Timing Trades With the Commodity Channel Index (2025)

The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is an oscillator originally developed by Donald Lambert and featured in his book "Commodity Channel Index: Tools for Trading Cyclical Trends."Since its introduction, the indicator has grown in popularity and is now a very common tool for traders to identify cyclical trends not only in commoditiesbut also inequities and currencies. In this article, we'll take a look at what exactly the CCI calculates and how you can apply it to enhance your trading.

Understanding the CCI

Like most oscillators, the CCI was developed to determine overbought and oversold levels. The CCI does this by measuring the relation between price and a moving average (MA), or more specifically, normal deviations from that average. The actual CCI calculation, shown below, illustrates how this measurement is made.

CCI=TypicalPriceSimpleMovingAverage0.015×MeanDeviationwhere:TypicalPrice=asset’spriceonaparticulardayinthetimeperiodSimpleMovingAverage=arithmeticmeanofasset’spriceoveratimeperiodMeanDeviation=meanoftheabsolutedeviationsoftheasset’spriceoveratimeperiod\begin{aligned} &\text{CCI} = \frac { \text{Typical Price} - \text{Simple Moving Average} }{ 0.015 \times \text{Mean Deviation} } \\ &\textbf{where:} \\ &\text{Typical Price} = \text{asset's price on a particular day} \\ &\text{in the time period} \\ &\text{Simple Moving Average} = \text{arithmetic mean of asset's} \\ &\text{price over a time period} \\ &\text{Mean Deviation} = \text{mean of the absolute deviations of the} \\ &\text{asset's price over a time period} \\ \end{aligned}CCI=0.015×MeanDeviationTypicalPriceSimpleMovingAveragewhere:TypicalPrice=asset’spriceonaparticulardayinthetimeperiodSimpleMovingAverage=arithmeticmeanofasset’spriceoveratimeperiodMeanDeviation=meanoftheabsolutedeviationsoftheasset’spriceoveratimeperiod

The one prerequisite to calculating the CCI is determining a time interval, which plays a key role in enhancing the accuracy of the CCI. Since it's trying to predict a cycle using moving averages, the more attuned the moving average amounts (days averaged) are to the cycle, the more accurate the average will be. This is true for most oscillators. So, although most traders use the default setting of 20 as the time interval for the CCI calculation, a more accurate time interval reduces the occurrence of false signals. Here are four simple steps to determining the optimal interval for the calculation:

  1. Open up the stock's yearly chart.
  2. Locate two highs or two lows on the chart.
  3. Take note of the time interval between these two highs or lows (cycle length).
  4. Divide that time interval by three to get the optimal time interval to use in the calculation (1/3 of the cycle).

Here's an example of this method applied to Oracle Corporation (ORCL):

Timing Trades With the Commodity Channel Index (1)

Here we can see that one cycle (from high to high) starts at Sept. 11 and finishes on Jan. 29. This represents roughly 140 trading days, which, divided by three, gives a time interval of about 47.

Applying the CCI

Since it was invented, the CCI calculation has been added as an indicator to many charting applications, eliminating the need (thankfully) to do the calculations manually. Most of these charting applications simply require you to input the time interval that you would like to use.

Figure 2 shows a default CCI chart for Oracle:

Timing Trades With the Commodity Channel Index (2)

Note that the CCI actually looks just like any other oscillator, and it is used in much the same way.

Here are the basic rules for interpreting the CCI:

Possible sell signals:

  • The CCI crosses above 100 and has started to curve downward.
  • There is bearish divergence between the CCI and the actual price movement, characterized by downward movement in the CCI while the price of the asset continues to move higher or moves sideways.

Possible buy signals:

  • The CCI crosses below -100 and has started to curve upward.
  • There is a bullish divergence between the CCI and the actual price movement, characterized by upward movement in the CCI while the price of the asset continues to move downward or sideways.

A possible supplement to the CCI is the use of candlestick patterns (shown as supplements within the charts above), which can help confirm exact tops and bottoms throughout the CCI's "selling period" (time in which it is above 100) or "buying period" (time in which it is below -100). All price trading ranges are flexible, but the CCI is designed to take advantage of prices that have exceeded normal movements and are likely to snap back. Traders might look to sell their holdings or covered calls when the CCI is very high or make an additional purchase when the CCI is very low.

Don't Rely Solely on CCI

It is extremely important,as with many trading tools,to use the CCI with other indicators. Pivot points work well with the CCI because both methods attempt to find turning points. Some traders also add moving averages into the mix.

Like any other momentum oscillator, the CCI is not designed to be used as a standalone tool. It may be more effective to complement this indicator with another technical tool, such as a price channel. Traders must also adjust their CCI entry and exit thresholds based on the volatility of the underlying security; for example, an index exchange-traded fund (ETF) is traditionally less volatile than an individual stock issue.

The Bottom Line

The Commodity Channel Index is one of several useful tools for traders to determine cyclical buying and selling points. Traders can utilize The CCI tool most effectively by (a) calculating an exact time interval and (b) using it in conjunction with several other forms of technical indicators.

