of
raising a large family, inadequate transportatio[...]in the early years prevented the
younger members of the family from getting early spiritual
training. This grieved the parents.
The Great Depression of 1929 had its grip on the nation
for several years. The resourcefulness of this hard-working
family may have been spared much of the agony and
hunger felt by so many.
It h[...]e had been
back to West Virginia, so in the fall of 1935 they made the
trip, with all of their eight children in a used Cadillac limo
the[...]planned on having a new house built
in the fall of 1945, but because of Madge' s untimely death
in October from g[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (180)[...]Armstead, which he
back to the original homestead of 28 Oct 1914, and the managed for six years.
surrounding homesteads lost by the owners to the drouth of The family moved to the Maiden Rock Mine above
the teens and twenties of this century and bought up by Glen and he wa[...], who worked at the Pierce Ranch, died at the age of[...]eorge returned to Armstead, working several years for[...]to that office. While county commissioner, he was killed[...]ser who had a ranch and stage station at the head of
Horse Prairie. He attended high school in Dillon[...]--No name given
going to work for Matt Kau on the Lazy 5 Ranch.
He met and married Gladys Kau, the younger daughter
of Matt and Minnie Kau, and they lived on the ranch[...]athew and Agnes Marie, were born.
In the summer of 1929, they moved to the Agnes Pierce
Ranch, where George became foreman after the death of[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (181)[...]ran
2) Jo Lynch Cowan
In the late fall of 1920 my father, Hubert L. Smith, and
Granny Gauchay took several boxcar loads of horses and
mules to Clarendon TX to trade. Mother[...]rie went as far as
Amarillo, mother's home, where I was born 21 Jan 1921.
We returned to Montana when I was two weeks old.
My folks were homesteaders on the Blacktail bench
seven miles southeast of Dillon. We lived in a log house
dad built, with logs brought by horses from Axes Canyon.
The summer I was five, my dad had a contract with the
county t[...]il road from the
P&O home ranch to the Centennial Valley. Dad had one
hired man to help and they did all the work with horses.
Mother, Marjorie and I spent several weeks with him and
I remember that as a very happy time.
I attended Mary Innes School in Dillon through
kindergarten and half of the first grade. The second half of
first grade through third grade I went to Blacktail school #2
then it was closed for lack of students. I completed fourth
through eighth grade at the Bagl[...]cher, Dwight L. "Clancy" Johnson gave
me the name of "Tex" which I've carried for over 60 years.
Homesteading wasn't an easy way of life and lots of
summers dad worked out leaving mother and us kids[...]ter dad trapped coyotes and badgers and shot
lots of jackrabbits. Dad and I would skin the rabbits and
hang the carcass out o[...]While I was still in grade school I was riding quite well
The jack rabbit hides we sold for 25 cents a pound, and[...]that got me started calf roping. He was a young kid from
three badger hides for $45.00 and that is how we bought[...]country to help George
our first cow, paid $75.00 for her and calf. .[...]ther wild horses. Wherever
When Marjorie and I were young, the folks would rent[...]reach,
a house in Dillon and Mother, Marjorie and I would move[...]sagebrush, fence post or animals.
in for the school year. Some winters we would bring a[...]In 1934 I watched him win money calf roping at the
cow with us and I would take care of it and do the milking.[...]Dillon Rodeo and said to myself, "I can do that" and I
We sold all the milk we couldn't use.[...]started roping everything in sight, however, I tried to keep
After Marjorie graduated, we stayed at the ranch and I
over the hill and out of dad's sight as he didn't approve.
rode horseback[...]The first time I won a calf roping was at a rodeo at
I got my first horse when I was five years old, did my[...]Wisdom MT, but one of the rodeos I remember most was
first horse trading when I was twelve, when I traded
in 1940 in Melrose where I won the calf roping and the
Durwood Moore an old pistol I found for a colt they called[...]In those days .the main street of Melrose was on the
We lived adjacent to the[...]west side of the railroad tracks and not paved. Swede's Bar
were my idols so l decided that was what I wanted to be.
was one of the promoters and Frank Reynolds furnished[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (182)[...]r, nickels, dimes, and A few special places I won steer wrestling were Red
quarters. All told I had $50.50 in winnings. I put it in my Lodge, Helena, and Dillon MT, Pocatello and Twin Falls
pockets and I was rich. ID, and Price UT. I placed in Calgary Canada and won a
In Jul 1940 I married Doris Kavran from Butte and our go-[...]NE.
first child, Bonnie Joy was born 20 Nov 1943. I ran the There were other jobs along t[...]rough 1944. highway construction, and I bled cattle for the state for six
When we moved to Ennis I continued to work on ranches years to help stamp out brucellosis.
and break horses, and I was rodeoing extensively. My da[...]children, four boys, Michael, Tom, Bob, and
born. I had taken Doris to Bozeman to be near her doctor[...]pital just in case, as she was expecting anytime. I Doris and I were divorced Dec 1970.
went on to Dillon for the Labor Day Rodeo because I was My son Rick married Terry Strozzi[...]e three daughters, Shauna, Lacy, and Breanne.
I was getting ready to make my bull dogging run when In May 1972 Jueldia "Jo" Lynch Cowan and I were
they announced over the loud speaker that I was the father married and I inherited another son Gary Alan Cowan.
of a baby boy. My run was 6.5 which won the second go- Jo and I moved to Whitehall in 1978 and raised paint
round[...]he average on two. horses for thirteen years. I had my neck broke in a pickup[...]truck wreck in 1985 and that slowed me down some. We[...]I had been team roping in Old Timers Rodeos wheneve[...]I got a chance, so I decided now that I had free time I
would start competing more. I traveled pretty steady,[...]winning some, losing some until Aug 1993 when I was[...]cked from a horse and my pelvis was broken. Later that
fall I moved back to Dillon and opened Tex ' s Trading P[...]which I ran until Oct 1996, when Jo retired and we settle[...]to enjoy each other and our great grandchildren. I've[...]I've met some mighty fine people from around the co[...]and even the world. I' ve had a good life, I reckon.[...]Jack Russell Smith was born in the home of Loren
Davis 15 Oct 1934. He was the son of Clyde and Madge
Smith, the youngest of eight children. He ranched with his[...]dad and two brothers, Gilmer and Clyde, Jr. for many[...]and turned it into a beautiful
In my lifetime I've worked on a lot of ranches, broke a country estate. After constructing a nice home with
lot of horses, and sold and traded thousands of horses but, landscaping unequaled in the area, they started building two
I consider rodeo one of my greatest interests. I have cabins, one with complete s[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (183)[...]on the property. This cabin had all the character that could be put into a cabin. It had
a large[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (184)[...]together, fishing, Fourth of July picnics, pinochle games
In 1917 Luther[...]They were babysitters and playmates for Mary Beth
wife. During World War I, both Luther and Jessie were in Smith wh[...]nch kids, Ed
at Ft. Meade MD, and Jessie working for the government. Knox children, Pilon bro[...]loved kids of all ages. He loved to tease them and was a
T[...]probably always was, but he accepted the
later. That homestead house was sold and moved to responsibilities of home and family seriously.
Dakota Street in Dill[...]and realtor.
on Dutch Flat, so called because of the many Germans At that time auctioneers were given the honorary title of
living there. The Smiths were English and Scotch. They "Colonel" and for years he was known in southwest
bought the house[...]Montana as Colonel Luther Smith. He did a lot of public
family home until sold to Tom Graham in 1[...]Sis Board, and was American Legion Chaplain for 35 years,
(Ernestine) and Fern became close friends of the Smiths. only taking a year of[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (185) He was a long-
time president of
the Dillon Canals.
The headgate was
behind his house,
which sits at the
junction of Morse
and Nevada Streets.
Each morning in
th[...]e water
between the ditch
going to the area
north of Barnett
A venue, or around
the hill for
irrigating to the
east. By the late
1930s Luther was
renting all the
pieces of land he
could, to raise
alfalfa, grain or Ameri[...]t #20. L-R: George Gosman, Lamar
seed peas. Some of Hatton, Leonard Schultz, Lew Brundage, Luther Smith, Paul Temple and Jay McCarthy. Ref. I 49. 01.
this was between
the college and
hospit[...]nd Sebree Street) and
later Smith's 2nd Addition of small adjoining properties.
They watched wit[...]cancer 01 Jul 1960. He was serving
as Constable of Dillon at the time of his death, having had
a long interest in law enf[...]ssie, Clyde, Hubert,
Lelia and Ray Weikel (then of Missoula), Mary Beth and
her family in Great Falls, and lots of nieces and nephews
with fond memories of "Uncle Lute" as well as relatives in
West Virgi[...]tery
where he had officiated at so many funerals for fellow
Legionnaires. Like his wife, who survived 34 more years,
he loved G[...]Luther S. Smith, rancher, auctioneer and realtor of Dillon[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (186)[...]born 23 Dec 1944. In the spring of 1949 they moved to
Marjorie Lee Smith[...]Sheila Kay Conover, the second child of John and[...]adys Conover, was born in Dillon on the first day of[...]her older sister, stayed with her during the week for
their first few years of school, as the school bus didn't
come that far up the Blacktail. Friday night found them[...]many fond memories of building forts, playing hide and[...]She looked forward to moving to Sheep Canyon for the[...]inger washer and having baths in #3 tubs in front of the
Alley, Thayer Alley, and Hubert Smith (Marjor[...]Another highlight of summers at the .ranch was staying[...]on the summer range. All of the kids got to sleep in the[...]canvas tepee. They spent many hours hunting for
Marjorie Lee Smith was born 18 May 1917, the first arrowheads, fossils and petrified wood.
child of Hubert L. and Margaret Lee (Williams) Smith.[...]next few years helping with the never-
southeast of Dillon. A mid-wife named Mrs. Badger was ending ranch work. She also got the unexpected job of
in attendance. driving her mother to Butte to the doctor for nine months.
On 23 Oct 1935 Marjorie married T[...]y was born younger than herself. After a couple of false alarm trips to
06 Aug 1936 and their second[...]ayer and Marjorie moved to experience that would come in handy in a few years.
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (187)[...]ure husband Dec 1980. He was employed as a cowboy
for the Matador Ranch down the road. Kay, the sheep
h[...]wboy, Mike R. Smith, 19
Dec 1981. Mike is the son of Reginald and Barbara Smith
of West Valley City UT. He previously worked for
outfitters, guiding hunters.
They lived for a time on the Matador Ranch, and Kay
was close enough that she still helped on the ranch,
especially during[...]family ' s history to be
born right in the middle of lambing. The following spring
they left the Matador and moved in with Kay's folks and
helped them until that fall when Mike got a job guiding Emily Opal Smith. Ref.164.30
For the first time in her life, Kay moved to town to[...]in Great." The city park was close by for the children to play
Dillon 27 Oct 1987. Kay was[...]axidermy on the side. He took a job where he rode for the[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (188)[...]to Feeley, between
Divide and Butte. Mike worked for the Garrison Ranches
as manager of their upper ranch. The whole family helped
out wi[...]igating, feeding and other ranch
work. In between that, Kay was busy developing another
yard and garden.[...]her family move back to
Dillon, where Mike worked for the summer and fall custom
haying and harvesting potatoes. The fall signaled the start
of another trapping season and Mike has been very busy.
Many ranchers from Dillon to Feeley are grateful for the
coyotes and other troublesome critters that Mike catches.
The coming spring of 1997 finds them hoping for steady
employment and a chance of buying a small piece of
Beaverhead County and a permanent place to live.[...]tanley and Fedorka
Smith on the Smith ranch north of Dillon. In 1963 he and
his family moved to their[...]hool in 1977 and attended Western Montana College for
three years. He cowpunched on his father's ranch and for[...]ates High School building.
the Big Sky Cinema I & II. He trains animals and does In sp[...]tan and the kids are medals and the rank of Technical Sergeant, he came home
always involved[...]nactments, comedy skits and to work as a cowboy for his father and later cowpunched
plays for Bannack Days, charities and community events. for Les Staudenmeyer on the old Diamond O Ranch near[...]the Point of Rocks.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (189)[...]worked as a hay crew cook for the Smith ranch, hired by[...](the old Barnes
place) until 1963. He also worked for the Union Pacific
Railroad on the track crew for 15 years. In 1972 he and
three other workers were[...]en two
UP maintenance cars. He was unable to work for the next
five years.
Stanley went into the Bl[...]tners until he
retired in 1986. He spent the last of his working years
employed by Western Montana College, in charge of
maintenance at Mathews Hall until 1985.
Fedor[...]ers from this Charles E. Snodgrass, of English nationality, was born
marriage.[...]family. As a young man, Charles was tired of his way of

740 - Beaverhead History No. 2

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (190)[...]at his leaving and he became the Earlier that afternoon, many of the boys were at the
"black sheep" of the family. pool hall playing pool and having fun. At that time,
Charles lived in Lander WY, where he an[...]he the "new samples" around to try them out. That night at
old Standard Lumber was. He remembered d[...]rts on clotheslines all over the campus,
Railroad that ran from Divide to Coolidge, where the w[...]various Charles married Jean Posse for a few years, then
ranches and farms around Beaver[...]The Crystal was a place where many of the best hired[...]hands could be found. Charles would find jobs for them[...]that what happens to the ranchers and farmers affects[...]excellent cook and spotless housekeeper. Her love of[...]Bozo. Bozo was of show quality and was Charles' pride[...]organization that came along. His favorites were Moose[...]eeded a few dollars. Charles served as pallbearer for
anyone who couldn't find enough for their loved one's[...]funeral. He was known to keep money in his safe for years[...]When Charles was young, I suspect he raised his share
of hell, but as he aged, his ulcers stopped that. He did not[...]Argenta Street for some years.
In the 1930s, he worked at the Moose Bar pool hall for During those years, her previous illness[...]ay and Wayne
notorious practical joker. The night of the big prom at the Harrison, on their G[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (191)[...]East Bench that produced wheat, oats and a large garden.[...]of the First Lutheran Church.

Charles E. Snodgra[...]y Harrison raised two daughters, Yvonda
Garpestad of Great Falls, who has two children, Nathan
Wayne and Lindsay Michall; and Jackie Fisher of Superior
who has a son, Cooper John.[...]1956 in Dillon MT. Ref.184.30A.
for nine days on the vessel Mauritania, and arrived i[...]our little ones trailing behind was in the
middle of the road--Ethel didn ' t rush them and the[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (192)[...]er, Russell.
Times were hard
in the south at that
time and everyone
was saying, "Go
West, yo[...]old. They settled in
Malad ID and
worked on some of
the farms in the area
for a short time until
purchasing their own
farm in the valley.
At age 22, Lee
and his brother[...]ased their . They also owned the property that became the lbeyville
own small farm. They raised[...]Salt Lake City the Nelson Country School for several years. The Nelson
to help in her sister's[...]1934. They Lee and Orla spent most of their lives farming before they
moved to the farm and settled down for several years. retired in 1977. During[...]Jul 1935 in worked at the Dillon Creamery for Wayne Meyers and
Malad. Two years later, Dixie w[...]1937. Eddy Hilger until going to work for the city. He spent
They became good playmates and[...]heerleaders with their youngest department for several years and for five years at the talc
sister, Sandra, as the ma[...]lways first in her life; being involved with many of their
worked in the local creamery. A son, Dean,[...]in 1950. Lee purchased a ranch twelve miles north of have two sons, Steve and David,[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (193)[...]ey lived in Great Falls MT where Ed taught school for school in Dillon, prior to marrying Frank 05 Sep 1936 in
many years. Connie worked for the USFS for several years Anaconda MT.
and is now emplo[...]and was used on his headstone along
with a sprig of wheat.
Orla lives in Lewistown MT near her yo[...].
She has family, friends and many happy memories of the
years spent in Dillon. The South family has a[...]Gerald and Frances Spehar, children of Frank and[...]d on the Big Hole River.
Frank was the second son of Nicholas and Antonia Marof They had six t[...]William, Harry, Nick Jr. and Albert. much of the ranch with its high water and it was difficul[...]olt at age to make a living. They lived for months on $1.50 a week.
thirteen, and Albert died[...]Frank grew up on the Spehar ranch six miles south of They sold the ranch to Frank's brother, Bil[...]d sister. Frank and Frank went back to work for the Anaconda Copper
his brothers, Bill and Harry, ran the ranch after their Mines for a few years during the early part of World War
parents died. They sold the ranch in 1937. II, and then worked for a roofing company until 1947.
Mildred Opal Smith was the daughter of Claude Smith That same year, they sold their house in Butte and mov[...]Feb 1921, to Long Beach CA. Frank worked for the L.S. Whaley
on a ranch west of Wisdom MT. She had one older Const[...]ances, and came to
The latter three were children of Earl Ripley Smith, Anna's Montana for the summers. He stayed with and helped his
second[...]back and forth to Montana, he stayed
ranch south of Dillon. This ranch was near the Spehar[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (194)[...]r ranch near Glen MT. Ref.139. 20. worked for the Anaconda Copper Mining Co. as a motor[...]ator. In October 193 7, he went to work part time for[...]Nov 1979 while visiting his son Gerald. work for the Mare Island Naval Shipyards, working as a
His[...]While in the U.S. Army, most of his military time was
--J[...]with the rank of Tech 4.[...]Simonich
up on the Spehar ranch, six miles south of Dillon, and were witnesses to the ma[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (195)[...]o Vallejo CA in Jan 1946.
Harry went back to work for the Mare Island Naval[...]Wedding of Nicholas and Antonia Spehar, 1907.[...]remodeled. The village of Klanac has been renamed to[...]18 miles south of Karlovac, which is south of Zagreb.
Antonia was a daughter of Vicoslav and Mondalina Pupich.
Elsie Crenna Spehar, wife of Harry Spehar. Ref 139.24. Antonia's[...].
Elsie worked in the Vallejo Kaiser Hospital for twenty- It is reported that Vicoslav fell on hard times during World
two years as a licensed vocational nurse. She was active War I because the country became a battleground.
in community organizations. She worked on elections for Mondalina later learned that he had died in Zagreb.
many years, did volunteer work for .Irwin Memorial Blood Antonia's mothe[...]rs. Elsie was well liked by everyone who of the farm, making homemade wines and breads,
knew her and was proud of her Italian heritage. Elsie died especially[...]llness and was buried next to her In spite of these enterprises, the family income was
husband[...]centers of population or medical facilities, five of the
--Jerry Speha[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (196)[...]ayed on in the
Antonia was the
oldest of the
remaining four
children and
emigrated[...]Nick, Sr. was a resident of the Dillon area 25 years. He
Her name is unk[...]er was well known and a prominent member of the Austrian-
husband later moved to California a[...]to America, they sponsored 15 Feb 1932, of a heart attack at the Metlen Hotel.
another sibli[...]he Murray Hospital in Butte. She died 20 Mar 1936 of a
Their mother, Mondalina, stayed in Croatia[...]onary embolism.
the house to a family by the name of Barkovich. Nicholas, Antoni[...]Albert are buried at the
According to the terms of the agreement, she had the right family plot, West Half of Lot 20 - Block "B", Mountain
to live there as lo[...]Dillon.
a brother and his family toward the end of her life,
sometime in the 1930s.[...]-Jerry Spehar and Don Simonich
Grandchildren of the Barkovich's still live in the house
today. Klanac was a village of only about twenty houses
when the Marof children[...]William "Bill" Spehar
later died, the exact date of her death is unknown.
Nick Spehar and Antoni[...]7. Dillon. Bill was the third son of Nicholas and Antonia
Nick, Jr. was born in 1909,[...]brothers and
William (Bill) 16 Mar 1912. Later that same year, they two younger brother[...]ly stc_iyed there a short time. In the later part of 1924, Carrigan Lane and he attended the B[...]they moved to the Spehar Ranch, six miles south of Dillon. only lived there a short time. In the later part of 1924 they
Nick lived here until his death.[...]ed to a ranch, which they leased, six miles south of
Albert died 13 Jul 1916 of pneumonia. Nick Jr. died in Dillon,[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (197)[...]ree while watching the poles he was pulling.
then for Standard Lumber while living at Mrs. Nobles'[...]arck ND, and listened to the radio the rest of the day.
to Jay Henry Grills and Christine Theres[...]sister, Gladys. During Loretta's the town of Glen, where Bill opened a repair shop. In
youth,[...]aduated from Western Montana went to work for Standard Lumber. He worked there until
College an[...]Jackson and Reichle 1948. Loretta worked for the Dillon Tribune from 1947 to
schools.[...]From 1948 to 1968, Bill worked for Frank Tyrol-[...]Davis-Jeep dealer and for Vigilante Electric.[...]Bill worked from 1968 to 1984 for Western Montana[...]it was the only time they closed the school for the[...]instructed many youngsters in the trade of mechanics. At[...]Loretta did a lot of charity work and was active in the
PTA, the Museum, and especially in church work for St.
Rose of Lima. She also was active in the Boy and G[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (198)[...]rla Keller and they had three children, John,
I arrived in Dillon 09 May 1910, with my mother and[...]John Mayfield, died in the Murray Hospital
ahead of us. We all came from Ohio City CO. My in Butte in 1927. My mother moved to California for
father's brother, Harmon Mayfield, had a blacksmith shop several years until she married Thomas Dubois of Dillon in
in Dillon on the northwest comer of Helena and Idaho 193 7. They made their[...]r 1916, built the building on the southeast comer of I married Loran D. Spencer, son of Vern and Nettie
Helena and Washington Streets which, in 1988, is still Spencer, of the Big Hole basin, 31 Dec 1921 in Dillon.
uncle Harmon had horse shoeing in the back half of the They moved to California where they l[...]ettie age 90 in 1971.
My sister, Bernice, and I started to the Bagley school Loran and I left for California the day we married and
fall 1910. Mr.[...]ip was lived in Santa Ana in the same house for 47 years. We
taught those days. We had to do full pages of exercises raised two children, Sharon Graham (of Dillon) and Danny
over and over to practice writi[...]Spencer or Yucaipa CA. Sharon married Otha Graham of
all my grandchildren use when I get a letter from them. I Dillon.
do not know if printing is taught or caught. The beauty of --Stella M.[...]personal history in museum archives
One of the first automobiles to come to Dillon was soon
after I came here. I remember it had no top, a double seat
in front and a single seat in the middle back of the front Chandler W. Stallings Sr.
seat.[...]Lelah Graves
took up a homestead west of Dillon three miles out on the Mining E[...]vernment asked everyone to conserve in every way "for Information on the origins of Chandler Wellington
the war effort," raising vict[...]s were destroyed in a fire when he
a good word at that time, no question about it. was yo[...]KS 01 Jul 1881. When he was three years
or work for the cause of Peace. All eligible senior boys old, his fat[...]la Walla WA. By
Living on a ranch (homestead of my parents), I decided the time he was 13, his mother and sis[...]nd, "Aunt Lou" Cummings.
My sister, Bernice, and I drove our horse hitched to a Chan studied mining engineering at the University of
spring wagon and went up to the camp. The camp t[...]healthy spent the next 30 years working for various mining
lambs. I received my credits at high school for having companies at Bannack, as both mining engineer and
food for the war effort. Neither my sister nor I would eat promoter.
lamb or mutton for years after raising those lambs. They The following acknowledgement of his expertise
had become pets, each having a personality, just like a appeared in the 1929 prospectus printed b[...].:
Bernice graduated high school in 1918 and I in 1919. "Unknown to the engineer who[...]n 1925 or 1926. They had a daughter, Stella of quoting him in the reprinted excerpts (on the
Be[...]in that it was written by a man who was more or[...]less familiar with the Bannack Mines for nearly 15[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (199)[...], and had much to Soon after the sale of the Golden Leaf claim, Chan was
do with the constructive erection of the mill, mining, hired as superintendent of the Bannack Gold Mining
tunnel work and the dis[...]er Company.
and man, he was well spoken of by all of whom we According to an article published in the Dillon Daily
inquired, and his report, made for others before our Tribune-Examiner, the Com[...]operation was partially responsible for the mining boom at[...]loyed 50 men to erect a 200-ton
year-old daughter of Montana pioneer Fielding Louis cyanide m[...]ngaged extensively in mining and responsible for overseeing) and eventually hoped to employ
in 189[...]their mining operation. The holdings
distinction of being the first electric gold dredge in the were so promising that they later refused an offer to sell
world and the first successful bucket-lift dredge in the the claims for $600,000.
United States. Chan and Lelah had three children: Chan, Perhaps, in retrospect, that wasn't the best decision. The
Jr., Jane and Jack.[...]waters of Grasshopper Creek to provide power through[...]as general manager for the Bannack Mining and Milling[...]Company. He served in that capacity from 1918 to 1921.[...]500,000 shares of common stock in order to raise money to[...]pulation to grow by leaps and bounds. Word spread that
there would be a formal celebration of the mine's opening[...]7.23. Department' s caretaker of Bannack. He did much of the
early restoration of Bannack. After he retired in 1965, he[...]and the Golden Leaf Mill. They shipped eight
cars of high-grade ore before they lost their leas[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (200)[...]ndler Wellington Stallings, Jr., the eldest child of
Chandler Wellington and Lelah Graves Stallings, w[...]e and study engineering, but
unfortunately, money for tuition was not available.
Chan worked hard[...]1920s.
Reluctant to continue mining because of the danger of
silicosis, Chan decided to try his hand at ranchi[...]e purchased the 320-acre
George Burnett homestead for $640. According to Chan's
ledger, in the spring of 1945, they bought 25 cows, six
heifers, four steers, one bull and 69 calves, as well as 3,000
pounds of crested wheat, 900 pounds of home grass and
475 poles. For the next three years, they continued to
purchase[...]he Pahnish Ranch, He was especially fond of children, who enjoyed his
located between Bannac[...]d June were generous in heart and purse and
price of cattle dropped and they lost a great deal of money. always glad to help anyone in need.[...]A few years later, he and Robert Leslie Kay (I 6 Oct 1948) and Becky Sue (15 Jul 1952).
Miller[...]oula 25 Oct 1974. He is buried in the
great deal of work in the Dillon area, they focused[...]primarily on constructing large office buildings for lease to --Becky S[...]poetry as a child and collected beautiful copies of the Jack Stallings was born 1924 in.[...]and United States history youngest child of Lelah Graves and Chandler Wellington
and collected newspaper articles of noteworthy events. He Stallings, Sr. His early years were similar to his brother's
was proud of his heritage and saved many items of interest and sister's; however, most of his schooling took place in
pertaining to the Gr[...]. Dillon.
One of Chan's most distinctive personality traits was his He enlisted in the Navy at the age of 19, the same day
ability to make people feel wel[...]shared with his father, who was noted in Dillon for his while he was in the service. He and Slim underwent initial
congeniality and wit. He had a way of putting people at training together in Fa[...]fter which Jack was sent
ease and communicating that they were special. to San Francisco and Slim to San Diego for specialty[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (201)[...]Hood River OR for a year. While there Elizabeth's father,[...]what had been the pump house for the Ermont Mine. It
Roy Stanfield was about five miles west of Argenta, on Rattlesnake
Elizabeth Flem[...]Roy Stanfield. In would have a great meal of fried mushrooms, potatoes and
1936 their daughter[...]About 1948, with the help of his brother, Ray Stanfield,
around Dillon. She gave a concert in Dillon of the rural Roy bought eight lots in Dillon,[...]tents and the children of the neighborhood would throw
In 1939 El[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (202)[...]d was partially paralyzed and Elizabeth took care of him.
He eventually went to the nursing home south of Helena
and Elizabeth got a job there. Roy died ab[...]her children of George L. and Catherine Staudaher. Ref 149. 09[...]Later, Will and Agatha ranched south of Dillon (S35-T9S-
2) Denver Kannegaard[...]Dillon. Agatha was a member of the Grace Methodist[...]ancis J. "Frank" Staudaher was the youngest child of[...]It was reported in the Dillon Tribune in Jan 1924 that
"One of the unique Christmas displays in Pocatello was th[...]hide and the head of a huge buffalo displayed in the White[...]House Market, of which Frank Staudaher, a former Dillon[...]r was shipped to Butte. The
The seventh child of George L. and Catherine (Millen) meat of the huge animal was retailed by Mr. Staudaher and[...]e
attended Dillon schools and later served as one of the first in their club room. "
telephone opera[...]Aug 1930. He passed away 01 Oct 1962.
Deputy, son of Soloman and Anna M. (Gray) Deputy in[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (203)[...]obtained an old, outlaw steer in Idaho that had eluded many[...]rge J. also was active in ranching. In the period of[...]cattle. He died 11 Nov 1925 of heart failure in Salmon and[...]Dillon: William G. (1898-1918), Catherine Teresa (I 896-[...]d Catherine
(Millen) Staudaher. Not much is known of his early life.
He moved to the Beaverhead Valley area with his parents
in 1867 where they ranched near Point of Rocks. George J. and Rose Staudaher, circa 1896. Ref.149.27.
Newspaper records show that George Staudaher and
Charles H. Deputy purchased[...]in Boise ID. He enrolled in the school of medicine at
Deputy & Staudaher, Wholesale and Retail Butchers of[...]the Red Cross, and was a member of the Kemmerer school
On 04 Jan 1897, the Dillon[...]ella Roddy 25 May 1921. They had
''A trainload of beef cattle, consisting of twelve cars, three children: George R. , Rose[...]a (Staudaher) Whitehead, and Jim Staudaher
charge of the cattle. Nick was George's brother and in
1900[...]Livestock Inspector.
Another news item states that George bought 800 head
of three- and four-year-old steers and trail ed them from the
Little Lost River in Idaho to the Centennial Valley. There
they were branded and summered. In the fal[...]d to
Omaha NE in the spring. Another story states that George

754 - Beaverhead History No.2

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (204)[...]St. Rose Catholic Church in Dillon 1910. See text for identities of the Staudaher children.

Above i~entifications of Staudaher children: Children of George J & Rose Staudaher are Catherine (2nd from right,
top row), V~ctor (seate_d, top row of boys, 3rd from left), William, (top row of boys, 5th from left below boy with folded
hands). Chtldren of Nicholas and Emma Staudaher: Hollie (3rd from lef[...]where he worked for nearly three years near Blackhawk CO
1) Cat[...]freight outfit and headed for Bannack where they arrived[...]company of their own.
n~rth of Dillon included Mary Butala, daughter of George's[...]arrived safely.
are descendants of those encouraged and assisted by[...]for $3,600 in currency. They returned to Bannack wher[...]t outfits and then went back to Alder
was the son of Michael and Mary (Myers) Staudaher.[...]There he married Catherine Millen, sister of Montana and
farmers and devout members of the Catholic Church.[...]er month. In 1858, he moved to America and
worked for two years on a farm near St. Joseph MO. Th[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (205)[...]economical. He moved his family to the
Beaverhead Valley in 1867.
George and Catherine's first loca[...]ken mid 1880s. Ref.149.29.
about nine miles south of Dillon. They took squatter's
claim to a tract of land, built a log house and turned their
energies[...]n . "about three and one-half miles, of leaning pole fencing
They moved to Prickley P[...]on said Rail Road land situated on the west side of
that location.[...]Beaver Head River about four miles from the point of
George and his family returned to the Beaverhead, and rocks on Beaver Head valley, Beaverhead County, Montana
by the end of 1876 George received his Homestead[...]o Cook Stove, Carpenter Tools and Hay
Certificate for 160 acres (S29-T5S-R7W) north of the Press. Also one cream-colored Horse[...]old.
future Dillon area about two miles southwest of Beaver One black Horse about fourteen yea[...]tcher's Tools and account books in said
Point of Rocks was the stage station across the County of Beaver Head for the sum of five hundred[...]h resulted in an early adjudication of irrigation waters of the
Millen (S28,29-T5S-R7W), and Leo Casse[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (206)ranching, he sold the ranch to John T. Miller of Butte MT George. She died of stomach cancer 17 Aug 1897 after
on 29 Nov 1904.[...]ry.
ranch has remained in continuous operation by that family. On 09 May 1908, George married Mary[...]Kruljac of Dillon. Mary ' s parents were George and[...]George L. was a member of the Society of Montana
Pioneers, the Ancient Order of United Workmen and a[...]devout Catholic. He was one of 41 members of the Stock-
Growers Association of Southern Montana as listed in[...]1884. He lived during one of the most interesting and[...]quickly changing periods of American history. He arrived[...]taudaher in 1865, and later settled
in Beaverhead Valley. Ref.149.30.

George moved to Dillon where he had purchased
various lots and tracts of property and spent the remainder
of his life managing his real estate.
George and[...]All their children were born in Beaverhead
County except George, who was one of the earliest children
born in Alder Gulch, and Ca[...]uxenburg,
Germany 15 Jun 1844. In 1862 she sailed for America, John A. Staudaher was born 0[...]ere until 1864 when County, the third child of George L. and Catherine (Millen)
she went[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (207)operating a string of freight wagons on the old Vigilante
Trail between[...]ges at Ruby MT and on various ranches in the
Ruby Valley.
He married Margaret J. McGovern (born 03 Jan[...]hurch in Laurin 21 Apr
1895. She was the daughter of James and Mary (Cain)
McGovern. They had three da[...]away
in 1955. John and Margaret lived in the Ruby Valley for
more than 50 years. They are buried in the[...]aher
Henry A. Kaiser
The eighth child of George and Catherine (Millen)
Staudaher was Mae E[...]5. She married
to Polson and then to a ranch west of Ronan in 1912. He Arnold Fehlberg and they owned F & R Trucking in
ranched for the remainder of his life. Henry passed away Shelby, MT. Dorot[...]auger and Dorothy (Kaiser) Fehlberg

Residence of Harold H. Hanson, later C. Gosta Miller Sr[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (208)[...]ine 03 Jul
1867. He was the
second child of
George L. and
Catherine (Millen)
Beaverhead County Stock Inspector at a salary of $80 per In 1905 Nick Staudaher returned to[...]ews accounts, Nick was "a conscientious manager of the Deputy Meat Market when he died from
and fearless officer, and made one of the best inspectors typhoid fever 17 Mar 1917 a[...]ocations where he inspected At the time of his death Nick and his family were
several thousand head of Beaverhead horses and cattle. He living on their property in the Selway addition north of
was responsible for several arrests and convictions, Dillon. This land was sold to J. R. Thompson who built
including that of John Halligan who stole and butchered a Dilmont Park at this location. The Staudaher home at that
calf from Joe Shineberger of Red Rock. location is still[...]On 25 Sep 1900, Nick married Emma Lena Nesslein of
Deputy Game Warden Henry Avarie, for violations of new Long Prairie MN. Emma, born 27 Sep 1874[...]1895 , and at the time of her marriage was employed as a
His arrest of three men who stole horses from Alexander housekeeper in the home of George J. Staudaher, Nick 's
Metzel near Pullier[...]ounty older brother.
resulted in a year of hard labor in Deer Lodge for one. Two children were born to Nick and E[...]ol in 1920 where he played football. He was cited for
as Deputy-Staudaher. Nick's brother, George J., and J. having "a most remarkable record of attendance to his
W.'s brother, Charles H., were[...]credit, having been neither absent nor tardy for the past
Staudaher firm that they purchased from C. H. Padley. seven years, although during a part of the time he lived in[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (209) He attended the University of Michigan where he played Fred and Kathryn mo[...]lon, Fred opened accepted a position as Manager of the shoe department of
a cigar stand in the Andrus Hotel , and then vent[...]returned to Butte in 1937 to accept a position of Junior
Boot and Gamer' s Shoe Store. He joined th[...], in the shoe department at
Butte and as a member of their band attended the Elks Weinberg's.
C[...]obtained his own location at the corner of Main and Tracy[...]leading shoe store for women in Southwest Montana. He[...]mayor from 1962-63. He also sold real estate for a number
of years. Fred died 10 May 1983 at the age of 81. His[...]Montana State University at Missoula for one year, then[...]Mine (east of Deer Lodge). Her last teaching position was[...]Kyle was raised at Renova MT, just south of Whitehall.[...]1ineman for Montana Power Company. They had two[...]Will, per Hollie was an active volunteer for Cub Scouts, Girl
Nick Shrauger. Ref 149.16.[...]chapter in Anaconda. She was a member of Eastern Star,
and of the Sons and Daughters of Montana Pioneers
In Nov 1923, Fred married Ha[...]n.
On 06 Sep 1929 Fred married Kathryn Buzard of
Bozeman MT. Her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs . Willi[...]ger and Fred Staudaher, Jr.
Herron, were Gallatin Valley pioneers.

Families - 760

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (210)[...]County Clerk and
Emma, M. Stolle Staudaher, wife of Will Staudaher, about Recorder from 1900 to[...]s Staudenmeyer
Beaverhead County, the fifth child of George L. and
Catherine (Millen) Staudaher.[...]Dillon. Emma, born at Oxford ID, was the daughter of[...](Krish) Stolle. Carl Stolle was
recognized as one of the leading mining men in the area Les[...]ack
Will moved to Boise ID in 1910 where he lived for more on the train and came to Dillon and the ranch.
than 25 years and served as a deputy sheriff of Ada County He stayed at the ranch for several months and had the
in Idaho. Will died 22[...]flu during the epidemic of 1918. He wasn ' t the only one[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (211)[...]s. Sapp's
Les returned to
Wisconsin for several
years. He and Ruby
Thompson marrie[...]WI at the Lutheran
They left for
Montana the
following day ,
traveling[...]Ref. I 78. 00A.
on Aug 1.
They had visited
Les' s[...]toes were raised and what was called "Point of Rocks." Across the river was the
hauled to Dillon to Bond Grocery where they sold for 50 Lewis and Clark named landmark called "B[...]Bench on one side to make a pound-size pat of butter. In the
and on the hills behind the ranch[...]0s she raised Austra white chickens and sold lots of
trailed to the Metzel place in the Centennial Valley. The eggs to Skeet's Cafe and to Warner's Gr[...]Lane. They were loaded on train Speaking of sheep and sheepherders--Les always said if
box c[...]fat Iambs in the fall. You didn't
away. The cost of a box car at that time was $32. buy bread for the sheepherders in those days. They would
L[...]ree daughters and make a hole in the sack of flour and mix biscuits right in
one son. Alice w[...]ded Drummey School which was basement for meat, etc. This was a great addition after
loca[...]anniversary in July
the Dillon schools in 193 8 I be! ieve. 1972 with[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (212)[...]log home in the Centennial built in
fourth child of Leslie G. and Ruby C. Thompson 1965, the other is a brick home north of Dillon on Highway
Staudenmeyer. He spent his earl[...]dy, Les and the Staudenmeyer
Ranch and Centennial Valley (Metzel). The Diamond 0 children purcha[...]The
Bill attended Dillon schools and enrolled for two years "7L" brand was also purchased from t[...]Judith Forsythe was born in 1943, the first child of family for six generations from 1869 through 1996 at
Andy an[...]es (Ted Turner and
the 7L Ranch in the Centennial Valley 23 miles east of Jane Fonda). Many changes occurred for the Staudenmeyer
Monida. First grade was s[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (213)retains a dry farm east of Dillon and Centennial Valley
(Metzel).[...]have been conspicuous among citizens striving for the
and Thilda Peterson and Martin Barrett) in Horse Prairie on betterment of Beaverhead County. Deeply involved in
Highway 324[...]n rewarded with numerous accolades in recognition of
children reside on the Cross Ranch.[...]Business University (Spokane), the University of California[...]University of Washington before completing a Master's[...]degree at the University of Montana.

Front L-R: Heidi Staudenmeyer Peters[...]ansfield Ranch on Mansfield Lane.
At the time of this writing, Bill and Judy's children,
three of them, have provided five grandchildren, Danielle[...]kindergarten through college. That 28-year professional[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (214)[...]in 1959, she married Chuck
Stauffer (then editor of the Dillon Daily Tribune) and
accepted a part-tim[...]ers. In 1975, Evelyn was voted
"Outstanding Woman of the Community"; in 1979, she and
Chuck were presented a plaque from the Montana
American Legion for "... a combined 50 years of service to
Montana Boys State," and in 1982, the[...], received the first
WMC Alumni Association Award for "outstanding service
and support" to that organization.
Evelyn is also a past president of Delta Kappa Gamma,
Alpha Delta Kappa, American Association of University
Women, and PEO, all local chapters wit[...]ope, Scandinavia and Japan, along with most areas of
the U.S. As a retiree, she is engrossed with her[...]arles Stauffer. Ref 168. 03.
Chuck, a native of California, received his early
schooling in the W[...]A veteran worker and vice president of Dillon
University.[...]ich brought the acclaimed Utah Symphony Orchestra for
training programs at University of Wisconsin and Michigan local concerts. Chuc[...]roit areas before Blue Ribbon Battle of the mid-70s.
journeying to Montana in 1955 and a[...]Council For Advancement and Support of Education
He joined the Dillon Daily Tribune[...]Canada) with an
edited the weekly Dillon Examiner for two years before Excellence Award presen[...]Levy Campaign and in moved in."
November of that year was appointed Information Director When the call went out for a volunteer to oversee the
at the Dillon college[...]collecting, data processing, editing of family histories for
His duties embraced a variety of assignments including Volume One of the Beaverhead County History Book, he
publicity[...]organization, and 19 years as executive secretary of the That assignment quickly became full-time work for two
WMC Booster Club. He was a co-director of the highly- years until the book was pub[...]The book received rave reviews and much of that success
generated substantial funds for elementary, high school and was due to[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (215) Once that job was over, she reclaimed her attractive and
or[...]ee volume two. He did, but he's been
editing many of the manuscripts that have come in and is
always willing to "give a loo[...]Ann T. Malesich
Ann T. Malesich, daughter of John and Angela (Miller)
Malesich, was born 26 Au[...]until she met Michael (Mike) Stefanatz, Jr., son of Michael
and Kathryn (Bear) Stefanatz, Sr.
Mik[...]n place on
the Twin Bridges road, and Mike worked for Les
Staudenmeyer. In 1942, the family moved to th[...]edding 10 Feb 1929. Ref.169.37.
continued to work for Les Staudenmeyer. In 1948, he built
a shop at the[...]cts.
In 1956, the family moved to Stone Creek for a year, Kathryn Bear
then to Dillon, where Mike was a mechanic for Ed Buck
and Fay Riley. In 1959, Mike went to work[...]worked in the Butte mines for a number of years.
Ann was a housewife and loved gardening and flowers. Mike sent to the Old Country for his sweetheart,
She passed away 20 Apr 199[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (216)[...]Joe was born on his family ' s ranch south of Dillon MT[...]seventh of ten children and had five sisters and four[...]s. He attended the Blacktail School and spent all of[...]life of a cowboy. Joe never married.[...]one of the best cowmen in the state. He was a big[...]contributor to the success of his brother, Pete Stefanie' s,[...]of all the livestock and was very apt at taking care of them.[...]The late Sam Freeman said of Joe, "He is Montana' s[...]Joe was also an ardent sportsman and supporter of the
rodeo. Joe took part in many of the Dillon Labor Day[...]rodeo parades and was chosen as the best cowboy of these[...]are time he repaired clocks and watches, but most of all[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (217)[...]e roller skate
at Dilmont Park and he
taught many of them to
In 1944 Joe had a
severe f[...]ankle were
broken. He was in a
body and leg cast for
two and a half months,
but fully recovered.
Joe was sadly
stricken by stomach
cancer and as a result of
it, he died on 29 Oct
1956 at age 43. He is
burie[...]I was born 30 Nov 1908 at the Stefonic home ranch[...]south of Dillon. I was the seventh of twelve children born[...](mother). Both countries were then part of the Austro-[...]Three of my older sisters were born in Europe. Two of[...]I started school when I was six years old at the Blacktail
School. I could speak very little English when I first
started. I had to walk to school but it was a short distance[...]across the river, I attended the Riverside school. I usually
rode a horse when I went to school there because it was[...]quite far from home.
Joe Stefonic with one of his foals. Ref 151.14. My mother died in 1922 when I was 13 years old. Since
I was the oldest girl at home, I was expected to take my

Families - 768

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (218)mother's place when she died. I had four brothers and two I later had two girls. Bernadine was born in 1934 and
sisters to cook and care for as well as do all the housework. Elsie Ann in 1935.
My sister Rosie was only two years old. I tried to do I had to be very well organized to find the time to[...]er had done, from baking bread everything. I ironed as many as 21 shirts a week, raised
to washing underwear that was heavier than I was. 300 baby chicks, had a large (half an acre) garden and
I wanted to go to school and I tried for two months, but cooked for haying and threshing crews of from 12 to 15
I just could not do both. I was compelled to quit school on men. I sold eggs and cream to pay for music and dance
November 11th of my seventh year. I cried when I heard lessons for Bernadine and Elsie.
the school bell ring. I wanted to go to school so badly. It was not all work and no fun. I still had time to belong
I never went back to school until I was 77 years old, to the Home Demonstration Club and the Riverside Social
when I studied for the Graduate Equivalency Diploma Club[...]our cow camp on the 15th of August. We went to the state[...]Mike, Mike's wife and I went to San Francisco's Golden[...]John, our two daughters and I moved to town in 1946.
I became active in St. Rose Parish's Senior Guild.[...]I was president in 1949, we raised over $1,000 on a[...]raffle. I always cooked big family dinners for the holidays.[...]One Christmas there were 31 people for dinner.
John passed away 08 Jun 1953. That fall, Elsie and I[...]attending school so that we could be together in our grief.[...]After moving back to Montana, I worked at Eli el' s
Department Store for a number of years.
In the fall 1959 I married Edgar Eugene Nilsson. Gene[...]was a construction worker and I often went with him to his[...]Canada. I joined the Women's Auxiliary of the American[...]During this period in my life, I worked as a cook for[...]Cafe, for Walkeys in the Big Hole and at the stock yards.[...]I was a clerk at the Andrus Hotel where I also sold bus
tickets. In 1978 Gene and I dissolved our marriage.
I continued to live in Dillon until 1989 when I moved[...]I had lived in the house at 135 West Orr Street in[...]for 42 years.

I love to travel. I've been on three cruises. I took my[...]1980. I went on the Rio De Janeiro Carnival Cruise and a[...]cruise to the Bahamas. I took my daughter Bernadine on
a tour of Europe in 1981. We visited 11 countries in 30[...]da.ys. I've been to Europe twice since then.
I visited Bernadine in Germany when she was living[...]there. And I went to Ireland to a grandson's wedding. I
L-R: Elsie, Bernadine, mother Mary Stefonic Rebic[...]Nevada to be with and help my daughters when all, except
two, of my grandchildren were born.[...]When my grandchildren grew up, I was busy traveling
I stayed at home and worked until I was 23 years old to attend their graduations and weddings and sometimes
when I went to cook for John Rebich. We fell in love and just to visit. In addition to Europe, I've been to Mexico
were married 01 Oct 1933. I now had another family to twice, to Alaska five times, to Hawaii, to Spokane, to
care for and help raise, as John had five children.[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (219)[...]Pete Stefanie, the son of immigrant parents, with a lot
of determination, a great deal of hard work, good business[...]sense and ingenuity became one of Beaverhead County's[...]on the Stefanie home ranch six miles south of Dillon.[...]Butte Streetcar Lines for very good wages, which enabled[...]mountain range. One of Pete's favorite sayings was, "The[...]sooner you learn to trade your bed for a lantern, the sooner[...]children and were divorced in 1945.
in Montana that I went to, of course. My latest trip was to In the early[...]and other New England states in Oct 1996. of Dillon and combined this with the homesteads he
All of my brothers and sisters have died except my acquired in earlier years from family members. He was
sister Agnes. I have 12 grandchildren. My daughter, ab[...]ren : Walter, John, Cye, graze on grazing lands that continued to the Sage Creek
Joseph, William, Tyro[...]a. My area. His ranch, with the help of his brother, Joe, grew
daughter, Elsie Nelson, ha[...]til it encompassed about 33,000 acres with a herd of
Rodney and Erik. As of Dec 1996, I have 19 great- about 2,000 cattle.
grandchildren. I have 15 step-grandchildren. John Rebish Pete was dedicated to having the best herd of cattle that
had four children: Marjorie Jane (deceased), Ronald, Karen he could build. It wasn't unusual for him to purchase
and Duane. Mary Evatz has f[...]stered bulls at more than $1,000, which was a lot of
Kathleen, Mary Jane and Ann Lynn. Raymond Rebish[...]n: Raymond, Jr. (deceased), Adele Taylor and that he believed in good bulls for top-grade beef. In
Wayne Rebich. Henry has two ch[...]Paul and Dorothy. want to succeed with them."
I have a number of step-great-grandchildren and even a few Pete was one of the first to bring black Angus cattle into
step-g[...]the area and he took a bit of ribbing from his fellow[...]county. He also had a good understanding of and intuitive
feel for the market that rarely failed him in predicting[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (220)[...]range roundup and Joe's help in the operation of the ranch. Pete sold his
auction in Oct 1960 of about 200 head of quarter and ranch to Gordon Nicholas 30 Jun 1964, and it later became
appaloosa horses that had been roaming wild on his spread the Selkirk Ranch. It is presently owned by Japanese
for several years, the Tribune wrote an article on th[...]e's
and is quoted writing, "There was a suspicion of a tear brand, the lazy eight, is still used there today.
when Pete hastily wiped his eyes in telling of the sale. Pete bought a smaller ranch in[...]ky
You couldn't blame this hardy rancher, because of his love on Horse Prairie. He worked this ranch until 1976 when he
of horses. It brought memories of the days when a horse bought a home and moved to Dillon. However, retirement
was King and part of the family. You would have to know was still out of the question. He purchased some land
and understand the sentiment that Pete attaches to the old about seven miles south of Dillon from Joe Mautz where
days when horses were the only means of work and travel." he kept a small herd of cattle and horses which he[...]south of Dillon, taken 1949. Ref 138.10.[...]Although Pete' s formal education consisted of five years[...]Montana history and he dreamed of someday traveling the[...]American Indians and knew a great deal of their history.[...]He was a part of the colorful history of Beaverhead
County. It was men like him who built the county into[...]so, "This sentiment causes him to keep a few head of Pete died 31 Aug 1978. He was 75 years o[...]s
buffalo, which have been running with his herds of cattle. buried in the family plot at Mountain[...]y.
At one time he had 20 buffalo." Pete was proud of his
buffalo and was very pleased to provide buffa[...]--Mary Nilsson and Agnes Mautz
dedication for the Clark Canyon Dam.
Pete's brother, J[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (221)[...]onald love of reading gained at that age stayed with her.[...]She
age, Debra has many priceless memories of the summers married George Stenberg, a graduate of the W.S.U.
spent in Dillon while her parents atte[...]Point Light House Park
The youngest daughter of Helen Victoria Rebich (born near Tacoma W[...]Debra never hesitated to
jump in the muddy canals for a swim until she had a close
encounter with a leech.
She liked to climb on the old straw and mud roof that
covered the corral at the ranch, poking around for swallow
nests. Her grandmother Mary, or "Ma," tol[...]m the house in tall grass, she
climbed on a piece of farming equipment. She fell, pulling
the tongue d[...]y St. Bernard, was tied to her wrist with a piece of
twine. Despite Debra's urging that he act like Lassie and
go for help, he could only stand by her and try to comfort
her by licking her face, an act that only made her madder.
Freddie's tail waving above[...]t caught
Diana' s attention when she came looking for her sister.
Diana, only 13 or 14, managed to pick up the tongue
and get Debra loose, an act of desperate strength that
amazed the grown men who knew its weight.
D[...]r husband Bob and their five kids. Debra thought
of them as a second family; the youngest, Bonnie, in
particular, was a good buddy who shared in a lot of
Despite John MacDonald's size a[...]risdale, a logging camp on
the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State, Debra got
yelled at and decide[...]n the 100-year-old farmhouse, despite the urging
of friends in Lyle to move back to town. When the sn[...]redeeming value was its view of Puget Sound and

Families - 772

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (222)prox1m1ty to the beach. George worked for Boeing and Argyl purchased the Sunn[...]ncle,
Debra did public relations and publications for a hospital in Herb Armitage, in 1945. In 1948 h[...]e. In 1991, Debra eight miles southwest of Wisdom. The house at this ranch
began writing on[...]named The Stephens Tour o' Tel.
As of this writing, Debra and George are both 40 years In 1964 in order to have a milder climate for wintering
old, have two teenagers and a first-gra[...]ing his cattle, Argyl purchased a ranch north of Dillon. He
eagerly ahead to the next chapter in t[...]veling and time with their daughters. units of quality housing for the elderly. Argyl enjoyed
For Debra, Montana and her many relatives remain an people and was steward at the Dillon Elks Club for several
important link to her parents and a very[...]l in Dillon in 1930.
They both taught at Armstead for one year and Hallie
taught for one year at Red Rock.
In 1932 Amy and Hallie[...]the
Deaconess School in Helena. They stayed there for nine
years. Hallie taught for 31 years in the Livingston school
system. Amy taught the youngsters of Wisdom for 24
years, along with helping her parents run the[...]n.
Dorothy married Clyde Christian and they lived for many
years in Billings where Clyde was employed b[...]Miss College Rodeo of America as well as Miss Rodeo
born 21 May[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (223)[...]aryellen was raised and adopted was tired of the flat country in Ohio. He told his family
by E[...]er, Edith Johnson and husband Raymond. that he was getting out of there and headed for Montana.
She is a graduate of Darby High School and Western Steve was a great historian and knew the history of all
Montana College. She married John Wilkerson 14 Sep the states west of the Mississippi. He worked his way up
1964 in Wis[...]& 0. After the P & 0 sold out, Steve went to work for the
Raymond graduated from Park County High School in Cornell Ranch where he took the job of herding the "buck
Livingston. He attended Montana[...]he
Western Montana College. He was a truck driver for many Cornell Ranch and made up a small band of bucks. Steve
years and says he has driven in every state except Alaska herded them each summer and also wa[...]ark County High School and
attended Montana State for two years. He served in the
U.S. Army from 1959-1[...]licensed insurance
agent and is the Broker-Owner of "Wagonhammer Real
Estate" in Dillon.
The Wagonhammer is a tool that was used to tighten the
hub nuts on wagon wheels.[...]Frank T. Stevenson aka P & 0 Blackie, sheepherder for the[...]hio in 1892. Steve attended school
and spent most of his young life in Ohio. As a young man Steve also worked as a ranch hand at the P & 0 for
he joined the U.S. Marines where he was a cook du[...]several years when it was under the management of Lloyd
WWI. After the war ended, he got a job with[...]is work. He went south to New sheriff of Beaverhead County, Steve got a job as deputy
Mexi[...]as a deputy at Armstead, Wisdom and
House, a cafe for the railroad crew. Dillon. Steve was a long-time friend of Buster and Helen
Steve and Bertha went back to[...]Brown and family. He was especially fond of their two
They had two sons. Steve continued to work for the little girls, Sharon and Judy,[...]lifetime member of the American Legion. He died 01 Jan
Steve continued to work for the railroad . In his travels, 1969.
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (224)[...]s
Haute IN. She took up residence in the Big Hole valley as assigned to the Red Rock depot. Ben was Beaverhead
a bride of Ben R. Stevenson. Both she and her husband County treasurer for several years with his wife, Katherine,
taught school in Wisdom for many years. She devoted her working as his[...]in Dillon.
their children and grandchildren, many of whom she taught Marjorie attended grade[...]Dillon, then graduated from Sargent School for Physical
The Christmas programs, the harmony[...]MA, earned a B.A. from the
musicals and her love for flowers and cats became a University of Washington and a M.A. from Colorado State
tradition. She had a very special place in the hearts of the University in Greeley.
Big Hole valley people.[...]e in
The big house where Mrs. Stevenson lived for many Dillon and in an Episcopal school for girls in Salt Lake
years still stands in Wisdom a[...]illings in 1927 and became a
apartment house. One of her favorite cats was a white one, member of the first faculty of Eastern Montana College.
very pretty; she called[...]St. Vincent Hospital. She was a member of Big Sky
--Jennie Else Dollars and had been a member of Zonta, Delta Kappa[...]jorie Stevenson of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, working in the Alter[...]Guild, St. Margaret's Guild, and the Daughters of the King.
One of her[...]her years of active[...]Daughters of the[...]time of her death was[...]President General for Marjorie Stevenson, March 1990,[...]years that produced an unusual sense of commitment to her[...]Marjorie remained active until the last year of her life.
Ref041.17.[...]--Sally Garrett Dingley
only child of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stevenson. Her mother[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (225)[...]na Laird
My father loved
grass. Perhaps that and
the need for grazing land
for his sheep were what
led him to the
Centennial Valley with
its miles and miles of
lush grassland.
Sometime in the 1930s
Dad, Char[...]5) leased the
Price place in the
Centennial Valley and
placed sheep there from
spring through fall.[...]1930s in
Loan . Centennial Valley. Ref 165.05.
Near that time, Dad
and Mother also bought the Halligan pla[...]winding Red Rock River and the grassy spring for dairy goods and perishables and the following
hillsides peppered with rocks was what Dad needed for his year a well-insulated meat house with vents for cooling
growing herds of sheep. breezes.
Late in April 1943 , in the midst of World War II, our Mother loved music as much[...]ed grass. The
family moved to the Halligan place for the summer. "piano tradition" began with[...]ID Mother had carefully measured out a spot for it in the
ration board for months to obtain a "priority" for a wood prefab building. For the next decade and more, that heavy
cook stove and a small prefabricated building that would monster was always the first thing on th[...]In 1945 WWII ended.
and a small prefab building that could fit on the Dad saw that the many synthetic fabrics developed during
Inte[...]1936) and Charles (b. 193 8) In the spring of 1946 we moved to the Price place in the
and I (b . 1932), the move to Montana was a mixture of Centennial Valley. Dad began an irrigation system for the
excitement and disappointment. There was no electricity or large fields of grass on the Centennial ranch. He had no
indoor[...]nitial bedrooms were tents and later tent thought of haying the place but wanted to provide as much
h[...]people to know, John and grass as possible for the cattle.
Maggie Halligan and their sister, Ne[...]spread water on sagebrush bumps and watch that brush
explore. A small stream, a pond and a cabi[...]isappear and grass appear. Mother made a home out of
were delights to us as child explorers. Later we found that the log house which had not been lived in since the
our "discovery" was a retreat place for Father Clifford. Montgomerys left in t[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (226)[...]Doors and windows had to be replaced. Working for roundup time. The ranchers' wives would h[...]struck, there would be
us and the men who worked for us three square meals a an all-night party. For years there was a Valley 4th of July
day and managed to take care of the hordes of friends and picnic up O'Dell Creek. When that property was bought,
relatives who would come to visit on the weekends. the valley people moved the event to the "end of the road"
Although ill at the time, Mother supervised the on Table Mountain.
remodeling of the Price place when electricity came to the After Union Pacific closed cattle shipments at Monida,
Valley in 1955. Mother died in July 1957.[...]and Charles, ranchers bred in the bone, enjoy that and
Charles married Sandra Lockwood in Corvalli[...]0). Needing more grazing land and space for his sons, Dad,
Sandra has worked side by side wit[...]itially, Charles and Sandra ran the north side of the Valley in 1969. Fred and Donnee lived
Corvallis ranch but moved to Dillon in 1959 when that in the old hand-hewn log house there.
ran[...]Sandra then took over the farming and management of the Charles and Sandra summered on the Chri[...]oberts farm is managed by their son, Guy. In 1992
for years.[...]mily, died in May 1996.
place as much as the rest of the family. Throughout the years, I have camped up Price Creek,
Fred finished his stint of military service in 1960 and stared into the vast space of green, grey, yellow, blue,
returned to help with the business. He married Donnee brown and orchid that is the Centennial Valley and listened
Shaffner in Dillon in 1964. Their ch[...]1968). Donnee enjoyed working on the
first volume of the Beaverhead County History Book and[...]would have worked on the second had she not died of
congestive heart failure in Oct 1993.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (227)[...]Rose and Wayne's home was always a favorite of
Wayne Harvey Stocks friends and relatives on both sides of the family. Day or
Dorothy Rose Wenger[...]4 at Roots and wings are two of the most important things
Biarman Hill near Newda[...]and Edwin Murray Stocks. He was this for their four daughters.
the 10th child born to this[...]lliam Mooney and had three children.
the Big Hole Valley to shear sheep for Martin Jackson. He Later she married Alla[...]Even though we all live away from the Big Hole Valley
returning to the Big Hole each summer for the haying loved by all of us, we own the house on the north edge of
season. About 1934 he remained in the Big Hole wo[...]4 and Rose continued to live
Eventually, two of Wayne' s brothers and one sister with in the[...]Spence Stoddard
youngest of the 12 children of Marie (Meyer) and Jules
Wenger. Rose and Wayne s[...]ontway. The milkman, Paul Stahl, left a free pint of Spence Stoddard was the fourth child of Ken and Pearl
cream each morning as a gift.[...]d get the feeding done and get a Dillon for the summer, then back to Dubois ID, where he
day[...]olings to spend time received the remainder of his education. He graduated
with Rose.[...]nty High School in 1956.
The first ten years of Rose and Wayne' s marriage they Delores was born 21 Oct 1936, the oldest child of Ben
worked for several ranches in the valley, mainly Clemows, and Elda Wilding in Rexbu[...]e years they had three daughters: Ellen Rae of high school in Roberts ID and finished her junior[...]e on Creek L.D.S. Church.
the north edge of Jackson and Wayne gave up being a The first four years of our marriage we worked for
cowboy and went to work for the REA bringing power into Spence's father, my father and for Ervin Harrop. We had
the Big Hole.[...]ne went to Wilding, going into farming for ourselves; thus began our
work with the Beaverhe[...]ent the family ranching operation.
rest of his life grading, plowing, repairing and building[...]family made a major move to
roads in the place that he loved so much. The last two Dillon to the East Bench place we had purchased in
years of his life he transferred from the County road job to January of that year. Spence was only 27 years of age and
a road job with the State of Montana but still taking care of this was quite a challenge. This was the first year that
the roads in the Valley. water w[...]for the first few years until we could add spr[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (228)[...]Stoddard family, taken Nov 1994. See below for names. Ref 178.05A.

Front L-R: Whitney, Ashley,[...]ng Brock, Daniel.

Ditches had to be surveyed for contour irrigating. They
irrigated around the clo[...]he second crew during the night. During the
years of farming we have raised wheat, barley, peas, pigs,
cattle, horses and sheep.
At the time of our move, we had four children: Todd
Ben, born 06[...]roken back resulting from an accident
on a horse. I was in the Sheridan hospital with the new
baby wh[...]ur ranch and bought an 80-acre
farm two miles out of Dillon on Laknar Lane. Much to our
surprise, in April of 1987 we returned to large-scale
farming once agai[...]ave
all helped on the ranch through the years. As of 1997, we
have 18 grandchildren and hope to have m[...]and he works as a sales representative for Superior[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (229)[...]Stone married Monona Rouse. In a bizarre chain of events,
They have four children, Ky David, Kai Ra[...]ina Stone. He was the second child and
eldest son of this union.
He had two sisters, Irma, born 18[...]9. Originally, the bank was located at the
corner of Montana and Bannack Streets where Skeet's Cafe
once stood. It moved to the corner of Idaho and Bannack,
across from Eli el' s, before[...]rrick on the
Marchesseau Ranch in the Grasshopper Valley. He
attended high school at Frank[...]n Sioux Falls SD to William G. and
the University of California at Berkeley with a Bachelor of Elsie D. Rouse. She was the first-born daug[...]. oldest of ten children. When still a small child, her famil[...]ar Willow Creek
into the State Bank and had paid for Malcolm's extensive MT. Born to a family of dry land farmers, Monty was no
education. Louis[...]erself to
Dillon. Years later, Malcolm confessed that he was the usual role of girls in those days of cooking and
probably a poor banker. He often gav[...]leaning.
people who didn ' t have the collateral for an approved bank She attended schools in[...]er on the proper way to throw a
Tonrey Orchestra for twelve years to supplement his $125[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (230)[...]d from high school in Sioux Falls SD in could for fifty cents an acre and let the rest go back for
1923 . She met Malcolm while working the news stand at taxes. It took many years to recover the loss of the
the Andrus Hotel Lobby in Dillon.[...]was an accomplished rider and had the distinction of pursued various hobbies. He raised foxes in[...]eing Dillon's first rodeo queen in 1943. Her love of 1930 through the early 1950's, he raised[...]a cattle drive He became an active brother of the Dillon Elks and a
throughout the Blacktail and Centennial Valleys. regular member of the St. James Episcopal Church where[...]he served on the Vestry and the Board of Trustees. He[...]and his home housed a variety of literature including[...]His love of music led him to collect records and albums.[...]His love of art showed in a collection of Norman Rockwell[...]was heard to comment, "Monty does the smoking and I get[...]he departed from Dillon, Malcolm remarked, "I'm a dying
man grasping for straws." This statement proved to be[...]o years later, 08 Dec 1983, at age 78, Monty died of[...]benefitted from the generosity and kindness of Malcolm[...]colm Eugene was born 03 Sep 193 7, and became
CEO of Skippers's Fish and Chips Corporation. He
succumbed of a rare heart condition in 1991 and is buri[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (231)[...]coming up the aisle of her coach. They were Mrs. Fannie
Strou[...]goodbye in Butte. Yes, there stood Mrs.
of the older residents. Even back in the 1880s, she[...]young woman in her 20s and now she has passed her I 04th caught up with your train and just w[...]once more." And Mrs. Stroup, then a woman of 85,
To mention her name to those who knew her[...]ears, continued her journey alone.
an exclamation of pleasure, "Yes, I remember Mrs. Stroup." A few months ago a bit of news appeared in a paper
And such is the memory of this unusual woman that faces published in Williamson NY. It cre[...]here in the 1880s, it was not as Dillon, for the item read as follows:
a teacher nor yet as a[...]row" said the headline and then
in the households of others. the s[...]she washed upon the board became sheer of living will be celebrated Sunday, 11 Oct, by Mrs.
whiteness. The long tablecloths were like new and so were Rebekah Medora Stroup, Wil[...]with the old-fashioned flatirons the home of her niece, Mrs. Raymond Perry.
heated on the wood[...]in 1855 in a log
in the evening her ringing call of "Supp-er-r-r" summoned cabin on the Iowa p[...]Quaker family that migrated to Iowa from Canada in a
It was characteristic of her to be slow--or at least to covered wagon[...]r refusal to hurry--showed died at the age of 91. One of her brothers, William
in her face. Peace and pati[...]oldier in the Civil War.
Little is remembered of her early days in Dillon except Mrs. Stroup recalls that life was rugged on the prairie
that she was housekeeper for a short time at the A. Graeter when she was young. Her father, homesteading a quarter-
home. For 20 years, indeed for more than 20 years, she[...]ng such things as
worked at the large brick house of the P.H. Poindexter soap, bread and clothing were a part of her daily chores.
family.[...]a where she father's corn fields.
cared for her aging parents until both completed lifetimes[...]husband, Dan Stroup, and her daughter, Nora, died
of more than 90 years. Then she came back to Montana[...]greater part of her life.
Frank H. Cooney ranch. There she resume[...]n she was 85 years old, she came to Williamson to
of her girlhood, that of raising turkeys. At night the birds[...]visit with her sister for a month. She has lived here ever
perched on a hig[...]interest in the world
predators made off with 50 of them.[...]around her keep Mrs. Stroup cheerful at 104 years of age.
At length came the sunset years in her l[...]es to reminisce and often asks the present prices of
could work no more. "Ella," she told an old friend, "I am[...]with prices when she was young.
all alone. It is for me to leave everything and go to live[...]efore going East were in Dillon. Here she tarried for a[...]and is fond of all foods . But ice cream, cake and sweet
house s[...]same words she used in days gone by, "I never felt better. "
and there the names of old friends she had met and loved[...]hurried, dreaming sometimes of Montana scenes and winds
Then she was a passe[...]and sunshine no doubt, awaits the coming of the bluebirds
waved to a little group at the stat[...]and of the wild flowers in the spring.
by. Then the silent depot, the line of buildings along the
main street and remembered l[...]--May Sprinkle, 1959
surged across the valley. She would not be coming back.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (232)[...]the year they
purchased their ranch
north of Dillon from the Rhineharts.
Before coming to[...]r Force and as
Neal and Maurice. It was difficult for John to operate the "crew chief' flew the[...]several missions. He contracted a severe case of infectious
shorthorn cattle, along with being a single parent to two hepatitis because of the poor health conditions there and
energetic bo[...]Butte to attend Infantry before the end of the war.
school until Neal was ready for high school in 1930. They Both Neal and Maurice became aware that their fortunes
loved the ranch and were allowed t[...]ir were not to be won on the banks of the Beaverhead, so
schooling in Dillon. with the help of the G.I. Bill, they turned to education.
Times were tough for John during the Depression and Neither of their parents had received much formal
the drough[...]there he met his future wife, Rose Conwell, of Red Lodge.
crops to earn money enough to pay his[...]re married in 1947.
Hard times forced closure of the Butte Hotel and He earned a Master's Degree from the University of
Abigail moved to Detroit, where her sisters lived[...]ing
The drought and depression seemed endless for John. an elementary principal before retirement in 1980. He and
His purebred shorthorns sold for $12 per head; his eggs for Rose had seven children who live in Butte, Bozeman, Great
five cents per dozen. Potatoes sold for 50 cents/100 weight Falls, Boston and Spokane. Neal died 11 Aug 1981. An
in a sack that cost 25 cents. There were no low-interest[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (233)[...]ontana problem and was seriously ill for a large part of his
State College (now Montana State University)[...]graduated from high school in 1936.
Sheila Hamill of Hazel Park MI.[...]needed. His dad and brothers, Pete and
University of Chicago in 1955, Maurice moved to Richland[...]the nuclear energy field. He home for periods of time. John, with his mother and his
became recogn[...]authority on the sister, Mary, cared for the ranch and livestock. Everyone
behavior of ingested radioactive substances and their effects would return home for lambing and haying.
on the gastrointestinal tract[...]bigail, who died in
1961. In 1953, the farm north of Dillon was sold to Mr.
Olson and Mr. Kofoed, 30 y[...]was purchased by
the Sullivans. At present, none of John's descendants live
in Beaverhead County.[...]iam and Lillie McIntyre Sweeney. He was the third
of five children. His brothers and sisters were Roge[...]rtner, Earl Rogers, in
Big Sheep Creek Basin west of Dell. They were known as
"Sweeney and Rogers Co."[...]ey walked two miles to school from
the ranch home except in severe winter weather when they
were taken to[...]e dog
and would hitch the dog to the running gear of a little toy Pete was drafted into the army for World War II in
wagon which would pull him all ov[...]1940. Roger married and decided to train for the
occasion it was time for school and John had disappeared refrige[...]e in 1942
right after breakfast. His mother noted that both the dog and was gone from the ranch[...]ey
and wagon were gone, and she assumed correctly that he stayed on the ranch with John unti[...]1943. John assumed the responsibility of operating the
away and played hooky from school that day. ranch upon the death of his dad. This was a most difficult
As John gr[...]as it was war time and no one was around to hire for
that was where he loved to be. His mother insisted that help. But John and the ranch survived[...]John suffered a stroke in 1946, a complication of his
families, there were eight children to be put[...]kidney ailment. The stroke impaired the use of his left
school and times were hard. John'[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (234)[...]estead
turned over on him while snaking poles out of the Pine at Weston Canyon. As of this writing, Viola and Lavinia
Creek timber area in order to build a set of scales at the are still living.
ranch to weig[...]& Edna Sweet of Dillon, the last of the Swetish children of Michael and
Amanda Swetish. Like all of the other family members,
Thomas and Edna Sweet were homesteaders on the Albert got most of his schooling in carpentry, mechanics
Blacktail.[...]llon on which he built homes. He also carpentered for
other people. Tom had a portable sawmill and cut[...]home at Weston Canyon, but
it was during the time of World War II and building
products were hard to c[...]lassed-in
front porch which afforded a grand view of the Blacktail
and the Beaverhead Valley where they enjoyed sitting on
the warm and sunny days of summer. Their home had
running water, indoor plum[...]Canyons. Their teacher was Jessie Williams Smith. I
presume they both attended high school in Dillon. Viola
and maybe Lavinia attended the Normal School.
when she was young and homesteaded a section of land in
Jake Canyon which is now owned by John and Bill
Conover. She later worked for businesses in Dillon as a
bookkeeper--Davis Motor[...]he area and moved to Tacoma to be with her sister for
a while, enjoying some activities she had not been able to
do for many years. She was a very devoted daughter to her By his teens, he was able to perform most of the
parents.[...]t there he progressed to applying these skills for others and
radio show with a retired doctor who was a widower from soon built a foundation of reliability.
the lake country in northern Iowa.[...]ved since at Fort Douglas UT, Albert opted for service with the
Spirit Lake IA.[...]paratroopers and was sent to Fort Bragg NC for basic
training. After learning the ABCs of the military, he went[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (235)sent to Fort Benning GA for paratroop and glider training. gaining much[...]the family level.
on a B 17 to Hirosaki, Japan for a six-month tour of duty. In 1932, Anna went to work at Barre[...]and on until 1967. In 1933,
Again the clouds of war were brewing from across the Anna and[...]nd Albert joined the Air Force in 1951. This tour of opportunities and expand their horizons in t[...]an aerial environment. Here they worked for private families as
gunner. After he completed tr[...]ing much experience in the more
technical aspects of the guns and the skill to identify enemy sophisticated methods of housekeeping and dealing with
aircraft, Albert we[...]ife they knew around
missions against a multitude of enemy forces who were Dillon.
poised to oust us and the South Koreans from that area.
When he returned from the service, he went to work for
Western Montana College as a steam engineer, a position
he held for 16 years.
During this time, Albert married Wa[...]. He also owned and operated a sheep ranch north of
Dillon. When he sold his property, he resigned fr[...]anada, where
they owned and operated a dairy farm for several years.
They sold this property and moved[...]anda managed the court, Albert
worked as a welder for a large oil drilling company that
was operating near that area.
They sold the trailer court and moved t[...]er
about every five weeks. After raising chickens for the
Tyson Chicken Processors for several years, they returned
to Grand Forks, Brit[...]between Canada and their winter home in
Prescott Valley AZ.

--Edward A. Swetish[...]Anna Swetish sitting on auto in front of P & 0 bunkhouse,
Anna was born 18 Jan 191 1 on[...]taken 1928 or 1930. Ref.94BW-0117 (Dingley).
west of Dillon, the second child of Mike and Amanda
Swetish. She went to Dillon schoo[...]urned to Dillon and went back to work
She didn' t like school and there was plenty to keep her[...]rett Hospital under the leadership and management of
occupied on the family farm anyway.[...]Louise Buherer, the best hospital administrator of that
On 19 Feb 1928, Anna and her sister, Mary, wen[...]also worked occasionally at the Oasis Cafe.
work for the P & 0 Ranch Company as cook' s helpers[...], Anna married James McLaughlin in
feeding a crew of 35 ranch hands. Mrs. Mary Reeves, who[...]served in the U.S. Navy for 20 years, now resides with his
especially for a larger group as this, they soon learned the[...]Jul 1957, Anna married Andy
cooking. They worked for the company for two years,[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (236)ranch of Alder MT. Andy died in Jan 1967 and was Anna prides herself in being active and walking for
buried in Mountain View Cemetery.[...]and subsequently worked in the
Extended Care Unit of St. John ' s Hospital in Helena. One --Edward A. Swetish, Helena MT
of the highlights of working at St. John' s was working with
many wonderful nurses . "Sister Ann Kathleen was just
such a person I wished I could work with. Well, my wish Bi[...]Charles Foppiano, Jr.
that it was really a pleasure working there." These nurses
were wonderful , making St. John ' s one of the best places Billie Ann Swetish was bor[...]t. west of Dillon. She was the youngest of three daughters
Anna worked there until it closed in 1973 . That year, born to Michael and Amanda Swetish. In her early years,
she returned to Dillon to take care of her ailing mother, she had a keen interest i[...]in 1974. In 1981 , she sold her her share of wrangling cows and doing other farm chores.
home[...]becoming proficient in each of these traits as well as the[...]Billie Ann followed in the footsteps of her older[...]thers and sisters through her early school years. Like[...]higher education that beyond the freshman year of high[...]than that found in books and classrooms."[...]As a consequence she found that jobs in the local[...]plants on the west coast were gearing up for World War II
where opportunities abounded for the adventurous.[...]defense forces" where armaments of war were being
assembled, where the coining of the phrase "Praise the[...]Here, the loyalty and patriotism of the "Women in[...]Defense" were a key to the success of the fighting troops[...]across the far-flung battlefields of Europe and Asia. Billie[...]Ann and the other thousands of women were tuned in to[...]Anna Swetish Dick making noodles in her apartment for[...]with meticulous efficiency to ensure accuracy
For many years she made povatica and noodles for her in the war material they assembled. The[...]As she became very proficient with this that lives of brothers, loved ones and friends hung in the
hobb[...]hers in the
called it quits to the disappointment of the many who Army and a fiance, Charles[...]e Navy, so
enjoyed this food and depended upon it for their special the loyalty to her work had a[...]She once made a special povatica in early 1994 for When the war finally ended and the de[...]s
Montie Dingley who reproduced many older photos for her. reduced, Billie Ann returned home to Dillon for a brief
After enjoying it immensely, he looked at[...]aded East to The Bronx NY. She worked
asked, "Why don't you make stuff like this?" briefly for a telephone company prior to getting marri[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (237)[...]ard A. Swetish
years to adulthood and to families of their own.
Over the years, she, her husband,[...]ds. As the years wore on, Billie Ann devoted much of
her time to the four grandchildren and to the aging aunts
and uncles on her husband's side of the family. Her
husband, Charles, was also a dedi[...]west of Dillon to Mike and Amanda Swetish. Edward[...]summer irrigating spuds for the Irvine and Cottom
Ref. 94-0[...]n Spokane WA m a course on accounting in the fall of
Just before Christmas 1986, Billie Ann became ill and 1942. A few months later, however, the agony of going to
was hospitalized. On 08 Jan 1987 Bil[...]as alleviated when Uncle Sam
shattering the lives of her close-knit family and a host of tapped Ed on the shoulder and said, "Come with[...]is a war to fight."
hillside overlooking the town of Danbury CT. Off Ed went to Camp Haan CA for boot camp. After[...]much puttering around in training, Ed shipped out for
--via Edward Swetish, 1988 England and a staging area in preparation for the big push
across the channel to the shores of France. · From Utah[...]Europe, Ed and the other thousands of foot troops pushed[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (238) At Aigen, Austria, "we watched over thousands of
jubilant prisoners of war who were just as happy as we Mary Ann Swetish
were that the war had finally come to an end."
Back hom[...]Mary Ann Swetish was born on the family farm west of
to far away places. First, it was to Denver, then[...]ivision to handle the Amanda Swetish. Because of the economics on the farm
thousands who would par[...]lf-
employed entrepreneur and a volunteer in many of Dillon's
prestigious organizations: the Fire Depa[...]ad Ambulance,
Red Cross, American Legion, Chamber of Commerce and
County Civil Defense Coordinator.[...]RADEF
technician. This job took Ed to many parts of the country
studying radioactive materials and te[...]active in Red Cross work
as the Disaster Chairman for the State of Montana,
responding to disasters and teaching dis[...]as a Red Cross volunteer on 14
national disasters that took him to earthquakes in
California, hurricanes[...]Ed
traveled to ancient Rome and left 27 Dec 1996 for an 84-
day trip on the Deutsche Seereederi Rostock cargo ship that
will take him from Long Beach to Japan, South Kor[...]pore, Sri Lanka, through the
Suez Canal, the Rock of Gibraltar, Rotterdam, Antwerp,
Bremerhaven, Felix[...]untimely and tragic deaths of two members of the family.[...]drowned at the age of two in the West Side Canal that ran[...]a sun stroke. Those were not easy times for the Swetish
family and Mary went to work for the Tom Pierce Ranch[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (239)[...]es and also enough and she soon went to work for Bill Copenhaver who owned
pocket money to try her[...]a and moved to Dillon where she lived
they got in that city, however, was the big earthquake that in the Bicentennial Apartments until her death 20 Jan 1988.
hit the area that year. When Mary returned to Dillon, she Her[...]to work at the Barrett Hospital. She also worked for family plot in Mountain View Cemetery.
a su[...]son of Michael and Amanda Swetish. Like the rest of the[...]Swetish family, life on the family farm west of Dillon was[...]of everyday life that brought Michael full circle to success.[...]gineer on a
logging spur. Mary was the bookkeeper for the operation,
keeping records of expenditures and the payrolls of the
work crew. Tragedy struck when Mike, died 19 Jan 1945.
Later that year, she returned to Dillon and went to work for
Roberts Food as a meat cutter. After working for several
years at the Roberts store, gaining more[...]Salt Lake City where she
purchased a family store that she operated for several years.
She sold the store and returned to Dillon and again
worked for Roberts Food Store as a meat cutter.
Mary was an avid outdoors person. She always raised
gardens of beautiful flowers. She also loved to fish and[...]Swetish. Ref.95.2011. (Dingley)
pick wild berries for jellies and jams.
As her health began to decline and the wrath of Dillon
winters took their toll, Mary looke[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (240)[...]chael found himself deeply involved and work for other farmers/ranchers in the surrounding
in building, repairing and making judgment calls for others. areas. He worked at length for his uncle, Pete Swetish, at
His ability, workmans[...]knowledge opened the Apex Ranch as well as for the Gravely ranch at Dell for
many doors of opportunity before most kids his age were[...]went to work in the Butte mines. There,
beginning of World War II.[...]d the work at Mare Island, he tasks required of all those working for the Anaconda
met his wife, Rose, of St. Helena CA. They married in Company.[...]e him back to Dillon where he became a
partner in that company.
Over the next 35 years or so, Michae[...]g the common old
spud in an uncommon way. Because of the modem
techniques and skills involved in this[...]company always came away with a superior species of
potato and the abundance found markets far and wi[...]m Company operated a large Texas
ranch at Texline for several years. Michael managed this
hay operation where a good quality of alfalfa was grown,
baled and sold throughout that area. This was a sandy, arid
area, but they drilled a series of water wells providing an
adequate irrigation syst[...]in Dillon, an active fire
fighter and Fire Chief of the Dillon Volunteer Fire
Department, an ambulance driver and president of the
Ambulance Board. He served for many years as a member
of the Barrett Hospital Board where he oversaw the
building and remodeling of the new facility. He retired Rudolph Sweti[...]II. Ref.94.0118.Dingley.
remains the President of the Dillon Fire District.