Timing Trades With the Commodity Channel Index (2025)


Timing Trades With the Commodity Channel Index? ›

When the CCI moves above +100, the financial instrument's level will signal an upward trend and provide an opportunity for traders to buy at a given time. Conversely, when the CCI moves below −100, a downturn in the level of the asset's price will be observed and there'll be a signal to sell.

How to trade using Commodity Channel Index? ›

The basic trading strategy when using the CCI is to buy when it moves above 100+ and to sell when it moves below 100-. However there are some additional criteria that can be added to make the CCI trading strategy more robust and profitable in the long run.

What is the best timeframe to trade commodity? ›

During the Opening Hours:

The opening hours of the commodity market, typically the first few hours after the market opens, are some of the best times to trade. This is when high liquidity and trading volumes make entering or exiting a trade easier.

What is the best CCI setting for day trading? ›

Most of them use the standard settings, CCI set on a 21 period. CCI of 14-period and 50-period are also popular among traders. A longer CCI period – above 50 – smooths out the plotted line and will generate fewer, but more accurate signals.

How accurate is the CCI indicator? ›

While often used to spot overbought and oversold conditions, the CCI is highly subjective in this regard. 5 The indicator is unbound and, therefore, prior overbought and oversold levels may have little impact in the future.

How do you trade in commodity index? ›

How do I start trading commodities? First, choose from 35 commodity markets, or commodity-linked stocks and ETFs. Next, decide whether to speculate on market prices by going long or short. And finally, you'd need to open a live account with a provider who offers commodity trading.

Is CCI a leading or lagging indicator? ›

There are some economists and agencies that consider it a lagging indicator, or one that changes after another related economic variable changes. Other organizations, such as the OECD, consider it to be a leading indicator.

What is the cut off time for commodity trading? ›

The morning session starts at 9:00 am and lasts till 5:00 pm. The evening session is from 5:00 pm to 11:30/11:55 pm. Note that agri-commodities are available for futures trading up to 5:00 pm. On the other hand, other commodities such as metals, bullions and energy products can be traded up to 11:30/11:55 pm.

What time frame do most traders use? ›

The most common trading time frames include: 1 minute (M1) chart. 5 minute (M5) chart. 15 minute (M15) chart.

What hours do commodity traders work? ›

Typical hours of work are Monday through Friday from 8:00am-4:30pm and may fluctuate with business needs. US Commodities operates in time-sensitive, global markets, so the exigencies of the business may alter working hours.

What is the best period for CCI? ›

For day trading, the 20-period CCI is quite common, while for longer timeframes, 50 or 100 periods are typically used. Multiple Trading Strategies: The CCI is generally used in combination with other indicators and price action for more robust trading strategies.

Which is better RSI or CCI? ›

CCI is more focused on price extremes and trend reversals, while the RSI is more focused on price momentum. The CCI is designed to identify potential turning points in the market, whereas the RSI is designed to measure the strength and speed of price movements.

What is the CCI trend strategy? ›

One can also look for bullish or bearish divergences for trend reversals. As a co-incident indicator, if CCI is more than 100, then it reflects strong price action which indicates start of an uptrend. Similarly, if CCI is below -100, then it reflects week price action which indicates start of a downtrend.

How to use commodity channel index? ›

Working of Commodity Channel Index

The Commodity Channel Index quantifies the deviation of asset's price from its statistical mean. It operates within a range, typically -100 to +100, where values above +100 suggest that the asset is overbought, and values below -100 indicate oversold conditions.

Which indicator gives highest accuracy? ›

Which indicator has the highest accuracy? The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator is often considered one of the most accurate technical indicators. That is because it uses a combination of moving averages to spot potential buy and sell signals.

What is the most reliable trading indicator? ›

The best technical indicators for day trading are the RSI, Williams Percent Range, and MACD. These measurements show overbought and oversold levels on a chart and can help predict where a price is likely to go next, based on past performance.

How does a commodity index work? ›

A commodity index is an index that tracks the price of a basket of commodities. The value of these indexes fluctuates based on their underlying commodities. Commodity indexes vary in the way they are weighted and the commodities that they are composed of.

How to invest in commodity indexes? ›

How to invest in commodities
  1. Physical ownership. This is the most basic way to invest in commodities. ...
  2. Futures contracts. ...
  3. Individual securities. ...
  4. Mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and exchange-traded notes (ETNs). ...
  5. Alternative investments.

What is the difference between RSI and commodity channel index? ›

The RSI tracks the speed of price changes to watch for overbought and oversold conditions, while the CCI focuses on normal deviations from an asset's moving average price to spot divergences from normal trend cycles.

How to use CCI indicator in binary options? ›

Commodity Channel Index (CCI)

In the binary options market, overbought conditions, indicated by the CCI rising above the +100, suggest the price is set to reverse and move lower, prompting traders to consider put options.

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