--Edward A. Swetish Like millions of other Americans, the patriotic and[...]Force in 1942. Most of his training took place in and
Rudol[...]t, whether
Amanda Swetish on the family farm west of Dillon. In his whizzing by at high speed o[...]or from the
formative years, Rudy learned the art of working with rear. As a B24 (Liberator) crew member of the 9th Air
machinery and making repairs where ne[...]the war took him to the fighting in the
fondness for animals, especially horses, led him to the[...]There he flew as a tail gunner on hundreds of missions
farm as well as those purchased for the work force. out of Tripoli over Sicily against enemy airports, gun
B[...]by our enemies in Messina, the northeastern comer of that
By the time Rudy reached his teens, he was sk[...], his aircraft was hit by shrapnel
handling teams of horses and assumed most of the chores that shattered the wings and tail section of the plane. Staff
needed to operate a farm of any size. From these Sergea[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (241)[...]ody shattered by shrapnel. The plane, by
then out of control, crashed into the Mediterranean Sea.
MacIntyre was one of the few survivors of the crash, and
after returning home, corresponded with Rudy's mother,
Amanda, for many years.
For his war effort, Rudy received the Purple Heart,
G[...]mmendation in 1963
from President John F. Kennedy for his devotion and
selfless consecration of service to America.
At the insistence of his mother, Amanda, a marker was
placed in the fa[...]g place, but rather to mark his
time in the pages of history.[...]ichael and
Amanda Swetish on the family farm west of Dillon. His
schooling was limited mostly to the hard work of farming
and breaking horses. Still in his teens,[...]oe the line and mind the commands. He
also worked for other area ranchers, breaking and training[...]es . He participated as a bronco rider in several of the[...]Ref 94-0108 (Dingley)
area rodeos. Because of his good nature, Bill was
nicknamed "Sugar Bill"[...]Bill's tank company arrived to support
contingent of troops to leave Dillon. He did his basic[...]ng
then was assigned to the South Pacific Theater of inside and killing or seriously wounding the crew. The
Operations under the general command of General Douglas wounded of this battle along a three- to four-mile stretch of
MacArthur, in the drive to retake the Philippines[...]to island hospitals. After a few weeks of mending, Bill
Bill saw plenty of action on Guadalcanal, Bougainville was transferred to Fort Lewis WA for further medical
and New Guinea. These were regarded by the Australians attention for wounds to his arms, legs and chest.
as their oute[...]e Japanese forces put Allied shipping more of his left hand.
and more in peril as they swept across the huge area of the When he returned to Dillon, he married[...]. Bill
MacArthur' s goal was, as he put it, "I shall return" to died 16 Mar 1975 and was burie[...]on plot in Mountain View Cemetery in
Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington weren 't sold on this D[...]h, Helena
On 12 Sep 1944 the strategy was set for the Philippines,
but the advance north was thwarted by a fierce fight for the
Palau Islands where thousands of Japanese were concealed
and heavily armed with mortars and heavy artillery in a
network of caves on the Isle of Peleiu. In an effort to
secure the air fi[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (242)[...]Tash had a habit of smoking a clay pipe, so Evelyn's aunt[...]smoking in those days was unheard of although women of
Donald Allen (later changed to Raymond) Tash, son of past generations had done just that. Evelyn's aunt was not
Noah and Anna Tash, and Co[...]o be embarrassed by her mother's antics.
daughter of Thomas Sherman Sapp and Martha Eliza Sapp,[...]active in the Dillon Garden Club for many years. She also
They lived in Beaverhead[...]constantly. She enjoyed
Melrose while Don worked for the State Highway visiting her son[...]open to friend, neighbor or
family lived in Lima for eleven years. Cora worked in cafes stranger. She always extended the hand of friendship to all
and volunteered for the Red Cross during the Second she met[...]later moved to Cut
Trevor Tash is the youngest of Don and Penny's Bank with her family; Ora Tash Connors ranched with her
children. All five of the children live in Edmonton, family ne[...]eputy sheriff in Bannack. He
She was the youngest of two children born to Noah married Etta Meade in 1898. Etta was the daughter of
Raymond Tash and Anna Viola Ellerman. Evelyn atte[...]and
On 29 Aug 1936 she married Carl Robertson of Dillon. the courthouse, built in 1875, stood vacant most of the time
She and Carl owned and operated a sand a[...]the Beaverhead County
ready-mix concrete business for more than 40 years in Commissioners accepted a bid of approximately $1,200 to
Dillon. Evelyn's husband died in 1982. a group of investors including Dr. Meade. They operated
E[...]t her childhood in Melrose. the Meade Hotel for several decades.
She remembered attending tea parties with her mother at
the home of her aunt Ora Tash Conner. Evelyn recalled[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (243)[...]ars, Keith and Rhea opened their
bought a section of ground in the upper Grasshopper from own r[...]ich still operates today as
Rufus Mathews (father of Bertie and Georgia). He and his Keith's Re[...]with their son, Phil, as president.
purchase of additional land. In 1918, W. S. bought[...]Keith was also a cattle and
Linkersdorfer's share of the ranch. sheep buye[...]Thomas m. Kathy Klich. Their children are Tyler (I 980),
Rosslyn (1985), and Leo 1986. Sharon m. Tim[...]children are George (1948), Jean (1951 ), Janet (I 957),
Joan and Jennie (1961)
William T. "B[...]married in few real good ones and lots of just pretty horses, but he
Logan UT 28 Jun 1940. They are the parents of two loved them all. He had one hors[...]rly, born 30 Sep 1942, and Keith Phil, born that was voted the running horse of the year in Montana.
30 Sep 1948. These two child[...]minute--six years apart. champion of Montana. He also loves to golf and enjoy his
Keith is the son of Vaughn Franklin and Anna family. R[...]have lived in Lovell WY for the last 34 years. Phil
Rhea is the daughter of Annie Sophia Georgeson and married Adele[...]86. They enjoy being the proud great-grandparents of
a ranch with his brother, Leon. They lived there for ten seven--so far--and maybe more in the future.
years, at which time t[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (244)[...]ylor from part of the aforementioned farm ground.
Adele Ly[...]In 1974 Phil built the home that they have lived in for[...]elle and
Dillon 29 Jun 1968. They are the parents of five children: Jacob Stephen Snyder. Tory and[...]Lorrayne Pierce Rebich. The family
ranched south of Armstead until 1957 when they moved to
Dillon. Ad[...]ed
from BCHS in 1967. She attended the University of
Montana in Missoula and Western Montana College i[...]and Trent. Ref 178.07A.
Lovell, Huffaker, part of the Jakovac, and part of the Paul

Families - 796

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (245)[...]and Alfred Isaac Cashmore. The
Cashmores were one of the first families to settle in Dillon.
The Twenties were innocent times for growing up.
Days were spent building underground[...]ral rooms, in vacant lots. They read Tarzan books for
hours on the neighbor's porch, practicing target[...]rounded by morel mushrooms near the present homes of
Dr. McCollum and the Mooney family.
Because[...]musical engagements, Bud and Leone got into a lot
of trouble. Once they had an adventure with umbrella[...]rn into music. Both parents were very active most of
and Leone sat on each side of the top of the piano with their lives with bands, accompanying singers and
sticks for protection. musicians. Grace was the organist for the Episcopal
Church for forty years.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (246)[...]aw her going down the street followed by a parade of
taught him music as a small child when his mother[...]w what to do with Leone finished all of her college courses except student
Ralph· maybe music would interest him not knowing she teaching, remembering some of the stunts she and her
was beginning a career that would influence generations. friends did when all of the student teachers from Western,
Leone' s daugh[...]Army Base during World War II, Leone
It was then that Leone knew she had found her instrument. retu[...]photograph of her as a baby or toddler, she is holding[...]She spent much of her childhood entertaining herself.[...]and stories, and drawing. Most of her birthday and[...]beautiful little playhouse for her where she spent a lot of
time. She wrote in a diary at five that someday she wanted[...]shared was visit by one of Dillon's leading ladies of their
While he was in college, an orchestra wa[...]house without
music camp in Gunnison CO from some of the best her fancy hat and white gl[...]d wait in delight to
experience was the highlight of her life. She was chosen watch the lady walk[...]covered in the back
to be Concert Master. Because of shyness for performing with dog hair as the chair she chose belonged to Tuffy, the
"The Flight of the Bumblebee" alone, she stepped down to cocker spaniel, who spent most of the visits growling
second chair, where she was h[...]g woman she learned twirling and became
majorette for the Elks ' Drum and Bugle Corps, which wen[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (247)[...]ammond Temple

Wedding of Warren Temple to Gerry Criswell August 1949. Ref[...]d taught He returned home in 1945.
school for a year or so. He came to Beaverhead County During the war Grace worked as a bookkeeper for the
in 1915 to work on the Poindexter and Orr Ran[...]Portland
called the Matador Ranch. When World War I broke out OR. Their son Warren enlisted[...]om the Army, he and Grace went to work for Vigilante Electric as a bookkeeper in
married 10[...]ad two sons: Warren born on 1946. Paul ran for his old job against John Troupe who
13 Feb 1921,[...]enlisted. It
Paul ranched in the Dillon area for a while then worked was a hotly contested race, having a vote recount, but when
in the oil fields of Montana and Canada. In 1936 Paul was the dust[...]ad won by a few votes. He was re-
elected sheriff of Beaverhead County. He was re-elected electe[...]listed During this time Paul was Commander of the American
in the Navy Seabees at age 4[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (248)Neighbors of Woodcraft. In 1959 Paul and Grace were Valley countryside she knew so well as a young Montana
appointed Co-Vendors of the State Liquor Store in Dillon. girl. She[...]Paul's death 05 Jun 1961. "Can you believe that some people don't like nature?" She
Both Paul and Grace were life-lo[...]uite outspoken on the subject.
She spent the rest of her life enjoying her home and
friends. One of her favorite pastimes was hand knitting.
She was[...]reside in Dillon.
Jeannie has many fond memories of living in Beaverhead
She remembered i[...]nths at the frozen Poindexter Slough just outside of
town. Her family brought brooms and snow shovels'[...]never missed one while growing up. Teachers' kids of
all ages had a great time playing volleyball and[...]imb.
Hiking and backpacking was a fond memory for her,
too. One of the most beautiful spots she recalled[...]leaning potatoes with her family in potato
fields that were already harvested. She remembered one of Jeannie asked him if he remembered going[...]ed "Papa John" by Glen together, just the two of them. He said he
her father, came with t[...]d, remembered they didn't have much luck that day, and he
Bill, noticed Papa John picking potat[...]member it was
yet harvested. Bill told the priest of his error, to which early in the morning, it[...]oes provide and work in mysterious ways. that same Christmas visit. It reminded her of learning to
Jeannie realized this more than ever[...]n near Polaris MT. Her young
family the Christmas of 1996. Her father, Bill, was dying boys were ~earning how beautiful Beaverhead County is,
of terminal lung cancer. But even in this bleak time for her too. Her Dad would like that.
family, the beauty of Beaverhead County was ever present. At[...]s
She had the opportunity to travel with her Dad, for Army. She is the first woman f[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (249)[...]County her home.
She married John R. Tibbetts of Tifton GA. He is also In the year 1904, Marie Christensen immigrated from
an Anny Major and graduate of West Point. John is the Denmark to the Big[...]ildren: William,
battalion Executive Officer (XO) for 3/67 Armor Battalion, Soren, Victoria, Anna and[...]boys. John "Jonathan" R. School at the age of nine; her enrollment was held back
Tibbetts II wa[...]John Troupe served in France during World War I and[...]involved with the mail service for several years and is[...]appointed undersheriff of Beaverhead County. He was[...]foreman of the Hairpin Ranch near Jackson. They moved[...]the age of 54. He was survived by his wife, Victoria,[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (250)[...]Ed and Nancy took a vacation to Alaska the summer of
Edward Paul Urick[...]John and Gladys Conover Nancy worked for several years as Administrative
28 Dec 1963 in Dillon. Nancy grew up with two older Assistant for a statewide program for youth and then as a
sisters, Kim Elaine and Sheil[...]brother, Legislative Information Assistant for the State of Alaska.
Alan Craig. When Nancy was seventeen, the[...]ster Laurel Brianna. spring of 1993. Since then they have been developing a[...]piece of property on which they are building homes.[...]and escape from Ketchikan's annual rainfall of 13 feet a[...]child of Richard and Emily Maki in Belt MT. She attended[...]the Big Willow School for eight years and then Belt Valley[...]She began mowing hay with a team of horses and the[...]helping cook for the ranch hands, where she met Matt[...]Ranch north of Melrose. In 1991 they sold the ranch and[...]She was survived by her husband, Matt, of Dillon; two
Nancy grew up working on the fami[...]nd Debbie Urick and
ranch up the Blacktail, south of Dillon and spent many Ed and Nancy Urick[...]nd Cheryl
up on the ranch instilled an early love of animals (except and Jim Hopkins. There are grandchild[...]coyotes) and Nancy brought home an endless stream of Kimberly, Garrett and Grant Urick; Tam[...]and even, to her mother's dismay, a whole litter of baby Christiansen; Shawn, Ryan, Courtney[...]4 in Salmon ID. Nancy and Ed lived at Moose Creek
for several months and then moved to Greeley CO where
Ed worked for Miller Feed Lot. They moved back to
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (251)[...]ranch near Sedona AZ by
capturing the wild cattle that
roamed the area. He met Leah
Seip in 1926 when sh[...]in Flagstaff.
After Walter graduated in June
of 1957 with a degree in Animal
Science from the University of
Arizona at Tucson and completed
his Army ROTC ser[...]Deren family
started searching the western
states for a new ranch.
Late in the summer of 1958,
Earl, Leah and Walter ended their
six-week-long search for a ranch L-R: Walter, Leah and Earl Van Deren on t[...]Albers place north
when Camilla Gage gave them a of Dillon) . Ref.178.12A.
tour of the Albers Ranch in her
lavender Mercury.
The ranch met their requirements of being in one block, Downing and later that fall bought the cattle from Norman,
eliminating the moving of cattle between winter and starting thei[...]er ranges, and it had no Forest Service or Bureau of
Land Management grazing permits. They bought the[...]to
The Albers ranch is 10 miles north of Dillon on the
west side of the Beaverhead River. The ranch has been
known as[...]brand acquired from Bill Jones.
In the summer of 1959, Walter received a letter from
Patricia Amelia Danils of Billings. Pat was born and raised
in Billings an[...]from high school, worked
as a telephone operator for AT&T. The couple
corresponded for a year before Walter went to Billings to
meet Pa[...]78.15A.
In the summer 1959, they pastured cattle for Norman[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (252) Walter and Earl continued to
build the herd to 500 head of cows
by purchasing older cows and
breeding them t[...]ng.
Leah was an excellent cook and
would cook for the large hay crews
and preserve vegetables from[...]iew Cemetery.
Earl married Jennie Lee Roberts
of Sedona AZ on 30 Nov 1975 and
retired to build their new home in the
village of Oak Creek AZ the fall of
1977. Earl died 17 Oct 1993 at his
home and was b[...]ther Patricia Van Deren, at the Open A ranch nonh of Dillon. Ref 178.13.A.
the cattle were sold and Wa[...]mily returned to supplying
hay and winter pasture for area ranchers. Since then, the The futu[...]s the
Open A Ranch has served as the winter place for Bill and past. The introduction of new grass varieties and
Eileen Jones, Erb and Hirschy and the Arrow Ranch of continuing irrigation system improveme[...]s ranching operation with the production of recreational
Finance. Robert enjoys the vari[...]n the ranch. Open A Ranch's beauty and
challenges that the ranch offers. His degree has been s[...]d abundant wildlife
useful in the computerization of the ranch bookkeeping habitat coupled with the construction of fish ponds, will
system, in business planning, the analysis of future projects help to ensure a viable family[...]Miner sometime in 1924, and tells the life of one of
John will work for two and a half years as an engineer at sout[...]the
equipment by purchasing older used equipment that was According to a long distance telephone message
large enough to enable the operation of the ranch by received by Alex J. Johnston, cashier of Clark and Brothers
themselves. The haying was con[...]Adele Sawyer, until their retirement in January of 1997. Sunday night or Monday morning in the[...]mprove the flood irrigation system, fertilization of the With the passing of Mr. Vipond, one of the most
hay meadows and the installation of sprinklers on 300 acres notable of pioneer prospectors passed across the great
of dry bench ground in 1973, have increased the ranch's divide. He was one of the last of a rapidly vanishing band
ability to run cattle by four to five times the 1958 levels. of hardy gold seekers who were either present[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (253)[...]almost inaccessible mountains on some clue, for this
at every well known western mining camp.[...]und his man, and then
wonderful mineral resources of Montana, mostly after under peculiar[...]le town in New
mines. As a rule they asked little for themselves and their Mexico and walking alon[...]lessness kept them always prospecting and seeking for the sidewalk, which was considerably highe[...]oked over every Mexican
Mr. Vipond left Omaha for Bannack when 17 years of he came across, and he did not give thi[...]what ever since has large silver watch out of his pocket, which at a glance Billy
been known as the Vipond district south of Butte (north of recognized as the time piece that once had belonged to his
Glendale). There they mined for a time and made some brother John.
mo[...]f again scouring the country True son of the great west that he was, Billy believed in
from the Canadian line to the Mexican border for new doing everything in legal form. S[...]so that he would know him anywhere again should he run[...]ttached to each other across him, he went for the sheriff, told his story and had
and they prospected together much of the time, although the man arrested. The[...]nd was in New Mexico at a time when case of circumstantial evidence as could possibly be made[...]the law's possible delays were invoked in behalf of
William failed to hear from John. In some unaccou[...]step, being determined to witness the last scene of the act.
foreboding that something serious had happened and he Finally the day of execution broke, and Billy asked
hastened to New Mexico to find out. permission of the sheriff to spring the trap under the
Arri[...]oomed man. This privilege he was denied.
he found that the latter, accompanied by a Mexican and a[...]triking his brother's trail through the mountains of New These words it is generally believed were not ones of
Mexico, which he doggedly followed, until one day he spiritual consolation.
struck one of the places where his brother and the Mexican[...]memory performed, Billy
had camped. In the ashes of where a fire had been, he returned to Montana. He never got over the loss of his
found all that was left of his brother's remains, which he brother and the method of his death, for he was a man who
identified by the filling in the teeth of the skull. during John's life had made few real intimates, being
This was the greatest blow that had ever come to Billy satisfied for the most part with his brother's
Vipond in all hi[...]cted to make companionship. He was a man of the wide spaces and he
such discovery, for call it what one may, he had a like[...]. He loved nature and animals and was
premonition of the fate that had overtaken his brother. infinitely kind to all dumb creatures, whom he seemed to
He belonged to that type that feels deeply, but which love and understand, as many of them did him.
does not give way to grief or let o[...]e was continuously
and while doing so, made a vow that he would hunt down traversing the trails that led across the country from New
John's murderer if he had to devote the r;mainder of his Mexico and Arizona to Montana. He had[...]the pursuit. But first he carried back the little that and close friends and among these old acquaintances was
was left of his brother's mortal body to the nearest town[...]home and had them buried in make inquiry for him through the newspaper.
the family lot.[...]eturned to New Mexico and burros and a dog that had accompanied him all the way
took up the relen[...]derer. from Arizona. Billy, as usual, did not like staying in town
He found where the Mexican had so[...]es, then and Mr. Johnston suggested to him that he take up his
where he had disposed of other belongings of John's. Billy temporary residence in Bear G[...]es in his search. He most comfortable cabin of several rooms. Billy went there,
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (254)[...]outlaws. He became friendly with them and decided that
prospecting trip the next spring or fall. their way of life might not be too bad. They had to lay
Instead of this, he kept postponing his departure, until l[...]them. My father told them he had to get the rest of
Butte hospital, and he even would not move to Twi[...]y had already left, and dad was too late to be in
that he could be prevailed upon to let anyone stay with him the robbery, which was a blessing, because some of the
to look after him.[...]to Bear Gulch and spent John spent most of his time taking care of his freighting
the day with him. He found the old[...]m courage and determination to feasible for this work, he liked to spend his time in the hill[...]d two other
the old frontiersman nearly every day of late but could do companions went into the mountains to trap. One was a
little for him, for it simply was a case of the human Swede and the other a French Canadian. Not speaking any
machine running down like a watch. other language than their own, they had quite a time of it
Sometime during Sunday night or Monday mo[...]y in his sleep. As was remarked languages.
of Colonel Roosevelt, the old fellow on the grey horse had
to take him while he was sleeping, for Billy never would
have gone without a protest had[...].
William C. Vipond would have been 77 years of age in
August. His two nearest relatives are sist[...]heard from no definite arrangements will be
made for the funeral. Mr. Johnston has gone to Twin
Bridges and will make all the arrangements for the funeral
of his old-time friend.[...]John Leonard Waldemar
Escapades of a Wandering Man

(Anecdotes of John Leonard Waldemar, future husband
of Matenia Victoria Hjort, as told by his daughter,[...]was quite a wild bachelor
having been on his own for several years. He was a very
versatile being, able to do most anything that was required
to make a living.
He used to talk to me about many of the incidents and
escapades that happened to him; especially after he had to[...]came to Horse Prairie in 1900.
be at home because of his health.[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (255)[...]Wall
and decided to quit smoking, and to be sure of this they
threw all their smoking materials away.[...]smoking, so
dad rode his horse to the settlement for more. I guess that Joseph Clarence Wall was born 01 Feb 18[...]il his death . UT, son of Joseph and Bessie Wall. He attended Dell
My f[...]occupations in Dell,
business. He would take any kind of job anywhere and Lima and Dillon.
traveled most of the western states at one time or another.[...]e
He came in contact with so many different kinds of people, their home in Lima and Dillon until her death in 1942. He
including stray tribes or gangs of Indians. moved to Seattle WA shortly after that and was employed
Dad was a real horse trader[...]chinery Co. He died in Jul 1944 at
him as long as I can remember. Dad was known as Honest the home of his sister, Bessie Wall Bichler in Chehalis
had the opportunity to take several wagon loads of supplies --Joe Mansfield
to the expedition that was going to float the Colorado
River. After he had arrived at the starting point, one of the
men that had hired on to run the river had decided it was[...]ine. son of Joseph and Bessie Wall. He attended local schools[...]' s death.
they moved away from Egin Bench, some of the farmers He married Florence M[...]Dec 1919. Their only
around grew an enormous crop of watermelons. son, William, w[...]Wall
my dad offered to purchase a big wagon load of them to plot at Mountain View Cemetery in Dillon.
take up into Ashton and points east of there to sell. When
he returned, he had an empty[...]ll one and the people would say
they would really like one but they had no money, dad
would feel sorry for them and just give it to them. He Jess Warrick
couldn ' t stand to see children of any age go hungry.
My father worked and raise[...]ell
five girls, to maturity which was not easy in that day and
age. We all loved and respected him. He d[...]ll was born 27 Apr 1928 in
at Grant MT at the age of 73 on 12 Apr 193 7. Superior[...]ohn Irving Wall was born 31 Oct 1889 at Lima, son of serviceman, Jess Warrick, for three and a half years . He
Joseph and Bessie Wal[...]t back to the states many V-mail service letters.
of the Wall ranch at Dell when he was killed[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (256)[...]and Fender Shop on Atlantic
Street. After selling that, he worked for the East Bench[...]rict until he retired. He was a volunteer
fireman for 32 years.[...]dward Barton Hildreth
Aileen worked at King's for nine and a half years and the
Pamida Store for nine years. She's retired and makes cakes[...]ID, the eldest child of Ira Waters and Grace Hannah Burton.
Three chi[...]s union: Ira never held a job for long and never owned any land or
Walter Jess,[...]a home. They lived in Victor ID and Irwin ID for a short
Calvin Dowell, 25 Aug 1959.[...]Eathal and Reuben in the care of Grace's parents, Henry
Calvin Dowell Warrick[...]They joined the family of grown uncles and aunts and
Aileen and Jess ce[...]amily. Often in the early
Jess died in Dillon of lung failure 29 May 1996. Both spring, newb[...]Little lambs that a mother sheep abandoned were called
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (257)[...]heaves making the trip hazardous. That made for very early[...]t~)

Eathal and Reuben Waters with one of their bum lambs.
Ref 171.32.[...]I[...]❖::::•i

young niece and nephew.[...]urchased a large cattle ranch right in the middle of the
cattle empire of Jackson MT. They had a new log home[...].
went to the privy by twos or more at a time, so that the boys Blaine (a licensed professional Ci[...]and Haley. They live in Butte and work for Montana Power
School drinking water needed to[...]Derek, Cody and Devon, live in Billings and work for
moved nearer the wood-burning heater. The student[...]a,
The Waters/Weeks family loved the Big Hole Valley. Skyler, Ryan and Kailyn, live in Elk Gr[...]nd graduated from 8th grade software engineer for Apple Computer Company.
in Jackson and was the on[...]nd Cartooning' at The
Dillon during school months for two school years to attend Colorado Institute of Art in Denver CO.
Beaverhead County High School. The last two years of Eathal loves being a wife,[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (258)[...]the head of the bed.
In 1932 the railroad people were com[...]the Interstate
about the truckers taking business that belonged to them. Commerce Bill which gave control over forms of
The Inter-state Commerce Commission saw an opport[...]ents were
at state lines, which they called Ports of Entry. added to this bill, making the need for more wheels on
The first station was at Monida MT with William (Bill) trucks, thus the birth of the semi-trucks and the 18-wheelers
N apton from[...]k coming into Monida, go out, stand in the middle of The Frank Watkins family moved from[...]ised and surrounding area and in the Ruby Valley. Rex had quit
ticked off as they hadn't had any a[...]was hauling flour from St. took an act of Congress to be able to buy anything new in
Anthon[...]e, he began making
paid by the truckers were part of Bill ' s wages. Bill arrangements to[...]the draft board
continued working at the station for five years and then notified him that he had been given a military deferment
Roscoe Com[...]as because he was a necessary supplier of food for this area.
moved to Dillon.[...]In 1957 Frank decided he was tired of fighting the high
established his truck route through Idaho into Montana cost of running a business , with the cost of everything along
selling fresh produce.[...]ing with Rex . Chevrolet where he worked for 20 years. This was the
Enroute through Idaho and Montana to Dillon they would beginning of the end of the independent produce business.
stop at all the[...]produce to the grocery Frank had trucked for 30 years.
stores and cafes. During a stop in Arms[...]anniversary in 1984. They lived in Dillon for over 50 years
Roselle Cabins and Cafe for Louanna Lyons . and raised a family of three: daughter Jeanette and two sons,
Frank[...]. You double clutched. The
curved road north out of Pocatello over the viaduct was a Bruce Watters
bummer. If you could maintain a speed of 35 miles per
hour , you could make it up over th[...]out having to change gears.
You had to watch for horse-drawn vehicles between Beatrice Fellows Watters was mother of Bruce D.
Blackfoot and Fort Hall Indian Reservat[...]ers, who married Beatrice Fellows, was
sometimes for several days . During the winter of 1934-35, killed in a mine accident at Mary[...]ank and Rex were coming up through the Idaho side of the 20 months old. Beatrice moved back to[...]in View Cemetery in Dillon.
and walking in front of the truck to keep from running off Bruce received most of his education in the Dillon public
the road.[...]s, Beaverhead County High School and Western
That same winter the temperature dropped down t[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (259)[...]rs (Jar right). Ref 159.32.

FFA basketball team of Beaverhead County High School in 1938. L-R: Bruce[...]ed below. Ref.151.09.

Pete Stefanie donates one of his young buffalo for Clark Canyon dam barbecue to be held on 01[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (260)[...]Bruce returned to Dillon and married
Mary Sweeney of Butte in 1952.
Bruce worked for Jack's Market, Vigilante Electric and
he and Mary owned and operated the Oasis Cafe for 14
years. Bruce became Postmaster of Dillon in 1964 and
retired in 1989. He was a leader in postal organizations and
programs. A pilot program for Montana, rural addressing
for western Montana was under his direction.
Bruc[...]tter place to live.
The City Council, Chamber of Commerce, Clark Canyon
Dam, highway interchanges, Veterans of Foreign Wars,
Western Montana College (SOC Committee), are some of
the organizations Bruce was involved in as a lead[...]n 02 Feb 1905
in Boise ID. He was the adopted son of William A. and
Rosa A. Ewing. His mother died in[...]moving there and their father to fend for themselves. Bill worked and lambed for
belongings, which had been stored in the old barn, were Roscoe Cornell for two years. In Nov 193 8 his father passed
destroy[...]he started school and walked area north of Butte. She had two sisters, Rodelia and
2½ miles[...]ilies living up This was during the days of Prohibition and Tom O'Malley
on the Blacktail, Ca[...]he crops were in and then work. She cooked for several years for the Cook Sheep
for Hans Mikkelsen, summer and fall, and returned hom[...]ill Watters and after a while they married. Bill
for many years. worked for Cornell in spring 1940 and that fall they moved[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (261)[...]one's those happy excursions were talked about for days.
mouth. They lived without electricity[...]In the fall they both went hunting, mostly for deer, and
conveniences. Lala was a kind, caring person and always often Bill and G[...]yone enjoyed
In spring 1941, Bill went to work for the graphite mine listening to his fishing an[...]ew Acres Convalescent Center 04 Jan 1992 where he
for John Conover, Sr. Bill found employment at the ta[...]ived since 1986.
mine on the Blacktail and during that time they sold their
place and bought a home one mile north of Dillon on the[...]dges highway. Bill was a heavy equipment
operator for the mine. He retired from Pfizer in 1970. They
ha[...]Clyde and Maurine. Emmanuel was one of the first letter[...]Medal of Honor for trying to save Nannie B. Crocker and[...]Shirley Lee Hubbard, daughter of Lee and Minnie[...]apers, setting pins at the bowling alley, working for[...]Theater on Idaho Street, worked for the Union Pacific[...]On 24 Jun 1967 he married Teresa Curtis, daughter of[...]who was bishop of the L.D.S. Church at that time.[...]BCHS and worked at The Dilmart for several years.[...]their new home. It was quite a project for them but worth[...]all the effort. Ray is known as a Jack-of-all-trades; if he
Lala and Bill Watte[...]d
many hours on the Blacktail catching their mess of trout and from BCHS and now lives in Ka[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (262)[...]born 16 Jul 1974, graduated Henry County for two years where he was employed in a
from BCHS an[...]ears in Henry County, they
has lived in Malden MO for the last year. moved westw[...]s born 31 Oct 1978, is a senior miles north of the town of Thayer IA.
at BCHS and enjoys hunting and outdoor[...]unior IA. They were married by the Justice of the Peace, George
this year and is a BCHS cheerle[...]1890
Ray has been employed at the Post Office for 30 years. and were active members in that church for the remainder of
Teresa has been working at the Best Western Paradise Inn their lives.
for the last seven years.[...]Clara I. - 15 Oct 1884
Mary Weeter was born at Galens[...]Mary lived in the same county for more than half a
PA on 18 Feb 1843. She was the fifth child of Christian century. Her husband, Lewis, d[...]r other children who lived in Montana. All of her children,
raft, on which houses were built to house two other families. with the exception of Ira Edwin, lived in Montana at least
Mary used to relate of the difficulty of cooking on the raft.
part of their lives. Ira was a prominent Judge in Allianc[...]emained an active, healthy woman until her death.
of Ottumwa when they got to Iowa and all their turke[...]She was in charge of smoking the hams and bacon and
hogs had to[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (263)[...]She could quote the Bible the mouth of Medicine Lodge where they lived until the
extensi[...]summer of 1942. From there they moved to the Young
She d[...]daughter, Ora, in Melrose place just north of Dell and remained there for about a year
MT on 1O Aug 1923 at age 80 . It was[...]ought the Guyaz Place which at one time
southeast of Thayer IA. George Tash accompanied his[...]June, the oldest daughter attended school for two years
at a small school in the mouth of Kissock Canyon just across[...]the road from where Ted Taylor lives as of 1997.[...]Life was hard for the family as it was for many back[...]a beaver in his time. It was a joy for him to teach his[...]orn memories of this time with him. Rela got a job with the[...]government in the 1940' s trapping for predator control. He
held this job for many years until taken down with crippling[...]arthritis , which was very painful for him the rest of his life.
Rela & Hattie Wellborn were married[...]r NC to area ranches and to the county for bridge timbers. Hattie
Richard and Rebecca (Church) Wellborn. Hattie was born raised turkeys for many years. Her turkey shoots, just
04 May 1901 n[...]sted in mining and developed some
1921, a journey that took them twelve days. They had very r[...]es in the area, one being the uranium and
friends that had homesteaded here a few years before and[...]o lend a helping hand.
they had enough money left for her to go . They would alway[...]sun came up, things did not look a whole lot for them at their table.
better, but they made their way to an acquaintance of theirs Their beloved daughter Grace died E[...]rthday. Rel a passed away
stayed there and looked for a piece of land to homestead. in Oct 1970 and Hattie i[...]p Medicine Lodge Creek died in Oct 1991. Two of their sons, Ned and David, live
in the mouth of Johnson Gulch. They cut and hauled logs on[...]from Anton Creek to build a one room cabin. Three of their place just above where the famil[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (264)[...]Ref. I 78. 20A.

Jules E . Wenger was born 10 May 19[...]erved St. Rose Parish as a custodian and handyman
of early-day Big Hole Valley pioneers, Jules and Marie for more than forty years. Paying no attention to an[...]il the job was finished, often
early years worked for the county road crew . On O1 Jun getting up in the middle of the night to fire the boilers in the
1930 Jules m[...]amping and fishing with their grandchildren while
Valley to be the community school teacher after experien[...]school Jules and Leonne are the parents of four children: Bernard
teacher in Rolette County[...]survives and
Jackson school which sent out a call for a teacher at celebrated her 95th birthd[...]Montana won her heart as did the handsome son of a Big grandchildren. One grandson, Tim Hull,[...]--Frank E. Hull
custodian of Beaverhead County High School. Jules and his
good friend, Red Pettit, served the county for many years
and their fine work was greatly apprec[...]The high school boiler room was a gathering place for
sports fans and teachers, and the two made sure it always
sparkled.Leonne became the nurse for the newborn at Barrett
Memorial Hospital . Hundreds of Beaverhead babies spent
their first hours in the arms of this caring and gentle lady.

816 - Beaver[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (265)[...]died at the age of 91. Shortly before her death 23 Mar
La[...]orn 09 Dec 1861 in McLean
County IL near the town of LeRoy. Her parents were[...]her Doc moved to American Falls ID where the rest of Calmar Shipping Lines. Eventually,[...]--G. L. Innes
Annie. They were some of the first white women in that
part of Idaho and were among the founding fathers of
American Falls ID.[...]Innes and Gilbert Wheat. Her place of birth was Virginia
In July 1883 Isaac was accused of killing his mining City MT. She was rais[...]ndchildren as "Nanny." She told them many stories of Winifred worked as a receptionist for a doctor. Bob passed
her life, remembering Presid[...]older than she
really was, making the front page of the Dillon paper in
1950 as celebrating her 90th birthday.
She was always independent, caring for herself and
chopping her own wood right u[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (266)[...]ly seven. Life became harsh
with no mom to buffer for the children. But by sticking
together and workin[...]ler. Ref 161. 27.
Mother's whole life was one of adventure, making the
most out of what she had. She took advantage of every[...]bought a duplex in Salt Lake
opportunity she had for working, getting ahead, or having[...]led down with her to an almost
fun. She had a way of making work seem fun.[...]relieve
had $7 .00. She paid $4.00 board and room for Bucky (Jim)
a man for a war job or service.
and Glenna. She took Darle[...]rent and Salt Lake City was the deportation city for soldiers.
What a trip--hot, dusty, narrow ro[...]llon to work in the White Cafe. She bought a
Of course, they took in the two vagabonds for a few[...]her first family.
Darlene back home on the bus. I think people reaching[...]love of her life. They moved to Anchorage AK. Dewey
char[...]a boating accident. This was the darkest period of Fern's
Many times her acts of kindness and sacrifice were[...]s. She moved
overwhelming to me. She worked most of her life in the[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (267)[...]remodeled a shop into a home and they moved into that and With a heritage that includes English, Italian, French,
rented the big[...]l and always in San Diego CA, the oldest of three children (all sons) of
yearned for an education, so she took her GED test. This[...]Meretta (Kimpton) Whitworth. Gerald, who
was easy for her as she was a self-taught person. Then she[...]family and being a young occupations of his three sons and of two grandsons years
grandmother. Was she busy eno[...]s born 15 Feb 1931 in Fresno
Wheeler Inn and left for Alaska. Later she sold the Wheeler CA to Mar[...]and Fem moved to Great Falls. fourth child of five and had one brother, Bill, and three
They di[...]two cafes, sold them both, and then taught school for ten an immigrant from Portugal. Mary, who worked as a maid,
years, nine of them in Dutton. She was a fantastic teacher[...]gal.
Fem retired at age 62 and spent the rest of her life in
Dillon. She loved to travel and took[...]-Alaska,
Japan, Asia, the Far East, and bus tours of the U.S. She
worked in the court house in the food stamp department.
In 1985 she served a year's mission for the LDS Church
in Arcadia CA. She had a great way of making everybody
she met feel loved and important[...]me with her. Mom read a lot to us and wrote
poems for us. She had a way of making your life brighter
and we felt blessed having her for our MOM. She raised us
on many sayings. Two or her favorites were, "Don't say
can't to me; can't never did anything," and "[...],
school, foods, parties, crocheting and knitting for everyone,
children, anybody's talents. She saw go[...]the mistakes anyone made in life. She was a good,
kind, thoughtful person and generous to a fault.[...]minor league cities he played for were Johnson City TN,[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (268)Division I college baseball umpire. While playing
p[...]lled in his youth to City UT. He was the first of three children of immigrant
visit relatives who owned a local sporting goods store. parents, Atkinson Whitworth of Eltonbury, Lancashire,
Though baseball was and wi[...]irst love, England and Agnes Rebecca Boyd of Hornslow, Middlesex,
fishing was definitely his s[...]blin, Ireland.
While in Hamilton, Gail worked for the local Safeway They set sail in May 1864.
store, a company he would be employed with for bits and They met during the long voyage, fell in love, and were
pieces of four decades.[...]arrived in the United States
The first three of the couple's five children, son Greg and joine[...]n 1886 George left home and
daughter Whitney, all of Dillon); and daughters Cindy (Mrs'. traveled to Lima MT. He spoke of that time by saying that
Dwayne Anderson, sons Bobby and Blake, all of Great Falls when he got there, he had just e[...]Anderson, sons Bradley and to buy a sack of Bull Durham. He started out punching
Austin, all of Butte MT) were born in Hamilton. cows for Shineberger, then Henry Thompson, and finally[...]Henry Gleed. It was while he was at Gleed's that he met
was transferred by Safeway to Deer Lodge M[...]ing
Deer Lodge, Gail became the Assistant Manager of Safeway there.
and Florence would also work for Safeway for a few years. Winnie's parents were Mary Clotilda Wenzel of Hudson
Another son, Kevin (now of Butte, son Jesse "JT" of MI and Edwin Matthew Jacobs. They move[...]er, Leigh-Ann (daughters Danielle and that was being built from Pocatello to Butte. He was one of
Mederios Babb of Butte MT). the[...]ed Dillon, 15 Oct 1880.
in 1975, it would only be for one year. After that, Safeway The family lived in Eagle Rock (n[...]ois ID, then to Lima. Mary bore five
All five of the couple's children graduated from children and died shortly after the birth of the last child at
Beaverhead County High School.[...]Winnie Belle, 13 and the oldest girl, had the
for a number of years in the 1970s and early 1990s. responsibility of taking care of the household and three
Directly after leaving Safeway, Gail took a job as the brothers.
manager of Beaverhead Sporting Goods, a store which[...]Dillon Video Sheep Creek Canyon 12 miles west of Dell. George and
and Champion Auto. After working for Beaverhead Winnie married 28 Feb 1901 and moved to the homestead
Sporting Goods for approximately four years, Gail left and where[...]currently located. He worked at the Hitchin' Post for Edgar Kenison became partners in the sheep[...]became his
Gail has served as the Head Coach for the Dillon Cubs business. He went to Dillon[...]since 1982 until the present. He told him he'd like to buy some sheep.
Florence is a former member of the St. Rose Catholic Guild B.F. said, "O[...]go out and buy what you want
and also taught CCD for St. Rose in the 1970s. She also is and we wi[...]consummated.
Both Gail and Florence are members of St. Rose Catholic A cooperative shearin[...]--Greg Whitworth bringing their sheep in for shearing. Some of the old sheds[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (269)still stand as a landmark of a bygone era and an almost had two daughters, Kay Whitworth Wolf of Dillon and
forgotten way of life. At one time there were close to Karolyn Whitworth of Billings.
20,000 head of sheep sheared there.[...]e Whitworth ranch continued in the sheep business for and married Elon R. Higgins. She returned to Di[...]ver was purchased by to enjoy the fruits of their labors and see their sons happily
George an[...]"Candi" McEldery

Karolyn Whitworth, daughter of Lewis and Afton Whitworth.[...]n County was
sold to the Water Conservation Board for the dam, excepting
the rangeland on the west side[...]neighbors and
everyone helped each other in times of need. It wasn't Michael and Whitney Wh[...]· born 28 Dec
Bernard married Marguerite (Madge) of Pocatello who is 1958 in Hamilton MT, the[...]ndy, Clarene and Leigh-Ann and one younger
Larsen of Rexburg ID. He passed away in Jan 1994. They brother, Kevin) of Gail and Florence (Maderios) Whitworth.


More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (270)[...]was born
15 Aug 1957 in Miles City MT, the fifth of six children
(older brothers David and Rick, youn[...]father, Dick, had
been transferred by the Bureau of Land Management to the
Dillon office.
Although both Candi and Greg spent a great deal of their
youth in Dillon and even lived a mere three[...]her recalls having ever met the other nor
knowing of the other's existence until they finally met whil[...]nties. This is probably due, in
part, to the fact that Candi was two grades ahead of Greg in
An interesting side note: bot[...]icture after they were
married, it was discovered that Greg served as an altar boy
from Candi's Confirma[...]from high school. After
attending the University of Southern Colorado in Pueblo for
a year, Candi married Dick Parks. They had a son,[...]k, mom Candy and dad Greg
employed as the manager of Spencer Gifts. She was later Whitworth.[...]Candi became parents
transferred his dad. During that time he attended high to a baby girl, W[...]lon where Greg's parents While working for the Dillon Police Department, Greg
have lived since that time. served[...]Cubs
After graduating from BCHS, Greg worked for his father American Legion baseball club. He held that position for a
briefly at Beaverhead Sporting Goods and then S[...]before enlisting in the U. S. Air Force as a for the Cincinnati Reds Major League baseball club.
Security Policeman. Though he rose to the rank of Staff In 1991 Greg left the police d[...]ar and returned to accepted an offer to scout for the Texas Rangers Major
Dillon in the spring of 1984. League ba[...]father had returned to live. the western half of Canada).
A job opening as a city police officer[...]ive full-time with his
Department caught the eye of both Candi and Greg. While wife and child[...]th coveted the job, Greg narrowly edged out Candi for the Candi and the children initially acco[...]di, being a good sport, southern California for a year and a half, but the radical
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (271) Candi is the Director of Operations at the Beaverhead
County Museum, a job[...]Corinne M. Willey
in a number of other activities including karate, Pony
League Baseball and Girl Scouts. They are members of St.[...]Charles. Her parents lived in the Briston area of the Big[...]worth Creek of the North Fork of the Big Hole River.[...](now WMC). She taught for several years in Bowen, Lake[...]of Montana. John was waiting to be called into the s[...]. 36.

Spencer Edwin Whitworth was the first of three sons
born to George Whitworth and Winnabelle Higgins 02 Jan
1902 at the Whitworth ranch outside of Lima MT. Ed's
father was a prosperous sheep ranch[...]Ref.164.06
1954, he was elected as President of the Montana Wool
Growers Association. He also served as a director of the
Association. Ed was an avid hunter and fisherman. He spent John was employed by the Bureau of Reclamation so the
his retirement days in the company of his wife of 60 years, family moved several times-[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (272)[...]ccident), Jack, Earl, Bob and Beth--all
graduates of the Montana university system. She also has
six g[...]to be near her sisters and mother, whom
she cared for until her mother's death in December 1983.
For several years she cared for several small children and
gave help to many peop[...]in 1994 was the only student in her class for all eight years. Student
while visiting her daughter in New York. Since that time, enrollment varied from five to fifteen. At that time all 7th
she has resided at Parkview Acres Ca[...]Horseback was the mode of transportation for the three miles[...]from the ranch to school and it was fun except for the bitter
Elaine Elizabeth Willey cold and snow of winter.
1) Wesley Jennings Hjort[...]ession; however, as children, we were never aware of
2) John Seidensticker, MD[...]d room in Dillon
Hamilton MT, the second daughter of Asa Charles Willey[...]were determined that each of their children have educational
Herman and Corinn[...]Elaine lived with the Boetticher family for two years and
Creek in the Gibbons area of the Big Hole Valley, where
the John Jackson family for the other two years. Her
they raised beef cattle for eastern markets. The log
buildings still stand at this time. graduating class of 1940 was the first from the buildings[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (273)[...]ried. They moved to Medicine Lake MT "Don't get the notion Henry was any rosebud type of
where they owned and operated a combination farm and man," says Sam Freeman, old-time bronc peeler of Dillon.
ranch, producing Durham wheat and Herefor[...]"He was the greatest bronc rider I ever saw," says Sam,
who at 84 has seen a lot of them. "There never has been[...]anyone in my lifetime could ride like Henry. When I was[...]a young man, he was my hero. He died at the age of 72,[...]That Sam should accord first honors to Henry indicates[...]the mo~esty that is Freeman's, for Sam was also one of the[...]"He was a dead ringer for Henry when it came to[...]riding," states Charlie Berry of Jackson. At the age of 63,[...]rodeo in a spectacular ride that brought the entire rodeo[...]But let Sam tell you about Henry, for they were range
riders together on a range that knew few fences when they[...]tables held fare for everyone who crossed the boundaries of[...]ken 1983. Ref.164.15. "We worked for the same outfit, the wealthy P & 0,[...]Poindexter and Orr, spread south of Dillon, which was and
They had three children: Barry Lynn, Tim Wayne and still is one of the largest spreads in Montana. They had one
Susan Marie. Barry graduated from University of Montana of the first brands to be registered in the state, t[...]and compass. Henry was the star rider for the outfit. He
Bozeman and Susan attended Western[...]didn't see it yourself. He'd climb the crossbeam of
Because of her husband's failing health, they moved to a corral while we spooked a herd of wild broncs through the
Billings in 1973. He died[...]out one, drop on
in Billings and attended college for a year, but returned to its back, and with noth[...]be near her mother, sister and daughter. hold of any kind--ride that bronc to a standstill. It was a
She worked and had continuing interest in the farm and feat I never saw another perform. "
belonged to church a[...]llon. She strength. "Rosebud wasn't afraid of any horse that lived; he
enjoys family, volunteer work, travel a[...]he went east to an exposition, winning the title of[...]particulars, for Henry never talked about himself.[...]"One thing he would tell me," Sam recalls, "was that in[...]quaint epitaphs chiseled on marble do. I saw Henry perform that terrific stunt on a couple of
monuments, but one of the most unique of epitaphs is hand occasions. "
carved on a R[...]one finds
name and beneath it the words, "Prince of Riders." evidence for their authenticity. One newspaper item in an[...]with border in Idaho. Henry went in search for this man, riding
his nickname, "Rosebud",[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (274)[...]rough zero weather
some 30 miles to town in
spite of the refractory
Henry liked to tell
another story in his later
years. Its setting is out
of Palisades NV in the
state where Henry was
born. Williams was a
young man when it
happened, working for
Frank Hale who owned a
ranch in Pine Valley.
This is the way Henry
told it: "We was huntin'
strays when we learned
that the "25" and
Pitchfork outfits was
holdin' roundup together.
Could be some of our Grave marker for Henry "Rosebud" Williams "Prince of Riders." Ref 162.19.
cattle joined with theirs,
s[...]son got so all fired mad he lost his head and ran for
That way we can be sure I'm gettin' a fair deal from both his bed roll. It could mean only one thing--he was goin' for
when they start cuttin' out my stuff.' I agreed , so I goes to a gun. Rice knew it and he went for his saddle horse.
helpin' the "25" and Hale the P[...]reased Rice in the neck. The third hit the cantle of Rice ' s
workin' together.[...]pe in action, settlin' it over
"There's a bit of rivalry, too, and they don 't take to me Henderson's head like a halo . Rice drug him , rifle and all ,
until I hold my own on a broomtail.[...]'s a braggart in the Pitchfork outfit by the name of back to us, Henderson was stark naked and stone dead.
Henderson. He lays down a bet of $100 he can outride Tears? No, we was all on the side of right. The boss of the[...]and his month ' s
he won't contest, sayin' as how I'm no regular member of wages.
the "25." He must have been a top rider, for no one else "We was in the MacKenzie r[...]utrope any man in the 25" a little cowboy by name of pointed to the sheriff where Rice coul[...], rope and rifle. The sheriff decided as how
and I have to pocket ours, as they picks us for judges. he couldn't see that far. He began huntin' witnesses to the
"That contest began first thing in the mornin' and I never fracas and heard about us. We testified to the man ' s
seen anythin' like it in my life. Them two men was ropers innocence, so Rice was never prosecuted. But I say , that
from the word 'Go!' They was allowed 100 calves each. duel was one for the books . "
They kept a full crew of hands at the fires and brandin' Although this comprises one of Henry ' s best stories ,
irons busy tryin' to ke[...]They had to rope rodeo rider Ray Maverty of Ovando is credited with a story
two legs of each calf. When tally was counted, Henderson[...]on Henry worthy of "the books. A group of cowboys were
had roped 92 our of 100, Rice 97. The ramrods of them riding one day when a bobcat streaked out of the sagebrush
two outfits was so tickled they ga[...]d they gave chase, but
Two men had done the work of a dozen, and done it easier. Bronco William[...]How the cat did dig in his claws and cling,
him. I saw a duel that afternoon that was to top the ropin' Maverty attests.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (275)[...]And how that bronc did buck.[...]congratulate Henry for stickin'[...]take no credit for himself.[...]ever see anyone ride like that
scratchin' son of a bobcat?"[...]Under a Red River boulder that[...]the "Prince of Riders, " but as long[...]are told, the people of Beaverhead[...]was a brother of her sister Maggie's husband Hubert. They
Jess[...]d, she taught in Argenta and later the Centennial
of Kentucky, and Tulula Burson, who was of Cherokee Valley, boarding with local families when the weather wa[...]was not eligible to receive the land grant for her beloved
That fall she began teaching a rural school ; some of her homestead. She hired attorney Jeremiah Collins of Helena
pupils were older and taller than she was. She loved for $100 and he successfully defended her right to th[...]s enabling her to teach which is now part of the Matador Ranch.
various levels.[...]brief visit to Montana to see her older edge of Dillon where she raised huge gardens, canned the[...]veled produce, helped her neighbors and cooked for haying and
by train to Washington, D.C . to work for the Bureau of War threshing crews. She loved to help trail the cattle ten miles
Risk Insurance during World War I. In 1919 she returned on horseback from t[...]then back again in the spring. She was a helpmate for
until her death 08 Jun 1994.[...]ring the Depression the Smiths carried milk bills for
She first taught the Blacktail #3 school, SE of Dillon. She months, years, and even forever for those unable to pay, or
filed on a homestead near there and had a log cabin built for sometimes traded services such as doing laundry[...]s. Paul) Stahl as Godmother.
Co . and the cowboys of the P. & 0. Cattle Ranch as the Jessie was Supt. of Primary Dept. of Presbyterian Sunday
"school marm" and exchanged recipes with the ranch cooks. School for many years and was active in Women's


More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (276)Association. She was local and district President of the
American Legion Auxiliary, a Red Cross volunteer, 4-H and
Girl Scout leader and all-around chauffeur of her daughter
and friends. She belonged to the 12-[...]it disbanded. Jessie was an
officer in Neighbors of Woodcraft. During World War II
she substituted in Dillon Public Schools. For many years
she was chairman of the bicycle section of the Labor Day
Parade (while her husband and daugh[...]of age). She enjoyed following the long rodeo career of her[...]She lived at the Downtowner Retirement Home for four
school where she taught school. Ref 148.35.[...]a half years, then Park Place Health Care Center for[...]was known for her cheerful smile and helpfulness to others.
She devotedly cared for Luther for several months before She died peacefully[...]ong
under Ura Stroeder Peppere as Asst. Co. Supt. of Schools life of action and service, she loved God, Home, Family,[...]--Mary Beth Smith Mansfield, Great Falls MT
them for historical celebrations. She enjoyed reading and
doing handwork, much of which she gave away.
In 1970 she moved[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (277)[...]school in Dell that year. Two more children filled out the[...]ger estate in 1910 the Sourdough Ranch, the
start of World War II. He was discharged from the Corps[...]anch, all along Sheep
as a Lt. Colonel at the end of the war and returned to Dillon Creek and Muddy[...]active in the
Dillon community, serving as Mayor of Dillon and on the
Beaverhead County High School Board of Trustees. He
demonstrated a particular fondness for children and was
instrumental in forming the Litt[...]and developing the city park.
He was a member of the St. Rose Parish and the Dillon
Elks. He died[...]e Ball
One summer my father casually remarked that he had
always wanted to visit Dillon MT. When asked why, he
replied that he had been told his grandfather immigrated
there and raised sheep. The only other thing he knew was
that his name was Alexander. So with nothing more than a
name and an occupation, in 1991 I drove to Dillon to see
what I could find.
Thanks to the many helpful people[...]tt. Back L-R:
in 1886. His father, after 20 years of farming, decided to Gordon Conger, Clifford[...]ried Fem Andrus. Their 8-month-old son
John Ball, of Eureka CA. Their first child, William, was died of pneumonia in 1915 and the couple divorced later that
born in 1893 and Alex, Jr. in 1895.[...]year.
Alex started farming with the purchase of a small amount As the years progressed, Alex's younger children
of land along the bank of the Selway Ditch but sold it in continued[...]of which there were many.

830 - Beaverhead H[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (278) 1916 was a significant year for the Williamson family. The entire family seems to have been involved in helping
Alex ran for Sheriff on the Democratic ticket (and lost to[...]l). Alex, Jr. married home.
Irene Carpenter of Dillon in August. On 11 Sep 1916, Alex[...]William appears to have married yet a third
died of heart failure while visiting the Williamson House[...]e, this one from Rock Springs WY, and Ellen filed for
Dillon.[...]months were spent sorting out the estate it for the next 30 years, often struggling to pay bills and
and eventually everything had to be put up for auction. The taxes, and William dropped fr[...]occasionally meriting mention in the social pages of Dillon's
purchases of many neighbors and friends.[...]arding house. Willie joined the Navy in World War
I and became a chief petty officer. Elizabeth Laven[...]Ellen Adamson
The prospects of a new land and the promises of the
Mormon Church drew William L. Williamson and[...]. Married
in 1861, they followed in the footsteps of other converted
family members to settle in the n[...]kidal, who married J. F. Wikidal,
likely the fact that polygamy had become illegal in 1882. tak[...]died in 1938 and
The Williamson House opened for business in 1887 and Ellen in 1944.
adv[...]assayer, in 1897. They lived in Dillon for a time and
eventually moved out of the area.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (279)[...]ndry and
the couple was active
in the social life of
Dillon. Their
gracious house on
Idaho St[...]h she
bought property
around Dillon,
possibly for her Williamson House, lodging facility located at[...]ated
children. this rooming house for decades. Building is now part of King's parking lot. Ref052.JO.
In 1911 she had a
stroke that left her
partially paralyzed and she died 19 Jul 1912. Ellen's estate cattle, arrangements were made for Katie and her mother to
was divided among her chi[...]whales spouting and great icebergs
leased it out for operation until 1941, when it was sold. that sparkled in the sun. She had her seventh birthday[...]during that crossing. They arrived at a port in Quebec. In[...]ie" Paxton For awhile, they lived at Taopi where there was a sch[...]but deep snow that winter made it necessary to close the[...]school. They also had funnel shaped clouds that contained
Catherine "Katie" Paxton was born 10 Aug 187 6 on a winds that destroyed two cities near Taopi, so the family
fa[...]Friends in Montana wrote to the Pax.tons that there were
mother, Mary.[...]uncle, who was a butcher, who In the fall of 1884, Catherine Paxton entered the second
lived s[...]country, Catherine seldom missed a day of school.
policeman. A year later, James had a chan[...]Canada as a helper with Robert Gary, an importer of pure Dec 1894, with three other students,[...]They and gave an oration entitled, "The Tree of Liberty Grows
moved to Bill Quay, a very small village in the coal mining Only When Watered by the Blood of Martyrs and Tyrants."
section of England where they would be near Mary's sister[...]e
and when his boss, Mr. Gary returned to England for more[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (280)[...]School under Dr. William Bagley's direction, for whom the
from Livingston, Mae Rich, Edith Cashmor[...]rom Dillon. Katie felt she Bagley once said of her, "You rule the children with an iron
needed more education so she spent another year of study at hand, but with a velvet glove."
Dillo[...]er Christmas vacation in Jan 1906, she joined the
of Chicago. One of her professors was Dr. John Dewey Beave[...]leadership of Mr. Leon R. Foote, principal. The high[...]who had come to Twin Falls ID to keep books for a lumber
company, heard of a vacancy in the commercial department[...]at the Dillon high school and applied for the position. In the
fall of 1906, he came to Dillon to teach.


In the spring of 1904, after spending another year at
Dillon, she graduated in a class of 21 young ladies.
Her musical ability was recog[...]hool teacher
University. Ms. Smith was the author of a series of in Dillon. Ref.096.20.
elementary school music books used for years across the
While still a college[...]After an interesting and happy courtship,
absence of several weeks during the 1901-09 year. During[...]erine was the ninth student to receive a Bachelor of differently, and invited all of Katie's friends to the wedding.
Pedagogy f[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (281)[...]a loyal supporter of its many projects. I fondly remember
After her marriage, she decid[...]high school days in Dillon with Mrs. Willis one of the
professional career and taught United States[...]ining, and her molded the character of many Dillon boys and girls."
favorite subject, Ar[...]Hiram Brundage wrote, "When I was a small boy, Katie
She quickly established a reputation for being a no- Paxton tried to teach me to sing in the choir of the Episcopal
nonsense teacher who could hold the students' attention, church. She soon found out that I could not carry a tune so
instill they with great[...]ross. Later she taught me in
few remember her as "that mean/sour old teacher," but most High Sc[...]gh school principals and gained making us like her ...... In my business, I have called Mrs.
the good will and respect of each of them. In spring 1934, Willis many times to sing at funerals, and regardless of how
Catherine Willis retired after many years of faithful service it might inconvenience her[...]id it so
and devotion to the students and faculty of Beaverhead gracious and beautiful."[...]court stenographer for the judge of the Fifth Judicial District
Katie Willis was involved in the St. James Episcopal for many years. He died in 1959.
Church and its activities for decades. In addition to Catheri[...]four hours later. Catherine
She was a member of Mizpah Chapter No. 13, Order of Willis was 83 years old.
the Eastern Star for over forty years, and wad advisor for The driver, who stated she was driving slowly because of
years to Rainbow Girls. Katie Willis and Mrs. W.[...]sich, Wilbur Gilbert, Cornelius
Library. The year that Mary Lyle Innes, the city librarian, Hov[...]She was always interested in the early history of with grateful assista[...]averhead County and was an enthusiastic supporter of the
museum project. She served on the finance com[...]0. She helped Elfreda Woodside
fund the purchase of Bannack in order to preserve the site of[...]Mabel Koontz
the first territorial capital of Montana
Perhaps her friend, Louise Brundage of Dillon said it George Elmore Williss was born 30 Dec 1907 in
best. "I first met her when we were in our teens ..... she[...]. and Edith Nelson Williss. When he
taught three of my children and five of my grandchildren in was ten days old, his mother died and he was cared for by
school and a great-granddaughter is now in th[...]ils never had to be sent to the their farm west of Sheridan and attended grade school at
principal for discipline. No matter what the problem, Katie[...]gh school in Sheridan, graduating in
was capable of handling it in an understanding way . She has[...]eek outside employment.
make their lives account for something." On 18 M[...]rge married Mabel Koontz who
George R. Baker of Dillon said, "I was forever bobbing came to Blaine MT in 1915 at the age of four with her
up in Mrs. Willis's classes -- Ger[...]chool in
drawing ... It must have been something of a shock and a Blaine and Twin Bridges.[...]the local telephone exchange until her marriage, except
and never betrayed any feeling of defeat or frustration. She while att[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (282)[...]p 1934. In 1937 they returned to the farm to care for
Grandma Nelson during her final illness.
They were now a family of four with a second daughter,
Janet, born in Seatt[...]g Grandma Nelson's death,
Grandpa Nelson disposed of the farm to live in Sheridan.
George and Mabel mo[...]was
employed by Eliel's and then at Roberts Foods for 18 years
before retiring.
They had been marrie[...]My people were early-day Oklahoma settlers and I was
born and raised in the Oklahoma City vicinity[...]rved with the New York Volunteer Infantry, a part of the
Army of the Potomac, fighting in many of the major battles
in the War Between the States.[...]n west and participated in the Oklahoma Land Rush
of April 22, 1889. John's land was just a few blocks north
of downtown Oklahoma City. As the city g[...]eloped it as the Winans Addition and donated land for
Winans Park.[...]Henneberry Ranch on the Beaverhead River south of Dillon
and Henry, established the Norick Brothers[...]at the mouth of Henneberry Gulch from Archie's widow:
1910. It wa[...]In 1952 Bill and I moved from Red Bluff with our two
Oklahoma City m[...]ur cattle on the
and is still serving the city in that position.[...]Small Horn Canyon on the south side of the Blacktail. In
his family from Illinois to Oke[...]1955 our son, Matthew, was born and that same year, Bill
Oklahoma was still Indian Territo[...]and I bought Glenn and Mary Crampton' s share of the
teamsters, teachers and one daughter owned an[...]Henneberry place. We continued to ranch and cared for
Okemah Hospital for a number of years.[...]own.
While visiting relatives in California, I met Bill
Crampton. We were married in Okla[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (283) Two of our saddle
horses were Morgans that
Bill acquired from Estella
and George Sha[...]were beautiful, stout
horses and we thought a lot
of them. I became a
charter member of the
Beaverhead County
Cowbell es, as the
Cattlewomen called
themselves then. I was
also a member of the old
Riverside Social Club. We
had many friend[...]l hay
Our son, Ted, was born
in 1962. I went back to
Oklahoma City in 1963 L-[...]n holding son Matthew, Deborah. Ref.163.19.
where I was employed by
the Oklahoma Publishing
Company a[...]and children, Kevin and Kelsey, live in
Director of the Company's magazines, The Oklahoma[...]and Physician Golf & Travel. of Dillon and raise livestock. They have two childre[...]and the Gordon place In the 1970s I served Beaverhead Cowbelles four years
by Eugene Hildreth. The children and I enjoyed our years as Secretary and Presi[...]but missed our Montana home. for two years as a Director. I had thought I would like to
In August of 1967, Lowell Hildreth and I were married raise a few Morgan horses when my children were grown,
in Oklahoma City. I quit my job and sold my home, and he so in 1980 I bought four mares and a stallion, registered
brou[...]illon, worked at the State Lowell and I divorced in 1987. I bought a few acres
Bank and married Mike Ballard. Ted and Matt helped with south of Dell where I live and raise Morgans. I also have
the livestock and field work and Deb wa[...]At present I am American Morgan Horse Association
Our son[...]born in 1968. Debbie was his second Liaison for Big Sky Morgan Horse Association and do some
moth[...]'s children, Gale and Morgan promotion for the state group. Morgans I have bred
Justin, were with us sometimes also. I kept a big garden have been purchased by folks from New Hampshire to
during those years, which I loved. Washington[...]ern Montana College and works there in the Office of --[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (284)[...]ed by Frank Bierer "because he could
a descendant of German-born parents who were forced to ha[...]oor health made it necessary
There they lived for a number of years until political for him to retire.
conditions forced them to move, th[...]John and Josephine had six children, all of whom were
United States and arriving on Staten Is[...]r and High School.
loved to tell stories of his life there. The thr[...]all moved from Dillon after high school. Of the two
working shares on the Giudici ranch. By t[...]daughters, Jewel stayed in Montana and died of
his wife were parents of seven living children: Henry, John, complications of multiple sclerosis in Anaconda where she
Katherin[...]Suzanne married Doyle Hale. They lived in Dillon for a
They moved from the Giudici ranch to the ol[...]iver, around Clark's Lookout (known by two of her sons. Doyle passed away of cancer several years
some locals as "Lover's Leap[...]d Lucille. school for many years at Beaverhead County High School.[...]He married Bernadine Kay Whitworth (daughter of G.
John and Henry (the two oldest sons) remained[...]ki Christensen (also a pioneer
lived on the ranch for the next several years. Henry was Beaverhead family), and their three children.
called to Colorado for the funeral of his sister, Anna, and Cheri Kay married Ke[...]resides in Dillon with her husband,
with the help of a friend, kept the ranch going for a short David, and son, Blade.
time longer. Bu[...]married Kristi Doig and lives in Great Falls with
that Henry had put into it, there was soon nothing lef[...]moved with the family. However, she married of the high schools there. He and his wife have one
Floyd Burtch (a nephew of James Page from Madison daughter at[...]lon with her baby in about 1915.
Katie worked for many years as a telephone operator,[...]days, when operators were always at the other end of the
line, many people knew her and considered her[...]ck was born 12 Apr 1954 at the Barrett
Katie died of an aneurysm in 1967 in Bozeman.[...]Gladys Burtch (Patterson), will be third son of John J. and Vivian Womack.
remembered as a very[...]re she married H. the grades until Christmas of grade eight when the Womack
Clay Patterson. They[...]ack to Bozeman. Clay died in 1967 and Gladys of the Montana National Guard.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (285)[...]ena
High basketball team. Ever
homesick for Dillon, he returned
alone and took up residence i[...]e on Franklin
Street. He graduated with the
class of 1973. He was a member
of the great Beaver team of 1972-
1973 and gained fame as a
launcher of super long attempts,
some good, some off mark.[...]he years 197 4-
1976 he was on the personal staff
of Governor Thomas Judge. His
duties consisted of mansion
security, chauffeuring the
governor and companion for the
governor's two sons, Tommy and
Patrick.[...]magical year when he earned his (Prisoner of Womack) Corps--a method for violators to work
BA in American Studies from Wes[...]to pay their fines by working for the city.
Joe married Brenda Kay Hazel 08 Au[...]President and Jaycees. He has a large collection of toys,
earned an associate degree in business from[...]WI 18 May 1962 Brenda was treasurer of the Beaverhead Republican Club
to Sandra Jean (Swaer) and Byron Royal Hazel. In school for many years, a member of the Dillon Jaycees, Soroptimist
she was on the ba[...]member and treasurer, active member of the on-going Dillon
cheerleader.[...]Community Swim Center effort and a volunteer for the Elks
They opened the Printing Place 01 Sep 1982. Along with for a number of years.
the printing business, Joe puts the Dillonite Daily on the Her hobby of stained glass has been on hold with work
street,[...]nite Daily and and little Dillon requiring all of her spare hours. By the
the Printing Place are now part of the Dillon business scene. time this book is pub[...]ce, General Store and Womack Rentals , consisting of 25 --Joe an[...]Vivian Love
and a backyard full of dependant cats.
Joe, who became infected wit[...]th Ennis MT, first son of James E. Womack and Frances
grade, has always be[...]Womack.
Over the years he has served as chairman of the Dillon The Womack family was est[...]Study Commission, Bicentennial Apartment of Jamestown in the 1620s, returned to England but r[...]to Jamestown with his family in 1642.
Chairman of the Beaverhead County Republican Party. In[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (286)[...]1888 and the Missouri
flats in the southern part
of Madison County in
The Cerutti family
w[...]old family Huffine Lane farmers and ranchers. She
of Wade Lake, 35 miles south of Ennis where a colony of and the Private First Class were mar[...]42.
Womacks and kin had homesteaded. By 1923 most of them Four sons were born: James[...]tana depression D. passed away, victim of a brain tumor, in 1970.
years in rural Madison Valley. In spite of the lack of Vivian had a summer job at the G[...]times were good. Hunting, fishing, a corral full of Winters she attended Eastern Montana College and became
horses and plenty of onions, beans, spuds, beef, mutton, a[...]e woods logging and making bridge School for a number of years. In Helena she became a
timbers with an ol[...]er on the partner in Sales Unlimited that liquidated estates for
G.G. Ranch escorting the dudes over hill and dale, he came attorneys and banks.
to the big city of Dillon to attend Montana State Normal.[...]in Dillon the commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant of Infantry 19 Jul 1945 and
in-thing had been for years to have what was known as a sent[...]he returned to civil
Normal boy or girl to work for keep. status as a r[...]r in Mar 1946.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evans were kind enough to share The Womacks set u[...]kens and cow with the boy from work for a degree. Sheriff Claud Lay put him on the
Ennis[...]payroll as deputy sheriff.
happy days consisting of college activities, great teachers, Gra[...]Prof. L.A. Walker was superintendent of the Belgrade
Then 07 Dec 1941 and the world exploded at Pearl schools. In the summer of 1949 he was named director of
Harbor. A new complex world emerged. Early Apr 1942 training at Western and Superintendent of District 10. He
he left college to enlist as a[...]ncipal until 1958, and then became superintendent of
:ransferred to the army air corps--horses were[...]ing his time, with the help, backing and guidance of
/ivian M. Love of Bozeman, the daughter of Ida and Isham a progressive, outs[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (287)[...]regimental combat Bob Magness, was owner of the Dillon Tribune, partner in
team of the Montana National Guard was activated at a[...]ant John J. He served on the Board of Directors of Carter Creek
Wedum, ex-officer; Sgt. Bruce D. Wat[...]ring Corp, Southmont
35 enlisted men. Company "E" of the 2nd Montana infantry Explorations, and at the present time on the Board of
had been activated for the Spanish American War in 1899, Monument R[...]of the world, including most of Europe, Scandinavia, South[...]One of her hobbies is creating traditional woolen hook r[...]that consistently win ribbons at the county fair.[...]She went to school in Jackson MT for one year, attended[...]on Crown Land along the Seventh Concession of Kinloss
Lieutenant Colonel commanding the 2nd Bri[...]hn Innes and in 1873 settled
him Adjutant General of Montana with the rank of Major
with him in Montana. John Innes was one of the original
General. He served Gov. Anderson one[...]settlers of the Bannack area. He was involved here in
reappoi[...]Martin, Mary Lyle, John Stephen, Evans
University of Montana, Montana State and the University of[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (288)[...]t the old Barrett
Memorial Hospital in
Dillon MT. I am Claris
Donna Bolick, the third
child born to Carl Bolick
and Mary Elizabeth
(Rebich) Bolick. I was
taken home from the
hospital to the Bolick
Ranch where it would
tum out that I would
eventually return to take
up ranching with my
I attended the
Riverside School until the
middle of the fourth
grade when the districts
consolidated[...]laris, Jeremy and Megan.
schools in town. I Refl64.24
at[...]from Beaverhead IGA, then Parkview Jr. High, I attended one year of college at Western Montana
and graduated from Bea[...]In Sep 1971, I started my career as a legal secretary with[...]a law firm in Helena MT. I continued to work for attorneys
throughout my life and presently work for the State of
Montana, Department of Corrections.
During my senior year in college, I met my future[...]1946 in Helena, the son of a cabinet maker. He attended St.[...]in Dec 1967, he worked briefly for Mountain Bell Telephone
Company. In the fall of 1968 he enrolled at Montana State[...]University and graduated in the summer of 1972 with a BS[...]We worked for my parents for one year; they retired and we[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (289)[...]Ian Joseph Yuhas, was born at In the spring of 1949 before my 16th birthday, our father
Barrett[...]ined our whole family "camped out" during that time. We used a big
family through adoption. Now[...]tent and a sheep wagon. What an experience for young
Megan was born 16 Mar 1984 and is presen[...]ol. Jeremy was born 15 May Beaverhead River valley.
1985 and is presently in the 6th grade at Dillon[...]wing span of over five feet. We will never forget the[...]abundance and variety of wildlife we encountered that
--Claris Boli[...]mer nor being sung to sleep by the coyotes. Later that[...]In the fall of 1989, my brothers Jack, Dale and I drove
Dale, Jack & Jim[...]photo shows the first brace posts Jack and I set O1 Aug[...]We built two 1½-mile sections of cross fence. The[...]fences ran parallel from the base of the foothills across the[...]place. Although I haven't taken time to look for it, the steel[...]weathered. Most of the big lodge pole pine we used for[...]y in the morning. The fresh country air, the odor of
dew in the new-mown hay, made it the best part of the day.[...]Several times during the summer, the Chinese cook for
L-R: Brothers Jack, Dale and Jim Zink admiring th[...]before this photo taken Aug 1989. looster?" I said , "Yes, I would (likem looster) . " Said[...]oven in time for dinner.
It rained steadily for ten days the latter part of September[...]go. When it cleared
My brothers Jack, Dale and I were born in Beaverhead[...]up, we got the stacks measured. I was given a set of
County but moved with our parent and older sister[...]numbers to use in figuring the volume of each stack. I
to Billings MT in the summer of 1939. Our youngest[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (290)[...]e them acceptable, much to my boy," I could sure feel it. The room across the hall was[...]e my
put in a bid on the government mail contract that ran from daughter introduced herself to a wo[...]eared to be
Monida via Lakeview in the Centennial Valley to Henry's the owner. In the course of their conversation, my daughter
Lake ID. Paul won[...]e The woman said, yes, and told my daughter of renting
contract and said he would "break" us.[...]dings, although we were able to rent his big barn for He said he just couldn't stay up there. The[...]been Forsythe's winter driver, so we assume that "whatsit" or "whosit" is still there.
hired him a[...]Nye from Lima, then moved to Billings for nine years . Our move to
Monida as a driver. The[...]Dillon was providential, with the prospect of schooling and
to Lakeview, three times a week fro[...]t My youngest, Eddy, went to the Marines for three years.
Yellowstone also came to Sherwood's[...]President. He taught out of state for five years, then
Driving in the summer was p[...]eturned to Montana to become an account executive for
country, but winter had its problems. Mr. Forsyth[...]ould take over. The Laurel, where she taught for thirty and one-half years. Jim
only time an inspector came happened to be the worst day of attended Eastern Montana College briefly and[...]ed slid down the employed at Cenex Refinery for thirty-two years.
side of Monida hill. No harm done. Nothing to do but load[...]and go on. Quite often there would be large boxes of Marian taught at Melrose, Sheridan, Argenta and Armstead.
bread for West Yellowstone, which often proved to be a[...]use and a four-car He taught at Edgar MT for five years. While there he won
garage. Snow usual[...]te Class "C" basketball championship, with a team of
trucks were put up for the winter. One day in early Indian s[...]he truck came is still at Parkview. Three of the boys served in the
back, about four that afternoon, it was pushing snow over Nation[...]follow them in the honors. She taught out of state for fourteen years. She has
deep snow.[...]School under Mr. Walker and Mr. Womack. She held that
Dell Hotel from Elliotts. It had been quite a busy place position for sixteen years and nine months. Retirement was
during its heyday. Now with the highway, most of the very welcome.
traffic passes by.[...]are all together and talking, considering
in one of the upper rooms of the hotel, previous to our the things going on in the world today, we agree that this
buying the place. I do not know the age or illness of the corner of Montana is a mighty fine place to be. We
boy, bu[...]ave this earth. certainly have no intention of going anywhere else.
It got to be very difficult for me to clean those rooms,
because of a peculiar feeling about them. I always promised --Esther M. Zink
myself I would finish cleaning before leaving each room, but
found I would have to step out into the hall halfway thro[...]the atmosphere in the room was so
overpowering. I never heard or saw anything but, "oh,[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (291) End of Family
and Persona[ Histories

Father Martin Sorenson holding the hands of his twin sons, Harvey and Harry Sorenson.[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (292)[...]But he rode him to a finish For rancher's fencing up the ranch[...]And then the big announcer For the shepherd with his wooly coat,
I drifted into Dillon Was calling l[...]While cowboys with their chaps of
I could hear the hooves of horses And he's riding Bannack John." goat will shortly pass away.
I could hear the cattle bawl.[...]will read this and will wonder
The town was full of people For they knew "Bannack John, " Just who the authors are,
and making lots of noise. But Mason rode him easily Well, we own a string of buckers,
They'd come from all Montana, Un[...]Some weren't quit so lucky
I struck a man called Williams, They'd drawed too tough a mount
A pleasant sort of scout,[...]The steer ran like a fox,
Then said, "Why, don't you know?"[...]It seems I miss him all the more[...]When I was just a boy.
And when the dust had cleared away
And there I got a "close-up" And when I'd help to make a kill
Was holding up his hand.
Of Dillon's rodeo.[...]The "dogging" went to Ryan
That man is Johnnie Mullins,[...]tart a fire
For best time with his ox,
Who runs the Bozeman shoe[...]Of boughs, where I could sleep.[...]I'll have to hunt without you, Ben,[...]m the same.
For there goes "Fatty Collins,"
On "Stranger's" storm[...]But God will have a place for you,
With his bottle full of juice.
He left the chutes a scratching[...]came out on "Milkshake" T'was the biggest show I ever seen Gauchay (Goshay), another old cowb[...]ty. From Dillon Tribune 05 May 1955.
If you think that nag can't buck,
Just stop up there and see[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (293)[...]landmark,
that was a happy day, and I've traveled 'round a bit,
of the Backhouse For he nearly burned the building And in the lap of luxury[...]But ere I die, I'll eat the fruit,
When memory keeps me company When summer's bloom began to fade of trees I've robbed of yore,
and moves from smiles to tears, and[...]is carved upon the door.
through the mist of years. with a heap of hemlock boughs.
I'll seek the familiar smell,
Behind the house and[...]y promptly, Gentle Giant's
of simple classic art, there one purpose served the mind,
But, in the tragedy of life,[...]nd oft the passing traveler, The torture of that icy seat
drove slow and heaved a sigh w[...]rant pines
To see the modest hired girl For needs we scraped the goose flesh Where the[...]to sleep.
We had our posey garden That hung from a frost-encrusted nail, Let angels watch from o'er my grave
that the women loved so well. 'twas suspended by a string, Through tempest and through
I loved it too but still, For father was a frugal man snows
I loved the stronger smell and wasted n[...]Till Gabriel's trumpet blows.
That filled the evening breeze When grandpa had to "go out back" The Lord will have a home for me
so full of homely cheer, and make his morning[...]p We'd bundle up the dear old man And I will be in Heaven
that human life was near. with muffler an[...]evermore.

On lazy August afternoons, I knew the hole on which he sat,
it made a little bower, 'twas all too wide I found,
Delightful, where my grandsire sat And once I dared to sit there,
and whiled away an hour.[...]little
its very cares entwined, and I jackknifed there to stay;
And berry bushes redden[...]me out
in the steaming soil behind. or I'd have passed away.

All day fat spiders spun the[...]as
to catch the buzzing flies a thing that little boys should shun.
That flitted to and from the house, And I must use the children's hole,
where Ma was baking[...]l the childhood days were done.

And once a swarm of hornets bold But still I marvel at the craft
had built their nest in there, that cut those holes so true;
And stung my unsuspecting Aunt, The baby hole and the other hole
I dare not tell you where. that fit my sister Sue.

846 - Beaverhead Hi[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (294) Out Where the Changing of Times Montana Cowpoke[...]ey have changed There's an old cowpoke for many a
Have you ever gone bumping over the
the kind of stock they raised. year you have known.
road that's known as Monida Pass,
Down in Texas where I was born, He rode the Rockies with[...]We raised them tall, with plenty of joy for many a moon.
going's tough-tough on the oil and[...]or the coyotes roam.
and you can't be blamed for your sins,[...]He liked the Rockies for the air
if you swear and curse-you can 't do[...]steers have was nice and clear,
worse-that's where the mud begins.[...]looking for is baby beef the skies of blue,
Oh, you'll slide and slide-it's a dizzy
rid[...]He loved to hear that wolf howl, it[...]as makes the timber rare
moans and groans that rattle your[...]around a herd of those milling cattle? the pines,[...]dehorned It was sweet music to Sam for he
It wheezes and sighs, chokes and dies,
that stock and there is nothing to rattle loved the mountain air.
like the crash of a millions tins; when
except their hocks. He loved the Smallhorn canyon for
it can't get through you'll know that
you are out where the mud begins. that was his home,[...]he work in corrals and a In the days of youth that was many[...]he little white faces graze
handy when you drive; for you'll swim[...]go there--don 't smell of the burning of Sam was a buckeroo, he rode them
stagger[...]hide and hair. all.
For the water's deep where it doesn 't[...]ist and a painter--he He was the judge for bucking
road is slick and the "goo" is thick out[...]--then you read When he rode his pride that was
in[...]stomach of a cow beast looks. And the long tapadres dangled
Dodge will rare up like a locoed colt;
a Buick "Six" will cut up tricks t[...]Now they work young fellows with That was Sam for he loved that life
to take a holt.[...]paragraph it doesn't take long
will suffer for their sins the day they
r Seems to me, old timers of our For many a cowboy has drifted and
strike Monida Pike-[...]years, we've got out of date like those never came home.
begins.[...]he won't be back no more.
you 're stuck for a license right away; He will be the judge of brands at
Your coins spent-yet no one's sent to that great roundup above
fix that bum highway.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (295)[...]was the sermon about?
This rapacious bird of northwestern All dressed up[...]there isn 't a doubt.
body and an overall length of 18 We're off to church
inches. The co[...]We get up to leave,
contract of irridescent black and[...]All three boys We feel like the kids
green, bronze and purple relfections.[...]apologize for noise
He is clean, tidy and flashy. He is[...]us and incluned to to the church of our choice "SUCH NICE LIITLE BOYS!"[...]dive-bombing cats, dogs and chickens and of course the three boys. Ar[...]1969
He is the only bird who can build I open the door
a two-story house of sticks, two or And lo and behold,[...]lake is there instead.
The next within is formed of turf and I get out the comb
clay, lined with down and animal hair. I'm already beginning All the people of this village
The female lays six to nien eggs to wish I were home. Had to move right[...]To make a home for the sea gulls
season . The eggs are pale blue-gre[...]one turns It is a place of recreation
against enemies while the female is as they hear all the noise. For the sportsmen and the dudes
sitting on the eggs.[...]The water is for farm lands
believe the male takes a turn[...]cally sitting on the eggs and with plenty of room
also bringing food to the babies. For a second the chapel It was "goo[...]When the good folk had to say
of carrion. Then all of a sudden, "We will dwell withi[...]ratures with compulsion One kid is making
like true Montanans. a dash for the door.[...]now,
for everyone's singing.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (296)Wild Flowers in the Big Hofe Basin
After lots of spring rain in 1993, taken by Rosella Hovr[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (297)[...]ln Beaverhead County
"I don't have to wash my face and I can eat what I want. Can I live here someday?

Troy Dingley, age two, in[...]an 8th grader and once
again enjoys the good life of the Beaverhead. Photo by Sally Garrett, 19[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (298)[...]Conrad Burns

Retirement from busy professions don't always mean having nothing to do. The Bandeliers[...]ts to the computer age. Here, they accept a grant for $97,000 to be used to implement the

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (299)Last Working Cowboy? Not in Beaverhead County.
Much of farming and ranching is automated, but the[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (300)[...]phes
Catastrophe: 1) the final event of a dramatic action, especially of a tragedy .
2) A momentous tragic event ra[...]3) A violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth.

The Corinne Hotel, a vital business in this view of 04 Jul 1882. It would become part of Dillon's history
nine years later. Ref071.[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (301)[...]the town were at dinner the alarm of fire was sounded
Fire at the Corinne Hotel[...]h the streets, which being caught by the engineer of
engine No. 10 the whistle of that locomotive was turned[...]In a few moments hundreds of men and women were at
last Sunday evening. At abo[...]the scene of conflagration. Smoke and flames were found
overha[...]to be issuing from the lodging house in the rear of Mrs.
some means the lace curtain of the window became ablaze,[...]ack
and in an instant the wall paper on each side of the window[...]d the
was in flames. The gentleman gave the alarm of fire,[...]s rapidly enveloped
which aroused all the inmates of the house, who ran out into
in a sheet of roaring fire.
the street in their night clothes t[...]ladders and hooks, was at the mercy of the devastating fire
the presence of mind not to rush to the fire without water,[...]l but all efforts to control
so grabbing a bucket of water he proceeded to the bedroom[...]e west
fire would have beyond control. The rescue of this fine[...]down Montana street fo a line of hot, destroying fury. The[...]minutes from the time the breaking out of the fire thirteen[...]by Mrs. Will, destroying $22,000, as follows:
that building, the furniture store of J. H. Rourk, and store Rack Nelson and Kelly's saloon, eating-house in the rear,
of Trask & Graves, on the corner of Montana and Bannack double set of bar fixtures and restaurant furniture, $2,000.
st[...]Mrs. Lillian Hanson's millinery store, stock of ladies'
wind blowing at the time.[...]ures, and the Post office building, $6,000.
store of T. N. Brown & Co. above and adjoining the Butte[...]nd
Restaurant, had a close call, losing a portion of the roof and fixtures, and household furniture, and building back of post
one wall and but for the zeal of the citizens would have been office, $3,500.
c[...]heir stock lost somewhat in and part of furniture, $1,000.
breakage and takeage. The merchants for two or three N. A. Stiles, saloon[...]Dodge, and damage to fixtures and loss of stock, $2,500.
streets or fireproofs and sustaine[...]their goods from rough handling. The true origin of the fire Mrs. Wills, back buildings of Butte Restaurant, furniture
is unknown, but is cl[...]D. J. Heyfron, meat market and front part of Butte
Chinese poured coal oil into the stove to g[...]he fire spent its force at Heyfron's on the comer of
Dillon Tribune, 05 Aug 1882[...]The lower warehouse of Sebree, Ferris & White had a
Buildings Burned Bet[...]close call and was in imminent danger for a short time, but
Virginia streets: a bucket brigade of roof-drenchers, supplied with water from[...]rth side at the needed time.
consuming fire fiend for the second time. About twenty John[...]emoved
minutes to 1 o'clock, p.m., and while most of the citizens of and some damage was done to a few implements w[...]were being hastily rolled away to a place of safety. Morse's

858 Beaverhead History No. 2

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (302)corps of mule-skinners did heavy and quick work in highest velocity of wind was 48 MPH on 06 Jun with the
removing wagon[...]wind from the southwest.
through clouds of dust and smoke, resembled a panic among
the flyin[...]t
one time. A bucket-line was formed and the roof of the[...]st Tuesday night, a little after 8 pm., the alarm of fire
store building was covered with blankets whi[...]was sounded and it was discovered that the residence
saturated with water until the dang[...]property situated north of Railroad A venue and owned by N.
On the line of flames between Bannack and Virginia[...]A. Stiles, was on fire. A large number of citizens quickly
streets two hundred men fought t[...]rushed to the scene of conflagration, but could do little
retreating dow[...]es. The house, being
the advancing sheet of fire to give way. All efforts to stem[...]compactly built, burned down slowly. A couple of small
the devouring fiend were fruitless.[...]structures to the east of the burning building were rolled
In the alley behind the burning block the women of
over out of the reach of the flames and the house to the west
Dillon formed into a band of property-rescuers and they did[...]from the fire was barely endurable.
The cause of the fire is attributed to the firing of fire- 1o May 1884 - Defenseless Dillon
crackers by boys in the rear of the Hanson lodging house a
short time before the[...]e fire on Tuesday night the defenseless condition of
is supposed, in a back kitchen which was noticed[...]e was apparent to everyone present. The
been full of fire when the alarm was first given.[...]out an organized bucket
The careless practice of permitting boys to shoot off fire- brigade--without apparatus of any kind for extinguishing fire.
crackers, without being watch[...]n is momentarily at
denounced. The loss in Dillon of nearly $22,000 worth of the mercy of the flames. The Tribune has frequently urged
prop[...]ure upon our citizens the urgent necessity of organizing
and to the people of other towns. Is it not criminal companies that would be capable of doing good work at fire.
carelessness to permit s[...]-crackers unless
they are under the watchful eyes of grown people?
While the late fire will prove[...]9 Nov 1884 - Another Fire in Dillon
citizens of Dillon who suffered from the wiping out, it will[...]e burnt district will be Start an alarm of fire in Dillon and then you will hear the
rapidly rebuilt, and Phoenix-like rise from its ashes built[...]The alarm of fire on Tuesday afternoon was occasioned[...]by a fire igniting from a dump of ashes alongside of the
Dillon Tribune 09 Feb 1884 warehouse in the rear of the drug store.
Temperatures in 1883- Green House[...]hes. The rain fall is ascertained from
the amount of water in the melted snow and rain at the rainy[...]ernoon (February 16 , 1891), the
season or spring of the year, counting the snow water as one Cor[...]covered to be in flames. Dinner was
to ten inches of snow.[...]n less time than it takes to tell it , two-thirds of the
May 40.8 Jun 61.8 Jul 68.7 Aug 67.0 male population of the city were fighting the flames.
Sep 58.8[...].7. The highest the north side of the building. Fanned by a breeze from the
tempera[...]antime willing hands had placed the office
number of days above 90 was four all in Jun. The greatest furniture and much of the dining room fixtures out of the
amount of wind was in May and the least in Feb. The way of the flames. Much of the bar fixtures, furniture and
goods of the Club saloon were also saved. As many a[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (303)[...]table caught it up and came out 14 Mar 1885 -
of the burning building with it at a trot.
As soon as it dawned upon the · workers that it was[...]sickness is to be prevented. Some of the streets are piled
cottage next to the lodging[...]full of stuff that should be removed.
out of the way of the fire. This saved the next cottage, the
side of which next to the fire was covered with damp
blan[...]ean Up
In the meantime workers had saved much of the bedding
from the lodging house, which, after the flames reached it, The Tribune urges that sanitary precautions at once be
lasted but a few[...], lodging house and cottage, accumulation of filth and rubbish in the streets and alleys of
representing all the business of Railroad avenue, were in Dillon should be[...]oke and charcoal.
Nothing on the second floor of the hotel was saved. 02 May 1885 - Diph[...]esides the bedroom furniture, bedding, etc., many of the
roomers lost personal effects. G. W. Lyon, th[...]is, no doubt, the result of an accumulation of filth. Dillon
next to the lodging house. He lost[...]ould take warning and institute a vigorous system of
effects out into the middle of the street. He lost a few tools. cleanliness be[...]surance on his furniture and fixtures, nearly all of which
was saved.
The Corinne hotel and adjace[...]23 May 1885 - Spiritualism an Epidemic
property of J. C. Metlen and were insured for $2,000. The
hotel furniture was insured for $1,500. Spiritualism[...]ld Corinne hotel had a history. In the early days of epidemic form. It is reported that there are villages in
the Utah and Northern, when that railroad was crawling into which the whole[...]reat northwest, Pat O'Neil started the foundation of a and where the only talk is of seances and mediums.
modest structure. This was at Round Valley ID. When
finished, it was a scant, one-story buil[...]istened it the "Corinne hotel." When the terminus of the
road would be moved a few miles north, Mr. O'[...]s. are on the verge of starvation, and unless aid is speedily
In this manner it was moved from Round Valley to extended by the remainder of the states or outside world,
Monida, and was a source of entertainment to the travel and most disastrous results may be expected. Some of the more
profit to the proprietor at Blackrock, Blackfoot, Eagle Rock, fortunate and influential people of the county and others who
Camas, Beaver Canyon an[...]des the places believer the condition of the inhabitants is exaggerated have
already menti[...]nt would heretofore denied the reports that have from time to time
be added. From Red Rock it[...]Dillon and its been published, stating that things could be tided over till a
travels were at[...]ll villages and local papers are printing appeals for
Probably the most distinguished guest ever entertained aid.
under its roof was the Marquis of Lome, then governor- Last week meetings were held at White Pine and New
general of Canada, who, with a party of English noblemen, Kentucky at which scores of citizens testified as to the extent
made a tour through the United States seven or eight years of the famine. Many pitiful stories are being told. Hiram
ago. When his royal jaggs asked for his bill, the wily Pat, Cobb, owner of a mill, said people will come at the rate of
assumed a courtly air, replied, "Whatever your hi[...]dozen a day after walking long distances begging for a pint
pay me will be satisfactory. " The local historians do not or quart of meal, and sometimes bringing half a peck of
state whether or not Mr. O'Neil profited from this remark. grain or a few ears of com to be ground.
The hotel was purchased by[...]on be a sufferer. J. H. Garrett said his
supposed that the fire caught from a defective flue.[...]assessor, said that to his knowledge 35 families were in


More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (304)danger of starving at New Kentucky. The appeal for aid 20 Feb 1886 - Worthless Dogs of Dillon
was signed by representatives of a hundred families. These
are but specimen storie[...]The owners of a number of bad and worthless dogs in
subsisted for five days on lettuce, and when found were[...]ance in the city.
05 Sep 1885 - A Catastrophe of One
27 Feb 1886 - Dogs of Dillon Kill Sheep
One Tuesday morning as Will[...]Sheep men, having flocks in this valley, claim that Dillon
was engaged on some work, given him by the[...]dogs destroy more sheep for them than do coyotes.
Williamson, a fellow workma[...]Garland always getting the most
desirable pieces of work, and that particular job belongs, by 06 Mar 1886 -[...]me hasty words followed,
when Williamson went out of the shop in a rage. The boy b[...]r-inch dirk in his right. When quite The mother of the baby is not dead as stated. She is a girl
nea[...]d. in her teens. The reputed father of the baby skipped for
Garland dropped his tools and took the pistol awa[...]Williamson. The two clinched and in the struggle that Madison County baby case boiled down and briefly told--
ensued for the possession of the dirk, both fell--Garland on omitting the names of the parties in the case.
top. Williamson still re[...]ore they were The organiza(ton of the Dillon Hook and Ladder
separated.[...]Company has been perfected, with a membership of 17,
Garland got up and attempted to walk away[...]dition. Dr. Pickman constitution and by-laws for governing the company has been
and Marshal Hill w[...]on examination , the doctor found Council of the action taken, and asking the Council to
that Garland had received a slight cut back of the left ear, recognize the company organizat[...]ft side, supplies. The company officers elected for the ensuing six
opening the cavity of the body and exposing the omentum (a months are: President-Charles G. Noble, Foreman-James A.
portion of which had to be removed) and liberated part of Myers, Assistant foreman-Phil Andregg, Secretary-W. T.
the intestines; one through the muscle of the left arm near Eastman, and Treasurer-Tho[...]t thigh. All the cuts were
very deep, and several of them dangerous.
Williamson, who aside from r[...]il. Two feet of snow fell on Lion Mountain Saturday and
There had been considerable of a jealousy between the Sunday.
two men for some time, concerning the work, but it seems
to have been mostly on the part of Williamson. Garland is Winter of 1886-1887 -
highly spoken of by his fellow workmen, and by citizens of Great Livestock Losses
Spring Hill; while W[...]d to be notoriously
quarrelsome. What the outcome of the affair will be, none During this harshest of winters, Beaverhead County
can say. Garland altho[...]l, is dangerously stockmen suffered losses of over 50 % on their herds but
wounded, and his chances for recovery are slight. The ranchers in the eastern part of the state lost over 80 %. The
prisoner's examinat[...]e death or Tribune was filled with articles of the approaching doom.
recovery of his victim.[...]ct deserves a separate article in the next volume of[...].
13 Feb 1886 - Foul-mouthed Children
Some of the small boys of Dillon are fearful swearers.
Their mothers[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (305)[...]am goes Out
Details are unavailable for this volume, so we share the
results after the collapse of the earthen dam in 1894.

Did I do something wrong? wonders Mr. Canfield,
contrac[...]fe looks at the devastation
caused by the washout of Lima Reservoir 13 May 1894.

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (306)[...]minor. Hundreds of students from Montana State Normal[...]Power. Some say the company took responsibility for the[...]Nearly two square miles of lowlands in the Beaverhead
Valley north of Dillon were covered with ice and water and[...]homes have been evacuated as the result of ice jams which[...]with ice and water for a distance of half a mile near the
Farlin gulch showing the devastation offlood of Birch Creek river bridge a mile north of Dillon. Because the river froze
Dam, year circa 1[...].05. new channel for the stream and only thawing temperatures[...]"The main channel of the river is now believed to be
14 Jun 1927 -[...]covered with from one to four feet of water and ice.
Condensed from Montana Standard an[...]dy to drive to Dillon not yet reached the floor of the building. Scores of pens on
for supplies ... until he stepped outside in time to[...]ly crumble into 'the Big Hole River and a few of the animals have succumbed. "
float downstream.[...]ts and shouting
warnings. All could hear the roar of the water coming
toward them as the worst flood e[...]on the Big
Hole River devastated the communities of Wise River,
Dewey and Divide. Four people died.[...]orne, a prospector and trapper, lived at the
foot of an earthen dam about 12 miles south of Wise River.
The dam was built in 1901-02. It had been leaking fori?: ~[...]~❖~
downstream, minutes ahead ofof Wise River.
The dam was on Pettingill Canyon[...]Above is a fur storage building which has a floor of ice a
the water wall was 25 feet high. Houses wer[...]the stalled, although the entire flow of the Beaverhead River was
flood, his wife's body f[...]und Reports in the 03 Feb 1937 issued of the Examiner stated
down river by his hunting dogs. that January 1937 had been Dillon's coldest in 41 year[...]with an average temperature of only .5 degree above zero.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (307)The lowest temperature that month was 36 below zero on
Jan 7 & 8.[...]:i[...]B. J. Stewart on right, foreman of crew, discussed situation[...]with member of the Dillon Examiner staff Ref.198.28A.[...]article by Jack Kirkley in 1993 and other
One of the most efficient methods of keeping the sources. Several of the personal and family histories in this volume[...]searching for accurate information about the life and times[...]of Pitt. Kirtley's research found that the best documented
longevity record for an Asiatic elephant, a record held by[...]"Jessie" of the Tarnnga Park Zoo in Sidney, Australia, who[...]count was correct. There are no exact birth dates for[...]of his father's voluminous historical records on cir[...]stated in a letter to Kirkley that "a 50-year old elephant is[...]s prime and on the decline. Sixty is very old and I
only know of a handful that made it to 70."
Shady Nook Cabins, well known tou[...]Petite and
Best, were submerged by over two feet of water and ice. shortened, came to[...]Clara. Kirkley reported, "If one assumes that Pitt was about
(Clark's Lookout), a few miles north of Dillon. Twenty seven years old i[...]was brought to this
men were at work in vicinity of bridge. country,[...]of her death in 1943." Her nickname "Pitt" was also[...]"Pit" in some literature and on the head plate of her harness.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (308)[...]ircuses.
The Robinson elephants did a routine that entailed one
elephant lowering the American flag,[...]ts
proper place ... very popular during World War I. This type
of routine was called a military act, hence "John Robinson's
Military Elephants. "
Pitt's transfer of ownership to the Cole Brothers Circus
occurred at[...]ording to Joseph T. Bradbury's
historical account of the 1943 Cole Brothers Circus.
The summer of 1943 was Pitt's first season with the Cole
Brothe[...]o continue as a show
elephant was limited because of her advanced age.
When the Cole Brothers Circ[...]llon in 1943,
America was once again in the midst of a world war. The
Cole Brothers' souvenir program of 1943 displayed the Pitt, the elephant s[...]ench is finished.
Bonds Regularly," on the bottom of each page. People who Ref.191.15 via Bruce[...]ted four-week
war bond drive prior to the arrival of the circus were seated
in a specially
reserved section of
the grandstand, a
practice that
promoted both war
bond sales and
circus attendance.
For many people
living in the Dillon
area, the circus[...]dly a
welcome diversion
from the emotional
strain of the war.
The Cole Brothers
new dark blue
canvas tent that was
erected on the
Beaverhead County
Fairground must
have brought an air
of excitement on
that Friday in
K i r t k e Y Pitt being pushed[...]Bruce Lloyd.
explained, "Those
who have memories
of that stormy Friday afternoon performance were mostly young people at that time."[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (309) He added, "I have found many people anxious to share
their memories of the events of that day when a violent
thunderstorm passed over the B[...]lightning strike which killed
Pitt," Kirtley said of his findings.
Some saw the elephant fall, oth[...]w was over, but almost everyone who
was in Dillon that day remembers the strange occurrence of
Pitt's death.
A few years ago, the museum in Dillon received a
donation of a full-color oil painting of Pitt. It was on
display in 1996 to the enjoyment and curiosity of many
visitors, both local and from afar. Few towns have the
distinction of honoring a elephant killed by lightning and
burie[...]Summer 1945 flood in · Dillon, taken in front of log house[...]The 1951 news account , in the 31 Jan 1951 issue of the
Examiner, was much the same as 1937 and the f[...]ourts suffered heaviest damage and
nearly a score of families were evacuated. Within a few
days, the j[...]rated and the water returned to its The heart of Wisdom's business district was wiped out by
norma[...]fire that left nothing but a pile of smoldering ruins. The
This flooding scenario w[...]er $75,000, according to Jim Edwards, now
subject of concern in 1997 as construction began on a new of Sheridan . Basin Mercantile and a warehouse beh[...]isdom
decision to interfere with the natural flow of above-ground Community Hall was scorched[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (310)[...]into the lowlands north of the road and at the same time
Dilmont Park Flood[...]south of Dillon was reported opened with dynamite late
continued to spread throughout the lower valley north of[...]n Wednesday and rising temperatures offered hopes of[...]his family.
estimated that a 15-square mile area was under water this[...]residence
morning in the region immediately north of the flooded[...]The disastrous flooding of the trailer courts and Dilmont
flooded regions Tu[...]ce jams and flooding
appeared useless in the face of torrential volume of water
in January of both 1937 and 1951. A check of Examiner
pouring ~mt of control over the cut-off road near the trailer[...]files discloses an amazing similarity of events between the
courts.[...]ave been affected by the flood since
Sunday. Most of the valley ranches were reported diked in
the flooded area and only a handful of ranchers had not yet[...]area,
said water was lapping around most homes in that vicinity
and the road leading out to U.S. 91 was covered with
swirling water for a distance of some 30 yards and appeared
to be spreading rapidl[...]t 1:30 a.m. Saturday, the sheriff received a call that the
Bud Harrison ranch, ·about four miles downst[...].m. a jam near the river bridge forced waters
out of the banks and into the trailer courts. Volunteers[...]-chilling 32-below zero . More than two feet of muddy water swirled past the Meade
As the da[...]recruiting volunteers and equipment Ref. I 78. 3 IA.
and by noon 44 trailers had been safely[...], with
trailer court area threatening the homes of Paul Stahl Jr. and violent water coming in the[...]prepared to Hangman ' s Gulch than in days of the placer miner.
evacuate. Piles of hail remained in Bannack to indicate the violence[...]ratures Monday evening triggered the of the Wednesday evening storm, lasting more[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (311) The actual amount
of damage cannot be
estimated, as cleanup
is still going on .
More than two feet of
muddy water swirled
through the streets
and into[...]s first jail.
Shown on page 867 is
the north side of the
Meade Hotel and the
hail is shown lying on
th[...]ay night. In
fact, it went in the The main street of Bannack was filled with water and debris fallowin[...]k as the flood
receded, leaving a
massive cleanup for the Bannack caretakers.

The Dr. Ryburn[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (312)[...]ut they didn't need to
sound the alarm. The men of the Dillon MT
Volunteer Fire Department watched it happen from
their vantage point near the head of the Labor Day
Lining Montana Street that Monday morning
were most of Dillon's 4,000 residents swelled by
several thousand visitors in town for the annual
Beaverhead County Fair and rodeo. A highlight of
"Montana's Biggest Weekend" was to be a fly-by[...]te, the F-106
Delta Darts roared over the heads of the spectators.
Suddenly one of the jets--flying too low and too
slow, said inv[...]hit a 109-foot-high grain
elevator near the end of the parade route. A wing
came off and the crippled plane skimmed over the
top of a fertilizer plant, skidded over a lot full of
farm machinery, and dropped into a bulk fuel pl[...]first from the dust, the second from the jet fuel that
spewed from the wing. Within minutes the whole[...]Almost
simultaneously, a fireball and cloud of black smoke
billowed from the crashed jet after[...]at the
Exxon bulk plant.
"The two kinds of fires we dread most," said
Fire Chief Mike Swet[...]sting a fly-over.
bulk plants. But to have both of them happen at[...]although several were absent because of the holiday. The[...]located near the beginning of the parade heading in the
direction of the fires. The chief rode in the lead truck.[...]donned their gear. Four of the engines headed for the grain[...]ordered the crowd to disburse and, with the help of[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (313) Some of these fire fighters
drove more than 90 miles to r[...]e plane
from Missoula was dropping
2 ,000 gallons of chemical
retardant on the elevator blaze.
the plane's wing sliced through the
top of the elevator, severing the
line that fed the whole water
There were three[...]inkler system. The chief Seconds after one of the Montana National Guard planes clipped the gra[...]grain elevator fire , which
continued to smolder for several
The bulk fuel plant fire was a[...]she was listed in
consideration, since the danger of a devastating explosion stable condition .
was[...]ll not tabulated. The grain
kept from their homes for most of the day. Two hydrants elevator alone was wo[...]oss is expected to run close to $4 million. Still that is
by the pumpers.[...]cost in human lives,
The fuel plant consisted of two sets of four tanks , each pointed out chief Swetish.
with a capacity of 17,000 gallons. Of the set closest to the The day after the fir[...]e was full, one was empty, and the other sign that read, "Count Your Blessing." Chief Swetish, for
two were partly full. The plane exploded when it hit a fuel one, is doing just that. For instance, if the parade had
truck , which was emp[...]el truck, which was started on time instead of fifteen minutes later, the main
full , was parked nearly. It was immediately watered down, body of the marchers would have been directly in the path
as were the bulk tanks. None of the tanks exploded, of the careening aircraft.
although one fire fighter[...]gasoline in the If the chief hadn't insisted that the large group of horses,
other fuel truck "boiling."[...]An Exxon warehouse containing tires and barrels of oil placed further back in the parade lineup instead of in front
and additive caught fire when debris from the exploding of the fire apparatus, as originally planned, the ensuing
plane fell on it . The roof of the collapsed warehouse had to pandemonium would[...]t was, four horses in the color guard at the head of
By five p.m. most of the mutual aid companies had the parade b[...]ervice plane hadn't been on standby alert in case of forest
means out. Dillon fire fighters continued to pour water onto fire , its load of retardant would have arrived too late to do
the smoldering ruins through most of the night. much good.
The pilot, Joel Rude , an eight-year veteran of the Air One element that was not a matter of chance was the
Force, was killed on impact when[...]ain elevator and bulk fuel plant fires --training that really
burned or hit by flying debris. Most seriously injured was paid off that Labor Day in Dillon.
a 40-year old woman,[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (314)[...]produced; it cannot
be destroyed. The same amount of water has been on the
Earth since the beginning of its existence, used again and
again for jillions of years, purified over and over by
evaporation, atm[...]sand and gravel filtering
and boiling in the heat of the earth.
The force of water unleased by Mother Nature is
tremendous. Wa[...]Man has harnessed and stored
water tor a variety of purposes, including the generation of
electricity, to obtain pressure and storage for irrigation.
Just such a dam was constructed on the Beaverhead River
at the confluence of the Red Rock River and Horse Prairie Flood waters of Reeder River in Dillon, June 1984.
Creek for the purpose of delivering water by canal to an arid Ref 84. G2[...]pleted in 1964. It contains 1,970,000 cubic
yards of earth and rock, 36 feet wide, 2900 feet long, its[...]inued.
season. The water came from the headwaters of the The spillway accepted the exces[...]e monitored
Prairie Creek. With 250,000 acre feet of water available , constantly to maintain a safe balance between water release
thousands of fishermen their cast lines from shore and from[...]rafts feared the dam would "go out" and a wall of water would
and canoes. Dellar Gordon owned a car which was wipe out the city of Dillon. Most observers believed this
waterproof a[...]ng the way
it into the lake and engaged the screw for locomotion when which would spread the water[...]anopy on this floating flatcar survival gear for a quick get-away to higher ground.
provided protection for picnicking and relaxation. This[...]ve out onto casualties. Monte Elliott, manager of the Horse Prairie
the ice. Fishermen bore holes t[...]w. Some sit in and made a quick descent of 130 feet into vicious rolling
portable sh~lters known as icehouses for protection against waters. As with a waterfall, the force and weight of the
cold winds. water causes it to go into a series of convulsive rolls before
Ice boats with sails[...]the water a few turns
Stewart developed a design for a wind-powered ice boat. before friends o[...]lans. The only water reaching the streets of Dillon was from
Each boat featured a single seat[...]irection. Steering was accomplished by area of town. The water was contained by straw bales with[...]ut a mile westward.
triangular free-swinging sail of dacron was 14 feet high and North of town in the Dilmont Park area are a series of
8 feet wide at the base. Wind velocity in this a[...]from forceful to very forceful. Speeds in excess of 70 miles in nature is to temporarily accommodat[...]there been a greater rate of descent for the river and had
In 1984 after a winter of deep snow preceded by three there not been flood plains available, there could have been
years of above average precipitation, the water in[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (315)[...]Because of heavy moisture during the winter and spring,[...]the ground along much of the Beaverhead River was[...]June , the ground in the picnic area of Barrett Station Park[...]covered with from a foot to 18 inches of murky water. The
Bureau of Reclamation staff forgot to notify groups and[...]mosquitoes. That year the adults raised a bumper crop.[...]for the worst, and then enjoy the sunshine and shower[...]ey. weather, "if you don't like it, wait fifteen minutes."[...]--SGD
In spite of many truckloads of gravel, bulldozing,
sandbagging and dikes of straw bales, some people did get
wet. Moth[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (316) Birthplace of Mary Helen Decker[...]ndrus
Originally Harry Armstead's office for Polaris Mine and located along the Union Pacific[...]at Armstead, later the home of the Glen Decker family in 1914.

878 Be[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (317) Polaris Schoo[: One of the Last Rural Schools[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (318)[...]Journals
1) An account of day-to-day events.
2) A record of experiences , ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use.[...]Diaries
1) A daily record of personal activities , reflections, or feelings.

Pages 120 & 121 in Culver journal with entries for 30 Apr & 01 May 1906.[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (319)[...]above sea level. From Apex to the mining camp, I saw
shepherds watching their flocks. That, too, was a new
I had malaria. A doctor told me to go West, but I had experience to me.
no intention of going until my sister, Estella, told me that We entered the mining camp in a canyon thr[...]road and the creek, which was wider than
to go." I took the hint! All of a sudden I decided to go. most Indiana rivers. High walls of red rock were on the
Brother Billy had worked in teachers' institutes in the north and south sides of the entrance. The canyon was
West. He said Mo[...]north. On this spot the
bright. He gave me names of some Montana county schoolhouse was built, as there was room for play. Little
superintendents to whom I wrote. They objected to Eastern log cabins[...]ness houses dotted the landscape
teachers as some of them accepted schools, then broke their where[...]ome. I stayed my first night at the school director's little log
I received the most encouraging letter from the Cou[...]hey used
Superintendent at Dillon MT. She said if I were there I only two of them, until that night. The mother, three
could have a school as there was a scarcity of teachers. children and I slept--tried to sleep--in the same bed. Oh the[...]ed to go with me. We started The lady of the house said her step-parent was mean to
to Dillon in the spring of 1908. My teacher chum, Miss her and she[...]marry the first man who asked her,
Pearl Townsend of Etna Green IN, met us at the Etna Green and[...]n was late. Pearl took us to Missus cooked for ditchers. Her fuel was sagebrush. She
the hotel so I could lie down awhile.[...]s and gravy. The children dipped
At the hotel I said, "I don't believe I'll live until we their hands into the gravy an[...]the left of me at the table was a big baby and I tried to keep
After four days on the train, w[...]a room at the Holcomb complexioned man of about 30 years of age who had a very
House. Aunt Alice Cannon had b[...]ugly sore on his neck. He surely was in pain, but I
Nebraska. She said the Western women dressed better than didn't want to get close to that sore. My dress was too good
the Hoosiers and advised me to wear my best dress when I for the surroundings and I longed for a cheaper dress from
called on the County Superintendent. I did, but to my my trunk, which was stil[...]wearing a red calico blouse and a dark I found a boarding place with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elli[...]ctors would come into her office first cousin of Jesse James, the notorious outlaw. They were
looking for a teacher, she would send them to the Holcomb very proud of him. The only books they owned were "The
House to see me. Then she visited with us. I recall she Life of Jesse James," and "Three Weeks." The latter was
s[...]urches, but she had a hidden in the bottom of a trunk because it was obscene
regular schedule.[...]room was as wide as a narrow door and the length of
did. The case had been in and out of court for twenty years. my trunk. It was about two feet longer than a cot, the only
While I was playing the piano and singing a hymn at[...]Mining Camp called. He hired me at $60 per month for chair, and served many purposes. The Ellis frame house of
three months. He went home and reported that he had hired four small rooms had cost $25.00.
a teacher seven feet tall that sang hymns. Singing hymns The food wa[...]. They used tinned food and,
meant to the natives that I was a Christian. They were as they were English, they were strong on baking cookies
afraid of me, they said, as there were no Christians in the and cakes and drinking tea. I especially liked the saffron
mining camp.[...]acon often, and Cousin Jack pasties
On Sunday I attended church and class meeting at the[...]was about a
was the first and last class meeting that I ever attended. square meal with meat, veget[...]o Butte to express her a chicken. We took pasties for a
The director made another trip to Dillon, a distance of 20 picnic lunch. The buggy had no top and the back was minus
miles, to take me to his home until I could find a boarding a lid. The crooked road, down the mountains, was dusty
place. I don't recall seeing a house or a shack on our way and our _pasties had dust over and in them. I didn't enjoy
up to Apex, the highest point[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (320)[...]oard doors which
never eaten a fresh chicken, but I choked down only a bite I closed from the outside and raised the one sash w[...]ked on the inside to keep intruders out. The
I was told many times that I was in the wickedest place blackboard and tea[...]a flourishing business bookcase with a set of encyclopedias good enough for a
until shortly before my arrival, when Mr. Eilis[...]y south wall. The door was in the middle of the south wall.
day, losing their wages stirred up a hornet 's nest; The roof was made of clapboards, over which was dirt in
consequently,[...]ich was planted wheat. It was called a dirt roof. I
They had a rope to hang Mr. Ellis, too, but he se[...]and they let him come home unharmed. roof of the twenty-five dollar house.
The first day of school, I got into trouble with William A former tea[...]pupils had decorated the ceiling
Prouse, a member of the school board who could not read of the schoolhouse with paper chains of various colors. Rain
or write except to sign his name. The little Prouse girls[...]Willie and Alma Prouse whole room was wet, for the roof certainly was anything but
were sent to school. I sent them home. Their father sent water-t[...]ns sitting in the double seat near
them back, and I again sent them home. the stove, as I always had fire in the mornings. Then when
That evening while it was yet light, Mr. Prouse came to it rained , I had fire to defeat the dampness. During the wet
my boarding place and asked for me. I went outside to meet time we kept out books in the bookcase. When I feel
him. He said no girl from the East was going to tell him discouraged, I think of the one little dry spot that sometimes
what to do, that he was going to report me to the humane appeared on the floor near the stove. The pupils and I all
officer. While he was raving he would strike within an inch sat under umbrellas for several weeks. No one caught a
of my nose. I didn't flinch but calmly said I had already cold nor got sick.
reported hi[...]me and weep ,
little Prouse girls had diphtheria of the worst kind. Some saying, "I've lost my little playmate, my sister Mae. My
tim[...]igation than he had ever done her one, but I let her ride with me on mine."
before, so now it was safe for Willie and Alma to return to To my knowl[...]ee years, no wonder children would say, "If I'm not good at school , Daddy will
Mr. Prouse want[...]en did in seven months. The climate may have
I answered, "Just as soon as I sweep the floor, I' 11 had something to do with their ability to learn. My mind
come." I walked slowly, wondering if he intended to hang[...]. Clara Best
would take my body miles downstream. I prayed for the was the fourth grader. The children knew only three songs,
Lord to help me. How downcast I was. but by the time school closed, they had 42 songs to memory,
I was met at the door by Mr. and Mrs. Prouse with[...]ree they already knew.
smiles on their faces, but I was not at ease as I didn't trust All but two of the pupils ate their lunch at the home of
them. I was invited inside and asked to take a chair. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ball, so I could eat a warm meal at my
Prouse took a chair across the room and began to talk. He boarding place. That was orders from the school board.
informed me that Willie came home from school and said, Behind the schoolhouse was a neat pile of poles. It was
"Dad, you don't like the teacher but I do. She treats us nice my lot to cut wood for fuel. At first I would cut or saw the
as the other kids and she is helping us to catch up. Then," small ends of the poles. I kept chopping and sawing away
said Mr. Prouse to me, "I knew you had forgiven me. I've until I was nearing the big ends of the poles. I had gained
never before been around a Christian but I've heard that 15 pounds while teaching there and was f[...]when I left for Payette ID, a town of churches and schools.
The health officer charged nothing for his service and he At night, deer came dow[...]ank at the creek. We could see their tracks. Once I
Prouse decided I had done them a kindness. Mrs. Prouse sa[...]ull. Formerly the population of Farlin Mining Camp was[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (321)of 75 or 80 inhabitants. People left to get work elsewhere, remains out of the creek. There were two opinions. Some
leaving vacant business houses. Most of the residents when wouldn't drink creek water which tumbled down from the
I was there called themselves "Cousin Jacks. " A Co[...]ins with a roar. They carried water from a spring for
Jack is a person who came from Cornwall, England. Mr. a few days. I drank spring water, too, but I was not far
Ball was one. He said the penitentiar[...]ry foot, so
Cousin Jacks have been prisoners, but I think he was joking. they continued drinking the creek water. No one became ill
I called on my pupils ' mothers and other women in[...]to Apex, he or she was At a high rate of speed, he would ride toward a clothes line,
suppo[...]halfway around, rode across
Above the canyon I called on Mrs. Frizelle, the Indian the r[...]ek into deep water, out again., and left--
mother of my pupil, Howard. She was a lovely, intelligent[...]a few men worked at the Indian
distance away, and I did. Queen mine. Tom Ellis became paymaster. I was invited
There my nerves went into a spin[...]to view the mine, so Anna Ellis and I clung to rocks and
children were taking turns in[...]ulled ourselves from one boulder to another, most of the
come to stabbing each other with long knives without doing time lying down, on the path that all miners took going to
it. I hurried to the door and was greeted by a pleasant the top of the mountain. I liked the daylight mines better
squaw. I excitedly told her how the children were playing. than the mines that are underground. I rode down into the
She calmly told me that was the way they played. I never daylight mine in a bucket that was used to bring ore to the
met a more calm and composed person. Since I was so surface. The men who worked farther from the entrance
nervous, I cut my call short. had lamps on their caps.
I also called on Clara Best's mother. She was lovely, but One day, one of my patrons stopped at the Ellis home
since her ma[...]en a slave. Mr. Best made her and called for me. He had been to Apex in his rig and had
pull a[...]egged tobacco in the brought my mail. I thanked him for his kindness. It saved
camp, her husband's orders. She was barefoot and I could me a trip to the Sewing Machine Post Office. The man
see that every one of her toes had been eaten off. As she cli[...]rig.
had no cookies, she served lobster and tea. I appreciated Mr. Ellis stuck his head out the door and yelled, "Any
her kindness, but I didn' t enjoy the lobster, as I thought she mail for us?"
had leprosy. She wouldn' t leave Mr. Best because she had My patron yelled back, "You don't think I'd carry mail
run away from home to marry him. for you d___ fools," cracked his blacksnake whip and
I decided to end my calls for that Saturday afternoon as sped away, his mules kicking up the dust.
I had drunk seven cups of tea, eaten seven or eight cookies Ji[...]y respected moral young man
and some lobster, and I'm not fond of store tea. The Cousin with no bad habits. He was the son of the Sewing Machine
Jacks are real tea drinkers.[...]claimed to be a backslider, the only
Before I was at the mining camp long, I visited Butte. person living in the camp who ever had known Jesus as her
I'll never forget the smelter where copper was smelted. Savior.
There was a huge vat of melted copper. A man was[...]her
working with it. How he could stand the heat, I do not grounds. As I was reared on a farm, I had ridden work
know. I hugged the wall as I went through the room and horses, b[...]do. To them, it's an art. I mounted one of the horses and
One evening I was invited out for supper. My patron followed Jimmy when[...]w paths. We passed
lived in two rooms. About half of the living room was a precipice single file. I was too close for comfort. My
taken up with a table-like case of copper specimens, the heart seemed to be in my mouth. I let the horse use his
pride of the father and the displeasure of the mother. sense. He was sure-foot[...]y, the father said, "Dig right in!" field of wild grass, probably fifteen acres. On the north[...]which his two children believed but third of the field were many deer antlers. Jimmy got me a
I didn't. One story was about meeting a lion family[...]walked To get away from the quarreling of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis,
single file right past him. I would sit on the front steps. Several times, Al H[...]age 38, who was a bachelor and lived alone, came
I liked to walk. All the natives used water from th[...]abin and sat on the steps and conversed with me.
for all purposes. I carried water for my own use, washing, He would talk about Sweden and history. I stated that my
etc. One day the report came that a man had found a rotten grandfather Strombeck was born in Germany but I had heard
dead horse in the creek above the camp. When a man that his parents were Swedes and that Grandfather traveled
attempted to pull it[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (322)his cabin and got a history that was written in Swedish and been a dance h[...]brought a second-
English. He showed me the name of Strombeck in the hand reed organ from Dillon. At the party I was asked to
history. We would sing songs. play the organ. I lifted up the music rack and inside was a
A d[...]amp. Al hymn book, to the surprise of the guests. I decided to open
advised me to attend as there wer[...]d men in the book and sing the song I turned to, without making a
cabins in the camp. O[...]s. Meet Her in the Skies." When I finished, I turned around
"But I don't dance. I'll be a wallflower there, " I said. and found I was alone with God. Where were the people,
"T[...]ch and you'll be safe sitting on it , " he I wondered. They were not in front of the building. I
replied. I took Al's advice and went.[...]ping
Jimmy offered to escort me to the dance. I had an and wailing, but as far as I know, none of them accepted the
understanding with him that I would not dance, which was Lord Jesus as their Savior. How I longed for a minister!
a square dance. I was sitting on the bench when the agent[...]me, they all ran away.
at Apex, who was a mixture of Indian and white but looked Hilda was the adopted daughter of the senior Mr. Ellis
Indian, came in. He handed m[...]who had almost gotten hung. After that, the son was in
Brown·, wife of the President of Findlay College. In the charge of the mine, but only a few men worked there, as
letter she said she hoped I would not go to dances! I read men who work do not trust dishonest paymasters. They
and reread her letter many times, until I had it almost to thought Tom Ellis was a[...]sed when laid to steal what little money I had with me. In the
the sheep herders marched in like soldiers with guns over bedroom, I suggested that the blind be pulled down beside
their shoulders, filling about half of the dance hall. They our bed, but Hilda said that no one went through the alley.
stood in rows and[...]. Stem looks were on In the moonlight, I saw her father pass the window. Hilda
their faces[...]jumped into bed, then I laid down in front. A few minutes
The dance s[...]room. The partition between the bedrooms was made of
another. There was weeping, moaning and cries, "T[...]trapped ... we're all going to be killed!" I dropped off to sleep but was awakened suddenly an[...]hich was held by a string around my neck. His
I climbed several steps to a small platform in a ba[...]gray beard had touched my face, tickling me, and I
comer of the dance hall, raised my hand to put myself in awoke. I grabbed the money bag and yelled, "Hilda!
God's h[...]. Mr. Ellis shirt-tailed it back to
Good," a poem I knew. I prayed and spoke on "The Love his bedroom. There was no more sleep for me that night.
of God ," but said not a word in rebuke to anyone. As I At the breakfast table , I told my experience, mentioning
made a step to lea[...]e shepherds began to no name. They said I was dreaming.
orderly file out. It was a beautiful sight. It wasn't long I told the story to Brother McColley when I got home.
before the miners resumed their square[...]otten. The only time they In that home the previous evening Mrs. Ellis showed me
wanted Him was when they were in trouble. I was a lot of expensive jewelry which fellows had given Hilda.[...]She said, "Girls should get all they can out of men." She
At midnight I asked Jimmy to take me to my rooming[...]thing from
place. As we started, he said softly, "Maybe the sheep men. As I had gotten nothing, she said I was slow.
herders are lurking around and will sho[...]a dry goods store,
But nothing happened. When I got to my room, I prayed picked out an expensive blouse a[...]m. She
until morning and God was very real to me. I never learned bought jewelry and he had to pay for it or be rude. At
why the miners and shepherds were enemies, but I do know noon, he took her to a restau[...]herds do not agree. A sheep will meal for a quarter. Hilda ordered food until an extra tabl[...]e
The next day, Anna and Hilda Ellis made fun of me table, paid the bill of more than seven dollars and left her
because I was so dumb I didn't know how to dance. They with the food. Her parents were in town so he thought she
said I missed half of my life for not knowing how. Hilda could find them. After that, the Ellises called him a
was 19. She said I was from Illinois-Indiana-Idaho. The[...]mountains for his health as he had asthma. He said his
The[...]man owned a business block in Lansing.
goodwill of the people, I presume. The living room had[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (323)[...]I showed the letter to Gladys's father. He moved a
With sin all around us, we surely felt the need for bunkhouse beside his house for us. When we moved in, the
recreation to relieve o[...]was a lock on the door and water in the
to play. I liked pool quite well. Some evenings we would pitcher.
meet at the home of the Balls and jump rope. Charlie knew[...]ice with a letter to Charlie Morley from I rather liked the newspapers on the wall. It was a[...]was from his brown and also fried mush for breakfast. I enjoyed the
mother. They destroyed the letter. Wh[...]s won't meals as we lived in peace. Once for a few days, we had
do to be spiteful! Before they opened it , I tried to persuade "spuds" and we all rejoiced.[...]d departed from the faith. She showed me a bottle of
Jimmy came to Tom Ellis for his pay check for working Holy Water which did not spoil be[...]t. She showed
yelled, "You can ' t draw blood out of a turnip!" me a large yellow cand[...]Jimmy yelled back, "But you can draw blood out of a her hand when she died. Although she was a kind and
beet!" gentle-spoken woman, she said, "Isn't that a d--n religion to
The next morning while I was chopping wood , Jimmy have?"
appea[...]She showed me a shawl which her husband crocheted for
Give me that ax." I handed it to him and he chopped some her[...]t
wood. Then he asked , "Have the folks found out that their in kindergarten at the age of three years. I believe she spoke
mining tools are broken?"[...]truth about crocheting in kindergarten at the age of three
"Yes. "[...]The English whom I met in Montana, Idaho, North
"I did , " said Jimmy . "I worked hard for a month and I Dakota and California all used the adjective "bloody" and
got no pay. I'm leaving." that jarred my ears . If that ' s high class English , why
"Oh, don ' t go. Think of your mother, " I said. doesn't Mrs . Aaron Meyers, the ,English missionary, use that
He was afraid someone saw him climb the mountain to word for emphasis?
the mine and insisted he was leaving . I begged him to write The Bells lived in[...]o used as
his mother , but he was afraid to do it for fear of being a place to wash our face and hands.
traced. I told him he could get a job in one town , ride his I went to Ellises to pay my board. After I paid Mrs.
horse twenty miles or so away to another town and mail the Ellis, I asked for the clothes she had borrowed from me , but
letter from there. I tried to get him to promise to go to she[...]people. He faintly Before Al (I believe his name was Albert) left the camp,
promised . I preached him the best sermon I could. he gave away a trunkful of copper specimens worth $500.
He said , "Goodbye. I'll never see you again, but He gave me about $50 worth of specimens. The Balls gave
remember , I won' t go to the dogs." me a bottle of copper ore and the picture of Gladys beside
I never saw him again and didn't tell the people at[...]ne. East of the schoolhouse some distance were limestone[...]work in the mine after Jimmy cliffs. Often I kept the doors over the east windows closed,
had[...]he cliffs was hard on our eyes. On the
me alone. I told Mr. Ball , president of the school board , front of the schoolhouse was a sign, ANIMAL MEETING.
and[...]s stay with me from twilight until dawn . I asked Mr. Ball about the meeting.
I received a letter from Anna Ellis from Butte that Mr. He said it was meant for "Annual School Meeting," but
Green , her relative , had written that Gladys was sleeping it turned out to[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (324) One day I started up a mountain to the east of the
schoolhouse. A lady ran out of her cabin and yelled, "Don't[...]Early Life in Beaverhead County
Another day I started south. A lady yelled, "Don't go up
there. There's mountain lions up there."
I asked Mr. Ball about climbing the mountain to the[...]mountain lions up there but he
gave Gladys a box of matches and told her to go with me.
If we saw a lion, we were to set some brush afire and that
would scare the lion away. We started. I enjoyed the
beauty of nature and the scent of the pines. We didn't go
far, following a narrow path, until there was brush all
around us. I suggested we tum back.
When I was on the other side of the mountain in the
Grasshopper Valley where Cousin Laura was teaching, the
cowboys .said there were lions in the mountains where I was
teaching. A few years later I read in The Dillon Tribune
that a bear out for a morning jaunt decided to take in some
of the sights and entered the Farlin schoolhouse whi[...]frightened as the
teacher and children were.
I think everyone liked me but the Jesse James kinfo[...]eciated my teaching with one exception. Some said
I was teaching about Jesus, but they decided not to make an
issue of it as I loved their children, who were learning a lot,
and they would forget about Jesus when I left. They thought
I was brave to stay in the most wicked place in Montana.
I was asked by the school board to stay nine months
longer; however, I didn't stay . The cabins would be Mi[...]stove pipes visible, with tunnels Beaverhead Valley in 1878, with her father and two of her
dug through the snow from the cabins to the s[...]ef. 036.19A .
The Balls would not take a cent of board money. Mr.
Ball got a man to take my trunk[...]the Glendale school last winter and he often
and I sat on the seat and Mr. Ball sat at the back of the laughs about the only stipulation mad[...]the Jesse James outfit if trouble .should arise. I didn't think Gossip is rife, as in most small places, and everyone's
a gun was necessary as I had been over that road several affairs are either known or[...]before and wasn't afraid. It was nothing unusual for read and people rated at their worth.
peop[...]re high and change smaller than "two bits" is not
I didn't believe there was a lion near, until the cowboys on usually considered.
the other side of the mountain told me it was true.
I regretted leaving the children but after spending a week 10 Oct 1878
with Cousin Laura, I wanted to teach in Canyon County ID A number of places in the territory were open to us, and
and attend the Church of God at Payette. after careful consideration, my sister and I decided to take[...]schools in the upper Beaverhead Valley, some thirty miles
--Mary Applegate Miller, south of Glendale. Our schools were to be ten miles apart.[...]valley. We stopped at night at a stage station on Willow[...]home-like place which the traveler will always remem[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (325) The second day brought us to the home of Mr. and Mrs. horseback from his home on[...]liam Wood, where Anna will teach. It will be much like away.
a private school since the three children of William Wood I am proud of my school (unofficially named Poindexter--
and two of Nathaniel Wood are to be the only pupils. later became part of the Riverside District No. 3). The girls
Thes[...], only a riding, driving and the care of stock.
mile apart, are sheltered by cottonwoods n[...]have read
Leaving Anna with her new friends, I was conveyed the considerable and have a wider range of knowledge than the
next morning to the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Selway, average country boys of the middle west. It will be
where I was invited to remain until the school would open[...]phy before the end
This neighborhood is noted for its hospitality and for of the year. How can one teacher do the work? How I
being well to do, and yet it was difficult to find a boarding wish I were a teacher of music! There is a great need of
place. The five dollars per week is no object to a mother one in the valley, for several families have either an organ
who does he[...]sons.
and who really cannot spare a room and fire for the teacher. We have an excellent organ[...], who taught during the past two most of these instruments were brought by freight wagons[...]from Corinne, the western terminal of the Union Pacific, by
would I do the same were there a suitable place within[...]rs. William Smith would be many depend for supplies of all kinds.
able to take you, but she thinks the little cabin they have If it is true that the social and religious life of a
built near the school to live in during the win[...]ity depends largely upon the ideals and standards of
and inconvenient. "[...]ing leaders who
Evidently there was no place for the teacher! "I'm sorry would grace any society, east or wes[...]11
the weather is cold, said I. "If it were only summer I well educated.
co[...]d me to school. The two older boys, for such work can realize. Mrs. Jane Selway[...]" she said. Sunday mornings, regardless of wind or weather. All the
"Mrs. Reynolds told me[...]ide or drive to the school
camping out and if you don't mind so many little children, house, which is the social center of the upper Beaverhead.
you may stay at my house as long as you like." Mrs. Richard A. Reynolds, formerly Mrs. Virginia E.
Gratefully, I accepted the invitation and was admitted to Johnson of St. Louis, the only sister of P. H. Poindexter, is
a happy and most congenial home. The older children, the teacher of the large Bible class. Everyone is assured of
Frances and Harry, attend school, and besides the[...]Virginia. direction of this gracious lady. Every household far and[...]mas and William--come a long Skillful and kind, her very presence is a benediction.
distance, th[...], Hugh Duncan,
Vica Ashbaugh, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. A. Riggin and W.[...]re circuit riders who
Ashbaugh, is a lovely girl of seventeen, always faithful and draw good con[...]ng disposition. Georgia, and the Point of Ricks, a distance of twenty-five miles. Few
her younger sister, is bright and capable. They are of the ranchmen are addicted to drink, and there is rarely
daughters of Mrs. Reynolds by a former marriage, and have[...]nches are all close to the river or the tributary
of Mr. and Mrs. William Smith. There are four members creeks, for convenience in irrigation, and considerable hay
of the Smith family in school, Lena and Edward, amon[...]Mark and Jessie are the tiny ones. for beef, mutton, poultry, eggs and butter. When a
Monroe Mann, the oldest pupil of all, comes regularly on

888 Beaverhead H[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (326)ranchman takes a load of such products to town he is well It is known that the Utah and Northern railroad, a narrow
repaid.[...]gauge line, is heading for Montana and may built through to
The rumors of "rich strikes," "bonanzas" and Butte. Its advent is not unanimously favored. Some of the
"stampedes" rarely have any attraction for the rancher, for ranchmen are opposed to the many changes it w[...]roused by the Nez settlers. Others would like to have a thriving town here, and
Perce war and m[...]hardships.
the nearest towns. It was then decided that some sort of Not very long ago, Mrs. Samuel Ashbaug[...]gon as
Poindexter's school house. It was proposed that a dance and comfortably as possible for the sufferer, and taking the little
supper be giv[...]eyed to Corinne, then eastward by
much difference of opinion in regard to the proposition; rail[...]have a fort if it must be "danced up," declared that a delay of ten days would have been fatal.
but the majority[...]rcumstances as this make the people feel the need for
success.[...]es away April 1879
over the mountains. All of my school boys and girls keep The past[...]the lower levels, and the ground being very dry, that which
spelling matches, and at gay parties in the[...]ee melting snow and dust in close proximity
given for a most unusual purpose. A zealous young[...]roads.
preacher came from the east with the best of intentions but There has been serious ill[...]ing, farming, sympathy and helpfulness of the whole community, when
dairying, out on the ra[...]e could not dig, to beg he was ashamed," and some of of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Selway died of diphtheria.
the good women questioned him about his opportunities in The members of our school are so like brothers and
the states. He was pretty sure he could do better back sisters that all were deeply affected when the desk of the
home, but how could he tramp the four hundred[...]he ladies knew it would be useless to ask the men for now living in the tenant's house at the Craig Cornell ranch,
money. They would say, "Let him rustle like the rest of father and Mr. Thomas Reed having leased[...]" So they planned a dance to be given at the home of farm. Anna has joined us, and we are plea[...]e supper to be contributed by We hope to send for Millie and Mabel, who live with an
the benevolent ladies of the valley. A large crowd gathered, aunt near Indianapolis and are eager to come.
for all the young people and the bachelors for miles around
were delighted to come, and the proc[...]Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Noble, the elderly parents of Mrs.
We young folks, and many older ones, pre[...]friends in
horse back to driving in farm wagons, for there are only five the Ruby and Beaverhead val[...]their home at the Colfax Mine, seven miles above
of Rocks. Horses are numerous, however, and if not a[...]ame as far as 35
gentle, it is the more important that we become practiced miles the day before and stayed with friends in t~e valley
riders, and less liable to be bucked off. below. Early in the morning of the 29th, people of all ages
There are many bachelor's cabins alo[...]mining towns, the the large comfortable house of their host and hostess. They
subject of matrimony is fraught with much interest. As one[...]." beautiful Silver Lake. This sheet of ic.e-cold water is well
Whenever it is reported that a lady is coming to the named and has worthy setting amid green grass, delicate
valley several questions are eagerly asked: "Is she sing[...]ich great snow drifts still lingered.
It is taken for granted that she can cook, or at least can Here the happy people spread tempting lunches, boiled
learn, for all the men have learned to cook, more or[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (327)when all had returned to the home of the Nobles , those who party . Danced all ni[...]main day.
overnight. Beds were made ready for the men in the barn 02 Jan 1889: Wen[...]a bountiful breakfast was served in relays For several days, company comes and goes . Then she
to all of the guests. This is an example of true western writes:
hospitality .[...].
The chronicler is loath to relate, however, that the Make Olie a dress in evening. Freeman, Mr. Williams and
Chinese cook gave notice that he would quit that day. Said Burnside came . Williams stayed a[...]o Montana from children to bother. I wrote Maggie last week and had a
Mankato MN in 18[...]Golden Rule
Alma , now Mrs. James Kirkpatrick of Dillon ; store. Cold and pleasant[...]tum pleasant,
Kennie, now Mrs. Lorin T. Jones of Billings; snow shoe. My cold· is better.
Millie, now Mrs. Walter J . Crowell of Dell ; and 02 Feb 1889: Saturday[...]snow shoe.
Mable, now Mrs. Harlan J. Thompson of Billings , with 03 Feb 1889: Sunday ,[...]Fred and I snow shoe to Marbles in afternoon. Freeman
Our[...]05 Feb 1889: I long for a store. Today I feel better off
Hanson Culver[...]an Marble to dinner. It has
The earliest diary of Lillian Culver begins in 1888. She been a lo[...]Hackett asked her to accompany him to Centennial Valley Groceries from Berns tine $16. Soap 15 c[...]elm to pay it.
The deal : If she would keep house for them during the 10 Feb, 1889: Off for the Lake (Henry's Lake), ride
summer, she could t[...]Bill Culver, get to Mrs. Burnside's about three. I
her a cabin. She accepted and never let him forge[...]o dinner.
with her step-mother to settle a matter of her father 's will,[...]about 1932. Presented here are excerpts from some of the
Marble, talking of a dance. Windy. Wash.
books.[...]15 Feb 1889: Go see Mrs . Sherwood. Like them.
01 Jan 1889: Tuesday , New Year.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (328) 20 Feb 1889: Getting ready for dance tomorrow night. finally agrees after showing and talking. I told him I would
Go fishing but so cold had to go home. call mine $30 as I had a few things for myself. I still owe
21 Feb 1889: The folks did not come from the valley, him $10 on the seven weeks I was with him last summer.
but we had a dance and[...]16 Mar 1889: Henry says he does not care for me more
shoed home (to Henry's Lake cabin). Mr. Rock went with than for a stranger. New Land law. Can take 640 acres as
me. I was very tired. Eb Sawtell (Gilman Sawtell's son) at homestead. I am glad of it.
dance.[...]d Jack visit. house. All alone. Pleasant. I think my lungs is better than
23 Feb 1889: Mr. B. go to Marbles. I am going home last year. It is very stra[...]came and staid all night.
25 Feb 1889: Monday, I spent day with Mrs. A. G. 24 Mar 1[...]night, but the old man Henry took home. Fred and I
26 Feb 1889: We spend day at Sherwoods sitting[...]ng, and Fred he is
and Mrs. Keith. Henry came and I went up to Sawtell getting up mud. It is warmer again. Oh, my, the fish that
place. Mrs. Shambow and Mrs. Williams came back. Jack are in Picnic (Springs), I believe they will bring a fortune.
Leech and a fi[...]Fred
01 Mar 1889: Henry take Mrs. Shambow and I to Mrs. caught a muskrat. The rent is du[...]today. Will
Burnside. She did not treat us right. I came very near soon get into my house. He[...]to stay the one night. into Picnic for me on the shores.
02 Mar 1889: All go to Mr. D[...]27 Mar 1889: Went to Maddix. His bill was $8.50. I
Seven women and five men. See Vic Smith do some paid him $5. I borrowed $4 off Henry. I am feeling very
wonderful shooting. All but mysel[...]poorly today. Pleasant, thawing.
Smith. I staid with Mrs. B. till after tea, then we all we[...]e to He says there is about $300 worth of minnows in Picnic
dinner. Bill Culver brought us back. I like him. Tip top. now. Write to Mark Davenport for 360 feet of lumber.
Henry and Bill is going into partnership.[...]se.
enough to come to 265, was gone just 3 weeks. I pieces two Well, Bill Culver came with Henry. They went around
quilts for Mrs. B.[...]Ivy slip.
08 Mar 1889: Take dinner at Marble. I get dinner. 30 Mar 1889: Got up ear[...]orning about some nails. Said he had five lbs and that
Companion. I sent by Burham 25 cts for seeds, and 50 cts they were all gone, and that we had used them. I said, we
for rye. had not for I had my own nails. He grabbed me and came
10 Mar 1889: Came home. I bought 75 cts worth of near striking me, said he had a mind to. Said he had a mind
lumber for my house. Good time. Glad to get home. to put me out and if he did, I would have to stay out, and
11 Mar 1889: Commenced to thaw yesterday, still that he had not wanted us here.
melting. Swans have come. Read. I told him I had not intended to stay, but as I had
12 Mar 1889: Wash. Culver come to tea. I like him furnished my half and put up with a[...]ow going fast. Plant some seeds. of inconveniences, I felt under no obligations to him, besides
13[...]if he had finished my house as he kept promising, I would
14 Mar 1889: Go to Marbles. Fred plant box of seeds. not be here. I told him this settled it. He could not have
1[...]er the my ranch to make a fish pond, that I wanted him to finish
grocery bill ...... Clock stopped at eight. my house tomorrow and I would never bother him again.
15 Mar 1889: I got $32.90 of good and Henry had The fuss hurt me dreadfully and I done up the work and
$28.35. Henry thinks mine is not as much as his. He Fred and I went to Picnic to see if the group was so[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (329)[...]to be answered in ten days.
Well, I want to do what is right but I can't take insult 12 Apr 1889: Try to get Mr. Beck to take the mortgage.
after insult as I have from Henry this winter. I don't believe 13 Apr 1889: Sat. Mrs. Metlen takes me to Emerick.
he has any love for any of his folks. He promise[...]A. Brown.
stove and Till to Picnic. He will work for $1 a day and 14 Apr 1889: Go to chu[...]e
board. He only worked half a day as had to wait for Henry Hanson and call on Mrs. Peterson.
to take over hay. Till fixed door and cauked house. I had 15 Apr 1889: Well, waiting all day but Emerick did not
his lock put on. I had my feet drenched wet yesterday and come, was in town. I called to see Helm and Burleigh.
today. We had a[...]arble) posted 16 Apr 1889: Tuesday. I put my business into Judge
the water notice dated[...]Galbraith's hands. So if anything comes up I told Helm to
place.[...]more can be done until court is out, I concluded to go back
nothing done today. Lucy Mad[...]. Henry came to the ranch tonight. · I told Mrs. Black I would take the
about three with his stove. house in Sep. I got one big lamp and old chair and Fred's
03 Apr 1889: He had gone fishing. He don't care Blocks from the house. Left for the valley, made
whether I get in to my house or not this weak (week), but if arrangements for all the rent to be paid on the interest. I
God is willing, I shall. h[...]rick and Joe (Metlen) offering to sell the place. I am
move tomorrow. I milk. I had a window put in the south. ~about sick with a cold. Bill is very kind to me. Bought in
I helped daub. Pleasant day. Dillon for Fred an axe $1.25, hinge 40 cts, onion sets 25[...]18 Apr 1889: All settled with the mortgage.
me for his draft (concerning her lodging house in Dillon[...]side, and Mr. 20 Apr 1889: Sat. I feel homesick.
Davenport. Mr. Sawtell offers me h[...]Go to Picnic (Springs) with Bill
read) ... Well, I hope to make no mistake this time. Henry a[...]He & Bill moved me this afternoon, and
had to pay for his stove to Garwood. Leech came and took[...]22 Apr 1889: Henry and Till called. I told Henry he
07 Apr 1889: Go to Monida with[...]place.
train. Bill gave me the day he intended for Bliny. I like 25 Apr 1889: Wash, big wash. I don't think I shall go
Bill but Sim is cold. to Sawtell tomorrow. I am very tired and Fred is not well.
09 Apr 18[...]lose his Pleasant weather.
mortgage and I came into Dillon this morning to try to stop[...]Till and then old Man Maddox all to dinner. Bill
that Cora Lillian Eubank was dead and buried the Sat[...]illiams. Bill (charges)
before. Go see Helm after I got up and before breakfast. from Berns tine $17. 35 freight .41. I could not go to
It is Emerick's Mortgage he prete[...]Henry's Lake, do not feel well. Got Dillon paper. I see
White and White left for Helena this morning. Well, I go Miss Bigler was married the night after I left Dillon Paid
see Mrs. Metlen and just as we w[...]n he came and 27 Apr 1889: Fred and I go fishing. Matt Eubanks
promised to fix i[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (330)[...]bow with Bill, came back with and one can of molasses. 50 cts. I came with Bill to
Matt.[...]d spent day.
Marble and Freeman started yesterday for Bozeman. Cold We found Eb Sawtell here. The day we came, I had eight
and Windy. Matt been here all day, made[...]03 Jun 1889: Bill heard today by Hunter that he was
(Mattix) plough the garden spot. Cold. Our[...]liable to get into trouble so he started at five for Marbles.
02 May 1889: Old man Maddix put in floor, got to I wrote to Mr. Sawtell and gave him his answer (no[...]Matt helped and Till came marriage proposal). I am glad it is all settled. I hope I have
in time for dinner. Mr. Maddix and Lucy spent day. Does decided right and believe I have. I got $1 of butter and 50
seem good to have a floor. (brother Henry's cabin had dirt cts of eggs off Mrs. Sherwood today.
floor) I am not feeling well, have the Catarrh (bad head[...]gone to the National Park. I miss Bill. Got stove out in
03 May 1889: It snowed last night. Cold & windy. Bill kitchen. I never seen bed bugs so thick. I feel happier than
came to dinner. Bill (invoice) from Berns tine $3. 65 potatoes I have been for years. (She was separated from her first
& tea. Fred paid Bill the other dollar I owed him for husband, Will Hanson, about 1878 and d[...]reaching Dillon in 1880-81.) If ever I feel such perfect
04 May 1889: Snow all day and blow. Partly papered confidence in Bill. I hope we may see many happy years
the house, work all day. Matt came to tea. Fred and I go together. Fred is happy too.
to Ike's.[...]hil D. McDough , May L. Eb, Fred & I were alone for dinner.
Keith.[...]06 Jun 1889: Henry & Mike go to Dick Rock's. I
06 May 1889: Monday, snow all day. Bill came[...]t.
07 May 1889: Still stormy, Matt left today for Dillon. 07 Jun 1889: Boys start home at[...]lonesome day. I miss Bill so much. Fred longs for Picnic.
09 May 1889: Still cold & cloudy. Put[...]s outdoors and onions. came and Eb with him. I am so glad to see him. Take
10 May 1889: Fred[...]Pleasant 10 Jun 1889: They started at ten. I feel lonesome but
but windy. must make the best of it. Fred go for butter $1.
11 May 1889: Bill came. Take walk to top of hill. 11 Jun 1889: Wash. Pleasant.[...]side, stay all day.
probably at the Sawtell place for two weeks.) Pleasant day. We h[...]el better
27 May 1889: At my home again, gone for a weak. about it.
28 May 1889: C[...]afternoon.
to marry him the 26th, Sunday, and as I have been with him 14 Jun 1889: Lonesome. Eb came about four. I do not
a good deal and find that I like him very mich, I told him I feel very well. He says Bill's horses are gone so he can't
would, as I do not hear from F. W. A. come home . I wrote to Mary York (her sister). Mrs.
29 May[...]ed and
Go to work at ten and quit at half past 2. I let them have oil I get flowers this eve. I feel lost without Bill. Warm. Send
$1 and bacon 8[...]at Henry's. Mary York Bill's picture.
I go over and go fishing. Got home at 12. Mike stay. I 15 Jun 1889: no entry
am very tired[...]ere to dinner. Making Mrs. Williams $4.50 for Jersey for me.
my black dress. It seems a long weak. 17 Jun 1889: Bill and I had our picture taken this
31 May 1889: Wash.[...]enry came about 10. (see next page for photo)
Maddix (family) all came. I let Henry have 13 lbs of beans[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (331)[...]mbows.
Henry, Mike and Dick
Allen came to dinner. I
am about played out.
19 Jun 1889: All
gone. Eb went
yesterday . I feel better.
Making over green dress.
Bill paid Fred $2.50 for
squirrels and Fred got 52
cts off Gus B.
20[...]came. Fred
get back and Bill and
Hunter. Joe and I go to
Ira Livermore.
21 Jun 1889: Go to
Vic S[...]ley.
23 Jun 1889:
Sunday. Bill & I have a pleasant day to ourselves. I have married, so Abbey says. Very hot and[...]15 Jul 1889: Collected $42.60 for Bill's RR check, paid
24 Jun 1889: I got 3 lbs butter and paid for eggs 50 cts. $5.32 at Dart Hardware for Sawtell, paid $1.75 for slippers
Henry came, going to Picnic in morning. and 16 cts to send them. I paid McGough $1.50 for water
25 Jun 1889: Dinner at Henry's, supper[...]R. Hunter takes us to 16 Jul 1889: I hope to get settled all right by tomorrow
Dunham,[...]with Dunham. Call to see Leason. I got draw backs 50 cts, gave Dr. for
28 Jun 1889: Rain. Bill came at noon. I am glad to go medicine, rose water 25 cts.[...]17 Jul 1889: Took Bill's check to Bank for cash $150.
29 Jun 1889: All got to H. Lake about 5 p.m. Bill sick. 18 Jul 1889: Well, I think I will get my business fixed
I was taken sick after supper. (food poisoning?) We[...]He has made an offer. Get my dress done $1.
word that the S. J. was coming and so left for Picnic. Got Tea with Mrs. Englehearst, dinner with Mrs. Nichols. I get
there at 11 p.m. Very tired.[...]Marble and got 19 Jul 1889: Well, I have fixed the business all up.
five eggs and som[...]Helm paid Mrs. Bray $8.50. I am to pay $240 by first of
31 Jun 1889: Bill gone to Shambows. I clean up, have Jan 1890 and then commence with interest by '91, interest
Bill pay Bernstine bill for me. About $20. I worked at of every mo. I to get the place as long as I keep the
Sawtell' s just five weeks, got goods from Eliel $4.35. agreement. If not, I let Mr. Geo. W. Emerick have lot 1 in
01 Jul[...]. block 22 for the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, one dollar
02 Jul 1889: Fred , Mamie & I go to henry Lake. 60 cts by year 1891. I have to pay insurance by Dec 28,
03 Jul 1889: Cleaning for the 4th, Shambows came. 1889. Mr. Helm has $31.50 of July rent now. The Bond
Mike and Henry is here.[...]the picnic, 20 Jul 1889: Sells tiring, I did not go.
took tea with Mrs. Indian Smith, danc[...]evening. 22 Jul 1889: I gave Mr. helms $8.52 to make up the
05 Jul 1889: Fri. Just a year ago today I arrived at forty to pay on loan the first of Aug. I put the rent collected
Henry ' s.[...]Mrs. Black has paid to July 26, 89. I spent 10 cts for
13 Jul 1889: Go to Dillon. Bill go as far as Springhill. pattie , 75 cts for tooth powder.
14 Jul 1889: At Maggie ' s, see[...]d B. F. 23 Jul 1889: Tea with Mrs. Hill. I am glad to go home
White. Call at Abbie 's[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (332) 24 Jul 1889: Mr. Hunter came. I go tonight. Bill sent Tolman Scott, S[...]orian-Mrs. Katherine C. Orr.
give me my receipts. I put my business in Mr. Galbraith's[...]ls and historian: If it be true that the happiest people have no
stockings $1.15, boot[...]happy one for the Beaverhead Chapter of the DAR.
26 Jul 1889: Leave for home, dinner at Winslows , stop
a few moments at Shambow, stay at my ranch all night. I
am so glad to be here .
. . . . . . . . . she[...]d to be home again. We met
Fred on the other side of range, said he would come over
today. After dinne[...]and leave at seven, get
to Monida at 5:30, leave for Dillon. Eb go to see his father.
29 Aug 1889:[...]her half brother) went
home with Mrs. Estes (wife of Simeon Estes, Lillian's step
uncle's second wife). She wants Etta (another half-sister) to
have the house. I sent Bill a letter last night. David and I
called on Mrs. Metlen. Mr. Hooker will not be here until
Sunday. My lungs hurt me. I sent Bill's mother two
pictures. Bill came with Matt (Eubank) to breakfast. Joe
Metlen came and I gave him a bond, just us. I fixed the
other. All the business is fixed up now[...]1889: We are to be married at nine this evening.
I do not seem to dread it a bit. The mo(Iling is fair. I
subscribed for Tribune $1.50. Four o'clock I am about to
get ready. I am happy as can be. No moon, Friday, Aug
30, 1889[...]ast
eight by Rev. Mr. Bostwich, Baptist minister. I dressed all
in white. Mr. & Mrs. Eubanks, Mike Ei[...]ark
We took the eleven o'clock train for Monida. Fred at
Monida with team waiting for us. Eb Sawtell joined us at Miss Carolyn White, daughter of Benjamin F. White, at
Spring Hill. Mr. Culver and[...]s whose home the Beaverhead Chapter of the Daughters of the
cabin at Monida all night.[...]Shambows (Lakeview).
01 Sep 1889: Two inches of snow fell toward morning. If however, there were but few happenings for the[...]Excerpts that but little time was left for usual chapter activities.
Beaverhead Ch[...]The year witnessed the awful anxieties of war, the glory
of victory and the tragic spread of the influenza epidemic
10 Mar 1917: At the home of Miss Carolyn White, a over the whole world.
chapter of the DAR was organized. Miss Jean Bishop Officers for that year were Regent-Mrs. Marie D.
proposed the name of Harma-Hap-Pap-Chah Chapter and it[...]. Scott, Secretary-Mrs.
was accepted. The name is that recorded in the Lewis and Phoebe C.[...]Lucy F. Walker,
Clark Journal as the Indian name of Beaverhead as given by Registrar-Mrs.[...]shop. The Chapter planned to hold the October and
of Beaverhead Chapter DAR according to the charter were November meetings out of town with Mrs. Brenner and
Regent-Miss Carolyn Wh[...]Mrs. Thompson but arrangements could not be made for the[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (333)trip to Mrs. Brenner at that season and the November 1923: We[...]t Hospital,
meeting had to be given up on account of the influenza. just finished, and continued the work of marking the Lewis
Social activities gave plac[...]Clark trail which was begun some years ago.
work of the members through the Red Cross was heavy and Jun 1925: A talk given on need of a county nurse,
varied. The work undertaken direc[...]ive $10 toward the cause.
consisted in the making of property bags and hospital and 13 Jul[...]Bannack on the site of the first capital of Montana, by the
13 Jan 1920: Yearly report by[...]led on Labor Day
At the Sep 9 meeting at the home of Mrs. Scott in past at Bannack in front of the Meade Hotel. We held a
Armstead, Mrs. Scott,[...]d about 150 people were present,
woman in our end of the state to arouse an interest in local among whom were many sons and daughters of the pioneers
history, asked the chapter to appoin[...]first important gold camp in Montana, scene of Vigilante
to do some work of permanent value along that line. activities, first territorial capital, site of first legislature and
Dr. F. H. Garver, Professor of History at the State first county seat of Beaverhead County. Miss Jean Bishop
Normal Colleg[...]e chapter and townspeople on was chairman of the event
Sacajawea and her immense contribution to the success of Sep 1926: We agreed to furnish a med[...]used as a prize for the best essay on the history of this
19 Apr 1920: The chapter voted to furnis[...]e contest to be carried on in the history classes of
hospital which is soon to be built in Dillon. The[...]me little loving cup which was won by James Price of
action.[...]committee on Historic Spots , has through
advisor for the historical work of the chapter and been of Supt R. E. Brooks of the Oregon Short Line RR Company,
great assistanc[...]g committee. secured the promise of a granite boulder, to be erected on
14 Jun 19[...]the depot grounds. This will be placed free of cost and the
Miss Bishop, chairman of the Trail Marking committee, bronze tablet for same will be a gift of the Anaconda Copper
reported that after strenuous work on the part of the Mining Co . This marker will commemorate the fact that
committee, assisted most splendidly by Mrs. Scott[...]passed this way in 1805.
Garver, the cooperation of the County Commissioners had May 19[...]t to see the lone
31 Aug 1921: Members traced for the first time to its tree mentioned in the Lewis and Clark records. Mrs.
ultimate source the branch of the Missouri which Lewis and Mansfield ent[...]un 1928: We unveiled the marker on the Oregon
out of the spring which the explorers mention in their j[...]nd placed on the depot lawn by the Oregon
the top of Lemhi Pass. Those going from Dillon and[...]utters from Salt Lake City to prepare the boulder for the
immediate vicinity with Mr. John Sheser actin[...]bronze tablet commemorating the passing this way of Lewis
05 Sep 1921: 250 members and guests gat[...]lying between Beaverhead River and the of June 14, 1929. Ruth Helen Albright and Dorothy Ir[...]n the presence
took their names. The first marker of the Lewis & Clark of several hundred people. Mrs. Scott spoke for the chapter
Trail was placed. Special guest was M[...]y. Mr. Waldorf,
own person (father of members Jean Bishop and Millie speaking for the mayor, accepted it. Mr. Conlan spoke for
Thompson) who connected up the pioneer days with 1921 as the Railroad and Mr. Henry for the schools.
he knew Beaverhead Rock in 1863. Dec 1927: The idea of a museum for our county, in
1922: Invitations from Mrs. Raymond Rossiter of the form a room in the court house fitted up with items,
Sheridan and Mrs. Lillian E. Culver of Lakeview , now was conceived by Mrs. A. L. Anderson. The idea came
resident members for meetings to be held at their homes to h[...]heir hospitality. went to interview the Board of County Commissioners
who were in session that day. The board not only

896 Beaverhead[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (334)[...]d and kalsomined, in historic Beaverhead Valley were located and visited by
and put in new book s[...]. Woodside gave us draw extending back for perhaps a mile, from the rim of a
a beautiful mahogany library table, and we plan[...]precipitous limestone cliff. On either side of the draw
filing cabinets for all our important papers. Our charter symmetrical heaps of great lichen-covered rocks were placed
and a copy of Old Ironsides are framed and hung on the[...]osseau, the President General, and an old drawing of buffalo over the cliff, at the base of which a heap of
Fort Union given by Mrs. Millie Thompson to the[...]with huge
G. Blaine to Governor White, announcing that Montana slabs of limestone which have fallen from the cliff, but i[...]lyn many instances where similar piles of debris are exposed,
White, his daughter.[...]has been called the "Road
lineage books. We hope that the room may be the Agents Cave" for many years, as it is sufficiently large to
nucleus of a real museum, for Beaverhead County. The shelter a group of fugitives from the law. Its floor is
Regent has t[...]he will be glad to let members composed of campfire ashes to a depth of ten feet. The roof
take it whenever they can visi[...]pictographs are still visible. They are of the usual reddish
Lemhi County Mining Association of Salmon ID and the brown color and sho[...]aracteristic
Beaverhead Mining Association on top of the Continental designs. One of particular interest shows a figure with
divide at[...]exaggerated feet. This was the Indian way of representing
public was cordially invited. At ele[...]l (one small stars surrounding the figure.
of the Lewis & Clark party) bestrode what they thought was Several arrowheads of an early design and many bone
the head waters of the Missouri. This was McNeil's remark nee[...]so
and same was placed on the marker, "Thank God, I have contain quantities of charred and cooked bones, especially of
lived to bestride the Mighty Missouri." After a s[...]ntana. Chief Justice Lew L. bottom of the ashes. They was sent to the Smithsonian
Calloway of Helena and Rush Jordon of the Normal College Institute for identification and proved to be that of a saber-
each gave an address on the history of the explorations of tooth tiger, dating back to the Pleistocene[...]o. No one had previously suspected
direct purpose of the gathering, namely, to ask the citizens the antiquity of the cave exceeded that of the Glacial
of the two states to ask their respective legislatur[...]years ago.
petition Congress to set aside a tract of land on the 1939: The chapter will work toward the procurement of
Continental Divide known as Agency Pass, part of which is cabinets to contain historical ar[...]ument to commemorate this A project of extreme interest was suggested by Mrs.
Indian gir[...]much loved and enthusiastic Mrs. asked that we join with them in the erection of a bronze
Laura Scott has again been rewarded in h[...]The Chapter went on record as in favor of a municipal
Lewis & Clark. The dedication of the monument was park and a supervised playground for our children.
located at Two Forks, when the Indi[...]with her chieftain brother. Alice Davis, daughter of Ben renewed pledge to support the policy of the National
Davis, was honored as the outstandin[...]rganization, to uphold the Constitution, to stand for
Economics Department of the local high school. adequate defense and to work for the preservation of peace.
1938-39: The programs were centered around the
Prehistoric Indian life of Montana. Several sites of interest --[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (335)[...]nip and tuck for Dad to provide for us all, though everything
Allen "Duke" D[...]was dirt cheap with the prices that prevailed a decade or so
"A Bit of Family History" late[...]Nevertheless, father seemed anxious for us to get[...]Stella, one of the teenage girls, went to live with a well-to-[...]near Telesboro. She was the mother of Cooper, Kirt, Frank
and Charley, also of Eliza Mason, all early-day residents of[...]When I was six I was slated to be given a tryout by[...]relatives. First, I went to live with an uncle in Bourbon[...]had an ailing wife who died within a year or two. I was[...]age. It was assumed that I was a kind of black sheep among
them, and I soon found myself back in the old home town.[...]By the time I had reached 12 or 13 years of age, Dad[...]two boys, the older about my age. What was left of our[...]family, moved in with this other family, which, of course,
was not a good idea. I could see that I, and one or two[...]people those days with nothing much to do. Yet, I managed
to do quite a bit of choring around for storekeepers, turning
Allen "Duke" Davis, age 90,[...]ir ice cream freezers in summer, etc. Once a week I
Ref.029.32.[...]of getting out the weekly news. Often I was called up to
I was born in Lewis County KY on 10 Dec 1878. The drive for a liveryman who had a passenger to be taken to
pl[...]the wooded area about six miles south one of the smaller towns, sometimes as far as 20 miles
of the Ohio River and the county seat of Vanceburg. The distance. These trips were usually very interesting and I
famous Kinniconnick River flowed a short distance[...]ime brings about changes whether we have made any
for pike and bass. A doctor, whose last name was Duke[...]nd he usually stayed at our 17, in 1896, I arrived in Dillon MT. From there I went to
home. I came by my given name through him. the Mason ranch on the Grasshopper where I worked for a
There were seven born to our family, four b[...]ster, Marguerite, was at the ranch, having
girls. I came along about the middle of the group. There preceded me by about two[...]ite
were two boys younger them myself. On account of the Smith still lives in Dillon. She is past 91.
illness of our mother when the last boy was born, we w~re I continued to work on ranches for about nine years.
obliged to quit the farm and mo[...]now 84 and lives in Denver. At mother's passing, I was worked at it all the time. They were starting a Bible school
five years of age. and accumulating material for a printing concern. They
An older sister in h[...]a Gospel weekly and producing tracts,
management of the household, and the change from farm to etc.
town complicated things no little in our manner of living. They put me to work in the printing office where I soon
On the farm, we often only had to step outsi[...]e pretty good at it.
something to eat. Many kinds of berries grew wild, and a But after a year at that job, they got a linotype machine and
short trip into the woods, in season, yielded a variety of I was moved to the editorial office where I learned typing,
nuts, the river furnished fish,[...]and revising, and became familiar with
To top all that list of good things to eat, we had chickens, editorial work in general. It was not long before I was
pigs and milk cows. By contrast, in town it[...]in Denver I was transferred to New Jersey where our le[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (336)[...]to Yakima WA, and there, on Christmas Eve 1919, I
substantial buildings for a printing plant, book bindery, married C[...]school buildings and appropriate living quarters for all my junior. I had known Cora for a number of years as she
members of the society. My work in Jersey continued about[...]rn cities, and spent
1914, which ended nine years of my life among a deeply several years i[...]n, we
profitable years; there is no mistake about that. I had gained lived happily together for 28 years. then cancer struck, and
a concise knowledge of the Bible, and I had seen time and after much suffering, she passed on to her reward. The void
again the hand of God working in the transformation of the she left has never been filled.
lives of men and women, in other words, making saints out
of sinners. As stated before, mine was an inside job[...]a ranch to his
around 175 lbs had dropped to 140. I did not like that, liking; no farming, just grassy meadows, open ranges, hills
though I was not ill in any way. I do not know why, but the and valleys, with cattle and horses everywhere. Mr. Metlen
management decided I should take a trip down to (who[...]issionary quarters . They aunt) was one of the earliest pioneers to these parts, and was
sec[...]the area, such as
York. It was a n1ght trip, and for sleep I bedded down on Gus Graeter and Martin Barrett. Further up this vicinity
a bench with a couple of old quilts. It is needless to say, I was the Elijah Ames spread and the Nay brothe[...]n on the spring
entirely too numerous and hungry. I stayed in Jacksonville and fall roundups w[...]rth the same along in years at the time of which he speaks , were able to
way I had come down, but I balked, and took a train for mount and put in a full day at hard riding.
Columbus OH, where I had a sister living. After visiting a Came the spring of 1904 and at the age of 25, a little
few days, I · headed west, to the complete surprise and young for taking over as foreman and chief rider on a herd
chagrin of everyone concerned. of cattle numbering around 15,000 head, Davis became[...]he Martin Barrett ranch (later known as the
while I was away, I walked out to the CL ranch. I Cross ranch). He had not asked for the job, but if these
considered it a likely place to get a job as I had previously older men of judgment reposed that much confidence in him,
worked and knew my way ar[...]e their request.
haying season and choring around I soon regained the When the grazing season was over, and the cattle had
pounds I had lost.[...]ounded up and shifted to their respective ranches for
Came the year 1915 and thereafter, when the dry farmers the winter, they settled their accounts for the summer's
were taking up 640 acres homesteads[...]ailable to all who would meet certain conditions. I got the added and very welcome words, "Duke you did good
into the game also. But first, I got possession of a piece of work for us this summer, and we would like to have you
bottom land that lay along Medicine Lodge creek (south of again next year. "
the Guyaz property). This furnished a limited amount of
hay and winter pasture, and had springs of water that remain See page 56 of Beaverhead County History Book_Volume
open all winter. I still live on my homestead and over the One for information on Duke and Cora's years in the
years[...]Medicine Lodge area.
In 1917 I bought my first car, a Model T of course. I
gave that car regular use for nine years and sold it to a dry
farmer for a hundred dollars. It was still running fairly[...]nal
Now comes the most important part of this brief life Newman Alsbecher: Put up a store building at Argenta
story. When I left the folks with whom I had lived and about 1866. They carried quite a stock of dry goods. After
worked for nine years, I was still a bachelor. I had not the Seligman Smelter shut down, they moved away.
planned it that way, and several mighty fine girls over the[...]to end my on land in Beaverhead Valley near where the viaduct crosses
bachelorhood. But[...]d superintendent (Alma the slough south of Dillon.
Bridwell White of the Pillar of Fire-Pentecostal Union), had Smith Ball:[...]ty Sheriff and took an active part in the capture of the
usually had her way in all such matters. Mexican (one of the Road Agents [Joe Pizanthia]). Mr. Ball
I fin~lly got fed up with such dictatorship and decided to was shot in the leg. The account of how the Mexican was
let the Lord by my Guide. It[...]killed is given in Dimsdale's account of the Vigilantes. Mr.
however, after returning to Montana, when I journeyed out Ball worked placer ground on Dyce Creek at the foot of Ball[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (337)[...]1864. He was
to Argenta soon after the discovery of the mines. He engaged in selling general merchandise for a time and was
worked in the smelter for a time, was agent for a St. Louis one of the first discoverers of the Tuscarora property near
Co. looking after the[...]heir mines Argenta. Bessette was one of the first to locate property at
represented. He finally acquired the property for debt. Hecla, afterwards selling to Armstrong Company. He
He worked for (Washington} Stapleton and Larwell as entered the sheep business for a short time but then sold his
head smelterman, w[...]gaged in raising horses, when horses went
smelter for one season. Then he repaired the St. Louis[...]gaged in mining until the time
smelter and ran it for several years. He sold the smelter and of his death. He evidently was very disgusted with the
Iron Mountain property, now owned by Jack Cohn of Butte. sheep business. My brother and I had bought some sheep,
After selling out he bough[...]ett shortly after. He said he could excuse
Creek, that is now the John Laden place. He went from anyone for buying sheep the first time, but anyone buying
there to Battle Creek MI to have an operation for liver sheep the second time was "a Son-of-B."
trouble, there died under the operation.[...]evidently did not make that pay as he disposed of the mill.[...]my father to go hunting. That was the last we saw of him
for nearly twenty years. It was said he was one of a gang
that held up the stage coach somewhere in the Snake Ri[...]area. He came back to Bannack and stayed for a few years[...]though don't know the year he came. He drove the stage[...]teaming. Billings located on land near the mouth of[...]ten miles north of Dillon where he raised horses and sheep.[...]was to be a prize fight. Only one of the fighters showed up.[...]he fight from being a failure, Bishop substituted for
the missing fighter. I don't remember whether Mr. Bishop
Anthony "Tony" French breaking ground for the new told how the fight came out[...]t be hard to
Beaverhead County Museum and Chamber of Commerce guess. Bishop was a small[...]near the mouth of Beaverhead Canyon). The route was from
Martin[...]Watson to Argenta and Bannack and was made daily except
knowledge of what he did for a living before moving to Sundays. Horse[...]ere he took up land and
land and were in partners for some time. Mr. Barrett lived engaged in stock raising for a number of years. After
at the crossing of Horse Prairie Creek. He lived there until selling his ranch he moved to California for a time before
a few years before his death when h[...]e died in 1933.
was connected with the State Bank for years. Charles Blivens:[...]Kirkpatrick Brothers and James Mann. Mann was the
for a time with Joe Lockridge on the Mauldin Mine. They stepfather of the Kirkpatrick Brothers. Blivens was killed by
traded the property to James Mauldin for horses. Then he Dave Davis in Dillon.
loc[...]carpenter work for some time. Later he had a Confection[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (338) Robert Bradwell: Lived at Marysville for several years. but Carnes was a very forcible citizen as I knew him. He
Worked at different mills. He moved[...]lle to evidently was the same man spoken of in Dimsdale's
Birch Creek and engaged in farming.[...]is known Carnes Basin. The other was north of Argenta Cave on
as Brays Canyon, eight miles west of Bannack, probably in Long John Creek.
1863. He afterward was elected sheriff. After his term of George and John Carhart: The "Historical Society of
office expired, he mined at Elkhorn, Beaverhead County, for Montana" spoke of George Carhart as being at Bannack in
one season.[...]by the Road Agents while lying on
general store. I have often heard the story that he sold a a bench in a saloon in 1865. Whether John came to
pair of rubber boots to someone but forgetting to charge for Bannack before his brother was killed, I don't know. John
them, he charged a pair of boots to all his customers, a few built and op[...]0' s. Later he moved to Dillon
paid several times for the boots at $12 a pair. He sold his though h[...]leased the Legal Tender mine, taking out a pocket of ore William B. Carter: Came to Bannack in 1863 and
that netted him $10,000. He put most of the money back afterward located on land north of Dillon. He was at Alder
into mines without succes[...]have died
where he was employed as a track walker for the railroad in Dillon.
company until his[...]He, where he worked at Blue Wing mining for two years. He
James Ferster and Xavier Renoux wer[...]left Bannack to go to California where he worked for
as carpenters. He and Ferster built the smelter b[...]ore coming back to Argenta about
hotel at Argenta for A.M. Esler. Shortly after that he and 1880 where he worked. He also worked[...]until
Ferster built a large overshot water wheel for the purpose of about 1895 when he returned to California. He told a
running a crusher for a reverberator furnace, which did not number of "yarns" about different prospecting trips. One
wo[...]B. (Crazy) Brown: Mr. Brown was in that climate.
Bannack in 1863. It is unknown what he d[...].A. worked in the mines. He lived at Argenta for a short time
Clark was working at what is known as the China Diggings, after the discovery of the mines then went to Horse Prairie
he (Clark) w[...]Crazy Brown nursed him during his sickness. From that his death.
time Mr. Brown seemed to get[...]kept his (Brown's) bank Bannack in 1863. I am unable to find out what he did while
account r[...]William A. Clark: Arrived in Bannack in 1863 from
for a short time before moving to Argenta where he an[...]r worked on a windless
Robert Wing mined together for a brief period. Brown together in Colo[...]d what is known as the China Diggings at the head of
which is now known as "Brown's Bridge." He served[...]re.
1864. He worked in the timber getting timber for ranchmen Joseph (Text) Crow: Evidently c[...]burning coal. When he came here, he had a string of Texas, judging from the nickname. He was in Bannack in
pack horses. I think he had been a teacher in British[...]ith Phil Lovell. Later he moved to Dillon
author of this biography also claims that Carnes was where he was interest[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (339)[...]d
smith by trade . He kept a hardware store there for a there until sometime in the 1880s then went to Washington
number of years. After Dillon was started he moved there[...]l his death in 1895. Unknown what type of occupation he held in Bannack. He
Tom Dasart[...]Bannack in 1863. moved to Beaverhead Valley in the early days when he took
A Southerner, he w[...]jobs, mostly around town. up land south of what is known as the Ashbaugh place,
He, like many others at the time, worked for what whisky where he lived until his dea[...]A. M. Esler: Went to Bannack in 1864. I was unable
Pat Dempsey: He took over Smith a[...]d the Legal
mercantile business and ran the store for several years . He Tender Mine at Argenta in 1865. He took out a quantity of
moved from there to Plains MT but it is not known[...]s. Esler accompanied
went to Bannack. In the days that Dempsey ran the store the ore on its jo[...]urn. After getting enough money from his
lot of time on his hands. Two boys of different families, shipments, he erected a smelter and hotel at Argenta, the
about eight years of age used to frequent Dempsey's Store. firs[...]pped from Swansea. Esler took out
one of the boys to look after the store and told him not to let $100,000 in a short time. After disposing of the property to
anyone have anything. He went and[...]ged in mining until his deat~.
through the window for results . Of course a fight was on at When the smelt[...]S. H. Baum,
once. Dempsey had to go to the rescue of the last boy , the brother-in-law of A.J. Seligman, was in charge. Mr:
former was sitting on his opponent, pounding him for all he Seligman afterward rented ~he buildi[...]ing nuts." At who operated a smelter for a few years. The building was
another time Dempsey put one of the boys up to stealing carried away, p[...]gman put up the smelter at Argenta and worked the
of the store. She kept a number of hens and sold eggs. Renult and Firdina[...]ich they purchased.
Jimmy Kepler got his hat full of eggs and started for Sim Estes: Came to Bannack in 18[...]saw him and started after him, stable for a short time. Afterward he moved to what was
litt[...]n his face, calling to and post office for years.
Dempsey to save him.[...]ux (pronounced Dupea) came to episode that happened there is worthy of note. He kept in
Bannack in 1863 or 1866, I think from British Columbia. stock considerable whiskey. Finding that someone was
A number of French Canadians came there at about the same stealing it, he put a man by the name of Charlton to sleep
time from British Columbia. He[...]indow when Charlton shot him.
1860' s. As long as I could remember he had a horse and Upon[...]cart and hauled gravel to the creek and washed it for gold. There was quite an encampment of Indians near by. For a
He left Bannack some time in the 1880' s to go[...]e. However
Canada. It was said he had quite a sum of money saved the matter was settled s[...]railroad came, be ran a stable at Dillon for some time,
S.F. Dunlap: Came to Bannack in 1[...]til his death about 1912.
drug store . Doctors at that time would compound their own J.P. Fl[...]nued went to Argenta where he did teaming for several years. He
to run the store for several years afterward. Mr. Dunlap loc[...]ke Creek near what was the
was Clerk and Recorder for one term. Rife plac[...]s
a smelter on the Grasshopper Creek about 1867 . I'm unable associated with George M. Brow i[...]ng the smelter. occupation he continued to do for several years. Following
The smelter only ran a short time, it was put up for the this he took up land on Horse Prairie and was engaged in
purpose of smelting Blue Wing ores. But the mines the[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (340)[...]d in stock
Polinger who was establishing stations for Gilman and raising for several years. He sold his holdings on Horse
Sali[...]Prairie and moved to Dillon. He was a member of the State
take care of the stage horses and run the post office, which Bank of Dillon up to the time of his death in 1924.
he did together with a general store and stopping place for Alfred E. Graeter: Went to Bannack in 1863[...]was Deputy Sheriff for a time before going to Ogden UT
At the time P[...]cific Railroad
make the coffins and bury them (3) for between 40 and 45 for a few years. He returned to Bannack and was elect[...]County Clerk and Recorder in 1876. He served in that
He continued to run the combination (hotel, store[...]After being defeated for the third time in office, he located
Tom Fost[...]Bannack in 1863. He mined at on land south of Dillon on what is known as the Perkins
Bannack for a time before moving to Sheridan MT where he[...]engaged in placer the mercantile business for several years with C. 0. Trask.
mining for years. Part of the time he was foreman for The firm was known as Trask and Graves.[...]Smith and Graeter. He died at Bannack about 1885. For out Trask's interest and Trask left Bann[...]at placer mining then took up land business for years until his death. He was a member of the
on Grasshopper Creek where he raised livestoc[...]to Bannack in the early land a mile west of Bannack which he later sold to H. R.
1860's. He was a brother of Mrs. Joseph A. Brown. He Paddock . Afte[...]ded at Dillon until
was a dyspeptic and something of a nervous disposition . He his death.
and Lafa[...]usually one to two pack 1862. A native of England , it was said he left a wife and
horses .[...]kicked the mason by trade and left a number of monuments to himself.
pot. Scott was a very even[...]He burned the brick (all but the fire brick) for the first
Gibbons kick the coffee pot , he got up leisurely and kicked smelter in Argenta. In the years I knew him he wore a
the pot to pieces. He said to Gibbons, "There, look , that woolen scarf, winter and summer and was an in[...]scarf would stand upright from
fruit can the rest of the trip and Gibbons never kicked tobacco[...]riffith was quite a prospector and
anything after that. would[...]s,
her leg, crushing it badly. Dr. Glick was sent for. When whenever the saloon was open. He died at Bannack in the
he was found it was discovered that he was very intoxicated. 1880 ' s.
He asked to[...]e: Went to Bannack in the early 1860s. He
effects of the liquor, he set the leg and the girl recovered worked at placer mining for wages. Later he mined for
entirely. He would usually spend the summers out in the himself at what they called Gyroing , that is drifting on the
mountains to get away from whisky. benches for pockets containing gold. He, like a number of
William Goodrich: Came to Bannack in 1862 and built his kind, spent all his gold for whiskey. He died at
the first hotel there, which[...], as he was known, was the kept a restaurant for a short time then moved to Horse
rough and tumble type. Like a good many of the Old Prairie where he was engaged[...]ng . He sold to
Timers, he could drink his share of whisky. He was sheriff Dr. Donovan after disposing of his interest on Horse Prairie.
in 1867. Goodrich[...]in 1864.
was engaged in the mercantile business for a time. He also Unknown what his occupation was prior being elected
owned and operated placers for several years until the Sheriff in 1880.[...]fterward
Graeter Dredge was built, he had charge of that as long as went to the Soldiers Home.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (341)[...]John Jakes: Was in Bannack in 1865 where he lived for
1862. He moved to Argenta about 1866 where he ran a a number of years. Unknown what his occupation was.
saloon un[...]Bannack in 1864 . He was supposed to be something of a
from Dillon to Bannack about 1885. He died at Bannack prize fighter and somewhat of a bully, until he slapped an
about 1889 .[...]ame to Bannack in Cornishman by the name of Steve Soby took it upon himself
1862 from Colorad[...]ts . He died at Dillon in to chastise Jaggers for slapping "Uncle Dick." It was said
1940. Frank wa[...]Dicker fu' then?" Jaggers left town the next day for
on a ranch near Reichle where he died about 1913.[...]me to Bannack with George and lived
taught school for one term then worked at carpentry. Was ther[...]orth end at the time was known as Ryan' s of Washington. Jim was a notorious gambler. He left
Station at the north of Ryan 's Canyon. Henneberry located Bannack for a few years during the balmy days of Glendale.
land up the canyon .[...]in Bannack in the early 1870s. He business for a time. He and a man named Moore were quite
worked at mining for a time and was foreman from A . F . chummy. Jim was going_ after a load of hay and invited
Graeter in the Placers. He owned[...]ue Moore to go along . Jim was driving a team that was only
Wing district where he was working when[...]m some time in the 1880s. that they wouldn ' t get anywhere.
Pat Holhan: Wen[...]864. He located on Jim said, "You son of a B, isn ' t this fast enough for
a ranch on Horse Prairie was there until about 1895 when he you?" At that he threw the lines away and gave a "Whoop".
sold[...]to California. Moore climbed for the back of the hay rack. How Jim got
Robert Hopkins: Was in Bannack in the 1870s. He ran out I never heard . The wagon and the rack went to pieces,
a quartz mill for some time . Afterwards he moved to Butte Jagg[...]ied before realizing much jewelry store for a number of years at Bannack. Keppler
benefit from his proper[...]lendale went down. He then moved
married a sister of A.F. and A.E. Graeter. his st[...]Dr. King: Was at Bannack in 1878. I don't know
New York in the interests of some mining venture. Though where he came f[...]ving knitted while he noted the progress of his patient.
at Bannack for a while where he married one of the Wadams James M. King: Went to Bannac[...]worked as a blacksmith. He moved to Argenta for a few
Glendale. Sometime later they moved to Dill[...]blacksmithing during the winter months, going
one of the discovers of Alder Gulch . back to his ranch for the summers. He sold his place
John Innes: Ar[...]to Argenta where he died about
engaged in mining for several years. He first lived at 1912.
Bannack then moved to Argenta where he mined for years. Jack Kennison: Came to Bannack[...]rysville just below Bannack. From uncle of George Metlen.
there he moved to a ranch on the B[...]Arrived at Bannack in 1862 with
Dillon. Following that he moved to what is known as the his paren[...]ers, James and Robert. They lived at Bannack
time of his death.[...]land when they became of age. They were the first to fence

904 Be[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (342)with barbed wire. It was noticeable from the fact that stock James M. Mann: Arrived at Bannack in[...]on Rattle Snake Creek about 1870, land
complained that it was inhumane. James freighted for a time known as the Innes place. He had one son, Monroe , and
from Corinne UT, which was the terminus of the railroad. was the stepfather of James and Robert Kirkpatrick. James
They had a st[...]took up land on Horse Prairie, was as foreman for the Big
Postmaster. He failed in the store business and moved back Hole Herding Association. That consisted of the cattle
to the ranch. Later he sold the ranch to the Innes Live owners of Horse Prairie and Grasshopper. Those of Horse
Stock Company. He then took up land in the[...]called the Bonney View Basin Rouse. Those of Grasshopper - Wm. Pahnish. He died at
(Reservoir?[...]worked at mining in the early
wasn't right after that. He was out to Warm Springs where days. He[...]owned a ranch on Grasshopper Creek, just west of Mill
good appetite. I was talking to him one evening after he Po[...]about 1900.
cooked a meal "three times as much as I could eat." He told Rufus Mathews: I don't know what year Mathews cane
me about the time whe[...]ing from Utah he got to Bannack. As long as I knew him he was a clerk in the
into Corinne in the evening and bought a dozen eggs and store for Trask-Graves and finally Graves after Trask left
fried them for his supper. He said a number of small boys Bannack. He died at Bannack ? in 1906.
around his campfire remarked it was a lot of eggs for one Christian Mead: Was in Bannack in t[...]tt: Went to Bannack in 1862. As far as law for a number of years. He was also interested in mining
I can learn he placer mined for a short time . Afterward he for a time. He and others put up a mill at Elkhorn in
devoted his time to his practice. He lived at Bannack for Beaverhead County. They ran it about a year with little
sometime after Glendale was started. I remember him success. He had a habit of spitting when a little confused
having a call to[...]y cold day in the winter. and his writing was like chicken tracks. Once he made out
At that time the safest way to travel was on horseback. The some papers for a client. The man being unable to read
snow was v[...]exhausted he fell said, "What damn fool wrote that?"
in the door. Father helped him to a chair and r[...]about the time the County Seat was
hands and feet for some time before he could tell what move[...]ward where he 1860s . Mery mined most of the time. Later he and a man
practiced for several years before finally moving to Butte by the name of Brown operated a stamp mill sometime during
and c[...]ave Metlen: Was at Bannack in the early 1860s and
for my Father, G.D. French, for a few years. He left located on Horse Prairie in 1863. He located on land on
Bannack at the time of the gold excitement in the Black Hills Horse Pr[...]anch and
Joseph Crow were in the butcher business for several years is owned and operated by his s[...]Joseph Metlen: Was at Bannack in 1863. He ran for
Stock Company. He was an Englishman and never for[...]Glendale
to tell the story about him. He and some of his men were went down. He then moved to D[...]erated until his death in about 1905.
He told one of the men to put the Hell in the fire and get it[...]3. Manhirm Scotchman and did teaming for a living until the mines were
was in partnership[...]irginia. From the ground there. He sold out for ' a good price, though I
there he moved to Glendale where he had a brewery for never heard what he received for his interests. He had
several years. When Glendale went down he moved back to enough money that he never worked afterward. One winter
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (343)turned him against California. He boarded at our house for The mansion has been occupied most of the time, but at
a number of years. Anytime during the summer you could[...]ver been in the house, especially
Knapp. The last I heard of them, they had located land, children, say that it's haunted. Sometimes, for Halloween,
somewhere near Idaho Falls. the guests of the mansion would be sent up to the third story[...]in the dark while one of the members of the family would
The rest of his journal can be included in volume three.[...]guests would have to reach inside of an old skull and get[...]In spite of that, the old mansion is quite homelike and
My Memory of the Orr Mansion co[...]lar, a 7th grader at Parkview School and daughter of them a funny story, give them a candle and[...]tana There are many other points of interest in the house such
history teacher was Mr[...]which are the pride and joy of the present mistress of the
A few years ago TV ran a series on landmarks in mansion.
Montana. The landmark for Dillon was my great Aunt Iva's Truly , the Orr Mansion is worthy of being an historical
house, the Orr Mansion.[...]landmark in Montana.
The history of the mansion begins with the P & 0[...]they were in California. In 1862, time of their marriage, 12 Jun 1918, until Iva's death in[...]1985. John died in 1956. After a century of Orr residents,
follow the gold miners. They broug[...]Carrighar who lives
but were caught by the winter of 1863-64 at the site of the there in 1997.
P & 0 ranch. The cattle wintered so well that in 1864 they[...]May Sprinkle, Teacher
1885. The bricks for the mansion were made in kilns just Recorder of Early Schools
above Argenta MT , and the sandstone used in making the
window sills was hewn out of the sandstone rocks in Sheep Fox Schools
Canyon, south of Dillon.[...]eilings are 12 feet high and there are medallions of Faded[...]are the East Fox and
hinges on the doors are made of bronze and are in the shape West Fox schools of
of butterfly wings. The trim on the roof and balcony[...]the Big Hole. Yet
made of wrought iron. The transoms in the house and the[...]ir history, as well
front and back doors are made of ruby glass about which the[...]memories of my
matter what time of day, when you look out it's rosy.[...]associations as a
In the back of the mansion there was a large barn that teacher of each
covered a city block. The P & 0 Compa[...]ice. They even sold horses to the Fire Department of In the beginning
Dillon and many large cities. In back of the large barn there[...]Ref.143.09. north of Jackson near
wheel would fill and pour into flume[...]fill town of Fox.
the playing fountains.[...]belfry and pierced on each side with a line of tall windows.

906 Beaverhead History No. 2

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (344)[...]Bundy,
In 1894, far over in the western part of the district on the May Sprinkle and Beatrice Burton.
other side of the Pope place arose another schoolhouse, a[...]et us tum back now many yesteryears and visit one of Soren and Elna Christensen; Eric and Eth[...]ld and David Benninger; Arlene
the floor. Because of its poor lighting and dusky walls, the McM[...]lder than the teacher. There The life of earl¥ teachers was rough by today's
are double d[...]study lessons, a long standards. Water, for instance--no school had a pump;
homemade recitati[...]bility
the same cup. The pot-bellied stove is the kind that is much of getting water fell to the teacher. Transportation--for
too hot nearby but leaves the rest of the room uncomfortably many , many years the chug, chug of a car was seldom, if
cold.[...]school the teacher depended on horses. Think of her riding
"Oh, arithmetic, reading, writing[...]with a in a bobsled or high upon the seat of a lumber wagon behind
little geography and history. On Friday afternoons we a team of horses, or riding in a buggy, shouting "get-up" t[...]a horse or riding on horseback (on one side of the horse,
As we are about to ride away, we hear the dull sound of too!).
a bell--the teacher calling students in from recess with a A story of one rider on horseback, told with many
large copp[...]variations, is that of Mayme French, a teacher at West Fox
In the y[...]he autumn, late by the clock, she left
and empty, for another school, at the crossing of the Burma the schoolhouse and started hom[...]d her
Alfred Peterson. It was not a summer school of four or five horse into the swamp? True,[...]the dark; surely help would come, but
distinction of being a winter school of nine months. It when? At length, she saw in the distance a tiny gleam of
boasted the name "the West Fox School." brightness. It grew into the light of a swinging lantern. Mr.
Many of the teachers came from the East. That is not to Peterson had come to her rescue.
say, however, that they all stayed. For the greater number, To journey to and[...]lle Lenox, Barbara But, enough of transportation. Consider that when the
Lehwalder, May Sprinkle, Beulah Dubler,[...]help, she had chores to do, including care of the horse,
Among the students at East Fox School were: Maitland building of the fire, carrying of wood, shoveling of snow
Rhino; Walter, Jean, and Margaret Pendergast; Mabel and and the janitor work at the end of the school day. Consider
Clarence Helming; Ralph and Arthur Jerguson; Eddie also that she might have all eight grades to teach and that
Wenger; Eddie Dishno; Alfred and Elvira Peterson;[...]grades and she had to board with the families that had kids
Among the teachers at the log cabin[...]flen Hirschy, Jean clouds? The song of birds? The ranch homes glowing with[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (345) the atmosphere of love? The gay conversations at the supper[...]community ; centered therein was a large share of the pride
gatherings on Sundays? Country dances , when not in the of the district. At the schoolhouse were held school[...]iation with the children? Yes , indeed , in spite of the to which people came for miles around , fathers , mothers,
hardships , sh[...]ildren and babies.
Then, came the last day of school and the last goodbyes. To the music of Charlie Pinkerton's violin, the merry-
The story goes that long before the leaves of the quaking makers danced, sometimes till[...]had turned to gold , the teacher had married one of the the mountains. Here were held programs, th[...]young ranchers. Content she was to spend the rest of her life of which was the Christmas program. Long before this
almost in the shadow of the school where she had taught. merry time of year, mothers were busy making ruffles and
She[...]doubt, by foot. So crowded was the schoolroom that the
writes, "Claude and I had to ride six miles to school and we men ha[...]ng the high water in the creeks the scent of pine . The children were awestruck by the
child[...]s , the boys and girls must with strings of white popcorn and red cranberries and loaded
ch[...]ds the dialogues, the pieces and the songs that graced the
that could cut like a whip. But be warned ; they were even[...]uded , the air outside was
prepared with plenty of clothing. filled with the sound of jingling sleigh bells. Santa Claus
Ethel H[...]pupil at West had come!
Fox, testifies , "I was ready to start home when my saddle In the year 1937 I accepted a position as teacher of the
turned and I fell to the ground. I had on so many wraps that East Fox School. Nevertheless, I had grave misgivings.
before I was able to stand up, my horse had walked away.[...]the Big Hole! Snow drifted to the tops
What did I wear? A sheepskin coat, a sweater, a knit cap, of telephone poles. Everywhere, strangers. Happily,[...]five miles from findings , such as a pair of leggings, a red tam-o-shanter, a
school , but f[...]long crocheted fascinator and an old
had plenty of blankets to keep warm. Sometimes we hitched moth-eaten shawl. Not that these articles of glamorous
fo ur horses to a bobsled (one horse[...]gh the fields , over challenge.
the tops of fences and willows covered with snowdrifts." The next evening I was sitting at the supper table of
When winter came, pupils as well as teacher bra[...]Alfred and Emma Peterson--in the Big Hole. Around that
hardships in going to and from school . Surprising as it may table which I was to grace during the school year, were
seem,[...]courage those who were to be my friends for long: Alfred and
and good cheer.[...]Ray and Rusty, Darwin, John
In the schools of yesteryear, the children were punished and Harold.
fo r misbehavior. They stood for long minutes with hands But I was so lonely in this vast country. Each night af[...]yed in at recess or after school. They supper I rushed upstairs to my room where the banging of
wrote a word in spelling one hundred times. Th[...]d whipping. A common comforting sound, like that of the whining green flies back
threat of a father was, "If I hear of Tommy ' s getting a home. Then, six weeks[...]hell broke loose. Despite
lickin' at school , I'll give him another when he gets home." its strangers, its promises of deep snow and its promises of
Alfred Peterson recalls, "Ed and I sat together in the same cold weather , I began to love the Big Hole!
double desk . One[...]Perched
once, someone from behind grabbed each of us by the hair. beside me were two of my pupils, Darwin and John
It was the teacher.[...]we reached the gate when we heard the sound of galloping
ordered us to get our own swi[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (346)horses; soon two girls, whom I was to know as Helen and two cats and a[...]hrough the gate. piano and a box of writing paper?
Minutes later, a hay rack dra[...]h day, hark! A noise--a motor. A
drifting through that same gate and Joyce and Dick Hirschy snowp[...]e fence and school was to begin again.
School and I, the one who was to wield the hardwood Hushed for a while was the pitiful sound of the wind.
pointer.[...]00 ! Y0000000 !
On rare occasions throughout that year, we had visitors. Not the least imp[...]chy, a former teacher at
Neither spoke until I chanced to ask, "You don't drink West Fox, designed the little red tro[...]and Jill Hirschy Eliel, a graduate of East Fox, fashioned the
"Oh, no!" piped Dona[...]little pointed shoes. Even now, it seems that at any moment
I remember the children; I remember all their faces. I shall see the little actors on the stage! Dick, t[...]is prayers; Raymond, the shoemaker's
waving high; I hear his merry words of greeting--Darwin, a wife (I gave him a dollar to wear a dress); and Bobby,
boy with the gift of making friends. I remember Helen and Johnny, and Lee Eliel and Sherry Peterson, the four little
Lila for the pictures they drew. At the same time, I elves, as they hopped out the door, laughing and singing.
remember Joyce for her grace in little dances she Again, I remember those children. I think of Harriet Krall,
improvised--Helen and Lila, the tw[...]re was Rita Mae
the little princess. To the music of an old organ was their Hafer, five years old. Like a big doll, she was, with blue
sweet singing in h[...]eyes and flaxen curls. She came to school for the joy of
I like to think of Dick because of the joyous expression that being there. When on a day of giving standard tests, I asked
shone in his face. He came to school with a[...]se, she tiptoed about the room all day--just
I remember John. He was a student even at six years[...]rold!" shouted Dick, Bobby and Raymond.
Sometimes of an evening at home, I heard him upstairs Coming far down th[...]'s program. eighth grader, had the quality of discipline among the
His regret for the year was, "You didn't give me enough younger children that inspires admiration and love. An ideal
work to do[...]fter he had lost a
Ten years later, in 1947, I again accepted the position as fierce scuffle on the floor with Raymond, he would say,
teacher of the East Fox School. Not six pupils, as in 1937,[...]ough the gate and walked up the steps said, "I came to school to work." His aim was perfection,[...]same hill perfect--a pleasure to teach.
that children in all the years gone by had coasted down. I I like to remember Arlene for her gift of song and for the
like remembering Marvin and Kenneth on the last day of merry tunes she played on the piano. I shall long remember
school; even now I seem to see them riding their horses into Johnny for his expressive brown eyes, the happiness they
th[...]pleading they showed when he begged, "Please don't ask me
pitiful sound to hear--Eugene Fields.[...]to read the story again!"
The sound of a teakettle whistling its mournful tune Sometimes I think of the two Beninger boys from the
reminds me of the West Fox School, for often around the Apex ranch, Donald and David. I like to recall Donald's
schoolhouse tp.e lonely wind did howl. I recall in 1951, in words, "We were taught t[...]ty below; it was colder than characteristic of Raymond to be thoughtful. Each morning
50 below;[...]the he brought to school a huge jug of water for all to drink.
teacherage, I moved to the schoolhouse; my two cats He persuaded his mother to prepare lunches for the teacher.
shivering in the wind, hesitated to follow. For four days, no He ruined new shoes wading in t[...]give away. (I can still see his wet shoes drying beside the
"You must like it here," said the oil man, who knocked stove.)
at the door one morning. Why should I care if the With the consolidation of school districts came a drastic
schoolhouse walls cracked with the cold? Why should I care change in these two schools. In 1953 East Fox consolidated
if the lonely wind did howl? Did I not have a warm room, with West F[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (347)[...]Conger, Maud Neal, Mrs.
Indeed, today no evidence of these schoolhouses remains. Frank Caldwell[...]xter.
Something wonderful has gone from the lives of the people. In 1885 Mrs. Virginia Poind[...]a new teacher, Miss Adele Thompson.
lives on. And I, as one of their teachers, have a wealth of Her friends begged her not to go west to[...]thoughts were on the boys and girls of the Poindexter
Poindexter School:[...]rful and understanding teacher.
before the coming of the Oregon Short Line Railroad and A[...]ng this period from beginning
before the founding of Dillon. The whitewash which through[...])
walls are written in charcoal names and sayings of teenagers Johnston; Rose, Marvin and Edith Poi[...]Where is this schoolhouse? Three miles south of Dillon, Marjorie, Bill, Jimmie_ and Nannie Mc[...]ou and Frank Jones; Mattie,
Ashbaugh, grandfather of Victor Carrigan, donated the land. Rebecca, Celia and George Mast.
Men of the district built the schoolhouse. Tom Selway ,[...]late spring, school was held at a time convenient for the
Philip Poindexter were the carpenters. children. So with the coming of winter, school was under
It was not the first[...]her left foot in the one stirrup
down to make way for the present building, it was the place and her right knee fitted about the horn. A little boy with
of meeting for the Methodist Sunday school classes that in his arms clasped about her, bounced along[...]by Mrs. Jane Selway. Sunday Not for pay, but as a contribution to the school, parents[...]m a boarding
Bannack, Argenta and the Grasshopper Valley came the place that our teacher had started this morning. Her
people,[...]ublic gathering education? Above average, for besides having gone through
place in the valley. the e[...]ng them were salary? $35 a month. Length of term? Three months. Did
the Rev. Hugh Duncan, the Rev. Riggin, the Rev. Tom she buy flannel for a warm hood, bright red stockings or a
Lochridge, the Rev. H. T. Lamb and the Rev . William Van pair of stiff cowhide shoes with neither rights nor left?
Orsdel. Not the least of these was the Rev . Van Orsdel, Now,[...]etter known as Brother Van. He was the Evangelist of horse put away in the school barn, walked the rest of the
Montana, who sang and preached, traveling on[...]from six years to the big boy, almost a
in 1874, that he gave a Christmas party for all the people of man , who chewed tobacco. A little first grade[...]brothers, freed from fall
A guest at the home of Mrs. Virginia Poindexter work, could[...]s and girls found their places.
married. Memories of this golden-haired girl, which were The s[...]on boxes to keep their
to beautify the remainder of his life, began a short while little legs f[...]sweet voices of children sang "America. " Then the work
Teachers who figured in this school of yesterday were began. Their slates and boo[...]A smattering of physiology was gained by the study of a

910 Beaverhead History No. 2

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (348)large chart containing pictures of muscles, blood vessels and Among our books, all of which our parents furnished,
organs of the body.[...]. Stickney's "Third Reader"
Just before close of the afternoon, a spelling bee was was my precious Christmas gift when I was eight years old.
held, to the delight of the children. The library was of little Only one library book attracted my interest; I liked to look
or no value. The few books were those that parents, at its small pen and ink sketches of whales. Probably
doubtless not having read themse[...]ool. because geography was made up chiefly of maps, lists of
Here on the shelf were "Prue and I," "The Last of the products and definitions, I found it quite uninteresting.
Mohicans" and "Idylls of the King." Could I open its pages today, I would find this definition:
Cold, wintry air[...]hed walls lined "A peninsula is a narrow neck of land almost surrounded by
with building paper. In the middle of the room, the big water."
square stove, large enough to burn a length of cordwood, An art lesson was copying a simple drawing that the
did not give sufficient heat for comfort. By late afternoon, teacher had placed on a blackboard. Through lack of
apples and oranges left by Mr. Orr as a gift woul[...]chools,
plays. Recesses were almost the only time for recreation but we clung to slate pencil[...]t tarry and with a "Goodbye, teacher" and that we learned in our first years of school. Long afterward,
a wave, they were gone.[...]school student, was called
My schoolmates and I were the last to go to the on to r[...]e stage and
Poindexter school. In the three years of our attendance, our began:
schooling totale[...]Emily Martin and Mary Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere."
Clemens, a niece of Mark Twain. Pupils were Ella, Pat and[...]nd Harry Perkins; Millie Haynes; east of the Beaverhead River to maintain a school , a cha[...]k; Mattie (Martha) in the boundaries of districts 3 and 10 was made. The
Sprinkle and me,[...]larger number of children living on the west side would
Although the school was no longer a place for Sunday attend the Riverside School in D[...]3. We on the
worship, people often gathered there for funeral services. east side, now in District 10, would transfer to the Dillon
My first glimpse of death was when I walked up to the public school. The Poindexter school was abandoned. For
casket and looked upon the still face of an old lady, a very 60 years, it has stood,[...]will the feet of children go "storming out to play over the
At the funeral of Jim Poindexter, a choir composed of red door's worn sill."
Mrs. Kate Poinde[...]Mrs. Anna Hart was the first teacher of the original
to sing "Nearer My God, to Thee", so high did they pitch school. Julia Black, mother of Mrs. Mabel Erwin, was one
the tune that ere long two of the singers withdrew and I of her pupils. Mrs. Anna Wilson Bond contributed most of
heard only my mother's voice struggling bravely onward to the material for school life in the earlier days.
the end.[...]The organ mentioned was obtained by subscription for
I recall my first day of school. It was my sister, Mattie's the Sunday school under the leadership of Mrs. Jane Selway.
first day, too; she was five ye[...]he Miss Adele Thompson started the custom of putting boxes
big flat stone at the doorway and entered the room, half in under the feet of little children. The teacher and little boy
wond[...]atrick (Alma Coffin)
name, she was so frightened that all she could say was, "1--1 and Roscoe Corn[...]1899. Philip Poindexter and Teddy Flynn were two of the
large enough to accommodate two children. Si[...]ooths, each might know how the
Because a map of the United States hung on the south oth[...]ing either straight Democratic or
wall, my sense of direction was altered for all time. Today, Republican. There was one opportunity for secrecy, a voter
Arizona and California are north of Butte and the north pole had the right to scratch his ticket. And only men could
is south of Armstead. Otherwise, the room and its vote!
equipment were little changed from th~.t of the past. The For valued assistance, my thanks , to the late Mrs. Ada
platform remained at one end of the room and the windows Roe Selway; the late Mrs. Fannie Poindexter Kingsbury of
were in the north and south sides. The sa[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (349)Poindexter Wright of Victoria BC, Mrs. Joy Slack Bayes of enjoyment in her work and was proud of her buckets of
Livingston, Mrs. Lena Johnston Boone of Los Angeles CA, foaming milk. She was 14,[...]own eyes and
Mrs. Theo Bay, county superintendent of schools, George a touch of gold in her dark hair. She enjoyed laughing and
R[...]" by Alson Jesse In the second year of Willowview, Hubert entered
Smith and to "A Souvenir of the Memorial and 45th school. He wa[...]bewildered boy who lived with
Anniversary Service of the Grace Methodist Episcopal his cousins, the Pilon children. When he learned that the
Church."[...]e first
grounds was in a manner somewhat unique , that of crawling words he said were, "Tell the teacher I'm all right."
through the parted wires of a barbed wire fence. Upon No doubt Willowview has the distinction of being the
viewing through its windows a sea of red-brown willows , only rural school in B[...]rush on her w.ay to school, her little dark self, like
As Willowview ' s first teacher came down the[...]ible. Appearing in the
happiness was in her face, for she had the pleasure of open area near the school, she proved to[...]unforgettable little figure, with a lightness of step, in a pink
there was the delicate fragrance of wild flowers , the sweet dress, a pearl grey sweater, a big bow of black ribbon on
singing of birds was in the fields.[...]oo soon this dear child sensed the color barrier, for
Gordon; Dueard Banning; Orrion, Blanche and Lilli[...]s
Hubert Cozad; Montana Johnson and Nevada Brown. Of and cried, "You just keep me in 'cause I'm a nigger."
this group, the littlest boy was Sta[...]pupil at
smile in his eyes was wont to say, "All I love is dirt and Willowview. Nevada had the[...]rease." His sister, Beverly, loved something full of action often possess, the gift of shyness. Her sad expressive eyes
and beauty--horses. She drew horses on her tablet , she were like those of the little girl in Whittier's poem who said,
talk[...]privilege it was to drive the teacher's "I'm sorry that I spelled the word;
horse! She held the reins in her little brown sun-tanned I hate to go above you.
bands.[...]e liked playing ball. Because, you see, I love you."
Each afternoon he climbed upon the dirt roof of his house
and stood like a sentinel to sight the teacher coming home[...]Willowview, the log
from school. He knew that with her arrival he would have schoolhouse[...]e boys and girls are scattered far. Only the view of the
until the ringing of the supper bell. willow[...]en were there, in fact Excerpt from "The Story of My Life"
the whole neighborhood was there--all sa[...]ame to Beaverhe~d County to teach
spoke to her , "I was afraid you weren ' t coming." sch[...], but she known as Pentecostal Union-Pillar of Fire, a very
didn ' t mind--she laughed and chatt[...]fundamental church with beliefs and practices that were
cat' s got locked in the cupboard," she woul[...]d the dog?" and "Next summer Baptists of the Dillon area.
Uncle Fielding is going to buy m[...]who was taken to the edge of town and painted with roofing
While Bl[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (350)men of Dillon, urged on by rabble rousers, all in the na[...]th) Harrison (]. T. Cooper Harrison's sister, who
of saving Dillon's young ladies from this man of questionable came to Bannack in 1873 and later[...]Methodist and ranched in Grasshopper Valley), my mother's sister was
evangelist who had joine[...]ster in her ministry. teaching the school and I went with her more as a visitor
We present ex[...]hy to give the than to study.
reader a sense of who she was and why she came to[...]often outspoken in his dislike for me. Lida was his choice.
aspiration ... until she collided with the establishment of ..... Parents do not know the injury they[...]become butterflies of fashion .[...]son from Montana visited us ..... .In a few days, I
overheard my aunt tell Mother that she wanted to take Lida[...]Nora back to Montana with her ...... Mother said that[...]Millie Alma would be more likely to go than any of her
other children; but I was not one of my Aunt Eliza's
favorites and I did not suppose that she would want[...]me ..... after Aunt Eliza found that there was no hope of
getting one of my other sisters, she said she was willing to[...]take me ...... On 20 Mar 1882, I started on my long journey[...].. .. . .I was not expecting to make friends on this trip, a[...]I had been warned against this, and held aloof from[...]tive .... .(as they reached Ogden un Oh, if I only[...]what a relief it would be! I had heard so many reports of[...]become polygamists' wives that I felt only a miracle could
Alma Bridwell Wh[...].. .. . All the next day I wondered what awaited me when
..... I was born 16 Jun 1862 on the Kinniconick, in Lewis I should reach Dillon ..... .I had hoped that I might be able to
County KY. To my parents, Willia[...]Harrison Bridwell, were born eleven children (all of registering with other passengers at the Corinne Hotel, that
whom were living in 1934) but the three eldest. I was the I should have to wait over a day at Dillon. The tim[...]ows: profitably spent. I soon learned that every newcomer was
Martha Gertrude (18 Mar 185[...]idolized and called a "tenderfoot," and that the Westerner considered it
was heart broken when[...]d his duty to initiate him into the ways of frontier
moved away. One of Martha's children was Allen "Duke" life ..... When they saw I hesitated to endorse their
Davis, who lived in Ho[...]conversation and games, I was told that I would soon change
James Robert (16 Dec 1853)[...](14 Feb 1856) for a time. They admitted that it was more difficult for a
Amanda Frances (31 May 1857)[...]tuckian to break caste than some others, but said I would
Ann Eliza (16 Dec 1858) soon play a game of cards with them, attend the parties and
Venora[...]) who came to Beaverhead dance. From that moment I determined to show them that
County as a school teacher and became David E. Me[...]could not mold me according to their predictions, that
second wife and the mother of his five younger children. I was different and would remain different from all[...]..... The following morning on taking the stage for
Laura Kate (22 Feb 1866) Bannack I found but one other passenger on the inside, a[...]3 Sep 1868) man of peculiar appearance with a crippled hand. The roa[...]to Bannack was across the mountains, a distance of thirty
minister physically abused by the young men of Dillon. miles. The weather was cold and[...]everywhere. I was supplied with Buffalo robes, and hot
..... When I was five years of age, I was allowed to bricks for my feet; so I did not suffer from the cold.
attend the district school for a few days. Aunt Eliza[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (351) At Argenta, the half-way house, we stopped for the best butter could be bought from the farmers at 18 or 20
luncheon. I noticed that my fellow passenger, whose name cents a pound ..... some of the stores in town had nothing to
I had learned was Fox, had but little appetite and continued sell for less than 25 cents, or "two bits" as it was calle[...]cent pieces in
drowsiness. He disclosed the fact that he had a sister (Mrs. circulation. Calico and muslin sold for 25 cents a yard
George Dart) at Bannack, whom he had not seen for several when it could be bought in the states for six and eight cents.
years, and that she had been anxiously awaiting him for The Utah & Northern Railroad ha[...]d materials were gradually being supplied at
I learned that she was the wife of a well known hardware reduced prices. Howe[...]often mentioned change ...... Many of the old timers had moved to Virginia
when on her visit to Kentucky. He said that for certain City, Butte, and Dillon, taking the heart out of the social, as
reasons he did not intend to go im[...]o his sister's well as the business life of the place.
home, and requested me not to mentioned the fact that he During the first few days spe[...]ack. I found that my courage would be taxed to the limit if I
The first question my aunt asked me was whet[...]h prayer, read the
Mr. Fox had come on the stage. Of course, I told her he Scriptures, and keep under control some of the older boys,
had. I did not have the slightest idea what his reasons[...]just entering manhood and had but little respect
for not wanting it known that he was in town, but in less for a woman's authority or for religion. But I braved the
than fifteen minutes after he had reached the Bannack Hotel issue and continued as I had begun.
it was reported that he had committed suicide.[...]fested during the
Mrs. Dart, who was looking for her brother, hastened to spring term, but near the end of summer I was told by the
the hotel, and reached there just as he was breathing his last, board of trustees that I could have both the fall and winter
too far gone to speak to her. It is needless to say that she terms at increased wages if I would omit the religious
was overwhelmed with grief. An empty bottle that had exercises in the morning.
contained laudanum was at his side. The news of the suicide I wished to pray over the matter and promised them an
was a shock to me. I learned also that a miner had been answer in a few day[...]d in his cabin a few hours before in the vicinity of advised me to dispense with prayer and the reading of the
Bannack, and that it was not known whether he had been Bible in the school. Their argument was that conditions
murdered for gold from the placer mines that he might have were different in the Wes[...]were in other
had stored away, or was the victim of his own hand. places, and that it would be wisdom to comply with the
Two days later with my aunt I attended the double request of the school board.
funeral of the suicides, and was asked to sing. The bodies Reluctantly I took their advice, but felt that there was a
were taken to the courthouse. This wa[...]y a short time The three members of the board were Pat Dempsey,
before and which they[...]ot being religiously inclined, all. I felt that the Lord was grieved and that I had been
preferred having the funeral in the cour[...]he question. Uncle and Aunt
..... So far as I could learn, there was not a person in the declared that I must make the best of it or lose my change
town or surrounding country[...]getting the winter school at higher wages ...... I knew that
Christian. No one seemed to have any scruples ag[...]time would tell just what lesson there was in it for me, and
Sabbath-breaking or telling exaggerated stories of frontier so it proved.
life.[...]term the news reached me in an indirect way that the school
ranchmen had families, and the arrival of an unmarried board were not expecting to employ me for the winter, but
woman furnished fresh material for the gossipers in the were about to engage the services of a young man from
stores, hotel lobbies, and othe[...]Illinois at $80 a month. A few days later one of the
gathered to talk. members of the board revealed the fact to my uncle and
Aunt Eliza had engaged the spring term of the Bannack asked him to get the consent of my aunt to board the
public school for me and I commenced teaching the teacher. This was a heavy blow to me .... .I saw I had been
following Monday morning after my arriv[...]ng
month ..... My uncle and aunt had no children of their own, their promise, giving me no chance to secure a school in
and I often felt they lacked sympathy for me, especially another locality before they had all been engaged by other
when I was unwilling to participate in games and other[...]teacher or against my management of some of the old pupils
..... To eat butter at fifty[...]who had given other teachers so much trouble. I had taught
seventy-five cents a dozen see[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (352)board, but as subtle as a serpent, the members of the board Millie, about nine years old,[...]o thousand miles from kept at the head of her classes.
home without funds or employment.[...]s not much to look forward to . There were plenty of best position and wages; and unless one could make what the
suitors, - some of them elderly bachelors who owned sheep[...]r fortunes in the gold not much chance of getting a position in town. The card
mines. There[...]Occasionally , at three o ' clock in the morning, I would look
marrying the cattle kings , and the hi[...]were, out at my window and see the principal of the Dillon school ,
usually got the latest prize.[...]r .
School teaching was a popular occupation for unmarried Bernstein, one of the young bachelor merchants of the town.
women, but after teaching one or two terms, most of the Of course after losing sleep she was not fit for duty the next
teachers virtually consented to hav[...]monial contest, and their places were made vacant for was popular with the society folk and t[...]. . . .. At the beginning of the term it had been agreed that
I was not on the market to be picked up by the wealthy I should divide the time at three different homes i[...]community , receiving board and room rent free of charge;
and cattle ranches. My heart[...]me the entire time ..... they
thwarted God's plan for me . I detested the gold and silver treated me as one of the family, and took me back and forth
of the cattle kings and miners. No person but a preacher of to Dillon when I wished to go . .. ... More than once my
the Gospel had any chance of winning my favor. Southern[...]s on political and
.. . .. About the middle of September I was to begin other subjects.
teaching in the Bishop district, ten miles from Dillon ... . .I .... . He was a Republican , and a great admirer of James
reached my destination , the home of John F. Bishop , the G. Blaine, who later was in the race against Grover
chairman of the board of trustees, about 4 o ' clock on a Cleveland for the presidency. I was as much opposed to
Sunday afternoon. Mr. Bish[...]me to the heart, noon, and night.
and I made no effort to get out of the carriage until he acted, ...... Before the winter came to a close I was convinced
at least, as though he expected me to do so. I wondered that the Lord had placed me in the Bishop home so that I
why he had given me the school, and if he was sorry he had might have the opportunity of learning more about the
done so. His wife, a devo[...]eturned Northern people.
from church, so I sat down by the window and silently .... .In looking back over the two years of my sojourn in
waited for her to return. I found her much more courteous Montana, I saw where I had made mistakes, but through it
than her husband, but unsympathetic. all I had kept the faith and had not failed to declare the
I felt as if I were completely cut off from the world, and whole counsel of God when light and opportunity had been
among peo[...]ifferent from those with whom given. I knew the Bishop family had profited my being in
I had been brought up as though they did not belong to the their home and were paid, in a measure, for the many favors
same race. The fact is, I was among Yankees, the enemies they had shown me .
of the South during the Civil War. During my entire life I ..... On 13 May 1884, I left Dill on for Kentucky. The
had heard very little that was favorable of the people living freedom of the great West was so fascinating I felt I should
north of the Mason and Dixon line, especially those of New want to return to Montana, after I had spent some time in
York and the New England s[...]ome town .
. . . . . The habits and customs of the people of the North, ..... I returned to Dillon 02 Jul 1885 ..... to find the[...]e he was brought up, were so different from those of boards had engaged their teachers in June, and every school
the South, that I had no conception of his good will, and it in Beaverhead County had been taken .....
took me some time to learn that at heart he was truly One morning . .... David Lamont , a well-known citizen of
generous and hospitable. He confessed that he admired my Dillon, came to see me on an errand for Miss Nettie
frank arraignment of him for what I had considered a cold Carmichael, his[...]aw, who was teaching a summer
reception. A person of his character would have been as sch[...]t Birch
little understood by a Southerner as one of their number Creek. The wanted to go t[...]a note asking me to finish her
much to learn as I had. school. Of course I accepted the offer, and told Mr. Lamont
Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop had two little girls, Millie and I would be on hand to begin teaching the following Monday
Jeannie, and the children and I were soon good friends. mornin[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (353) ..... While teaching the school I stayed at the home of Lord. Perhaps without the difficulties and[...]Bannack and Dillon, she might never have
friends of my uncle and aunt. ..... Clarence and Lily Axe,[...]--SGD
under their parents' control. I read the Bible and prayed
with them and helped to[...]Pickin' A Wife
tell more stories of adventure with wild animals , Indians,[...]he country. It' s pretty tough for a feller when he gets to 21,
..... Nora, my sister, had returned to Montana, and was For then the time 's arrived fer solid work to be beg[...]teens
teaching a summer school at Red Rock, where I stopped and
But when he does become of age he must show his beans.
spent a few days with[...]And one of the many problems set fore him in this life
.[...]ged to David E. The hardest one to solve , I think , is who ' s to be his wife.
Metlen, a well-known stock raiser and ranchman of ' Tis that that's bothering me of late and bothered me quite bad
Beaverhead County.[...]er with two sons, and Which one of six young ladies is the best that can be had .
was nearly twice the age of my sister. He had the reputation There ' s Glady s Mifflin ' s might smart at baking so they said
of being an honest man, but made no profession of But ain ' t a bit of use on Earth when it comes to pitching hay.
Christianity. I felt it was a serious step for her to take. I And Amy Armitage , she can't cook not for a little bit
feared that money was figuring in the affair and that she But on a hay rake always showed a mighty lot of grit.
might regret the remainder of her life the step she was There 's Luc[...]man can read, he ' s no doubt a fool.
taking, but I knew it would be useless for me to say[...]'s Belle Martin 's mighty nice but still she ' s kind of queer ,
anything, and held my tongue.[...]She 's the kind to squeeze your hand , to wink and call you dear.[...]And although if very fond of Belle, a fact I can't deny ,
clerk of the school board at Bannack when I taught the first ' t wouldn ' t hurt not a[...]s Lena Stanchfield , very nice to look at and all that,
attended my school. George the elder, was always[...]ll they say when she gets mad , she'll fight just like a cat.
and obedient. "Dade," the younger, was a chubby, freckle- So now I've called on Eve Jardine , who seldom makes a peep
faced little lad, hardly old enough to go to school. I held And with her talkin ' ain ' t going t[...]was read at one of our Literary meetings and caused a lot
I was asked to be bridesmaid at my sister's wedding. J. of merriment.
P. Murray was to be the best man. The[...],
and many were turned away. Considering the fact that Mr.
Metlen was not a Christian, I felt there were gloomy
prospects ahead for my sister. The scripture says, "Be ye
not unequally yoked together for unbelievers." But my aunt
and uncle, who were backslidden Methodists , were in favor
of the union and Nora had made up her mind to marry him,
so I had to make the best of it.
Alma would soon be a bride herself, and a[...]nce and be long
remembered as the dynamic creator of the Pentecostal Union
Pillar of Fire church, which is still viable in 1997 with a[...]he went from a rural school teacher to the leader
of a world-wide denomination with missions in England,
India and other locations is another story for a later book.
But if you ever go to downtown Denv[...]the Alma Temple. It's a beautiful
worship center that seats a thousand .. . and it was built circa
1910. It 's a work of art with stained glass windows and
acoustics befi[...]Cloyd Wampler (b. 1879 d. 1968)
I was a few years ago, they 'll take you on a tour of the Alma
Temple. Alma Bridwell White has left a legacy worthy of the

916 Beaverhead History No. 2

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (354)[...]922, dubbed "Big Bertha" and
found six miles east of the head of Axe Canyon. Ref. I 37. 25A.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (355)[...]County Jail Iron Cage:
The report of Drs Mitchell & Mussigbrod of the Insane The new iron cage placed in[...]e cages at Butte and Miles City. Our jail,
Crosby for the year ending the 30th of December last. The thus provided, is now a[...]ch to confine the
report gives a complete history of each patient since most desperate char[...]ion. It shows a very large increase in the number of the County Commissioners.
patients last year, and that the expense of the Asylum is The iron cage consists of two steel-clad jail cells and
getting to be a ser[...]the Territory. The number corridor, capable of accommodating eight tough citizens at
of patients on 01 Jan was 75, which was increased by[...]t six inches wide, eight feet
to 80. The expenses of the Asylum, to the Territory, for deep from front to rear, and seven feet high. The corridor
December were $2,645, and for January it will reach is five feet i[...]height. The cage is constructed of patented five-ply iron and
During the year 18[...]re admitted to steel bars and is considered of the most secure pattern put
the Asylum, and of the number it is reported that fully three- into jails.
fourths were insane persons who had only been in Montana For the further safo keeping of desperate prisoners a new
from a few days to eigh[...]he out-house has been erected in the rear of the jail, from
Northwest observes that it is getting to be seriously which a[...]nto the main building to the iron case,
suspected that Montana is being made a victim of the and hereafter, if deemed necessar[...]nious offenses can be kept in the iron case
rail, of deranged people from other localities. The West[...]The Beaverhead County jail is so full of prisoners that an
Too many lawyers:[...]magistrates.
Montana is becoming a land of lawyers. Fifteen more
attorneys were admitted to[...]84, Dillon Tribune
at the last seven days session of the Supreme Court.[...]When a county jail is full of impecunious defendants the
Miner's Inch:[...]lawyers have long faces. Practicing law for charity's sake[...]ing three
Many persons do not know the amount of water meant or four years on subscriber[...]acer mining toil without recompense.
days of California, when water was scarce and difficult to
obtain, a miner's inch was the quantity that would pass 14 Jun 1884, Dillon Tribune
t[...]inch square with a four-inch pressure--
or a flow of about 538 ½ gallons per hour. Later on, the[...]orifice, but with a six inch pressure--or a flow of about 790 During the prior week, 25 to 30 head of horses were
gallons per hour, which was the rule[...]placer stolen from John Keating and others of Jefferson county.
miners in Bannack, Alder Gulch, and other mines in this For a time the horse thieves were thought to be heade[...]took the Gallatin and Madison trails for Henry's Lake.[...]Keating followed the trail of the thieves. Offering a
16 Feb 1884: Dillon Tribune reward of $200 for the recapture of his horses he secured the
County Jail Iron Cage: services of seven men. The men, well mounted and armed,[...]d the trail until
mechanic sent out by the makers of the cage is awaiting the they almost reached Henry's Lake and overtook the thieves.
excavation of the pit to place it in position.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (356)[...]dmond was ordered to throw up his hands . Instead of
complying with the order Redmond wheeled his horse , and Dillon City Ordinances of 1896
calling his would-be captors sons of female dogs , he pulled
a brace of revolvers and opened fire on the posse.[...]Section 1. That hereafter it shall be unlawful and a
and joined t[...]misdemeanor for any person or persons to get on or off a
wagon. S[...]within the city limits; provided, however, that this shall not
one hundred shots were exchanged.[...]passengers on such train by
horses in possession of the thieves .
permission of the railway company operating such train.
The report of the fight was sent back to Virginia City and[...]tion 2. Fine: any sum not exceeding $10 and costs of
it also reached Dillon. Deputy Sheriffs Al Lloyd[...]prosecution.
Peel and Ben Burns , of Madison county , started in pursuit
of the law-defying band. The Madison county deputies[...]Ordinance No. 71 - An Ordinance Requiring Use of Bells
overhauled the thieves at George Rea's hote[...]Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive
It was in the morning and[...]sleigh or other vehicle on runners on the streets of the city
surrender. The thieves showed fight when[...]of Dillon, unless there shall be attached to the hor[...]es or other animals or to the sleigh or other
one of the thieves and the others surrendered.[...]vehicle on runners , a bell or bells of sufficient size that the
The deputies took their prisoners to Cama[...]ise made thereby can be heard at least a distance of one
Utah and Northern. Yesterday , Friday morning[...]Peel and Burns arrived on the train having three of[...]tion 2. Fine: any sum not exceeding $10 and costs of
the thieves, securely ironed , in their custody,[...]nia City. They were tough loolcing citizens . One of
them boasted that they had stood off a party of nine and said[...]Houses, Hurdy-Gurdy Houses and Houses of that Nature or
drop" on them on the morning of their capture.
The horses have been recovered and the thiev[...]Section 1. That it shall be unlawful and it is hereby
this time l[...]declared to be a nuisance for any person or persons or
It is a poor advertisement for Montana to have it reported
association of persons within the city limits to conduct,
that a band of four horse thieves can perform such a bold[...]connected with the management, control or keeping of any
cases it would seem that the law would be materially[...]of the kind or after the nature of either, where any immoral,
quickly without going to the expense and bother of trying[...]allowed to assemble or collect for the purposes of dancing,[...]hurdy house, or house of that nature in which vinous ,[...]xicating liquors or other
Messrs. Burns and Peel, of Madison county, were safely liquors are[...]nor more than two hundred dollars and costs of prosecution.
Rea's hotel as first reported. George Munn was the thief
shot by one of the Madison posse. Munn lived but a short Ordinance No. 95 - An Ordinance Prohibiting the Use of
time after being shot. After the shooting of Munn the others Flippers, Bean Shooters and Other Similar Articles.
surrendered, on a promise that they should not be lynched. Section 1. That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any
A Madisonian extra says, "This daring band of thieves have child, person or persons to ha[...]killed, and the Madison boys have owner of any flipper, sling shot, bean shooter, sli[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (357)[...]private premises against the consent or will of the owner or
hereinafter provided. occupant, or in that condition annoying or frightening any
Section[...]llars. person or persons, or sleeping in that condition in any public[...]in any private place against the will or consent of
Ordinance No. 98 - An Ordinance Declaring Dillon to be the owner or occupant of such private place; and also any
a City of the Third Class.[...]n any street, alley or public place
Section 1. That whereas, by virtue of the last official in a naked or nude condition, or in a dress not customary or
census taken of the city of Dillon, on 15 Jan 1893, it was suitable to his or her sex, or in any indecent or lewd dress,
found that said city of Dillon, by said census, had a or shall make any indecent exposure of his or her person, or
population of 1,517 and whereas the said city has not[...]r
since been taken: Now, therefore, the said city of Dillon is threatening language in the presence of other persons, which
hereby declared to be a city of the third class. said language will tend to provoke a breach of the peace; or[...]l invite or solicit any person to enter any house of
Ordinance No. 101 - An Ordinance Relating to Process and ill fame or house of prostitution, or shall exhibit, sell or
Execution of Sentence and Providing for Jury Trials. offer for sale any indecent or lewd book, paper or picture,
Section 1. That if any person shall, on trial, be found or s[...]t or perform any indecent, lewd or immoral
guilty of any violation of any of the provisions of the act , shall be guilty of ·committing a nuisance and shall be
compiled ordinances or any ordinance of the city, and shall fined in such sum as is[...]sum not exceeding one hundred
sufficient security for such payment, the police magistrate dollars and costs of prosecution.
rendering such judgment shall commit[...]ining the Corporate
such imprisonment at the rate of two dollars per day: Limits of the City of Dillon.
Provided, that no imprisonment shall exceed ninety days.[...]ion 2. Every able bodied male person over the age of within following described limits shall be th[...]ho shall be committed to the city jail by of the city of Dillon, to wit: Beginning at the center of the
virtue of the foregoing section shall be required to work intersection of Bannack street with the main track of the
upon the streets of the city , under the supervision of the Utah & Northern railroad and running thence with said
chief of police, and any such person refusing to so work[...]to a point
may be kept on a bread and water diet for the term of in the center of said railroad; thence at right angles with said
i[...]on 3. In any suit prosecuted under the ordinances of parallel with said track and in a northeasterl[...]track and in a
venire is issued advance the fees of such jury and the northwesterly directi[...]thence southeasterly
accordance with the verdict of the jury. All jury trials shall and at right an[...]er as jury trials in the justice in the center of said track as aforesaid.
courts under the laws of the state. Passe[...]ning Offenses Dillon City Ordinance of 1900
Against Good Order and Morals.
Section 1[...]ance No. 134 - An Ordinance regulating the riding of
or unnecessarily disturb the peace and quiet of any street,[...]bicycles and tricycles in the City of Dillon.
business house, neighborhood, family or p[...]Section 1 . That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any
unusual noises , or by offensive or indecent[...]persons to ride any bicycle or tricycle upon any of
uttering profane, indecent or offensive language,[...]the sidewalks of the streets of the city of Dillon, and any
shall fight, quarrel, holler , or[...]of said sidewalks within said city shall be fixed as
peace and quiet of any such street, business house, family ,[...]Any person or persons who shall within the
guilty of committing a nuisance and shall be fined in such[...]limits of said city ride any bicycle or tricycle on any of the
sum as is hereinafter provided.[...]ith a
Section 2. Any person within the limits of the city of
gong, bell, or whistle of sufficient sounding qualities to warn
Dillon, who[...]persons of its approach, and whenever meeting or passing
int[...]corner at the intersection of streets shall fail or neglect to

920 Bea[...]

More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (358)[...]g so
approached or passed, shall be deemed guilty of violating Two Chicken Thieves Use a Gun:[...]go. About midnight the
bicycle or tricycle on any of the streets, sidewalks, alleys or cackling of his chickens told him something was wrong and
public grounds within the limits of said city between one he went out to inv[...]efore sunrise, without men in the act of stealing the chickens and he ordered them
having[...]hickens they had stolen.
placed as to warn person of its approach, shall be deemed They replied with a pistol shot which whistled by in close
guilty of a violation of this ordinance, and shall, on proximi[...]le or tricycle on close to getting Mr. Weiser that the wind of the bullet blew
any street, alley or sidewalk with the limits of said city at a the folds of the coat to one side as it passed. Two more
greater rate of speed than eight miles an hour. Provided, that shots were fired by the thieves, both bullets coming
no person shall ride any of said vehicles at a greater rate of uncomfortably close to the brewer. Then the r[...]ng a corner, or evidently became scared, for they dropped the chickens and
passing the intersection of any of the streets of said city, and ran.
any person or persons who shall violate the provisions of Mr. Weiser followed the men towards[...]on thereof, be punished as tracks showed that they ran all the way down Atlantic Street
hereina[...]could not identify his midnight visitors
upon any of the streets or alleys within the limits of said but he is most anxious to get better[...]having informed the sheriff's office that he will pay a reward
reasonably tum to the right for passage, so as to pass of $100 for the arrest and conviction of the chicken thieves
without interference with one[...]ollar, not
more than fifty dollars, and the costs of prosecution. 14 Oct 1903, Dillon Exam[...]r and well known in Butte, dropped Meeting of Council By Which Loafing on the Curbs and
dead in[...]utte At the regular monthly meeting of the city council which
by friends. When it became known that the death was was held Wednesday e[...], Graeter, Phillips and
investigation. The result of that investigation will determine Wolf, as well as[...]call. The minutes of the last meeting as well as the special
Ganie[...]matism and his meeting which was held for the purpose of making the tax
friends believe the heart was atta[...]e read and approved.
The remains are at the rooms of the Montana Undertaking The regular monthly report of the city treasurer, showing
Company and if Coroner Egan decides an inquest is not the condition of finances was presented. The police report
necessa[...]Ganier was 53 years old and had lived in Montana for All of this amount was paid by the residents of the "Island,"
years. Until last summer he was emp[...]Big Hole before they fell into the hands of the police.
country to engage in trapping. It is[...]penalty of from $1 to $100 for spitting on any of the
sidewalks of the city of Dillon and the police department has[...]received stringent instructions for the enforcement of the[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (359)opportunity to plead ignorance of the prov1s10ns of the 20 Jan 1904, Dillon Examiner:
ordinance, once they are brought into the presence of the
police magistrate.[...]provision against and all the aldermen voted for it. Its provisions are vital to
loafing along the curb and edges of the sidewalks. This every resident of Dillon; it will give residents of the
ordinance will materially affect the "sitters in the sun" as Rattlesnake valley something to think about. It provides for
well as the chronic loafers who habitually use the curbs and the condemnation of 40 inches of water of Rattlesnake Creek
sidewalks of the city as loafing places. A penalty of $1 to in order that Dillon shall be able to secure a pure and
$ 100 w[...]enders when they are brought wholesome supply of water. The ordinance states that the
before the courts.[...]the law of eminent domain.
Butte Inter-Mountain Pokes a Litt[...]lon construction of a filtering reservoir which should cost about[...]ntly sees something funny in the supply total of $10,000 to the city. In order to pay this cost,
ordinance recently passed by the city council of this place the city will be obliged to retre[...]he following to say raised.
about the action of the council:
With a shocking disregard of the inalienable rights Ordinance No. 146 was passed, regulating charges for
accorded to every American citizen, the city council of water service.
Dillon has passed an ordinance prohibiting residents of the
charming town or visitors within its gates si[...]ar 1909, Dillon Examiner
on the curbs or in front of business houses. What manner
of a council is it that would attempt to do this revolutionary Tragedy in Centennial Valley
thing? Is the town loafer to be compelled to remo[...]evening by the
politician to have taken from him that cherished privilege of receipt of news by telephone from Monida that Thomas
holding conferences on the spot reserved t[...]Metzel, a well known and prominent stockman of the
tradition, is the "knocker" to be compelled to find another Centennial Valley, near Lakeview, had been shot and killed
rostrum[...]died almost instantly. The shooting
and frailties of .his fellow citizens? o[...]y afternoon.
Among the cherished institutions of every American town The reasons given at the inquest by Mrs. Metzel, for the
of the size of Dillon is the group of philosophical, albeit shooting was that she had been abused by her husband.
indolent, res[...]are remiss in other bathing, there in a verdict that Mrs. Metzel was mentally irresponsible at
discuss the affairs of their neighbors and the nation with the time of the occurrence. Testimony showed that Metzel
equal impartiality, spit tobacco juice at-the horse block and was shot in the back, and that a .25-36 rifle was the weapon
lend color and atmo[...]but this group is there other person present. That was Miss Ida Kafferly, Mrs.
always. Time does not[...]stale the practice Metzel' s sister. ·
of sunbathing. The sunbathers are as much an institu[...]which are said to have prevailed for many months past,
But now comes a city council which declares that this showing that Metzel was occasionally addicted to violent
thing must stop. With brutal disregard of that sentiment outbursts of temper and roughly handled both women. The
which hallows the things that have always been, these Dillon day before the[...]ritable returned from a fishing trip to one of the lakes south of the
Dogberrys as they are, moved by this new-fangled idea ranch. A quarrel started for some reason, and it was
called local pride, seek to tear down that which tradition has continued throughout the ev[...]according to
right and privilege. Will the people of Dillon stand for it? the witness, but it engendered a b[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (360)view of the library Mrs. Metzel was kneeling upon the flo[...], did not obey the command but
pillowing the head of her husband in her lap and weeping. dodged[...]e me to this." could made a dash for the back door.
"Yes, I know I did, dear, was his answer, and then he "I'll fire," shouted the bandit twice and as the fle[...]ize what This imbedded itself in the frame of the door and Mr. Breda
had happened and apparently he forgave his wife for the part escaped unhurt.
she had played in the[...]Other persons were attracted by the firing of the shot and
Mrs. Metzel was placed on the st[...]sworn, she testified freely as to the happenings of the bank's treasure with him. He untied the h[...]ack and blue spots which showed she had scene of the fire and several were already shouting to cut[...]she did not seem to hold this the escape of the bandit who had been seen by two women
against[...]went to his rescue upon firing the barn. Some of the crowd knew that he had fired
every point which was raised.[...]the barn, while others had received word that a bank robbery
While on the witness stand she[...]ed several times. the center of the town. He forced his horse to a fast pace
No one in the Centennial Valley believes for a minute and was attempting to tum a comer to get off Bannack street
that the shooting was premeditated. The opinion prevai[...]full gallop when the horse slipped on the cement
that it was a case wherein a woman was exasperated bey[...]r
endurance and turned on her husband in a moment of anger. could extricate himself and the man[...]head when he fell from the horse. The man is of large
staunch supporters during her troubles and[...]ry possible manner. riding for a long time in the mountains. In his pocket was
The body of Metzel was taken to his old home in f[...]tten in code in which Salt Lake City, Ogden,
town of Nevada. The funeral services were held Monday.[...]The authorities here believe that he is one of the men
Robber Fails in Attempt to Rifle Banlc[...]a month ago. He was seen about town last night for the first
One of the most sensational attempts at a bank robbery in time. He had a pal with him at that time and the two
the stirring history of crime in the west occurred here at camped for the night about a mile outside of Dillon on the
noon today (Aug 03) when an attempt[...]e railroad.
bandit to rob the State Bank of Dillon. The bandit's plan Soon after the capture a posse was formed to search for
failed owing to his own haste in making a getaway, and he the man outside of town. The injured bandit carried about
is now in[...]a posse is scouring the surrounding 100 rounds of ammunition.
country searching for a pal who was known to be with him
last night.[...]street while he went through an alley to the barn of S. S.
Patterson. He fired the barn and himself tu[...]mounted his horse and as the entire Bank of Dillon is now believed to have been all alone in the
population of the town was streaming out to the scene of the stunt, so far as any pals in the immediate[...]his concerned. The officers have learned that the last time he
horse on Bannack street and ente[...]and laid Innes ranch, eight miles southwest of Dillon. The black
down two silver dollars, asking to have them changed for horse has never been seen near the city.
b[...]Last night a young fellow employed at the ranch of James
bills and when he turned again he found him[...]rying Pan basin, 15 miles by road west
the muzzle of a 32-caliber Colt. of Dillon, came to town. The first he knew of the attempted
11[...]robbery was when he read it in one of the local papers.[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (361)Learning that the officers were looking for a black horse and 30 Aug 1911 Dillon Examin[...]diately went to the sheriff's office and
reported that be knew where it was. Sheriff a Good Sprinter:
He said that last Wednesday he saw a black horse
picketed in a[...]Sheriff Otto Gosman proved himself to be somewhat of
lying on the ground near by. The horse looked as[...]rday when he sprinted after a
been picketed there for two days or more and was apparently Tenne[...]rider" who attempted to take French leave
in need of food and water. He turned it into one of the of the county jail.
pastures, supposing that the owner would soon come looking While going from the jail corridor to the dining room,
for it, but no one has called to claim it. The office[...]oy, who has an eight months sentence to
convinced that it is the horse and pack outfit they have been serve for assaulting a colored porter in Dillon recently, felt
trying to locate and that the desperado rode there Monday, the call of the outside too strongly and made a bolt for it.
camped Monday night, picketed the horse out a[...]p the bank Wednesday sheriff, instead of taking the usual procedure of some
and make his way back to his outfit by cutti[...]at him, decided to prove to the young
hills west of the city. Trails lead through the hills to the man that he was the better of the two and he overhauled him
Frying Pan basin an[...]d The young man was very penitent for his rash act and
a hard time tracing him once he[...]letter promising to behave
begin just a mile west of Dillon. better in the future and live up to the regular etiquette of the
A Pinkerton detective has been here the[...]se. He has also been unable to make any sense out of[...]und in the man's pocket.
A close examination of the man's effects shows that the That most despicable creature of human form, that thing
saddle he was riding is a Meney saddle, mad[...]s
WY. The revolver holster was made by Al Furston of Miles dirty work again in this locality and quite a number of
City. On his undershirt was found the brand "E. S[...]e he was riding few days. The one thing that people universally despise is
is a former United States cavalry animal, has US branded on the hand that reaches out in the dark with the lowest unfair
its left shoulder and C on the left side of its neck. It is means and takes the life of a helpless dumb animal. The
about five years old.[...]llow still refuses to talk. He says he is so sore that this lowest of all creatures, under cover of darkness, gives
he is unable to stand. Dr. Ackley says that his injuries out to an unsuspecting an[...]agony. The punishment prescribed by law for this death
constantly with his face near the iron[...]e is at his lowly work.
being said around him and that was yesterday, when Dr. Among th[...]tims were valuable dogs owned by
Ackley remarked that the man might be in need of hospital Ed. Yearian, George Metlen, Guy[...]ent, and then the follow turned his head and said that Chas. LaCroix, Mr. Williams and several oth[...]e thought he did. However, there is no likelihood of his owned by Guy Carter, and one of the best known Boston
being removed to the count[...]in Montana was among the victims. Brady was one
that he is shamming illness. of the smartest and most harmless dogs in Dillon and why
Officers left this morning for the Frying Pan basin to anyone would deli[...]The death of Charles Lange this afternoon from injuries[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (362)abolition of the game from all the schools of the state, if a September, or any fraction part of any month $1.50
campaign the Helena Woman's club[...]. . . . . . . . . . . .25
the state board of education will be asked to prohibit the[...]undry (No license less than $30.00 per
"Resolved, that the Woman's club of Helena is unalterably year), per[...].75 to $1.00
which has caused the death of so many ofthat the grief, anxiety and loss Printing of[...]ess
which have visited the president, Mrs. Lange, of this club (engine extra) . . . .[...]may be spared other mothers in our state, we ask that the Photograph gallery ...... $1.50 to . . . . . . . . . . $2.00
brutal game of football be dropped by all the schools of our Plastering, per thousand yards or f[...]Residence occupied by one family for
domestic use of four rooms or less . . . . . . $1.00
Dillon City Ordinances of 1913 Resi[...]Article 1. - Who Subject to License, and Charges for Saloons . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]Sprinkling for lot having 25 feet or less and not
Section 27[...]exceeding 115 feet deep with residence thereon to
of the following occupations, professions or trades in the city regular domestic consumers of water from said water
of Dillon, without a license therefor from said city, and the works, for the year, at the rate of 75 cents per month,
charge for such license shall be as follows:[...]cavenger service within the front foot for each additional foot over 25, per month;
city of Dillon, until he shall have first obtained a permit so or $2.00 per season for the months of May, June,
to do, from the health officer; and for each and every permit July, August and September for lot of above size or[...]fractional part thereof, and for each additional foot, 5
issued, the health officer shall receive the sum of one dollar
and such permit shall be in force from the date of issuance, cents per foot for the season.
unless sooner revoked, for non-compliance with this Sprin[...]n 431. The following rates are hereby established
for the use of water, payable quarterly in advance:[...]less than $15. 00 (size of office at discretion of city) $1.00
per annum), p[...].035
Fountain (stationary jets for soda fountains, 3,000 to 5,0[...]lons per day, per 100 gals . .025
For months of May, June, July, August and[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (363)[...]ns shall engage in any provided, however, that nothing in this section shall apply to
game of ball or any other game whatever, that will frighten any part of a hotel other than the bar room.
horses or other[...]or public street Section 653. Punishment for violations of sections 644-
in said city, nor shall any one en[...]five nor more than two hundred
streets or alleys that will prevent or obstruct the free use dollar[...]fter Section 700. It shall be unlawful for the proprietor of
provided.[...]r billiard table to permit
Section 533. Fine for violation of Section 524 - any sum any person under the age of nineteen years, or any person
not exceeding fift[...]under the age of twenty-one years attending any public
Section 547. It shall be unlawful for any person or school or educational institution within the city of Dillon, to
persons riding a bicycle or bicycles,[...]II
commonly termed racing or scorching" on any of the place where pool or billiard tables are maintained; provided,
streets, avenues or alleys of said city. that this section does not apply to places where pool[...]ction 547 billiard tables are maintained for private use only.
upon conviction, in addition t[...]may, Section 700a. It shall be unlawful for the proprietor of
if he is a wheelman, be compelled to deliver up[...]illiard hall or pool or billiard table to permit
of his wheel to the officer making the arrest , or to any any for~ of gambling, as defined by Section 8416 of the
proper officer of the city , as security, pending the hearing Revised Codes of Montana of 1907 , to be practiced or
and determination of the alleged violation complained of. carried on within such pool or billiard[...]e maintained as hereinbefore
run upon any street of the city at a speed exceeding twelve defined, or to permit any form of betting on any game of
(12) miles an hour, and no motor vehicle shall r[...]muffler cut-out open. game of cards played in such establishment, or to play pool,
Section 568. No person under the age of eighteen years billiards, or cards for money or for any representative of
of age shall be permitted to operate any automobile[...]cents per person per game, such representative of value not
Section 569. Penalty for violation of Section 564 and to be redeemable in cash or in anything except merchandise
·568. Fine: any sum not less than five dollars ($5 .00), nor kept for sale in such establishment .
more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) , for each offense. Section 700d . Penalty for any violation of any of the
Section 644. Every male person who frequents, lives in requirements of Sections 700 - 700c; Fines: first offense not
an around or loiters around houses of ill fame, or houses of less than $2.50 and not more than $5.00. Sec[...]itution; every person who lives upon the earnings of not less than $10.00 and not more than $25.00. Third
prostitution, or women of ill fame, every female person of offense: $100.00.
a lewd and dissolute ch[...]own as a street Section 728. The chief of police is hereby empowered to
walker or common p[...]l dogs required to be killed under the provisions of this
any street, alley or public place, every le[...]buy or receive in pawn, any property
or hearing of women or children, behave or conduct herself[...]be a thief, nor from any child under the age of sixteen years
manner , either by action, word or improper exposure of her nor from any person who has been convicted of larceny, or
person, shall on conviction, be deemed a vagrant and guilty burglary.
of vagrancy and shall be fined as hereinafter provid[...]Ordinance No. 94. - An Ordinance Providing for the
loaf around , or impedes the use of any street, alley, public Management of a Free Public Library.
place, stairway or entran[...]Section 8. Ladies who are over twenty-one years of age
public or private place, shall , on conviction, be fined as shall be eligible to the office of director of said library, and
hereinafter provided.[...]the mayor shall appoint two ladies on said board of directors
Section 646. It shall be unlawful for any person or and their successors in o[...]company, partnership, corporation or association of
persons, either personally or through an agent,[...]loon or room connected with a saloon by
any sort of an opening through which liquor may be pas[...]
More History of Beaverhead County Part B (552-1100) (364)An Act to Incorporate the City of Dillon. the patients in t[...]horse to carry lunches and to carry
Article 1. - Of Boundaries.[...]. When lunch time arrived,
Section 2. All that territory embraced within the they wanted[...]following limits, to-wit: Beginning at the point of proceeded 'til we found a rather level spot near a small, cold
intersection of the center of Bannack street with the center stream and near a large over-hanging cliff.
of the main track of the Utah and Northern railroad; and Some of the boys tried cutting their names on the rock
running thence with said railroad south-westerly, one-half of and soon discovered that, after cutting away a thin layer of
a mile, to a point in the center of said railroad track, thence rather hard rock, t[...]ey could carve their names or initials to a depth of inches.